MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 114 End of life guide

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Yang Gan is facing his face, and there is a lot of pain in the place where the nails are swabbed.

During this time, Ye Hao always showed great obedience... He did not think that Ye Hao dared to do it to him, so that he did not have time to avoid it, but what really made Yang Yang angry was not this slap, but the words in Ye Shukou.

This is the first time after he came back, he heard Ye Hao personally say the name of Huo Yi, and Ye Hao wanted to say that he and Hu Yi did not differ.

Is this the only thing Ye Hao wants to say to him?

[叮, Yang Gan blackening value +10, current blackening value 80]

The darkness of Yang’s eyes is like a black cloud, which is filled with the glory of infinite hatred and bloodthirsty.

He slammed the leaves on the ground, licking his neck, and the voice seemed to squeeze out of his teeth: "You, say it again."

Ye Hao was suffocated with difficulty in breathing, but his face was no longer weak and fearful. Instead, he looked at Yang Gan with a sardonic look, grinned and repeated the words: "I said that you and Huo Yi are no different. It is the same person."

The same ruthless indifference, cruel and selfish.

You hate him like this, but you want to make yourself look like you hate. Don't you feel sad?

Yang Gan’s forehead blue veins jumped up, his eyes condensed like ice, and he sighed: “Stop!”

Ye Hao looked at him contemptuously and said in a word: "Do you not always compare with Huo Yi? If you really want to hear, I will tell you, you are almost like him... Strictly speaking, you are better than Huo. Yi is not as good as it is, at least he is a person who is simple and neat. If you hate me so much, why not just kill me? Can you not get it?"

"Since I feel like this... squat... cough, go to bed with me... don't feel sick..."

Ye Hao felt that Yang Gan’s hand holding his neck was getting more and more hard. Every time he said a word, he used all his strength. He felt that he might be dead, but nothing bad.

He should have died long ago. Maybe on the day when Yang Gan came back, he should die. Instead of deceiving himself and being indecisive, he humbled and looked at something that had no longer existed, so that even a little thought in his heart could not be left.

This hopeless world, he has already lived enough.

Yang Gan’s hand tightened a little, his eyes were red, like a certain kind of konjac, his body is no longer dominated by himself, but driven by hate.

Unbearable, unforgivable, he wants to kill him! This way, this person can no longer betray him, leave him, can no longer say these **** words!

Yang Gan was stunned and looked at the people under him.

Ye Hao's face turned red, and finally grasped the hands of Yang Gan's wrist and fell weakly on the side of the body. The pupils were scattered and the heartbeat began to become weak...

This person is no longer moving, and finally he is quiet, and he will not say those words in his mouth.

Yang Gan looked at Ye Hao with some disappointment, but suddenly saw something terrible. He slammed his hand and took a step back. He was all cold sweat. He looked down at his own hand. What did he do? Did he want to kill him?

He actually wanted to kill Ye Hao...

No, this is impossible.

Ye Hao thought that he was going to die. When his consciousness was about to dissipate, suddenly the air poured into his chest. He coughed violently, squinting his eyes, why... Why is this, or refused to kill? he.

Yang Gan hugged Ye Hao, his red eyes looked at him, and the voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth: "Want to die?"

I can't think of it... you can die like this!

I am still not dead, how can you let me die in front of me, even if there is no hope in this world, only pain, I want you to accompany me.

When Yang Gan picked up Ye Hao and stood up, he was ready to go back to the house. He turned around and saw that the child was still being squatted by his own hand. At this moment, he was already scared, and he saw him tremble.

Yang Gan’s eyes sank, his lips were slightly thin, and he spit out a few words: “Get him out.”

But did not say anything else.

Then he immediately returned to the house with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s arm was hanging weakly, his chest was violently undulating, and when he recovered a little, he struggled to get rid of Yang’s arms.

Since obedience does not make any sense, since it is impossible to change this person, since it is not possible to return to the past...

So why bother to ask for it? Does he like to live like this humble?

Yang Gan snorted and put Ye Hao directly on the bed, locked the chain on the bedpost, and then went out. After a while, he brought the food back in, licking Ye Hao’s chin, and coldly said: "I give Your thing is for you to eat yourself, not for you to take it to others."

Ye Hao laughed, hoarse, "But... cough, I don't want to eat your things."

Yang dry eyes cold, "Oh? You don't want to eat my things, then you are willing to eat it?"

