MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 366 Shenlu is now

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Hidden Dragon Domain, in a certain city.

Chen Yang walked aimlessly in it, and there were only three years left before the centennial period set by the gods.

But that last layer of barrier could not be broken.

"I already know that the last barrier is the release of death, but why can't I always comprehend it?"

"Could it be that you want me to experience death myself?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help but shake his head with a smile, realizing how death is possible.

Not to mention that he has an illusory avenue of protection, unless the gods take action personally, absolutely no one can endanger Chen Yang's life.

Even if someone could, Chen Yang would not choose to die just because he wanted to understand the Dao.

With the Harmony Beads, it is completely possible to grow up. After cultivating a head of divine beast, you can naturally clear the environment and sweep away the filth.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang continued to walk...

The ancient city, in the Qianlong Domain, is a city with a sixth-grade aristocratic family.

With the Gu family, a sixth-grade family in town, the prosperity of the ancient city can be imagined.

After coming to the ancient city, Chen Yang also visited with great interest. This nearly 100-year journey has allowed Chen Yang to gain a lot of knowledge.

It also made Chen Yang develop the habit of taking a look at the humanities and customs of the place every time he went.

And just when Chen Yang was standing outside a storyteller's counter, intending to listen to the story of the storyteller, there was a sudden burst of noise from the street.

After carefully listening to the noise, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing at the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that this ancient family, like the Long family some time ago, is also near the family's ancestor, Shouyuan, and wants to search for talented people to extend the life of their ancestors.

This fate is really wonderful.

After a little hesitation, Chen Yang accepted this errand.

Maybe, I can still touch the trail of the divine way in this ancient home.

Turning left and right in the ancient city, in the end, Chen Yang was taken to a side hall of the ancient house.

After arriving at the side hall, Chen Yang discovered that there were already many people gathered in the side hall. These people were of different appearances, and they were gathered with each other, as if they were discussing the illness of the ancient ancestors.

Seeing this, Chen Yang pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

After all, he was recruited as a strange person, so he couldn't be unaware of the condition of the ancestor of the ancient family.

"Brother Liu, I didn't expect to meet you here. Can you be sure to treat the ancestor of the ancient family this time?"

"It's difficult, this ancient ancestor is not just poisoned, but the main thing is that his lifespan is approaching. Otherwise, with the strength of the ancient ancestor, he would have been able to force the poison on his own, why should we do it?"

"That's right, this ancient ancestor has already taken a lot of life-extending treasures. We don't have any life-extending treasures for him here."

"But if the lifespan is not extended, with our methods, I am afraid that the poison is not forced out, and the ancestor of the ancient family will die."

"Besides, even if the poison is forced out, the ancient ancestors will not have a few years to live."

"It's just..."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Chen Yang gradually came to know the condition of the ancestor of the ancient family.

First of all, this ancient ancestor was poisoned. As for the poison, I don't know for the time being, but it doesn't seem to be too difficult.

The real tricky thing is that the ancient ancestor's life span is approaching.

When Shouyuan is approaching, the ancient ancestors are dying, and he can't stand the toss, let alone remove the poison.

While Chen Yang was thinking about it, the Gu family walked in, first bowed to Chen Yang and others, and then respectfully said, "Masters, the illness of the ancestors will be handed over to the masters."

After saying that, the ancient family took everyone to the outside of the bedroom where the ancestor was.

After arriving outside the bedroom, the Gu family first asked everyone to stay outside, and then apologized: "The ancestors can't stand the excitement, so I can only let everyone in one by one, sorry."

"That Master Lu, you are a sixth-grade alchemy master, why don't you go and have a look at our alchemy king here?"

The man known as Master Lu was dressed in an alchemy robe, with an old face and a gray beard with some medicinal dregs hanging from it.

Although this Master Lu is sloppy, none of the people present disliked Master Lu, but thought about how to get in touch with Master Lu.

Hearing the praise of the ancient family and the respectful death in the eyes of the people around him, Master Lu showed a proud look.

"Don't worry, little brother, I didn't come a few times before, so I made the ancient ancestor suffer until now."

"I'm here today. Although I can't prolong the lifespan of the ancient ancestors, I can still get rid of the mere blood poison."

Having said that, Master Lu came to the room of the ancestor of the ancient family arrogantly.

Although this Master Lu is full of arrogance in his speech and behavior, he has the capital to be arrogant.

