MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 96 Rebirth

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Lu Xiuwen grabbed Ye Hao’s waist and held his weak body to lean in his arms. His deep eyes passed over the slightly open placket. A small piece of smooth skin and delicate clavicle... Finally, slowly turn your eyes and fall on Feng Wei, his eyes are cold and cold.

As soon as I remembered that Feng Wei was holding Ye Hao’s hand, Lu Xiuwen even had the urge to cut his hand.

Feng Wei was also shocked by this change. His first reaction was an accident. Who suddenly broke into him and broke him? But soon he noticed that Ye Hao knew this person and called his uncle, that is to say... This seemingly imposing majesty man is probably Ye Hao’s elder, and Feng Zi is really a little panicked. .

He originally expected that Ye Hao was the kind of person who ate a squandered loss and would not say it, and he did not dare to worry about what he had moved. But if he was doing something, he was just caught by Ye Hao’s family. It is totally different.

Feng Wei stood there with a very ugly face. In the end, he was only a student. In the instinct of Lu Xiuwen, the momentum of the instinct was weak, and because of the loss, it was even more uneasy. I don’t know what to say.

Lu Xiuwen's cold eyes swept across the cup on the table, with the sound of Sen Han in his voice: "You shouldn't shoot him."

Feng Wei was numb by Lu Xiuwen’s scalp, and he stuttered: "Yes, sorry, this is something I am not..."

Lu Xiuwen sneered, if he was not afraid of scaring Ye Hao, he could not spare him now!

Lu Xiuwen dismissed and said to Feng Wei, the sentence just said that he was very angry. After talking about the direct holding of Ye Hao, he went out. Ye Hao’s situation is what he is worried about now, no time and no time. Feng Wei.

As soon as Lu Xiuwen went out, the bodyguard behind him immediately came in. He stopped Feng Xiao from the left and right, and said coldly: "This classmate, Mr. Lu asked us to send you home."

Feng Wei’s face changed. Is this going to his parents? He suddenly anxiously angry: "You let go, what are you going to do!"

However, the bodyguard has long been ordered by Lu Xiuwen. How could Feng Feng escape? Feng Wei must learn the lesson!


Lu Xiuwen felt that Ye Hao’s powerlessness continued to decline. He simply grabbed him and hugged him, sat in the car, and ordered the driver to drive home.

Ye Hao had thought that he could not escape the hand of Feng Wei. He did not expect that Lu Xiuwen would suddenly rescue him from the sky. He felt an unprecedented peace of mind in Lu Xiuwen’s arms. He was wronged and afraid, tears could not flow down, holding the land. Xiuwen refused to let go.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao, the frightened little white rabbit. His eyes fell on his red cheeks. The sleek black scorpion was filled with a trace of confusion and fear, and his heart could not help but be soft. Shoot the back.

This happened in the last world. I just came to pick up Ye Hao and found Feng Xin’s mind, and stopped all of this in time, and in order not to let Ye Hao have a shadow on college life, I don’t want him to be sad and sad. Afterwards, it was only quietly warning to punish Feng Jia, so that Feng Wei did not dare to provoke Ye Hao.

From the beginning to the end... Ye Hao did not know that Feng Wei had such awkward thoughts on him.

Lu Xiuwen was very confident at that time that he could protect Ye Hao for a lifetime and let him carefree and sunshine. Therefore, he did not want to let him touch too much dark side. Those things would help him deal with it... but the last pain The lesson tells him that he can't protect Ye Hao from touching the dark side. He has a long life. Some people will sneak in when he doesn't pay attention, and his over-protection makes Ye Hao too naive and easy to be deceived. In fact, it is not a good thing.

This time I will let you know how many bad people around you are there. Only I am good to you, selfless to protect you, you can only love me and believe me.

If you are really abandoned by you, I can still get you in this way.

The car quickly arrived at the house, and Lu Xiuwen took Ye Hao and strode off the car, putting Ye Hao in his bedroom.

Ye Hao was so hot that he bitched his lips and felt uncomfortable in the bed. He looked at Lu Xiuwen without knowing anything. He didn’t know what Feng Wei had given him. The voice trembled and feared: "I... what should I do... ”

Lu Xiuwen looked at him, his eyes were deep and pity, and gently let Ye Hao lean in his arms, his voice was low: "Don't be afraid, I will help you."

Ye Xiaoran looked at Lu Xiuwen. He didn't know how Lu Xiuwen could help him. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his body was cold. Lu Xiuwen directly dropped his pants to his knees.