Ye Hao’s eyes appeared painful, but he still smiled: “Yes, I am willing to eat what he gave... I don’t want to eat you, what about you?”

Yang Gan’s hand slammed up, his eyes filled with cold and hate, but for a long time...not falling, but squeaking, he said in a word: “Do you want me to kill you? To disappoint you, what I give, you don’t want to eat and you have to eat."

He stood up and went out. After a while, he came back and changed the food into a liquid food that was easier to eat.

Yang Gan looked at Ye Hao coldly and slowly said: "Do you eat it yourself, or do you want me to help you?"

Ye Hao turned his head and closed his eyes. It seems that the person in front of him does not exist at all.

Yang Gan's eyes became darker and darker. He sneered and stopped talking. He walked straight to grab the leaf chin and used his mouth to force the leafhopper to feed.

Ye Hao’s desperate rebellion did not cooperate at all. Even if she knew that her strength was insignificant in front of Yang Gan, she insisted on the last moment and showed his determination to resist.

Yang Gan suspected that Ye Hao was too restless, and tied his hands behind him, so that Ye Hao could not move.

He was holding the man in his arms, completely regardless of Ye Hao’s resistance, feeding the food a little bit, and Ye Hao’s face was also pulled out of the deep red mark.

Because he had been resisting, Ye Hao’s tears flowed out, and his tearful smile in his eyes said to Yang Gan: “You are really bored... you hate me so much...”

I hate that even death will not let me die.

Ye Hao laughed and cried, but his eyes were indifferent, what about it? This is the end of the world... It’s hard to live, but it’s a simple matter of wanting to die.

He tossed for a day, hurriedly breathed a few times, finally closed his eyes and slumbered.

Yang Gan put down the bowl in his hand and looked at the man in his arms.

Ye Hao, who had slept in the past, looked a lot quieter. He wouldn’t look at him with such disappointing and contemptuous eyes. He wouldn’t say those stinging words again, as if he had become obedient and obedient.

These days, he is really a lot thinner, his wrists are slimmer than before, and there is not much meat on his shoulders. They are all bones. It is not so comfortable to hold them, but Yang Gan is reluctant to let go.

He held out his fingers and gently wiped away the tears in the corners of the leaves.

Ye Hao’s face and neck still have scars on his neck, which is pitiful and embarrassing.

Yang Gan looked at this kind of Ye Hao, and suddenly there was a moment of sorrow in his heart. He thought that Ye Hao might be really painful and didn't want to stick to it. Before he was clear, he could still live with Huo Yi for two years. He can endure so much in order to survive. He can sell himself and give up his dignity. Such a person... should be very strong?

But despite this, he still doesn't want to live now.

Not a play, not a disguise, I really want to kill him.

Yang Gan should have been happy. He successfully retaliated to Ye Hao. Look, he is suffering. People like him should bear the pain of life. He came back from **** just to avenge him.

But is he really happy?

Maybe not happy, but more painful and depressed.

He hates him but wants him to live.

Don't want him to die.

[叮, Yang Gan blackening value -10, current blackening value 70]


[Ye Ye: I rubbed... I was so dangerous, I felt that I was almost killed by myself. 】

[888: Well, it’s almost a little. 】

[Ye Wei: Fortunately, Yang Gan has returned to God QAQ]

[888: So when you took the words to stimulate him, I didn't expect that I might be really killed? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: No, how do you reflect that I am a man with a bone? How can he make me feel bad about me? (⊙v⊙)]

[888: It's a pity that he shouldn't miss it. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

In order to express that I really did not play with Yang Gan this time, it is a man with a bone! Ye Hao’s request for death is very determined.

Although Yang Gan can forcibly feed him, but after all, he can't eat much, the end of the world's medical equipment is poor, the lack of drugs, Ye Hao's thin body will soon be tossed more weak.

After the doctor checked, he told Yang Gan that although there was no problem for the time being, if he continued to do so and refused to cooperate with the good food, Ye Hao still had the danger of dying.

Because I am worried that Ye Hao will be self-harming, when Yang Gan is not there, he can only lock Ye Xie on the bed.

During this time, Yang Gan’s men found that their own temperament became more and more violent, and the killing of zombies became more and more fierce. It seems that there is endless anger. If the power is not strong, according to his style of play, Ordinary people have died eight hundred times.

Ye Hao was so mad as to be bored in bed, when he was bored, he could only be bored with 888磕唠, 888.

