MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 102 Rebirth

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Ye Ye pushed away Lu Xiuwen and looked at An Xiaoqi’s face.

An Xiaoqi looked at Ye Hao and was also very embarrassed. She said that she used to like Ye Hao before, and even moved through the pursuit of thinking, but did not expect things to change very quickly, Ye Hao’s identity was exposed, and I heard some rumors An Xiaoqi played the retreat, and the dinner was not finished. She was beautiful and soon had a new boyfriend, and she put down the matter of Ye Hao.

But at this moment, seeing Ye Hao and a man kissing together, An Xiaoqi is never expected.

When Lu Xiuwen was pushed away by Ye Hao, he realized the problem. He turned to see the couple standing on the side. The girls were the female students who had been in love with Ye Hao for a period of time, and they were the only ones in Ye Hao. It’s no wonder that Ye Hao is so nervous.

He still looks very concerned about her?

Lu Xiuwen slightly narrowed his eyes.

Ye Hao didn't expect to be seen by an acquaintance and kissed Lu Xiuwen. For a time, he didn't know what to say, but he thought that An Xiaoqi didn't know Lu Xiuwen's identity. At most, he only thought he was gay... Now homosexuality is quite common.

An Xiaoqi did not think much, but instead of the generous first, he said: "Guran, very clever."

Ye Hao opened his mouth and his voice was a bit unnatural: "It is very clever..."

An Xiaoqi saw Ye Hao’s embarrassment, and they said that they were not very familiar. They nodded and said, “I still have things, I will go first.” Then he took his boyfriend and left.

Ye Hao was relieved.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao as uncomfortable. He didn't do anything to him any more. He drove straight home and went home until he held Ye Hao in his arms. He said in his ear, "I met you today. Classmates?"

Ye Hao nodded, and he was still a little absent-minded, worried that his affairs were known to his classmates.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s indefinite appearance, holding his movements slightly, and his voice was low: “Is it afraid of others knowing, or... afraid of being known by her?”

Ye Hao felt that Lu Xiuwen’s strength was aggravating, and some uncomfortable frowns and said, “I just didn’t expect to be seen.”

As for whether the person I saw was An Xiaoqi, it didn’t make much difference to him. He liked An Xiaoqi at the time, but now even if she sees her with others, she has no feeling, no regrets... but Just thinking about losing Lu Xiuwen will hurt his heart, which makes him understand his own mind.

Lu Xiuwen is the person he really likes.

Ye Hao thought for a moment and finally said to Lu Xiuwen: "The school is estimated to have another gossip."

He said that there was a bitter smile here. It was originally a high-profile man. He added another label of homosexuality. It can be imagined how much ripples will be caused. This is what he fears and cares about. He is not sure about An Xiaoqi. Will he keep a secret for him?

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s eyes and was convinced that he really had no idea about An Xiaoqi. His eyes gradually softened and he said, “I don’t think she would talk around.”

Ye Hao was silent for a while and said: "In fact, there is nothing."

Although he has always been afraid of being known about his relationship with Lu Xiuwen, he knows that this is his own reason. Lu Xiuwen does not mind that others know their relationship. If he can't walk through this level, should he always let Lu Xiuwen sneak up with him?

Lu Xiuwen did so much for him, but he could not do anything for him. Even the small incident of confession was hesitant, making his feelings look cheap and fragile.

Ye Hao suddenly turned his head and kissed Lu Xiuwen's lips gently. His eyes slowly became calm and bright, and slowly said: "I am not afraid of others knowing, I like you."

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes fell into the eyes of Ye Hao, and he sighed slightly, and then his heart softened.

He knows how shy the child is, and his personality is somewhat indecisive, but he is faced with such a choice... choose to express his heart, courageously assume responsibility, no longer fear.

He really loves him.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -5, current blackening value 30]

Lu Xiuwen gently rubbed the face of Ye Hao, his eyes were emotional color, and the deep laughter overflowed with a pleasant laugh: "I know."


Probably yesterday, Lu Xiuwen was in a good mood, so he was particularly hard. Ye Hao didn't get up the next morning. He felt that he was getting more and more.

It’s not a big deal to accidentally meet An Xiaoqi. Although it is not in the plan, it is logical to eliminate Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value. Ye Hao feels very satisfied. As for whether the school has more rumors of its own, Ye I don't care at all.

When Ye Hao returned to school, Zhang Hongzhi came to him without any accident, because the frequency of getting along with them was so high that all the schools knew they were good buddies.

Zhang Hongzhi is not bad, his family is good and charming, and there are still people who put him and Ye Hao group cp. Zhang Hongzhi refused, but he was afraid to be known by Lu Xiuwen. He could not bear the anger of Lu Xiuwen, but fortunately Lu Xiuwen did not care, which made Zhang Hongzhi breathe a sigh of relief.