Ye Hao’s face suddenly burned like red. If it’s normal, it’s normal. Lu Xiuwen’s original existence is his loved one, but the current situation makes him instinctively feel shy.

Lu Xiuwen bowed his head in Ye Hao’s ear: "Only this method can help you. If you mind, do you come by yourself?"

Ye Hao knows it a bit. Lu Xiuwen’s help for him originally meant this. Although he is quite innocent, as a big boy, this kind of thing has been done by himself. It’s normal... but his roommates are even more Often like this...

Only he was powerless at the moment, and he could not lift his hands. Where is the strength to come.

Lu Xiuwen did not show any eager expression, always looking at Ye Hao with inclusive and calm eyes, apparently respecting his choice... Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen like this, suddenly felt that he thought more, all men, uncles Just help him with this, what do you think about? !

But despite this, Ye Hao was still a blushing fever, buried in Lu Xiuwen's arms, and his shoulders shivered slightly.

Lu Xiuwen's lips twitched slightly, and the fundus slowly appeared in the dark color, slightly lowering his head, and the lips gently rubbed the hair on the top of the leaf, and the leaves were not felt at all.


Ten minutes later, Ye Hao’s powerlessness was soft in Lu Xiuwen’s arms.

Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Hao was very uncomfortable at the moment, and his voice was gentle and low: "It’s okay, just sleep."

Ye Hao buried her face on the bed and made a muffled voice: "Oh."

Lu Xiuwen finally couldn't help but make a very light and light smile, turned and went out and took the door.

Until the door, Lu Xiuwen looked down at his own hand and recalled everything that was just there... The eyes showed a deep desire, and no one knew how much effort he used to restrain his impulses. Did not do to Ye Hao.

He wants Ye Hao to be willing to be his person. It is not the right time, just to charge a little interest.

Ye Hao lay in bed, a rare quiet like a chicken, and live and die.

[888: Ye Sanfen, Ye Sanfen, what happened to you, why not talk? 】

[Ye Wei: Who is your leaf? ? ? ! anger! 】

[888: You, I have given you a calculation, and you have been insisting for three minutes. 】

[Ye Wei: Absolutely more than three minutes! You can't make rumors about disregarding the facts for humiliation! 】

[888: Well, there is not much more, giving you rounding. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: This is not my problem. It is a physical problem. Can you count on how long a purely virgin can persist in this situation? Is this also a practice? (╯‵□′)╯(┻ ━┻】

[Ye Wei: You think about my previous body! Which one is not a hero! 】

[888: Oh. 】

Ye Hao’s face is as gray as it is.

He was really shy and blushing, not because of anything else, because the dignity of men was challenged!


On the second day, Ye Hao’s three days ago, he got up. Because of yesterday’s incident, he wanted to avoid Lu Xiuwen. Who knows about the building, he saw Lu Xiuwen waiting for him downstairs, but he could only bite his head.

Lu Xiuwen put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at him with a gentle look. He said with a natural smile: "Get up, the rice has always been hot to you, come and eat."

It seems as if nothing happened yesterday.

Ye Hao's face was slightly reddish, and he walked to the table and sat down silently. He didn't dare to look at Lu Xiuwen. He did not see it by Lu Shushu, but also Lu Shushu helped him solve the problem. It’s embarrassing to think of it! Too embarrassed! How can I let Uncle Lu help him?

Ye Hao simply wanted to hit the table.

Lu Xiuwen noticed Ye Hao's shyness, but he was in a good mood. He used to be restrained and restrained in the last life. He didn't get close to him until he lost this person. He finally touched this person, even though it was For this reason... but sooner or later this person will truly belong to him.

Ye Hao quietly bowed to eat, thoroughly implemented the food and did not speak.

When Ye Hao was finished eating, Lu Xiuwen slowly said: "From today, you will move back home."

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Lu Xiuwen with surprise. He did not expect Lu Xiuwen to raise this matter again. Because of yesterday's incident, he was even more reluctant to live at home. He always felt a little embarrassed and would have to refuse.

However, Lu Xiuwen did not give him the opportunity to refuse. The voice was a bit serious. He looked at Ye Wei seriously. "I said before that the people outside are not good and the people are sinister. If you can't take care of yourself, you have to go home. ”

Ye Hao opened his mouth and was speechless.

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes blame mixed with worry, tightened his jaw, and said in a word: “If I didn’t arrive in time yesterday, do you know what will happen?”

Ye Hao’s face was white, recalling Feng’s move, and his eyes were also afraid of the future. If it wasn’t for Lu’s uncle, he would be Feng Wei...

