MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 105 Rebirth

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Lu Xiuwen’s face was suddenly white.

Why did things become like this? In the last life, he carefully loved this person, but this person betrayed him, and his true love could not retain this person... This world he does not want to make such mistakes again, unscrupulous Control this person in his own hands, but as a result he still has to leave him.

Are you really doing something wrong?

Lu Xiuwen knew that his behavior was not open and honest, because he chose a shortcut, for which he had done everything, but things ended up being out of control like the previous one.

People's minds are probably the most difficult thing to control and the most difficult to predict in the world.

Lu Xiuwen’s hand clenched tightly and shivered slightly. He was afraid that he would make more excessive things because of his impulse.

Just like the demon in his heart when he was in the dead of night, he brought Ye Hao back, locked it up, and let him never leave his own side, and could not escape his sight... But he couldn’t bear to see Ye Hao’s pain. Sad eyes.

For a long time, Lu Xiuwen took a long breath, he took a step back, coveted and looked at Ye Hao deeply, hoarse voice said: "Good."

After turning around, I left here.

Maybe he is too hasty, and he will continue to stay. Ye Hao will only feel that he is using his means to force him to fool him.

Once he is no longer trusted, what is done in Ye Hao’s eyes is also untrustworthy.

Lu Xiuwen realized this, the dullness of his heart could not be said, but in the end he was the first to lie to Ye Hao, he could not blame him, he was wrong.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -5, current blackening value 15]

Ye Hao looked at the back of Lu Xiuwen's departure, and returned to the bedroom without a word to close the door. When he looked up, he looked at Hu Lei and they were curious and curious.

Ye Hao did not say anything, silently climbed onto the bed, facing the wall and holding the pendant of the chest, tears on his face.

In fact, he is not willing to catch Lu Xiuwen, he loves him so much... but he does not let Lu Xiuwen go, can't he achieve this indifferent and continue to return to his side as a fool who knows nothing?

He can't do it.

Hu Lei looked at Ye Hao’s shoulder and shook it a little. He knew that this kid was afraid that he would not cry again... I don’t know what contradiction he and Lu Xiuwen had in the end. Lu Xiuwen’s whispered sighs were not moved, not like leaves. It’s hard to get tough in the soft style of the day.

But the more it is, the more Hu Lei feels that Ye Hao is not afraid of something big.


Ye Hao fell asleep, and when he woke up, it was already the next day. He didn’t have to go to class to sleep, but he still had to sleep. The happy days when people came back to feed, the end of the happy days, Ye Hao’s sadness. Sighed.

[Ye Wei: If it’s not Wei Wei, I will remind me that I have forgotten that I have no money.]

[888: Reminder is good. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Ye: Uncle 5555 just left, I am really sad. I let him roll him. He actually rolled away. I no longer advised me. I left the lonely and penniless I was thrown into the school. . 】


[Ye Ye: Uncle, don't want me 5555]

[888: If you cry when he walks yesterday, instead of waiting to sleep and cry again, it may look more realistic. Just a little suggestion, not for you, I hope you don't think too much. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

When Ye Hao sleeps at noon, Hu Lei brings him back to lunch. He silently eats his classmate's love lunch, and he can't go on like this again, otherwise the person will collapse.

Ye Hao had eaten and hesitated for a long time. He finally said to Hu Lei: "You have been looking for a part-time job for me. Do you still want someone now?"

Hu Lei stunned. They did work part-time together during the summer vacation, but isn’t it for social practice? Later, Ye Hao’s identity was known to everyone, and he never looked for anything. He did not expect that Ye Hao would suddenly raise this matter.

Let's say that we are starting school now. Unlike the summer vacation, there is so much time. It is a little hard work to work part-time. It is not necessary.

Hu Lei hesitated for a moment and said: "There is always a need for people in the family education. You can go anywhere, but what do you ask?"

Ye Hao looked at him and suddenly showed a very light smile. He whispered a little embarrassed and said, "I want to find something to do, and it always makes you spend money."

This is the time, Ye Hao first smile, he seems to have recovered a lot, but Hu Lei knows that he still cares about his heart, otherwise why do you have to work part-time to make money? Lujia does not lack this money, but this is the iron heart to draw a line with Lu Xiuwen!

How did you not find this Scottish kid pick up so much?