A sixth-grade alchemist, even if he was in a dynasty or dynasty, was considered a top-ranking person.

This time, if the Gu family had not paid a heavy price, Master Lu would not be willing to come over to treat the ancestors of the ancient family.

Time passed bit by bit, and after a while, the bedroom door opened.

The ancient family who led Chen Yang and the others here looked up with anticipation, but they greeted Elder Lu with a downcast look.

"This... Master Lu, is there nothing you can do?"

Master Lu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Little brother, when you invited me to come, you didn't say that the blood poison had penetrated into your heart."

"Of course, the blood poison that goes deep into the heart can also be removed, but no matter what kind of medicine pill, the side effects are not something that the ancient ancestors can bear."

"Unless you can find the life-extending treasure, this poison can't be eliminated at all."

"That's the same sentence, what did you guys do in the first place? If you paid attention to it earlier, even a seventh-grade alchemist would be able to get rid of the blood poison, so why would you cultivate this field?"

Elder Lu's reprimand made the Gu family bow their heads.

The opponent is a sixth-grade alchemist, let alone reprimand, even if he hits him, he can't fight back.

What's more, what the other party said was right, they were indeed carrying it.

But the problem is that the ancestor was unwilling to find a doctor to remove the poison, saying that it would affect the grand plan of his old man, so it was delayed until now.

Seeing the Gu family's appearance of accepting criticism, Master Lu's anger also dissipated.

Immediately, Master Lu took out a jade bottle from his arms and handed it to the Gu family, "Since you invited me here, I will be responsible to the end."

"Although the medicinal pills in it can't remove the poison from the ancient ancestors, they can still relieve the pain."

"At the very least, the ancient ancestors can spend the last few years in peace."

"Thank you, Master Lu." The Gu family took the pill bottle and then looked at the others, "Masters, let's go in and take a look."

Hearing this, everyone hesitated. After a while, an old man in purple said slowly, "This... even Master Lu has no solution, so it's no use if we go."

The Gu family knew that they were afraid of Master Lu.

If they came up with a solution, wouldn't that be a loss of Master Lu's face?

Seeing this, the Gu family looked at Master Lu.

Seeing this, Master Lu said slowly: "This medicinal pill has always been a master, and a ninth-rank alchemist could possibly become the master of the holy pill."

"You have a way. You might as well go in and have a try. It's not in vain for the Gu family to invite you back."

Hearing this, everyone raised their courage and entered the rooms of the ancient ancestors one by one.

It's just a pity that no one has a solution.

Not long after Gu Ji, it was Chen Yang's turn.

After entering the room of the ancestor of the ancient family, what caught his eye was a mahogany bed, and the one lying on the bed was naturally the ancestor of the ancient family.

Seeing someone come in again, the ancient ancestor looked expectantly.

After seeing Chen Yang's face, the ancient ancestor frowned, as if he was remembering something.

Chen Yang, on the other hand, was looking at the ancestors of the ancient family.

With these two short glances, Chen Yang had a result. Although that Master Lu was arrogant, he was indeed capable, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

The blood poison in the ancient ancestor's body in front of him has penetrated deep into his heart, and he wants to get rid of the extreme pain. With the current state of the ancient ancestor, he can't bear it at all.

Of course, Chen Yang definitely has a solution.

But the problem is that Chen Yang didn't receive the great kindness of the ancient family, and the ancient family had nothing to impress Chen Yang. Why did they spend treasures to treat the ancient ancestors?

Of course, if he could see the relieved smile on the face of the ancient ancestor, and thus unlock the final barrier for Chen Yang, Chen Yang would also be willing to help the ancient ancestor.

But the problem is, the face of this ancient ancestor is full of longing for life and fear of death.

After taking two glances, Chen Yang pretended to be helpless, shook his head, and walked out.

Seeing Chen Yang coming out, and seeing the embarrassed look on Chen Yang's face, the Gu family's expressions darkened, "Thank you, Gu, everyone, don't worry, Gu won't let everyone come here for nothing."

Immediately, the Gu family planned to take Chen Yang and the others away, and at this moment, an old voice came from the room of the ancestor of the Gu family.

"and many more!"

After saying that, the ancient ancestor stumbled out of the room.

Seeing this, the ancient family hurried up to help their ancestors.

But what no one expected was that this ancient ancestor pushed away his own clan and then came to Chen Yang.