[Ye Ye: Oh, it’s a good sunny day. I don’t know how my two children are, Yang Gan is not embarrassed about them? 】

[888 impatiently said: No, just drive them out. 】

[Ye Ye: Oh, but without me, they will still be hungry, my hard-working children! 】

[888: Shut up. 】 It seems like your son!

[Ye Ye: I am so boring... Although I am not hungry, but every time I eat a meal and fight, I am really tired, my mouth is sour, I am going to keep going 5555]

[888: You can't stick to it. 】

[Ye Wei: How can I do that? After all, I am bent on death! 】

[888:......] He feels that he may be the first to go back to the data and die.

Ye Hao and 888 poured bitter water, while carrying out a tug-of-war with Yang Gan, they refused to eat well.

After his unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in messing up his body.

Ye Xie is sick, although it is just a common cold and fever, but it is not good, and there is no appetite. Once Yang Yang forced the leafhopper to feed, and Ye Hao just swallowed it, all spit it out, and finally even a high fever coma.

Ye Hao has nothing to do, can give the doctor an emergency, the disease is not a terrible disease, but the key is that this patient does not want to live, he has been hunger for a long time, so if you do not die this time, will die sooner or later.

Doctors do not like to take care of such people who are looking for death. It is the most terrible to have no desire for life.

In just a few days, Ye Hao lost a lot.

Yang Gan felt very weak. He didn't feel Ye Hao's determination to die. Such a day was also a torment for him. He worried that he didn't pay attention to it, or he was distracted. Ye Hao was really died.

Can he accept Ye Hao’s death? No, this is the only thing he does not hesitate. No matter how hateful this person is, he does not want him to die.

On this day, Yang Gan went into the house and looked at the leafhopper lying on the bed.

Ye Hao’s cheeks were slightly sunken, but the eyes seemed darker and bigger, and there was God’s, as if he had finally won, watching Yang’s faint smile, he made a weak voice: “You... cough Cough, come back."

Ignoring the relationship between them and what happened during this time is like just meeting ordinary lovers.

Yang Gan licked his lips and looked at Ye Hao.

He is finally very strong now, but isn't even one person destined to have it? He is not reconciled.

Yang Gan suddenly turned and went out, punching the wall.


After a few more days, Ye Hao felt that she was going to starve to death.

[Ye Ye: It’s awful, tossing too much, my assists haven’t come yet, how long can I stay? ! 】

[888: If you continue to hunger strike, I can't hold on for a few days. 】

[Ye Wei: How about Huo Yi? What about people? Why is QAQ still not looking for Yang Gan to avenge, I don't believe that he is the kind of person who will run away! 】

[888: Of course he is preparing for revenge, but don't you have time to prepare? 】

[Ye Wei: When can I come? 】

[888: I can't see it for a short time, don't count on him. 】

[Ye Wei: No... The script shouldn’t be like this. Do I really want to die on hunger strike? This is not scientific, no protagonist is a successful hunger strike and die! 】

[888: Hehehehe, who said that you are the protagonist? 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

888 laughed happily for a long time, and made Ye Xiaoxiao's body hairy, and finally the slow opening.

[888: Although Huo Yi can't come for a while, congratulations, your new assists are already online, and you will see them soon. 】

[Ye Wei:? ? ? 】

[888: Xu Xiaoyue is still alive, and has fled to this base city. 】

[Ye's voice suddenly became bigger: What! My sister is still alive? ! 】

[888: Not your sister, Xu Xiaofei's sister. 】

[Ye Wei: Isn't that my sister? 5555 moved, my sister is still alive, still here, she is dedicated to save me? It is my good sister, I will definitely protect her from her! Let her feel the care and love of her brother! With my sister, I have the motivation to live! (^-^)V]

[888:......] He regretted telling Ye Hao a bit, and should let this spicy chicken worry for a few more days.

Ye Hao learned that his good sister had come, and suddenly he was full of blood and resurrection. He was full of fighting spirits and Yang Gan sawing it. He couldn’t eat a few mouthfuls every day, and soon he was dying.

On this day, Yang Gan also fed Ye Hao at home, but Ye Hao spit it out. Although he was very weak, his eyes were smiling, even if he was suffering again, his look was bright and dazzling.

Yang Gan couldn't help but think of the previous Ye Wei. The previous Ye Hao was like this. He deeply loved this person, but then everything changed beyond recognition.