Hu Lei scratched his head and said, "Do you still care about Wei Weicai's words? Do you have to be so clear with me? How about eating a few meals, I really can't eat me."

Ye Hao paused and looked at his eyes and said seriously: "I know that you are my brother and don't care about the money for these meals, but I still can't keep you paying for it... Besides, I need a job. You can't help me out in the future?"

Hu Lei looked at Ye Hao and insisted on it. He remembered that he had never stopped looking for Lu Xiuwen to leave. He sighed and finally said, "Okay."

A good grandfather and a young master don’t do it. If you want to work and earn money, you really can’t open it.

Ye Hao’s life is back to normal. He is in class during the day and works at night. He is busy all at once, but because of the previous farce, there are more people who pay attention to him. It seems that there are people pointing at wherever they go... ...

In the past, Ye Hao was most concerned about these, afraid of other people's bad eyesight, so the escaping mentality alienated the classmates. Now it seems that they have seen a lot of things. Others say that he doesn't mind, even if they face maliciousness, they can laugh.

It’s like the greenhouse flower has experienced hardships and finally learned to grow, and the facts are true.

After leaving Lu Xiuwen, he can no longer be so stupid and naive, and he must learn to rely on himself. This process must be difficult and painful, but he can't look back. He must learn to grow up.

This day, Ye Hao returned to the dormitory from the student's home. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. She fell asleep and fell asleep.

[Ye Wei: Why am I suffering, why should I not think so! ! ! 】

[888: I am doing my own death, and I have to finish it. 】

[Ye Wei: I miss my uncle. If my uncle is here, I will not want to work so hard. QAQ is right, my uncle? Why haven’t you seen him for so long, does he really want me? 】


[Ye: I don't really care about me anymore? impossible! 】

[888: No, look at you every day, what do you ask in your own heart? Indifference jpg] If he is, he will definitely ignore this spicy chicken, and the human thought is really elusive.

Ye Hao fiercely breathed a sigh of relief, he said, how can Lu Xiuwen, who is 100% good-sense, really care about him? Only now that there is no real crisis, Lu Xiuwen feels that he is angry, so he did not dare to appear. This is to go to the stocking policy, or to feel that he can not escape his hand.

Although Lu Xiuwen got his love in this world and eliminated a lot of blackening values, the final knot is still his own betrayal and those words. To eliminate those blackening values, you still need to wait for a key person. Appeared, and if you don't leave Lu Xiuwen for a while, don't look for opportunities to uncover those scars, this knot can never be eliminated.

Ye Hao thought of sighing here, how could his assists still not come? ? ?

He wants to go back to his uncle's big house and doesn't want to go to school to work. Poverty is his biggest enemy!


A fulfilling life is so slow! It’s just like a year, more than a month has passed, Ye Hao feels that he has lost a circle, and when he looks in the mirror, he feels bad and he does not believe that Lu Xiuwen does not feel bad!

Ye Xie’s student is a bear child. He is especially rude to him. He has tried to pick up his sleeves and count the bears to death. He taught him how to be a good person and realize the cruelty of society. However, in order not to collapse his own simple white rabbit, the life has resisted the temper, but also to resist the repeated teaching of the temper, when he came out at night, I felt that I had a myocardial infarction.

This work is much harder than playing in front of my uncle. At least the play is not so wrong, this is too wrong!

The sullen face of the sullen face was riding a bicycle back to the bedroom at night - yes, he didn't fight to save money, and switched to a shared bicycle! Is he easy? ? ?

If the horse is riding a bicycle, the leafhopper is too depressed, too sad, and did not see the pit on the road. The car suddenly turned to the side of the road, hit the flower bed on the side of the road, and he smashed his mouth.

[Ye Ye: Wow, ah, ah, ah, it hurts, broken skin? ! Brother, my pain mask? ! 】

[888: Oh, I just played the game and didn't notice it. Since I lost you so many times last time, I vowed to find my face in front of my peers. I am so shameful, so I am sorry to neglect, don't be too Mind. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] A lying trough is in the throat.

[888: Is there anything else? Nothing, I will continue? 】

[Ye Wei: ... I am bleeding, you are not distressed QAQ]

[888: Hurry to the hospital! Go to the hospital before the wound heals! Going to the late blood will stop! 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Ye Hao sucked a cold breath, his eyes were red, and the tears of sadness flowed down. He felt that 888 was intentional. He not only did not feel bad about him, but also added frost to the stone. When he thought of these things, his heart was sad and flowed into the river. Looking up at the deep night sky.