"You are too easy to believe in others, and you are not prepared to guard yourself. You can't protect yourself." Lu Xiuwen said, finally decided directly: "In the future, you will not only go home, but I will send you a car every day." ”

Ye Hao didn't want to be like this, but if she wanted to refuse and couldn't speak, Lu Shushu looked angry...

After all, it is too much for me to make others have a chance to make a fuss, and friends are not careful. Uncle Lu not only blames himself for being so concerned about himself, how can he refuse again, and Ye Hao, who is in a loss, has to reluctantly agree.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s head and shook his head with a shy and sad look. His eyes were dark and dark.

I said, you will live back.

Look, in fact, things are very simple, I just need to indulge in a little bit of Feng Wei, let you know how awful things he will do, not only can touch you, but also let you stay with me, can not be separated from me Sight.

This is the right way to treat you, and the inclusive love will make you hate me.

Ye Hao went out after eating rice. There was a car waiting for him outside. Although Lu Xiuwen made a strong arrangement for him, considering the adaptability of Ye Hao, the car arranged was very low-key, not his usual car. The car, Ye Hao finally accepted a little.

When I arrived at the school, Ye Hao did not let the driver drive the car into the school, but put him down not far away, and then returned to the bedroom.

[Ye Wei: Lu Shushu’s move is really wonderful. Pushing a boat and three birds in the water, not only makes me hate Feng Wei, I tasted the sweetness, but also let me go home, all day under his eyes, I want It is easier to happen something, admire admiration. 】

[888: You are not bad, all thought of it. 】

[Ye Ye: I won the prize. 】

[888: It is time to practice more, otherwise it will affect the quality of your nightlife. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[888: It is recommended to use with appropriate kidney products. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] Is this pass too late? ! fall!

Ye Hao’s arrival in the dormitory, only Hu Lei in the bedroom, his home is in the field, this summer vacation is not going home to prepare to live here internship, the other two students have left.

Hu Lei looked at Ye Hao, and smiled and asked: "What did Feng Ge leave you alone yesterday? I think Feng Ge has always taken care of you. If he is willing to let you go to his company, he is also very good. Oh, there are different thighs."

Ye Hao was okay, and when he heard this, his face became a bit ugly, and he was angry. "Don't talk about him."

Hu Lei has a sigh, Ye Hao has always been a good temper and temperature flexible, today is this dynamite? Suddenly some uneasy question: "What happened to you? He, did he offend you?"

Ye Hao took a deep breath and a trace of suspicious blush on his face. How can this kind of thing be said to others? And I don't know why... The thing he thought most about was not Feng Wei, but the scene after Lu Xiuwen helped him by hand. He turned his head and said, "Nothing, I just think that he has some problems in his conduct."

Hu Lei scratched his head, although his heart was very curious, but Ye Hao did not want to say that he was not good to ask. As for the issue of conduct, he heard that Feng Wei had some flowers, but this is not a big deal, it is difficult. Is there any other problem?

Hu Lei shouted: "Right, just waiting for you, I found a part-time job of tutoring, even your share is also good, enough buddy."

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Thank you."

Although yesterday's incident was embarrassing, but fortunately nothing happened, Ye Hao did not want to keep remembering, and then alienated Feng Wei just fine.

It’s been a few days.

[Ye Wei: Why am I suffering this summer? Isn’t it supposed to sleep at home and play games at home? I don't need such a full life, please let me make a salted fish. 】

[888: Hey, the salted fish is set to collapse. 】


Ye Hao, who is pretending to be a good young man in the sunshine, lives a fulfilling life of college students and looks forward to his own assists.

Uncle Lu is really too calm, if he doesn't stimulate him, don't know when he can bear it again? It’s really unbearable! And this plot does not progress, how to eliminate the blackening value.

After another week, 888 told him that Feng Wei had finally returned to school. Ye Hao’s spirit was ready to meet him, so that the seniors could continue to play his spare heat and illuminate the road to his love with Lu Shushu!

Feng Wei can say that it was not easy in the past few days. He was escorted back to his home by Lu Xiuwen’s bodyguards. Only then did he find that he had been thoroughly investigated by Lu Xiuwen, and he was most surprised. It is the identity of Lu Xiuwen.

It’s strange that Lu Xiuwen is too low-key. He is almost invisible in interviews. Therefore, Feng Xiaocai did not know him. If Lu Xiuwen reported his name at the time, he could directly scare Feng Hao. He even turned his attention to Lu Xiuwen. The most precious person!

They Feng Jia can not be able to attract such a huge thing.

Lu Xiuwen did not appear, just let the bodyguard bring a word, Feng Fu beat Feng Hao half-dead, whispered to ensure that this will never happen again! But despite this, the business at home has been hit hard.

