MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 361 Return to the void and kill 1 holy demon

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After listening to Saint Nangong's story about Suzaku's recognition of the master, Chen Yang couldn't help but ask.

The Suzaku in front of him was placed in front of him, asking himself to recognize the master, and he couldn't pretend to be invisible.

But if it is to recognize the Lord, is it unfair to the Nangong Saint Clan?

After all, people have been supporting Suzaku for so long.

Seemingly seeing what Chen Yang was thinking, Saint Nangong smiled and said, "The illusory saint doesn't have to worry, and he doesn't have to consider it for us. This is Suzaku's own choice."

"In the current situation, you just need to recognize the Lord."

Seeing that Nangong Saint said so, Chen Yang didn't think about hesitation. He immediately came to the Suzaku Sacred Beast, covered the top of the Suzaku Sacred Beast's head with his right hand, and began to sign a contract with Suzaku.

It was impossible for Suzaku to refuse this contract, and without any hesitation, he agreed to the contract.

After signing the contract, Chen Yang put away Suzaku and continued to walk forward with Saint Nangong.

Although Chen Yang put away the Suzaku holy beast, the face of Saint Nangong was still full of smiles, and there was no change in his expression.

Looking at this, it should be Chen Yang who also took the sacred beasts of other saints in the bag.

In this regard, Chen Yang snorted and did not make it clear that the two of them came all the way to the hall where the space teleportation array was in full bloom.

After arriving at the main hall, Chen Yang stood on the space teleportation array, and the moment the space teleportation array was activated, Chen Yang's figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in the hall of the gods in the void.

Looking at Chen Yang who suddenly appeared, the formation **** sitting on the throne smiled and got up, dodged to Chen Yang's side, "Illusory saint, long time no see."

"Chen Yang pays respects to the **** of formation."

"Hey, the illusory saint doesn't need to be more polite." The Array God helped Chen Yang up, and then smiled: "According to our agreement, you should also complete those tasks next."

"It's still the old rule. My goal is to destroy these marching resource points. As for what you gain, it's all yours."

"Yes." Chen Yang nodded, and immediately asked, "Lord Array God, when will I act?"

"Just now."

"no problem."


Time passed quickly, and a month later, in the void, somewhere on a large floating stone.

Lying on a low mountain here, Chen Yang looked at the Demon Hall not far ahead with some dread.

"I didn't expect that there was a saint sitting here. It seems that this place should be the largest of these marching resource points belonging to the demons."

Although the strength of the demon is stronger than that of the human race, it is not too strong.

The powerhouse of the saint level, the demon family will not exceed eighteen at most.

These eighteen saints and demons, no matter who they are, are the people of the demon family, and they will never use them without authorization.

Now one of the holy demons is appearing on the resource point here, and looking at the posture, it does not look like it is transporting any treasure.

That is enough to show that the scale of resource points here is large.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang drew a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The larger the scale of the resource point, the more treasures in it, and it might be able to surpass all the treasures that Chen Yang had looted before.

In the month since he left the Hall of Array God, Chen Yang destroyed a total of five marching resource points.

The scale of these five resource points is not small, and they are naturally more dangerous, but fortunately, there is an illusory avenue, so there is no problem in escaping.

These five marching resource points contain a large number of treasures that the human race can use.

Among them, the most precious is naturally the God Stone. From these five resource points, Chen Yang has found a total of 1,000 God Stones, plus other resources, about 3,000 God Stone resources have been collected.

With so many **** stones, it is completely possible to exchange some treasures for comprehension of the Dao with the formation gods or other saints.

After the mutation of the Dao Bead, Chen Yang naturally doesn't have to worry about his cultivation, and now the biggest obstacle on the road to becoming a **** is the Dao.

Chen Yang didn't know how to comprehend the fifth realm of this avenue, that is, the avenue of sentient beings.

But Chen Yang knows that no matter how he comprehends, those treasures that help comprehend the Great Dao will definitely be useful.

Therefore, the most important thing at present is to search for various resources, and then go to the formation gods or other saints to exchange for the treasures that assist in understanding the Dao.

Closer to home.

After looking at the Demon Hall again, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile and said: "The scale of the hall here is so vast, maybe I can find some treasures to help comprehend the Dao."