Lu Xiuwen is far behind, sitting in the black car and watching it all.

He didn't want to let Ye Hao suffer, and he didn't want him to feel that he was persecuting him, so he left school that day, but how could he really care about him? So these days, people have been watching Ye Hao, and as long as they have time, they will come in person, even if they just look at it from afar.

Only this process is much more painful than he imagined... A little bit of watching his child who is used to the palm of his hand, slowly becoming stronger, Lu Xiuwen did not feel any relief in his heart, but only distressed, but he could not appear.

Because Ye Hao does not want to see him now.

He wants to take care of Ye Hao for a lifetime. He doesn't want him to see too much of the cruelty of society. He doesn't want to see him too strong. He could have relied on his own... and Ye Hao was indeed like this. He trusted him unconditionally. , live by him.

It was he who screwed it up. He could have used the milder means, but he chose the most despicable means because he did not hate it, so he lost the trust of this child.

The cruel reality eventually made him grow up.

Lu Xiuwen clenched his fists tightly and put it on his knees. He looked at Ye Hao and came out of the student's house very late at night. On such a deep night, he was riding a bicycle back to the dormitory. It was probably too tired, and he fell down. I haven't gotten up on the ground for a long time. I sit there and my eyes are red, and it seems that I can cry at any time.

Lu Xiuwen used all his strength to restrain himself from rushing to embrace the person. If he rushed out now, Ye Hao would know that he had been following him and he would hate him even more.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes painfully, but even more painful, he knew that Ye Hao also took the necklace he sent.

You said so in your mouth, but you are not willing to throw away the necklace I sent you, why?

Such a simple question, Lu Xiuwen does not want to understand, no matter what the last world is, at least this Ye Haozhen really loves him and believes in him. He will be angry and painful because he deceives him because he does not believe in himself. His love.

This world he could have got this love, but it was destroyed by his selfish impulse.

The driver Li Shu looked at Lu Xiuwen's appearance. In the end, he couldn't bear it. He whispered: "Let, you still have to take the young master back. He is childish, and because of too shocked accidents, I am bothering you. I It’s so sad to see him in his heart.”

Lu Xiuwen slightly opened his mouth and said, "I know..."

He knew that Ye Hao still cares about him, but he couldn't forget the picture that Ye Hao decided to let him roll at that time. There was never one thing that made him feel so tricky. He loved that person but could not let him come back.

This child... is beyond the imagination of his imagination... It now appears, and it will only push him farther and farther.

Ye Hao sat on the side of the road for a while, still did not cry out, stood up and patted the ash on the clothes, and pushed the bicycle away.

Lu Xiuwen slowly followed, and had been watching Ye Hao return to the bedroom, sitting almost downstairs for a night, and waited until dawn to leave.


Ye Hao returned to the bedroom, tired to lie down on the bed, tomorrow weekend, but he not only can not sleep late but also to play two more work, in order to survive he did his best, this world is really cruel! Under the pressure of hunger and cold, he is almost in no mood to fall in love!

In this way, after another two weeks, when Ye Hao was about to endure, he finally got the news of 888. Song Qin came to him and learned that Ye Hao, who was the news, almost cried!

In the past, Song Qin came to him for a little later time. This world was advanced. Lu Xiuwen’s rebirth still affected the progress of the incident.

This time, Lu Xiuwen guarded Song Qin in advance, attacked him, and directly pushed him out of the bidding. He also targeted everywhere. Song Qin hated Lu Xiuwen. He heard that Lu Xiuwen likes Ye Hao, but Ye Hao and When he was in conflict, he finally got his idea on Ye Hao.

Everyone knows that Ye Hao is the soft underbelly of Lu Xiuwen. Even if he can't move Lu Xiuwen, he will never let go of the opportunity to add Lu Xiuwen.

However, although Lu Xiuwen did not always be around Ye Hao, he always sent people to follow Ye Hao. He did not intend to make a mistake of the first day, so that Song Qin had another chance to deceive Ye Hao. So if Ye Hao did not cooperate, Song Qin would not see it. To him.