Feng Wei is really like Ye Hao, but this point is not enough to make him risk his own trouble, so he dare not provoke Ye Hao.

He was kept at home for several days, and this was finally released, but he did not expect to meet Ye Hao at school.

Ye Hao also saw him far away, his eyes showed a disgusted look, and he turned his head.

Feng Wei stood there with his face stunned, his eyes changed and changed. He finally stepped over and chased the past. He caught up with Ye Hao in the woods and stopped him. "Guran, wait, I have something to say to you. ""

When Ye Hao saw Feng Wei, he remembered what he did to himself. He took a step back and watched him with vigilance: "What are you going to say?"

Feng Wei just saw that Ye Hao hated him so much, and he soon had a plan in mind. If something happened, he would have to find a way to recover the loss. If Ye Hao always hated him, if he had to say a word in front of Lu Xiuwen, Feng Jia can't afford he must beg for Ye Hao's forgiveness, and his father confessed to him. Don't let Ye Hao hate him.

Lu Xiuwen is not easy to fool, but Ye Hao is pure and kind, and as long as he pretends to admit his sincerity, he will definitely not care about himself.

Feng Wei thought of this, revealing a look of self-blame, said to Ye Hao: "I, I want to say sorry to you."

Ye Hao is really not happy with Feng Wei. Before this senior, he was so handsome and gentleman. He thought that his behavior was even more unacceptable. He only felt that the table was not disgusting. He said: "No, please let me open."

How could Feng Wei let Ye Hao go like this? He grabbed Ye Hao's wrist, and his handsome face seemed to be a lot worse. The chin had a bruise that had never dissipated. It was obviously beaten. He said in a crying voice: "I am sorry... I am true. I like you, and I have not restrained myself to do such a thing, I have paid the price."

"Do you like me?" Ye Hao’s voice seemed a little unbelievable.

Feng Wei looked at his eyes seriously and said: "Yes, I really like you. I like you for a long time, so I have been close to you. I am really only impulsive, and I will never again." Dare, please forgive me."

Ye Hao still wants to go.

Feng Wei saw that Ye Hao was unmoved, and there was a painful color in his eyes. He whispered: "I know that these are my faults... I shouldn’t say anything, but this matter has been implicated in even my company. I really know it is wrong..."

He looked very sad, and the feelings in his eyes looked so sincere, as if he really only made a mistake because he liked it. And his poor and miserable appearance is even more unbearable.

Ye Hao finally hesitated, he could not forgive Feng Wei's behavior, but did Lu Shushu also hit his family's company? Looking at Feng Wei’s appearance, it seems that I’ve been suffering a lot lately, and Ye Hao’s taste is soft.

Since Feng Wei has already paid the price, he does not need to be so ruthless, and he looks really pitiful...

Ye Hao sighed: "Forget it, I won't care about you, let's go."

Feng Wei seems to be afraid of some, excited to look at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao paused and said, "I am leaving."

Feng Wei didn't stop this time, but looked at the back of Ye Hao's departure. His eyes became calm and cold. It was a good deceit and easy-hearted guy. I don't know that many people in this world are not showing their appearance. That... what others say and believe.

Unfortunately, although he likes Ye Hao very much, Ye Hao is not really a person he can touch. It is enough to get Ye Hao’s forgiveness.

Ye Hao left Feng Wei and came to the school gate. Lu Xiuwen’s car had been waiting there and took him home.


At this moment Lu Xiuwen was in the company meeting. When the meeting came out, his men had already placed Ye Hao’s day of his whereabouts on his desk.

Lu Xiuwen looked at it seriously. The front was normal. It was just some internships and social practice. He was with his roommate Hu Lei, but when he came back at night, he met Feng Wei.

Thinking of Feng Xiaolu Xiuwen's face slightly cold, he has severely warned the Feng family, presumably Feng Wei has learned the lesson, dare not fight Ye Hao's idea.

Sure enough, the report said that Feng Wei was looking for Ye Hao to apologize, and there was no such thing as a move. It seemed very sincere.

However, Lu Xiuwen looked at the words that Feng Wei said, but his eyes became colder and colder. This kid didn’t seem to be fully educated. He played little tricks between the lines, and did not honestly admit his mistakes. Instead, he used his use as an excuse to blur his behavior. It’s also a matter of selling compassion to gain sympathy. Obviously, it’s only when Ye Hao’s innocent heart is soft and kind, and he deliberately did so.

This kind of sincere apology is definitely not acceptable for Lu Xiuwen, but Ye Hao accepted it.

