MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 350 into the void

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Outside City No. 32.

After deciding to participate in the Battle of the Void, Chen Yang also began to make final preparations for the battle.

The first is to elevate one of his imperial beasts to the spirit king realm.

After 25 years of accumulation, He Daozhu has accumulated more than 200 million energy.

Now to go to the void and fight against the demon powerhouse, the stronger one's own strength, the better.

As for the chosen imperial beast, after consideration, Chen Yang decided to choose a golden crow.

After releasing the golden crow of one foot, Chen Yang first used energy to raise the blood of the golden crow of one foot to the blood of the Spirit King.

Afterwards, the remaining energy in the Harmony Orb was consumed, and the strength of the Golden Crow was raised to the Spirit King realm.

The one-legged Golden Crow at the moment is no longer the one-legged Golden Crow.

Although at first glance, there is no difference, just bigger.

But if you look closely, the Golden Crow's one foot has turned into two.

The sun traces in the beast's pupils also became much deeper, and at the same time, a dazzling sun was engraved on the top of Jinwu's head.

"Two-legged Golden Crow!"

After saying the name of the beast, Chen Yang nodded with satisfaction.

Although this two-legged Golden Crow is not as powerful as the Spirit King, if it is used well, it can provide a lot of help to Chen Yang.

After putting away the two-legged golden crow, Chen Yang returned to City No. 32 and waited quietly.

So, half a month later.

This morning, after Chen Yang explained some things to Chen Xuan, he went to Daocheng.

At the same time, Emperor Mu was also waiting for Chen Yang in Daocheng early.

After Chen Yang arrived, the two chatted for a while.

Later, Chen Yang talked about the business: "Mu Huang, this time I'm going to the void. You have to help me guard this No. 32 city."

Hearing this, the Emperor Wood smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have already sent King Xuanbing to City No. 32."

"With King Xuanbing guarding, your Chen family will not have an accident."

"In this way, I am relieved." Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and Chen Yang was still relieved of King Xuanbing's strength.

With King Xuanbing, even if it is a demon that breaks the fifth floor, he will not be able to please him.

After a brief chat, the two rode the wooden emperor's chariot and went to the Suzaku Saint Clan together.

Within the Suzaku Saint Clan, Nangong Fuming had been waiting for a long time.

After Chen Yang and Mu Huang arrived, Nangong Fuming quickly sent someone to connect them to the reception hall.

After the two arrived at the reception hall, Nangong Fuming smiled and said, "Emperor Wood, your face is really big enough, even Lord Saint is waiting for you to go up with you."

"What?" Mu Huang glanced at Chen Yang with a smile, "This sage is waiting for me, this is obviously waiting for the Chen family."

"Besides, the Chen family leader is a new emperor, and he has understood the illusory avenue, so the saint should wait."

"Mu Huang, you must not mention this again." Chen Yang quickly waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "I am not an emperor, how dare I bother the saint to wait."

"What are you afraid of?" The Emperor Wood smiled and said, "Anyway, the saints can't hear them."

"Oh? Is that so? I heard it." At this time, an old voice sounded outside the hall.

Hearing this voice, the smile on Mu Huang's face instantly solidified, and he stood up embarrassedly, and then hurriedly saluted, "Meet Nangong Saint!"

Saint Nangong came to the hall, helped Empress Mu, turned to look at Chen Yang, "You're right, I'm just waiting for Chen Yang."

"There is competition between you kings and kings, and there is also between us saints."

"I don't want to let such a general fall into the hands of other old guys."

After saying that, Nangong Saint looked at Nangong Fuming, "Patriarch, this Nangong Saint Clan will be handed over to you."

Nangong Fuming looked at the Nangong Saint with a serious face, "Relax your ancestor, Fuming will never let the Nangong Saint Clan have an accident."

"That's good."

Saint Nangong nodded, then looked at Chen Yang and Mu Huang, "Let's go, the Demon Emperor and the others have been waiting for a long time, we should go up."

As soon as the voice fell, Saint Nangong took Chen Yang and the two to the hall where the space teleportation formation was in full bloom.

In the hall, there are six emperors gathered in it.

Among them, five belong to the Nangong Saint Clan, and one is the Demon Emperor in the mouth of the Nangong Saint.

This Demon Emperor is the strongest among the Demon Cultivators, the ancestor of the Emperor of the Demon Temple.