On Saturday afternoon, Ye Hao worked out from the cafe, his eyes moved, and he did not go to the place where he often went to eat dinner, but went directly to the subway.

Because it was the peak period of commuting, the subway was crowded. Under the instructions of 888, Ye Hao successfully smashed Lu Xiuwen's people, then got off the bus at a stop, and Song Qin quietly followed.

Ye Hao entered the old town and went to the cemetery in the north of the city alone. His mother Gu Xueya was buried there.

Soon it is Gu Xueya’s jealousy day. On this day of the year, Lu Xiuwen will take him to pay homage to Gu Xueya... For so many years, Lu Xiuwen is his relative, although he has no parents, but Lu Xiuwen is against him. The love makes up for this deficiency, he is not alone.

However, after losing Lu Xiuwen, he found that he was helpless. He was an orphan without a father or a mother. If his parents were still there, he would protect him and take care of him. He would not lie to him, Lu Xiuwen... Not his loved ones.

He is a person again.

Ye Hao missed his parents very much, and the uncontrollable desire made him come here. If he came in advance, he would not meet Lu Xiuwen.

Ye Hao slowly squatted down in front of the tombstone and cried out. He knew that he was very unprofessional, very fragile, but could not control it... He really felt very painful, very sad, and could not persist for countless times. .

He wants mom and dad, but mom and dad are dead.

He missed Uncle Lu, but why did Uncle Lu want to do this to him... He is so good to him, he will raise him, why should he do this to him?


Mom, Dad, why are you leaving me... I miss you, I don’t want to be alone...

Just as Ye Hao’s eyes were crying, suddenly there was a sigh next to him: “It’s pitiful.”

Ye Haoran looked up and saw a strange man standing next to him. The man looked at him with gaze and pity. He took out a handkerchief and handed it to Ye Hao. He said softly: "Scratch it."

Ye Hao didn't know him. He didn't pick up his handkerchief. Instead, he wiped his face with his sleeve and said, "No, thank you."

Song Qin did not reluctantly. He refolded the handkerchief and put it in his pocket. He looked at Ye Hao deeply and said: "Lu Xiuwen is really too much for you."

Ye Hao didn't expect this stranger to mention Lu Xiuwen's name. He also said this, took a step back and looked at him coldly. "What do you mean?"

Song Qin smiled slightly: "Don't be nervous, I am not malicious to you, just just passing by here, I can't see more than a few words... Lu Xiuwen knows a lot about what you do, after all, he finds the school. I don't know it. I don't know how to bully you like a child without a parent. If you need help, you can find me. This is my business card."

Ye Hao hesitated a moment, or took over Song Qin’s business card, and turned to prepare to leave. He did not intend to talk about strangers with strangers.

But without waiting for him to take two steps, Song Qin faintly said: "If you say it, you don't want to know why Lu Xiuwen is doing this to you?"


Ye Hao’s footsteps, why? Even if he doesn't understand this question, can he still know that an outsider can still know?

Song Qin looked at Ye Hao’s back and said: “Lu Xiuwen never told you that he loves Gu Xueya, is he?”

Ye Hao turned and looked at Song Qin, his lips trembled and his face was white.

Song Qin was very satisfied with the effect of his own words. He slowly said: "Lu Xiuwen loves Gu Xueya. Everyone knows that only you young people are not very clear. This is not a secret in the past. After all, after all, When Gu Xueya got married, he was Gu Xueya's younger brother who ignored the face of the big wedding, but also forced the Gu Xueya couple to leave here. At that time, the city could be troubled. Although it was smashed, this infatuation... Everyone is obvious to everyone... I just didn't think that he was infatuated to this point. Twenty years later, Gu Xueya was dead. He also remembered her and left her child to be raised."

Ye Hao listened to Song Qin’s sentence, the brain was full of blood, and the eyes were dizzy, as if the whole world was upside down, impossible... impossible...

It can't be like this...

Song Qin looked at him mercifully. "If you just raise your family, it will be a good thing. We still have to praise him for infatuation... But he regards you as a substitute for Gu Xueya, unscrupulous. When I get to the hand, I don’t even let the children who have raised themselves, so some animals are not as good. It’s right to leave him. Although the truth is cruel, it’s better to be kept in the drums. It’s good to know earlier.”