With a thud, the ancient ancestor knelt down and begged: "Please save the old man's life!"

This change made everyone look stupid.

What is going on with the ancient ancestor? Could it be that he is crazy? How could he call a young man a senior?

As for Master Lu, he looked at Chen Yang in disbelief.

Senior? Could it be that this person is something amazing?

Could it be that?

Is this person one of those old monsters who are standing in their faces?

Thinking of this, Master Lu also knelt down, and when the others saw this, although they couldn't figure out the identity of the person in front of them, they all knelt down.

Looking at the kneeling crowd, Chen Yang touched his face suspiciously.

It was only after this touch that Chen Yang remembered that he had no disguise, but how did this ancient ancestor know him?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang looked at the ancient ancestor, "How did you know me?"

When the ancient ancestor heard the words, he quickly replied: "Senior, I have been there to fight, and I have seen your style with my own eyes!"


Chen Yang frowned, the place the ancient ancestor said should be the land of demons.

If you have been to the land of demons, it is not surprising to know yourself.

Immediately, Chen Yang nodded, "Although you know me, I really don't have anything in my hand that can save you."

"In other words, your life is not worth it, and I will spend the treasure to help you treat it."

Hearing this, the ancient ancestor was a little anxious. He was about to say something, but suddenly realized that what Chen Yang said was the truth.

Yes, what is Chen Yang's identity, and what is he, why should others help him?

And if the noise is too much, it is possible for someone to wipe out the Gu family with one palm.

Thinking of this, the ancient ancestor couldn't help shivering, and he realized how dangerous his previous actions were.

Fortunately, Chen Yang is not a bloodthirsty person.

Seeing that the ancient ancestor was silent, Chen Yang wanted to leave, but then he thought, since he is here, why not ask the ancient ancestor?

Immediately, Chen Yang asked, "Ancient Ancestor, are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid." What Chen Yang didn't expect was that the ancient ancestor subconsciously said that he was not afraid of death.

Seeing this, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Since you are not afraid of death, why do you do everything possible to ask someone to save you?"

Listening to Chen Yang's words, the ancient ancestor raised his head and said slowly: "I have no choice but to die. It doesn't matter if I die, but once I die, the Gu family's huge family business might become a reminder to my ancient family."

"That's why I thought about living a long time, it's best to last until the family gives birth to a martial artist again."

"As for death itself, I have lived for so long, and I have seen it clearly."

"The so-called death is just the road we must go through. Everyone will go through it. What's so special about me?" Speaking of this, the ancient ancestor showed a relieved smile on his face.

This kind of smile is exactly the kind of smile that relieves death.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help frowning.

This ancient ancestor is indeed as he said, he has been relieved of death, but he is still unwilling to die, he still yearns for life, because he knows that only if he survives, the ancient family can maintain its current power.

Thinking of this, a ray of light was born in Chen Yang's mind.

This bright light came and went quickly, so Chen Yang had to frown and think seriously.

When the others saw this, they were crawling on the ground honestly, not daring to say a for fear of disturbing this terrifying powerhouse.

Thinking about it, Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

Why doesn't the current state of the ancient ancestors contain the Great Dao?

Relief from death does not mean giving up the desire to live, because only by surviving can we fight for justice.

Life is the foundation of everything, and death is just the end.

Relief from death can arouse the thirst for life and the yearning for fairness.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang unconsciously exudes an illusory avenue, and this illusory avenue is getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, it has enveloped an entire dynasty.

After realizing his mutation, Chen Yang quickly disappeared.

Just before leaving, he left a treasure that could prolong the life of the ancestor of the ancient family.

In the Qianlong Domain, in a certain mountain range, Chen Yang sat with his eyes closed, recklessly exuding an illusory avenue, and as time passed, the scope of this avenue's influence became farther and farther.

One dynasty, one dynasty, one fourth-grade power site, Qianlong Region, Southern Region...

After half a day, the entire Fluctuating Light Realm was covered by the Unreal Avenue.

All the creatures in the fluctuating light world were all blurred at this moment.

It's just that they didn't realize that the situation had collapsed.

They didn't notice it, but the gods did notice it.

In the Void Hall, looking at the fluctuating light world that had fallen into an illusory state, the formation **** smiled excitedly: "The will of all beings! The realm of all beings!"

"Chen Yang's divine path has finally opened!"


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