After entering, Mu Huang first nodded to the emperor of the Nangong Saint Clan, then came to the Demon Emperor's side, punched the Demon Emperor's chest with a punch, "Old Demon, you have to go up too, are you not afraid of dying on it?"

"Hahaha." The Demon Emperor said with a free and easy face: "You hypocrite is not afraid of dying on it, how can I be afraid of the Demon Emperor?"

Afterwards, the Demon Emperor looked at Chen Yang again, "This is the Illusory Emperor Chen Yang, I've heard of the Illusory Emperor's name before."

"When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

Hearing this, the Emperor Mu patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, "Patriarch Chen, this is the ancestor of the Demon Temple, the Demon Emperor."

"I have seen the Demon Emperor." Chen Yang smiled and nodded at the Demon Emperor.

After a brief chat, the group came to the space teleportation array.

Immediately, the space teleportation array was activated, and in an instant, everyone disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the Void Hall where the Array God was.

After arriving at the main hall, Chen Yang found that there were many people in the main hall, all gathered around, pointing at a map.

As for the **** of formation, he slumped lazily on the seat, until Chen Yang came over, and then he raised his spirits.

"The Illusory Emperor is here."

As soon as the gods spoke, they immediately caught everyone's attention.

Almost for an instant, everyone focused their attention on Chen Yang, and they all became curious about the hope of this fluctuating light world.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Yang simply counted the powerhouses present.

Among them, including the saint of Nangong, there were eight saints in total.

Under the saints, there are twenty emperors and ten kings of peak level powerhouses.

There are not many people, but it is definitely the top combat power in the fluctuating light world.

Seeing that everyone had stopped arguing, Zhen Shen stood up and said, "Everyone, since everyone is here, I will briefly talk about it."

"I won't say much about the goal of calling everyone here."

"I only have one request. When beheading demon powerhouses, you must ensure your own safety."

"The Fluctuating Light Realm cannot bear the fall of any emperor or the peak of the king."

"As for ranking rewards, I won't go into too much detail. I'll just briefly talk about the corresponding ranking points for each demon."

"This rule is very simple. The first level of the king is one point. Based on this, every time you increase a small realm, you will increase by one point."

"The foundation of the emperor is ten points. Each time you increase a small realm, the points will increase by ten points."

"Saints are 100%. For each small realm increase, the points increase by 100%."

"In addition, the saints do not participate in the rankings of your emperors and kings. The saints have a separate one. Of course, the rewards are also separate."

Having said that, the formation **** paused, and then came to the map that was floating in the air.

"Next, I will arrange the areas where they will fight."

"Everyone, please see, this is our Fluctuating Light Realm. From the Fluctuating Light Realm as the starting point, within millions of miles, it is the area where we fight."

"I said that these areas are divided into eight parts, and each of these eight combat areas corresponds to a saint."

"As for the emperor, you can choose freely. Of course, there can be no more than four emperors in a battle area, otherwise the distribution of power will be uneven."

"Okay, you can choose for yourself."

After that, the formation **** returned to the chair and returned to a lazy state.

Looking at the map, Mu Huang whispered beside Chen Yang, "Patriarch Chen, which one do you choose?"

Chen Yang glanced at the map, and hesitated for a while, "I don't know either, Mu Huang, you know more, which one do you think is better?"

Just as Mu Huang was about to say something, he saw the Heavenly Secret Saint coming in front of them, "Chen Yang, why don't you choose to follow me."

"As the No. 1 Saint in the Glory World, there is no problem in ensuring your safety."


Before Chen Yang could speak, Saint Nangong took the lead and said, "The No. 1 Saint in the Yaoguang Realm? Who gave you the title? Is it the God of Formation?"

At this time, the God of Formation was not afraid of the big thing and said, "I didn't say it."

"Look, you dare to call yourself the No. 1 Saint in the Fluctuating Light Realm even though the Array God has never admitted it?"

"Patriarch Chen, let me tell you, in terms of strength, I am not weaker than Tianji, and in terms of life-saving ability, I am better than Tianji, choose me." Nangong Saint smiled.

"Oh?" Heavenly Secret Sage smiled and looked at Nangong Sage, "Listen to what you mean, let's have a match?"

"I'm more afraid that you won't succeed."

"In this way, let's choose a saint-level demon one by one and see who kills the enemy first." Nangong saint said.

Although the two were competing against each other, they remained rational and did not fight directly, but to see who killed the enemy first.