When the two of them ate, Zhang Hongzhi said: "Gu Shao, your birthday is coming, when the buddies will celebrate for you, do you have any place to play?"

Ye Hao paused and said, "My birthday uncle has arranged for me."

Zhang Hongzhi’s words suddenly showed disappointing eyes and he laughed: "Since Lu has arranged, then we will not have much trouble."

Ye Hao looked at Zhang Hongzhi’s lost eyes and remembered that the other party was also kind. It was too hurtful to refuse to do so. He finally made up his mind: "When you come together, I don’t have any other friends. How many people are busy?" ""

Zhang Hongzhi had some surprises this time. The voice was hard to hide: "Let's go... convenient?"

Ye licked his lips and said, "There is nothing inconvenient, it is a friend."

Zhang Hongzhi: "..."

Ye Hao suddenly put him so open that he was not used to it. He thought that this kid had to hide and hide. He was afraid that others would know. He was able to make up his mind to let them know his relationship with Lu Xiuwen.

Zhang Hongzhi was a little panicked. He quickly called Lu Xiuwen to ask for help. He asked if the birthday party could wait for him or not. If he could not go to them, he would make an excuse.

Lu Xiuwen’s reply made Zhang Hongzhi happy. Lu Xiuwen said that they can go, and they should be friends of Ye Hao. Don’t mind if they are free.

Zhang Hongzhi was so excited that he was so good that he was right. He was not qualified to go to Lujia. He went first. He hanged up and asked to go back to prepare gifts, but he couldn’t chill.

Ye Hao naturally knew this through 888, and snorted, this kid is really a conscientious dogleg.

[888: Why do you want to do this, is this going to be open to the public in front of them? 】

[Ye Ye: Yes, my determination is not big? ! Didn't I say that, let Lu Shushu feel that I love him... He can love the frankness of my love. If I have been twisting and pinching, how can I express my love for him? To love someone is not only passive, but of course express my heart! 】

[Ye Ye: Birthday is a good opportunity~]

[888: Oh. 】

Ye Yiyi was a little excited when he thought that his birthday was coming, but this is a good opportunity to enhance his feelings!

An Xiaoqi really is not a broken person. After a few days in the past, there are no new rumors coming out of the school. It is obvious that An Xiaoqi did not say much afterwards. Otherwise, I am afraid that the current popularity of Ye Hao is already a long time. Everyone knows.

However, this is also because she does not know the identity of Lu Xiuwen, otherwise I am afraid it will not be so calm.

A few days later, Lu Xiuwen was waiting at the school gate early. When he saw Ye Hao getting on the bus, he smiled and asked, "What about your classmates?"

Ye Hao said: "They said that they will go by themselves and not with us."

Lu Xiuwen nodded and looked at Ye Hao gently.

For Ye Hao to invite students to come to the house, in fact, he is the most happy person, how could he not allow Zhang Hongzhi and others to go? This shows that Ye Hao is finally willing to face their relationship and no longer afraid to be known by others.

This child has more courage than he imagined. This is a very, very important step. Lu Xiu text thought that it would take a long time to wait for Ye Hao to think better than he thought.

When Ye Hao returned home, she found that one day was absent, and the family had all dressed up in a new, happy birthday atmosphere. It was not long before Zhang Hongzhi came. They were all playing together on weekdays, all with gifts. It seems a bit respectful and cautious to the land.

Lu Xiuwen gave Ye Hao a face very much, even if he came to the juniors he didn't put in his eyes. At this moment, he also personally greeted Yan Yue, letting Zhang Hongzhi and others be flattered.

Zhang Hongzhi looked at the well-dressed manor and house and smiled at Ye Hao: "Lu is really sincere to you. To be honest, my father didn't care about my birthday. At most, I gave money. In addition to playing money, he also I won't do anything else."

Ye Xin was also very satisfied. Lu Xiuwen felt his heart and he felt a little sympathy with Zhang Hongzhi. He said: "The uncle may be too busy."

Zhang Hongzhi snorted, his father was busy, and he didn’t have any time to do this. After all, he still didn’t have this thought. He didn’t know if there was any small three or four, but he didn’t go to him and his mother. He is too lazy to control.

When the two were chatting happily, Lu Xiuwen came over and kissed him directly on the forehead of Ye Hao. He smiled and said: "I will remember to open the cake later."

Ye Hao nodded shyly and said, "Okay."

Zhang Hongzhi stood by and looked straight into the eyes. This is not all installed. Although Lu Qiaowen’s attempt at Ye Xie was known for a long time, it was the first time that Lu Xiuwen had kissed Ye Hao and told the truth. A little shocked.