Even just a few days ago, Feng Xiaocai had done that kind of thing to him. Ye Hao was still spoken by him in a few words. He easily forgave this person. Lu Xiuwen could not help but feel angry and disappointed in his chest, reminding him of it. Those things of the last life.

At that time, Song Qin was also the case, and easily deceived Ye Hao.

Lu Xiuwen was very angry and angry. He was so fond of raising children for more than ten years. He betrayed and left him. He would rather believe that outsiders would not believe him... All this made him feel uncomfortable and painful, as if there was any dark emotion in his heart. Growing up, let him be unable to control himself.

If Feng Wei’s behavior can be forgiven, then am I doing anything to you, and you will forgive me a lot? Anyway, you are so soft and deceived.

Lu Xiuwen heavily slammed the information on the table, his face full of painful struggles.

For a long time, Lu Xiuwen did not move. He took a deep breath and began to deal with the business. He finally got out of the company door very late.

Along the way, Lu Xiuwen sat in the back seat and closed his eyes. When he came home, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to the driver: "Stop the car into the garage. Go ahead."

Although the driver was somewhat confused, he still listened to Lu Xiuwen’s order to stop the car.

Lu Xiuwen’s slender fingers tapped on his knees. The black scorpion was a deep and dark look. He had been holding back for a long time, and he looked at his beloved person in front of his own eyes, but he could not touch it. Only he knows the torment.

Since he has decided that this world must have this person, it is impossible to continue this way. He must let Ye Hao accept him slowly.

Like a hunter, a little closer to the prey, test the prey, let the prey have nowhere to escape.

Lu Xiuwen calmly opened the refrigerator in the car, took out a bottle of wine, and took a sip of wine. After a while, he swallowed it, then poured the liquor on his collar and finally opened the door. Go in.

Because it is late, Zheng Zheng has gone back to rest. Only Ye Hao is sitting downstairs to watch TV. The reason why he is waiting here is to talk to Lu Shushu and let him stop shooting at Feng Xiao’s home. After all, I didn’t really have an accident. Feng Wei also received a lesson. It’s always a bit too much for the classmates to kill like this...

However, Lu Xiuwen did not come back. When Ye Hao was a little sleepy, he heard the sound of opening the door and saw Lu Xiuwen getting into the wine, and his footsteps came in some way.

Ye stunned a bit, then immediately jumped off the sofa to help Lu Xiuwen, Lu Shushu, did you drink more outside?

In Ye Hao’s impression, Lu Xiuwen has always been calm and self-sufficient, and in his capacity, no one dares to pour his wine. The situation of drunkenness is basically unsatisfactory. I can’t help but worry a bit. What happened in the end? Uncle is drunk like this?

Lu Xiuwen’s entire body was almost leaning on Ye Hao’s body. I didn’t expect the slim figure to be so heavy. Ye Hao almost didn’t stand still and was brought down. He quickly grabbed his teeth and supported Lu Xiuwen, anxiously saying: “ Uncle, are you okay? I will send you back to the room to rest."

Ye Xin’s heart is not the right time to talk today, or to say it again in the next day, and the hard-working Lu Xiuwen goes up.

Lu Xiuwen put one hand on the shoulder of Ye Hao, and the chin rested on the neck of Ye Xun. The dark vision stared at the neck of the long white pheasant, so close the distance... A little closer, you can kiss it.

The fragrance of the leaves of Ye Hao is like a deadly poison that attracts him... Lu Xiuwen’s eyes are even more dull.

Ye Hao finally dragged Lu Xiuwen to the second floor, unscrewed the door with one hand and moved to the bedside.

Seeing Lu Xiuwen’s bed in front of him, Ye Hao’s expression of a sigh of relief, he was ready to lift Lu Xiuwen’s arm and put him down. Suddenly he felt a whirlwind, and when he reacted, he was already pressed by Lu Xiuwen. under.

Ye Hao was almost out of breath, and he was about to push Lu Xiuwen.

However, Lu Xiuwen did not move, and the two days were always gentle and inclusive. At this moment, there was a feeling that Ye Hao could not understand at all. It was full of drunkenness, dangerous and aggressive, strange and terrible.

"Uncle?" Ye Hao did not promote Lu Xiuwen, anxiously shouted.

Lu Xiuwen decided to look at Ye Hao's lips. The pale pink lips were one and the same, as if telling him some kind of invitation, and shredding a little of his restraint... Lu Xiuwen suddenly grabbed Ye Hao's hand. Press **** the top of the head, bow your head and kiss it!

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