After that, Chen Yang's figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, Chen Yang had already arrived at the main entrance of the hall.

The sudden appearance of Chen Yang broke a group of demons. These demons quickly gathered and surrounded Chen Yang.

Seeing this, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Go and call out your saints, you are not my opponent."

Accompanied by laughter, a terrifying aura roared out of Chen Yang's body, sending all the demons flying.

In the investigation just now, Chen Yang already knew that there is only one saint demon in the hall here.

Then, next, you don't have to think about any conspiracy and tricks, you just need to solve the holy demon here, and you can slowly count the resources.

The next moment when Chen Yang exuded aura, there was also a terrifying aura in the hall.

This breath is even better than Chen Yang, and with the support of the breath, the demons breathed a sigh of relief.

Accompanied by this terrifying aura, a demon with three eyes slowly walked out of the hall.

"Three-eyed demon?"

Chen Yang frowned, but he didn't expect the saint here to be a three-eyed demon.

The three-eyed demon clan, as the name suggests, is named after it has three eyes, two of which are placed normally, and one eye is located between the eyebrows.

Most of the magical powers of the three-eyed demon also originate from the third eye between the eyebrows.

Among the demons, the three-eyed demon is already one of the best in the family, and these three-eyed demons are also the best among the saints.

When Chen Yang observed the three-eyed demon, the three-eyed demon was also observing Chen Yang.

After scrutinizing for a long time, a wisp of unnoticeable fear appeared in the eyes of the three-eyed demon, "You are the illusory saint who has gained fame recently!"

"Oh? Since you recognize me, why don't you hurry up?" Chen Yang laughed.

Hearing this, the three-eyed demon let out a cold snort, "Humph! Crazy people!"

"You are only on the first floor of a saint, where did you have the courage to say such wild words, just because of your illusory avenue?"

"Although I can't deal with the illusory avenue, I am the existence of the fourth layer of saints. With me guarding, don't try to succeed in your conspiracy."

As he spoke, the three-eyed demon exuded a terrifying aura in his body.

After seeing Chen Yang's frown, the three-eyed demon smiled and said, "Since you're afraid, then get out of the way. This saint can guarantee that he won't chase and kill you."


Chen Yang raised his brows and sneered: "I have practiced until now, but I still don't know what to be afraid of. Since you are a good teacher, please explain to me what is afraid of!"

After saying that, Chen Yang quickly illusory himself, and then, his thick black hair turned purple in an instant.

At the same time, the power of the Great Dao rushed to the three-eyed demon. After the three-eyed demon sensed the power of the Illusory Avenue, his complexion changed greatly, and he quickly mobilized the avenue in his body, trying his best to resist the invasion of the Illusory Avenue.

After all, these three-eyed demons are still stronger, and their understanding of the Dao is stronger than that of Chen Yang.

After some pulling, the three-eyed demon finally wiped out the illusory avenue released by Chen Yang.

However, the three-eyed demon was not feeling well, there was not much Dao left in the body, and the whole person was panting heavily, looking at Chen Yang with a look of fear.

"As expected of an illusory saint, he is indeed amazing!"

After complimenting twice, the three-eyed demon straightened his waist and said with a smile, "But the gap between you and me cannot be erased by the Dao."

"You probably don't have much power of the Great Dao now. I still say that, as long as you step back now, I can let go of the past."

Listening to the words of the three-eyed demon, a sneer appeared in Chen Yang's eyes.

The three-eyed demon is right, but the power of the illusory avenue in Chen Yang's body is not much left, and in addition to maintaining his illusory state, he can't use much the power of the avenue to attack.

But not being able to use the Illusory Avenue does not mean that Chen Yang has no other means.

"Three-eyed demon, do you know my identity?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

"Your identity?" The three-eyed demon frowned, keenly feeling that something was wrong.

However, the three-eyed demon still pretended to be calm and said, "I don't care what your identity is, you shouldn't be able to express the ending anyway."

Chen Yang seemed to have not heard the words of the three-eyed demon, and smiled to himself: "I actually have another identity, and that is the beastmaster."

As soon as the voice fell, one after another imperial beasts with a terrifying atmosphere poured out from Chen Yang's imperial beast bag.

A full five sacred beasts, together with Chen Yang, surrounded the three-eyed demon.

