MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 358 Re-entering the secret realm of time

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The latest website: In the land of demons guarded by the Suzaku Saint Clan.

A war has just ended.

At this moment, Nangongcheng seemed to be in decline, but everyone had a smile on their faces.

As for the city wall, the emperors who were responsible for guarding Nangong City were all around Chen Yang, and everyone's face was more or less flattering.

"Many thanks to the Illusory Emperor. If it wasn't for the help of the Illusory Emperor, I'm afraid my Nangong City would be destroyed in one fell swoop."

"Yeah. I've heard before that the Illusory Emperor is not only extremely talented, but also the number one genius in the fluctuating light world, and his combat power is even more impressive."

"When I saw it today, I just realized that there is no need for a scholar under this reputation."

Voices of admiration and flattery spit out from the mouths of these emperors.

These people are placed outside, all of them are famous people, stomping their feet, and even the Fluctuating Light World will fight for them.

But now, these big men are like little servants who please their masters, and they please the young people in front of them.

No way, who is the person in front of me, Chen Yang?

Listening to the flattering words of these emperors, Chen Yang was unmoved in his heart, but he still pretended to be flattered on the surface.

"Everyone loves it, it's just good luck."

"Besides, this action was originally ordered by Nangong Patriarch, and it's also a matter of his own accord, so why do you all need to express your gratitude?"


After a few words of courtesy, Chen Yang left Nangong City.

Originally, the destination of Chen Yang's trip was not this Nangong City. Now that Nangong Fuming's request has been resolved, it is time to go to the void.

Suzaku Saint Clan, in the hall with a large space teleportation formation.

Nangong Fuming took out the spirit crystals, placed them around the teleportation array, and then looked at Chen Yang, "Illusory Emperor, are you ready?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I'm ready."

Seeing this, Nangong Fuming activated the teleportation array, and in an instant, Chen Yang's figure disappeared.

In the void, in the Hall of Formation God.

After appearing in the Hall of Array God, Chen Yang subconsciously raised his head to look at Array God, but this sight made Chen Yang stunned in place.

In Chen Yang's sight, the formation **** was sitting on the throne, looking at himself with a smile.

Of course, none of this matters.

What matters is the state of the gods at the moment.

A wound that almost ran across the entire upper body of the Array God was exposed. This wound not only looked hideous, but also exuded a mixed atmosphere of black and dark red in the depths of the wound.

The God of Formation was injured!

Of course, the gods will also be injured, but injuries like this are rare.

With the resilience of the gods, some less serious injuries may be restored to their original state within a few breaths.

Judging from the stable aura of the gods, this could not have been caused just now, that is to say, the injury was already serious enough that even the gods would have to spend a lot of time recuperating.

This is intriguing.

Can anyone else hurt the **** of formation?


It was the evil **** who injured the formation god!

So the question is, why did the two gods clash? Could it be related to the mutation mentioned by Nangong Fuming two years ago?

One question after another, appeared in Chen Yang's mind.

However, Chen Yang did not ask the Array God. After all, this is a disgraceful matter, so let's wait for the Array God to say it himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang put away his stunned expression, and respectfully bowed to the array god, "Meet the array god."

"The Illusory Emperor doesn't need to be too polite."

After supporting Chen Yang with aura, Zhen Shen smiled and said, "What is the harvest of the Unreal Emperor's trip?"

"Master Hui, I have received all the inheritances this time, and there will be no bottlenecks until I become a saint." Chen Yang respectfully said.

Hearing the words, a look of joy appeared on the face of the **** of formation, "It seems that, as long as you cooperate with the treasure you exchanged and the crystal of the time avenue you looted, within five years, you should be able to break through to the realm of saints."

"At that time, I have an illusory saint in the Fluctuating Light Realm. That evil **** should calm down."

Thinking of the angry expression on the evil god's face, the formation **** couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart.

The price of the evil god's anger is very high, but the formation **** is still willing to bear it.

After all, this move by the Array God broke the plan of the Heretic God for thousands of years, and also killed the spirituality of the Time Orb. In the past few hundred years, the Heretic God would not want to use the Time Orb.

And if you want to repair the time bead, the evil **** also needs to spend a lot of resources.

The Heretic God has suffered so much damage this time, so why don't people get angry?

Thinking of this, the formation **** looked at Chen Yang with great interest, "Illusionary Emperor, do you know why I was injured?"

"Is it the handwriting of the evil god?" Seeing that the **** of array took the initiative to mention it, Chen Yang told the **** of what he was thinking.

"You guessed right."