Yang Qian took a deep breath and seemed to calm down the pain in his chest in this way. Do you want to get rid of me? But I don't believe it, you really don't care about anything.

Yang Gan bowed his kiss and kissed the leaf of the leafhopper, moistened the cracked lines and made a low voice. "Do you want to go out and see?"

Ye Hao’s lips are smiling, it seems that it doesn’t matter.

So Yang Gan helped Ye Hao to put on his clothes and hugged him up. The person in his arms was a lot lighter. It seemed to be blown away when the wind blows. The dry eyes of Yang’s eyes are dark, and the condensation is not said to be anything, just driving on the belt. Ye Hao went out.

Not long after, the car stopped in a noisy and noisy street, which was messy, and it seemed that someone was sipping and selling.

Yang Gan walked in with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao only looked at it, and his brow wrinkled and closed his eyes in disgust.

This is the slave market of the base. Before he and Yang Qian came here, it existed. It was allowed by Huo Yi. Under his governance, the strong always had many privileges, and being allowed to own slaves was one of them. .

Those who have lost their suspicions, or who are betrayed by their loved ones, men, women, children are brought here to sell, some are forced, some are voluntary... Yes, there are voluntary, some are Live, prefer to be sold as a slave.

But most of them are still helpless.

At that time, he didn't like it very much. He always avoided it. Because he couldn't change the status quo, he didn't want to see those things that were sad but powerless... I just didn't expect Yang Gan to bring him here now. What does Yang Gan mean? ? Is it just to disgust him?

Yang Gan did not mean to say more than Ye Hao. He came to a relatively large shop with Ye Hao and went straight to the second floor. Immediately, someone greeted him with respect and brought Yang Gan to his room.

Yang Gan held Ye Hao in his arms, and his movements were soft and faint: "Don't you look at it? Generally only the slaves with higher quality can get it here to sell. If there is something to see, I will buy it for you." Is it good?"

Ye Hao thinks that this person is really changing. He doesn't know it completely. Even this kind of words can be said to make him feel sick and sad. He sneered at him: "With you, but you don't have to be a partner... I can't live. How long do you want to use it yourself."

Yang Gan smiled and shook his head: "Don't rush to conclusions, huh?"

Ye Hao did not like to look at it, and closed his eyes again, no matter how he was outside, he was not moved.

Yang Gan did not care, but looked downstairs calmly.

Because Ye Hao was weak, he was held by Yang Gan. He didn’t know how long it was. Just when he was sleepy, he suddenly heard a familiar female voice, which made him suddenly wake up and slammed open. Both eyes.

He instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a woman pulled out by the chain, the pupils contracted, because the incredulous lips shivered.

Yang Gan held Ye Hao, his fingers gently licked his neck, and the warm breath fell on his ear. It seemed to be very considerate: "I didn't expect Xiaoyue to be alive, according to the person who shot her. She fled along with her boyfriend, but her boyfriend was a waste. It was very difficult to earn her own rations in the base. She sold her out."

"Strictly speaking, her boyfriend is not qualified to sell her, but this is the end of the world, who cares if he has this qualification? He can get a sum of money, and here is a beautiful slave, nothing more."

Ye Hao is white because of anger, this is his sister! Maybe he is the only remaining relative.

When the end of the day broke out, they were separated in different cities.

He didn't even think that she was still alive. I didn't expect them to have another day to meet again. This is a very happy thing, if not on this occasion.

Yang Gan looked at the pity and whispered. "It seems that there are many people who are interested in her, but those people, I am afraid I will not treat her well."

Ye Hao’s hands clasped Yang’s arms tightly, and the look of sadness and despair appeared in his eyes. Of course he knew who those were, those who were outside and ordinary people. They did not have the resources and power of Huo Yi. Will treat slaves well... and those who are willing to buy slaves are fierce and evil people. It is said that there is a power. He buys slaves every month, because he was tortured to death before, and after death. Will be eaten as meat.

Even if it is difficult, Ye Hao has to admit that he is a very good slave, whether he is under Huo Yi or Yang Gan. It is better than some ordinary people, except for no freedom.

But is this day happy? No...but the other slaves who were bought and sold were a hundred times worse than him.

His sister fell into the hands of those people, going crazy and dying.

Yang Gan looked at Ye Hao’s eyes, his voice was soft, his eyes were cold, and he slowly smiled: “Do you want to help her?”

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