Feeling the terrifying aura of the saints around, the three-eyed demon finally stopped pretending to be calm, and said incredulously: "Impossible! How can you have so many saint-level imperial beasts."

The three-eyed demon mentality collapsed.

This is a sacred beast with a full five heads. If it is besieged with Chen Yang, it will not be able to resist even if it is a powerhouse of the fourth level of the saint.

You must know that his power of the Great Dao is not much, and the power of the Great Dao in these imperial beasts is not consumed at all.

Could it be that all this is the calculation of the illusory saint?

First use the illusory avenue to consume the power of the avenue in your body, then release the imperial beast and use the power of the imperial beast to besiege yourself?

Damn, are those **** who collect intelligence eat dry food? I don't even know such important information!

This is not to blame the three-eyed demon to complain, it is mainly the battle of the saint level, and it is completely based on its own way to fight.

This does not have the power of the Great Dao, and the Saint-level combat power will be weakened a lot.

Then the realm advantage of these three-eyed demons will be smoothed out.

Closer to home.

After releasing his beasts, Chen Yang gave the beasts a look, and immediately, the five holy beasts mobilized the power of the Great Dao in their bodies.

All of a sudden, the power of the Great Dao rippled and roared towards the three-eyed demon together.

So many avenues were launched together, and even the surrounding space was torn apart by it, the avenues were chaotic, the chaotic aura was scattered, and a doomsday scene.

At the center of these avenues of attack, the eyes of the three-eyed demon flashed with horror.

Damn, these avenues are such powerful avenues, how can they be blocked.

Although I can't wait to scold my mother, now is not the time to complain.

Immediately, the three-eyed demon mobilized the remaining avenues in his body and slammed the power of these avenues together.

After finally resisting these avenues of attack, the five imperial beasts began to release their innate sacred arts again.

These three-eyed demons haven't caught their breath yet, and they have to mobilize the spiritual energy in their bodies to resist these innate sacred arts.

This time, the three-eyed demon didn't resist, but with its own terrifying strength, it didn't fall, but its own combat power was already out of ten.

At this time, Chen Yang's figure appeared on the top of the three-eyed demon, and said with a smile: "Three-eyed demon, do you want me to leave now?"

The three-eyed demon showed a wry smile, of course, leave quickly, if you don't leave, you will be killed.

Unfortunately, Chen Yang will not leave. With Chen Yang mobilizing the power of the Dao again, the three-eyed demon of the saint level can no longer be resisted and falls into Chen Yang's hands.

This is also the reason why the demon family fell into the hands of Chen Yang's first saint-level demon.

After killing the three-eyed demon, Chen Yang began to command the beasts to clear the demons here. ,

In a short time, Chen Yang and his imperial beasts were left with this resource point.

After cleaning up these demons, Chen Yang pushed open the door of the main hall and began to count the resources here.

After half an hour of counting, Chen Yang walked out of the hall satisfied.

The resource point here is indeed a resource point guarded by the saint himself, and there are many treasures.

Excluding those treasures that can only be used by demons, the remaining resources and treasures, in conversion, are worth 20,000 divine stones.

What is this concept, 20,000 Divine Stones, without the restrictions of the Great Dao, are enough to cultivate more than a dozen saints.

With so many resources, how many treasures to help comprehend the Dao can be exchanged, Chen Yang dared not even think about it.

In addition, from this resource point, Chen Yang also found many treasures that help comprehend the Dao.

I won’t go into details about some common treasures. Among these treasures, the most precious is the multicolored lotus called divine This multicolored lotus is similar to the lotus of the Great Dao, both of which are capable of Auxiliary warriors comprehend the Dao.

The difference between the two is that the Lotus of the Dao is bound to help the warrior to understand the Dao of the Saint, while the Lotus of the Five Colors is a pure aid.

It's just that the effect is strong, and it is better than other elixir, so it can be ranked as a god.

With so many treasures, I can finally comprehend the Dao with confidence.

By the way, I still don’t know how to comprehend the Dao of sentient beings, so go back and ask the gods.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang glanced at the two-legged Golden Crow.

Seeing this, the two-legged Golden Crow spit out a fire from its mouth, completely destroying the hall here.

After doing all this, Chen Yang sat on the Golden Crow with two feet and flew towards the Hall of God Array.


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