The God of Formation nodded, and immediately said: "My injury is indeed caused by the Evil God. This old guy is really powerful. If I didn't rely on the Great Formation, I'm afraid I would fall into the void."

Thinking of the evil god's terror, the formation **** couldn't help shivering.

Afterwards, the formation **** continued: "Of course, the evil god's loss is not small."

"It's inconvenient to tell you the specific situation, you just need to know that the evil god's conspiracy to destroy the great formation within a few decades has been broken by me."

"At the same time, the Heretic God also lost one piece, which is no less than the treasure of my time secret realm."

"If you want to repair this treasure, at least half of the resources of the current demon world will be used."

"It costs so much, if you are breaking through to the Holy One, the demon family will never dare to cause trouble again in these hundreds or even a thousand years."

After listening to the past story told by Zhen Shen, Chen Yang nodded.

It seems that it is almost the same as my guess.

The God of Formation personally broke down the evil god's conspiracy, which caused the evil **** to be furious. He wanted to make the Yaoguang Realm look good at all costs.

From this point of view, it is an imminent matter to break through the saint by oneself.

If there is one more saint in the Yaoguang Realm, then the Heretic God will definitely have concerns, and then forcefully attack the Yaoguang Realm, I am afraid that he will pay a painful price.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang made a decision, "Reporting to the gods, one of the goals of Yang today is to enter the secret realm of time."

"Also ask the God of Formation to open the secret realm of time for me."

After that, Chen Yang handed the Time Avenue Crystal in the storage bag to the God of Formation.

After putting away the crystal of the Avenue of Time, the formation **** also took out a lotus flower from the storage ring and handed it over to Chen Yang.

"Illusory Emperor, this lotus is called the Lotus of the Dao, and it is considered a divine medicine."

"Its effect is just as you think. As long as you comprehend it seriously, with the help of the Lotus of the Great Dao, it will not be a problem to comprehend the fourth realm of the Great Dao within a hundred years."

Listening to the words of the gods, Chen Yang took over the lotus of the avenue. glutinous rice

The moment he touched the lotus of the avenue, Chen Yang felt a supreme and sacred aura from the lotus.

Under this breath, all gods and saints are like ants, and can only survive by relying on the breath of this breath.

This is the power of the source of the Dao!

No wonder, this thing can help warriors to realize the fourth realm of the Great Dao within a hundred years.

After putting away the Lotus of the Dao, under the leadership of the **** of formation, Chen Yang entered the secret realm of time again.

Of course, before entering the secret realm of time, Chen Yang also used his merits to exchange a batch of divine stones.

In this regard, the gods have no objection.

The original plan of the Array God was to give Chen Yang a batch of divine stones, so that Chen Yang could cultivate with confidence.

Now that Chen Yang took the initiative to mention it, and even used his merits to exchange it, the Array God certainly would not refuse.

However, the Array God also showed his sincerity. After Chen Yang exchanged the Divine Stone, the Array God gave Chen Yang an extra thousand yuan.

These divine stones are enough for Chen Yang to cultivate to a saint.

Then the secret realm was closed, and Chen Yang also began to practice without knowing the time.

Time flew by, and before he knew it, Chen Yang had been practicing in the secret realm of time for sixty years.

In the past 60 years, Chen Yang's cultivation base has risen rapidly, and now, his own strength has been cultivated to the third level of the emperor.

With Chen Yang's current strength, the demon who fought against Chen Yang on the floating stone before might not be able to resist Chen Yang's move.

Of course, the improvement of one's own strength is one aspect, and more importantly, the energy accumulated in the Dao Bead has exceeded 2.1 billion.

This energy is enough to push a king-level imperial beast into the emperor.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang stopped cultivating, summoned the two-legged Golden Crow, and then spread out his right hand to summon the Dao Orb.

Chen Yang first used the Dao Bead to raise the bloodline of the two-legged Golden Crow to the bloodline of the emperor. Unfortunately, the two-legged Golden Crow of the emperor's bloodline has not evolved to the three-legged Golden Crow, and still retains the appearance of the two-legged Golden Crow.

But this is also normal. The three-legged Golden Crow is a legendary beast. I am afraid that only when the bloodline is raised to the divine level will the two-legged Golden Crow transform into the three-legged Golden Crow.

It mobilized two billion energy to enhance the strength of the two-legged Golden Crow.

Looking at the two-legged Golden Crow who was improving his strength, Chen Yang smashed his tongue, "Fortunately, using the Dao Bead to improve the strength of the Imperial Beast will not attract a catastrophe, otherwise I am afraid that the current me will be exposed. beads."