Ye Hao's face is already red, but it is still pretending to be calm: "You have not let me show your boyfriend to you, this is it."

Zhang Hongzhi has already returned to God, but he still continues to install, shocked and said: "You and Lu Zong?"

Ye Hao slowly nodded, "Yes."

He stared at Zhang Hongzhi's eyes. Although he was psychologically prepared, he still did not want to be despised by their relationship. He was worried that Zhang Hongzhi and others would look down on him and show his unacceptable eyes.

However, this situation did not happen. Zhang Hongzhi did not have a bit of disdain in his eyes. Instead, he said with a sigh of emotion: "I didn't expect it, but... I didn't even think about it at all. After all, Lu has always been so good to you..."

He didn't think so at all in his heart, but he spoke very well. His task today is to make Ye Hao's peace of mind come out of the cabinet without pressure. How could it make him feel uncomfortable?

Ye Hao listened to Zhang Hongzhi so easily, and put aside his heart, it seems that he is not so nervous.

Others were surprised to express their congratulations. They all said that Lu was really good to him. It seems that he really loved him and showed his envious look.

This birthday has been slow and slow, and it is fast and fast. Zhang Hongzhi and others have completely served as the perfect foil. Whether he is talking or doing things, Ye Hao feels comfortable. It seems that his relationship with Lu Xiuwen does not seem to be a big deal. There is no obstacle to everyone’s acceptance.

A group of people were having fun playing, and soon they ordered a birthday cake.

The cake is a very luxurious cake. There are more than a dozen layers. Ye Hao personally inserts a candle, closes his eyes and makes a wish. It is very busy.

At night, everyone left, Lu Xiuwen let Ye Hao sit down on the sofa, then after a while came with a black flannel box and smiled and said: "Gift for you."

When Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen and prepared a gift, he was very helpless. He said, "Uncle, you are always like this."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him meaningfully and said, "Today, I hope you can use it."

Ye Hao thought about it and picked it up. When he opened it, he turned red. He was together with Lu Xiuwen in this period of time. He didn’t know anything about pure innocence at first, and his heart was unfair today. Passed.

What is in the box is not the things that are sent on weekdays, but a black silk eye mask and several small toys.

Lu Xiuwen’s lips provoked slightly. “I hope you like it.”

Ye Hao was forced to do so, and he wanted to escape from the wild, but he was really unwilling to let Lu Shushu down. Then try it... I finally nodded.

Lu Xiuwen smiled. He stood up and took out the eye mask in the box and gently brought it to Ye Hao. Then he took off his clothes like a treasure.

Ye Hao’s eyes were dark and he couldn’t see anything. He felt a little panic inside. Suddenly he felt that Lu Xiuwen grabbed his hands and pressed it on his head. Then the man pressed down and a gentle and cool kiss fell on his lips.

"You are a gift from God..." Lu Xiuwen made a slight sigh.


The madness and absurdity of this night is unprecedented. They have been tossing until dawn, and in the end, Yeh has a feeling of dying.

The last two people hugged together.

Lu Xiuwen holds Ye Hao and says, "I love you."

Ye Hao listened to Lu Xiuwen's deep words, remembered his love for himself, and his countless gentle care for him. He said in a serious word: "I love you too."

Ye Yan looked at Lu Xiuwen's eyes. The clear black scorpion was full of dependence on love. He said mysteriously: "Uncle, you close your eyes."

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes obediently, and then he felt Ye Hao whisper in his ear: "I made a wish yesterday, we will always be together forever." The slightly hoarse voice, like the wind blowing into his heart.

Lu Xiuwen’s heart trembled, and the raging love rose. The backhand held Ye Hao in his arms, opened his eyes and stared at the person in front of him, and kissed his lips hard.

We will be together forever.

You finally belong to me completely, whether it is the body or the soul, it belongs to me.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -10, current blackening value 20]


After telling each other about love, and after telling the relationship, the feelings of Ye Hao and Lu Xiuwen became more and more warm, and the love was endless. Zhang Hongzhi, who was watching, was a little embarrassed, saying that they were giving them dog food every day.

However, Ye Hao did not have such a super easy appearance, because Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value has never dropped, and he stayed at 20 and did not move.

[Ye Wei: Hey...]