In fact, the reason why the two are fighting for this is one aspect of Chen Yang's speciality.

On the other hand, because of suppressing distracting thoughts, the whole person became as restless as a child.

Yu Sheng has said that any old monster who becomes a saint by suppressing distractions has a childlike personality.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, although they all knew that the dispute between the two was caused by suppressing distractions.

But the first reaction was that they were trying to compete for Chen Yang.

In the end, it was the **** of formation, who stopped the fight, "Okay, I have my own arrangements for the illusory emperor, so I won't join you."

Listening to the words of the gods, the two saints gave up and returned to their cold state.

The emperors at the scene were all dumbfounded.

No, the Illusory Emperor is gone, there is still us, you also compete for us, and play around with children.

We would love to.

Seeing that the saints did not take the initiative to invite them, these emperors and kings honestly chose the saints they followed according to what they thought.

After everyone had selected their respective combat areas, the formation **** waved his hand, "Okay, let's go out and act."


Hearing this, everyone saluted at the formation god, and then disappeared together.

In the entire hall, only Chen Yang and Zhen Shen were left.

Immediately, Chen Yang asked: "Sir, I don't know what arrangements you have for me."

Hearing this, the array **** came to Chen Yang's side and patted Chen Yang's shoulder, "My arrangement for you is very simple, I will send you to sabotage."

"Accurately speaking, it is to go to the devil to destroy it."

"The Heretic God has brought so many demons and wants to invade my Fluctuating Light Realm. The resources for this march are definitely indispensable."

"As long as these marching resources are destroyed, the pace of the demon's attack can definitely be slowed down."

"I plan to do this myself, but the evil **** has been staring at me, and I can't do it."

"It happens that you are here. You have an illusory avenue. Generally, demons can't help you. It is naturally very easy to perform this task."

"As for the blockade of your Dao by the evil **** and the holy demon, you don't have to worry. Before each mission, I will give you one, my Dao clone."

"If the evil gods or holy demons block your illusory avenue, you can inspire my avenue avatar, and then they can't block your reach."

Chen Yang thought that the God of Formation was just talking and playing, mainly to adjust the contradiction between the Saint of Heavenly Secret and Saint of Nangong.

But I didn't expect that the Array God actually had a task to explain to Chen Yang.

Moreover, it is such an extremely dangerous task.

For a while, Chen Yang hesitated.

Upon seeing this, the formation **** smiled and said: "Don't worry, although this task is dangerous, the reward is absolutely indispensable."

"You should know that treasure that can help the emperor and understand the avenue of saints within a hundred years."

"I told you so, I have two such treasures, one of which is for other emperors."

"The other one is for you."

"In addition, there are also many treasures in this demon's marching resources. As long as you have the ability to grab them, you can grab any amount."

Hearing this, Chen Yang's expression changed, and he said with a serious face: "I am willing to go through fire and water for the Yaoguang Realm!"

Chen Yang was really moved.

Whether it is the treasure that helps comprehend the Dao, or the resources of the demon's marching, it is enough to make Chen Yang tempted.

The big change is about to come, and naturally, I want to do everything possible to improve my strength.

It is good to be able to have sufficient strength to deal with the next big changes.

Seeing Chen Yang's promise, Zhen Shen smiled and said, "It's good if you can have this heart."

"This first goal is based on a large floating stone five million miles away. This floating stone contains a group of demonic marching resources."

"I don't know what the specific things are, but I know that here, the demons sent five emperors to guard."

"It can be seen that there will be absolutely no shortage of marching resources here."

"This is a rough you go."

After that, the **** of formation handed Chen Yang a jade slip.

After taking the jade slip, Chen Yang entered the holy energy into it, and a starry sky map was displayed in front of Chen Yang.

After a brief glance at the map, Chen Yang already had a spectrum in his heart.

This so-called floating stone is actually a meteorite that remains in the void, and the floating stone where the first target is located is located in the area five million miles away from the main east of the main hall.

After putting away the map, Chen Yang cupped his hands at the formation god, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Chen Yang's departure, Zhen Shen sighed, "I hope this action can slow the pace of the demon."

"Damn it, the formation can last for at least thousands of years, why did it suddenly become loose?"

"Could it be that there is also a formation genius on the demon side?"

"Hey, grow up quickly, the future of the fluctuating light world depends on you, Chen Yang!"

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