Ye Hao looked at him with red eyes, his eyes fragile and collapsed seemed to reach the limit, and his voice hoarsely said: "You lied to me!"

Song Qin shrugged and said: "I have no enmity with you. Is there any need to lie to you? There are also many people who know this. Even if you don't believe it now, you will listen to others sooner or later."

Song Qin knows very well what is right, but when he says more, he makes Ye Hao suspicious and turns away.

It’s obvious that I’ve seen Ye Hao’s like that. After all, he didn’t say anything about it. Song Qin’s mouth is tilted up, Lu Xiuwen, you and I can’t go, I will give you some trouble, are you not very resistant? Still not even a child can make it?

I have been waiting for Song Qin to leave for a long time, and Ye Hao still stood there and did not move.

The sky was a little late, and the chill penetrated the thin clothes and invaded his body, making him shudder... The tombstone around him stood there, reminding his parents to be buried here, the gentle photo of the woman on the tombstone seems to Smiling at him.

Their eyebrows are very similar. They know that they are mothers and children at first glance. Ye Hao looks at his mother, his eyes are awkward, and gradually, his eyes are sorrowful.

So... is this the reason why Lu Xiuwen wants to do this to him?

He raised himself because he loved his mother. He said that he loves himself. In fact, he is still a mother through him. He does it by his means, or because he is like a mother.

Because he is only a substitute for his mother, Lu Xiuwen will be gentle and ruthless to him.

All this is because of the mother...

The answer to his life and death did not understand why, this moment has an answer, but he would rather not know, because this answer is too cruel, cruel to him can not afford.

The person he loves the most, this gentleness for nearly two decades, is nothing more than another person he looks at.

This is the truth.

A big lie.

Ye Hao’s body shivered slightly. He slowly raised his eyes and saw Lu Xiuwen’s anxious stride. He had loved him so much, but he is also deeply loved, but it hurts him the most. People.

Lu Xiuwen learned that he had followed Ye Hao and quickly located his position through the necklace. He learned that he had come to Gu Xueya’s graveyard and left the unfinished meeting in an anxious way. He hurried over and worried that he would be Can't pretend to be nothing, I heard that Song Qin met Ye Hao, and finally still did not control himself to see Ye Hao!

But when he saw Ye Hao standing in front of the tombstone, he looked at him with unprecedented strangeness.

Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen here, his eyes were indifferent...

He was surprised that Lu Xiuwen appeared here. He did not have any advance plans for his actions today. He did not say anything to anyone. It is reasonable to say that Lu Xiuwen could not find his traces so quickly.

If it was before, he would be shocked, but at the moment his grief, his brain was surprisingly calm.

Everything Lu Xiwen does has a purpose and reason. He can appear here. It is certainly not a coincidence. Why?

The pendant of the chest is attached to the skin. This is the only thing he left. He couldn’t bear to give up the last thing that Lu Xiuwen gave him, but this moment... it seems to burn his skin and burn his heart...

Lu Xiuwen wants to control him, possess him, and take him as a substitute for an item. He can find himself. If he keeps track of himself... Besides the necklace, what else?

It turned out that from that time on, he began to count himself.

The gift that he sent out of his deep feelings and pinned their love for each other was nothing but a tool to follow him. He looked at him with a look that was full of love and hoped that he would wear it and hope he liked it.

He is stupid to wear, not willing to be tired of Lu Xiuwen, even if he is separated, he is reluctant to lose it, because looking at this necklace, he will think of Lu Xiuwen once loved him like this, want to cherish this love, suppose Lu Xiuwen still loves Holding him.

But now all this is just like a joke, ruthlessly laughing at his stupidity.

Those deep love words don’t belong to him at all. It belongs to his mother. Only this cold tracker belongs to him...

There is nothing more chilling than this, like a farce that is ridiculous.

Lu Xiuwen strode over and grabbed Ye Hao’s wrist and looked at him with concern: “How come you are here?”

Ye Hao looked up at him, his eyes fell in love and sadness. This time, he really deplore it... I hope that this person loves him, it is the most stupid and ridiculous thing... Ye Hao grabbed the neck with one hand. Necklace, pulled straight down! Even if the neck is pulled out of a blood mark, it does not care at all!

He threw the necklace directly on the ground, and the eyebrows picked it up and sneered: "How? Can't I come?"

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