[888: What sigh you sigh. 】

[Ye Wei: The blackening value does not drop QAQ]

[888: Hehehe, you are not very loving. 】

[Ye Wei: This is the surface, the surface, sigh jpg]

[Ye Wei: Any love built on the control of deceitful concealment is not true love. The uncle means is a set, and it works very well, but the more it is, the more deep inside him is the more uncertain I am to him. Love, he thinks that I am stupid and innocent, even if it is not him, I can use my own means to deceive me. 】

[Ye Ye: Whether it is Song Qin of the last world or him of this world, their behavior proves that this person is very deceiving and his position is not firm. 】

[888: You did it like this. 】

[Ye Wei: So, if someone comes to lie to me one day, or if a bad person comes in, will he feel that I will be cheated again? 】

[888: According to your people, this possibility is great, you mean that Lu Xiuwen does not believe in your love. 】

[Ye Ye: No, he believes in my love for him, but he does not believe that my love for him can stand the test, because in the eyes of uncles - I am afraid not a fool 哟 ^_^]

[Ye Ye: A love that is easily obtained by means of means. It is very easy to destroy it. He was so good to me in the last life, I also betrayed and left him, and I was so heartbroken to me that it was not as useful as other people, so he did this to me this time... He got me, but how can I prove it? I will not be like this in this world? This will only make my love seem ignorant, and I can't wash the words of the world. 】

[888: It seems that you are not planning to continue playing this game. 】

[Ye Wei: Although I am not willing to live a happy life now~ But when I smash my uncle’s lies, I will not break it. The true love must of course weather the wind and rain~! This is called the darkness before dawn! 】

There is no fluctuation in the heart of 888. He only thinks that his host has to be a demon. There is a feeling that this is normal.


Although Ye Hao is reluctant to be gentle and considerate, Uncle Lu, but to continue to be a fool can not eliminate the value of blackening.

Lu Xiuwen arranged Zhang Hongzhi to be with him to control everything he had.

This was originally a useful piece of chess that Lu Xiuwen arranged around Ye Hao, but Ye Hao felt that the chess piece would be countered if it was not good. When he needed to use Zhang Hongzhi, Zhang Hongzhi was also a good one. Chess pieces.

When Lu Xiuwen and Zhang Hongzhi controlled to observe him, he was also observing Zhang Hongzhi.

Ye Hao is not in a hurry. He is very aware of the rules of Zhang Hongzhi's actions. One day they went out to eat together. When separated, Zhang Hongzhi said: "Gu Shao, I will go home first. Dad asked me to go back soon today. ”

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

He watched Zhang Hongzhi's car leave, his lips hooked, revealing a smile.

Of course, Zhang Hongzhi did not go home to see his father. He was summoned by Lu Xiuwen and went to Lu Xiuwen’s company to meet him.

Ye Hao did not return to Lujia as he said. He was full of all kinds of dog blood encounters, and he turned to Lu Xiuwen's company.

He used to be a company that never went to Lu Xiuwen. Because he was not interested in the company's affairs, today he even gave Lu Xiuwen a surprise!

Ye Hao’s time was very clever, and because of the guidance of 888, just saw Zhang Hongzhi enter the company’s door, he was standing across the street.

[Ye Wei: My current mood should be very shocking, doubtful and unexpected. After all, my best friend just said that I want to go home separately. I turned to Lu Xiuwen’s company, and more importantly, he always showed There is no relationship with Lu Xiuwen. 】

[888: You don't have to say it to me, really, I am not interested. 】

[Ye Wei: But I am very excited! I already thought about how to play it. It feels like a wife who wants to surprise her husband suddenly finds that her husband has an affair! 】

[888: Lu Xiuwen did not have an affair. 】

[Ye Wei: I am just making an analogy! 】

[888: That's not the case. 】

[Ye Wei: You are so boring, QAQ]

[888: Rolling. 】

Ye Hao grinds for a while, it is estimated that Zhang Hongzhi has gone up, and he took a mobile phone and called Zhang Hongzhi.

Zhang Hongzhi did not go upstairs for a while, and he respectfully stood opposite Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen is very concerned about Ye Hao’s life. Some things are not clear on the phone or the report. I will see him once in a while to understand Ye Hao’s situation. It is because of the notice from Lu Xiuwen that Zhang Hongzhi only lied to Ye Hao. Go home, then turn around and come here.

Lu Xiuwen sat on the sofa with a calm expression and slowly said: "How is the situation in the school recently?"

Zhang Hongzhi bowed his head: "It's good, nothing unexpected happened."

Lu Xiuwen asked again: "Gu Ran... What did he think of me?"

Zhang Hongzhi smiled. "He often mentions you. You can see that you are completely in love with you and believe in you. You can rest assured that there will be no problem."

Lu Xiuwen slightly decapitated.

At this moment, Zhang Hongzhi’s mobile phone suddenly rang. He took out a phone call from Ye Hao and immediately asked Lu Xiuwen: “It’s Gu Shao’s phone.”

Lu Xiuwen nodded, indicating that he could pick up.

Zhang Hongzhi immediately picked up the phone and said, "Gu Shao, is there something for me?"

There was a voice that seemed to be different in peace, and it was silent for a while and asked: "I just asked, are you home?"

Zhang Hongzhi’s voice naturally laughed. “When I got home, what happened?”

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