Like the human race, spirit beasts also have to undergo the baptism of heaven when they break through the great realm.

It can be used to improve the Dao Beads differently. The Dao Beads directly raise it to the realm after the Heavenly Tribulation. Under the judgment of the Heavenly Dao, there is no need to transcend the Heavenly Tribulation.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, another day passed in the secret realm of time.

A day later, the strength of the two-legged Golden Crow officially reached the level of an emperor.

Seeing this, Chen Yang put away the two-legged golden crow with satisfaction, then communicated with the world and began to improve the Chen family's grade.

It stands to reason that this promotion is a major event, and naturally Chen Yang cannot be alone.

But the matter is urgent, and in order to use the auxiliary beads to absorb energy, this is the only way to do it.

What Chen Yang is worried about now is whether Tiandao will agree to improve the family rank in the secret realm.

Fortunately, Tiandao still allowed Chen Yang's promotion.

At this point, the Chen family was officially promoted to the third rank!

After promoting the family rank to the third rank, Chen Yang continued to retreat, and time was still passing by rapidly.

While Chen Yang retreated and cultivated, there were still major events happening outside.

The evil **** seems to be still holding revenge, constantly sending strong men through the formation passage to the land of demons to attack those guarding cities.

This forced the Array God to draw out some of the powerhouses who had cleared away the demons from the void to help the Yaoguang Realm.

It stands to reason that such a division of troops may not be good for both sides.

The safest way is to do your best to deal with one side, or to gather more powerhouses to kill the demons in the void, which can also ease the demons' offensive.

Either completely withdraw all the powerhouses and let them help the Yaoguang Realm together, which can also ease the demon's offensive.

But this kind of both ends, often both are lost.

It is impossible for the gods to not know this truth, but the gods still do it.

The reason for this is that the Array God has a hole card, and with this hole card, the Array God can take care of both sides, and even get a bargain on both sides.

Of course, let these people hold on for a few more years.

Because of this hole card, it is called Chen Yang.

Outside the secret of time, looking at the secret realm of time, the formation **** said obsessively: "The illusory avenue, this is the avenue I dreamed of before."

"Unfortunately, my aptitude is not good, and I cannot comprehend the illusory avenue."

"But fortunately, among the warriors in my Fluctuating Light Realm, there is another monster who can comprehend the illusory avenue."

"As long as Chen Yang breaks through the saint, the troubles in the fluctuating light world will be self-defeating!"

"After all, this is an illusory avenue!"

For the Unreal Dao, the formation **** and the evil **** are the existences that the two sides know best.

After all, the deeper the comprehension of the Dao realm, the more able to know the difference between this Dao and the Dao.

The Dao of Array understood by the Array God is not low in the ranking of the Dao, but the God of Array can still feel the gap between this Dao of Array and the Dao in front.

Let's put it this way, if Chen Yang is in the same realm as the Array God, or even slightly weaker than the Array God, Chen Yang can still kill the Array God in one move.

This is the tyranny of the Unreal Avenue!

Just as the gods were falling into fantasy, there was a sudden wave of terrifying fluctuations from the outside world.

Feeling this fluctuation, his expression changed, and he snorted coldly: "Humph! Heretic God, you are really a little belly, didn't you just ruin a treasure of your time, it's not over yet."

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll ask you two more tricks."

After that, the formation **** left the secret realm of time.

Afterwards, the great formation covering the entire Fluctuating Light Realm suddenly flashed light, and waves of divine energy gathered in the formation god's body, making the formation god's strength approach the Heretic God without limit.

Looking at the formation **** whose aura was constantly rising in front of him, a murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the evil god.

Damn God of Formation, it is so difficult to deal with!

If it weren't for his own strength which can be called the strongest evil **** in all dynasties, I am afraid that the evil world would have been wiped out by the formation **** long ago.

The evil god's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were filled with the fear of fighting against the gods.

Among the gods of the past dynasties, I am afraid that only the illusory gods cause trouble to the demons, and they will be stronger than the formation gods.

After watching the two gods for a long time, they moved their hands very tacitly.

For a time, a battle that affected hundreds of thousands of miles broke out in the void, the space was split by the aftermath of the battle, and wisps of spatial turbulence and chaotic aura were scattered.

Even the avenues are fighting for it.

No one knows the outcome of this battle. After all, no one dares to pay attention to the battle between the two great gods.

But whether it was the demon or the human race, after the two gods ended their battle, they slowed down their attack on the enemy.


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