MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 346 The Shock of the Mottled Tiger (4,000)

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Inside the cave.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find a special skeleton of the Mottled Tiger, and looked at the Emperor Mu irritably, "Friends of the human race, what exactly does the skeleton of this inheritance demon look like."

"Why did we search for so long and found nothing."

The Emperor Mu was also a little confused. Could it be that he thought too much?

However, if it is other treasures, it can be sensed not only by the demons, but also by them.

Only the bones of this inheritance demon can only be sensed by the demon family.

"The bones of this inheritance demon are no different from ordinary demon bones in appearance. The only difference is that a five-pointed star is engraved on the sternum of this bone."

Although the skeleton of the inheritance demon was not found, the Emperor Wood still told the skeletal skeleton to the Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger.

At this time, Chen Yang, who was looking for it on the other side, suddenly called to the Emperor Mu, "Emperor Mu, come and see, is this the skeleton of the inherited demon?"

Hearing that, Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger and Mu Huang came to Chen Yang at the same time.

After seeing the skeleton of the demon in front of Chen Yang's eyes, Emperor Mu said excitedly: "Really, it really is the skeleton of the inherited demon!"

Hearing this, the Sky-splitting Mottled Tiger lowered his head and seriously sensed the spiritual energy in the bones.

Although this aura is hidden very well, the split-sky mottled tiger still senses a terrifying aura from under this unremarkable skeleton.

Immediately, Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger looked at the Emperor Mu with an excited expression, "We're really lucky to have encountered a saint-level inheritance demon!"

Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger originally thought that it would be very good to be able to find the skeleton of the inheritance demon at the emperor level.

Saint level, just think about it.

But Tiantian Mottled Tiger did not expect that they actually met.

Hearing this, the Emperor Wood smiled and said, "It's not that we are lucky, but that this inheritance demon will only be sent out after reaching the saint."

"Compare your heart to your heart, if there are people in your race who are sure to become saints, will you let it come out before it grows?"

Splitting Sky Mottled Tiger nodded in agreement, "If there is an existence in my race that can definitely become a saint, then it must wait for it to grow to its peak before it will come out."

"If you encounter any danger outside, wouldn't that be a waste of your talent?"

"That's it."

As the Emperor Wood spoke, he used his spiritual energy to hold up the skeleton of the inherited demon, and then looked at the Mottled Tiger.

"Splintered Mottled Tiger, in order to demonstrate the sincerity of our cooperation, this skeleton will be handed over to you for safekeeping."

Hearing this, Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger nodded again and again.

It originally planned to keep the skeleton, and since the Emperor Wood offered it, it would naturally not refuse.

Immediately, the split-sky mottled tiger opened its mouth, and in an instant, the skeleton disappeared.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was a little stunned and said, "Sky-splitting Mottled Tiger, why did you eat the bones?"

"I didn't eat it." Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger explained: "This is my racial supernatural power, which can open up a space in the abdomen to hold some treasures."

"I see."

Chen Yang nodded, and then said: "Since we have found this skeleton, let's leave quickly. I always feel that the emperor demon will not let it go."


Split Sky Mottled Tiger and Wood Emperor have no opinion.

When the treasure is in hand, it is natural to sell it as soon as possible, and to get the resources you need, you can be considered completely at ease.

Immediately, the two of them swept out of the deep pit together, and then flickered and moved to the front of the tree of enlightenment.

Looking at the enlightenment leaves on the tree of enlightenment, which flickered with a mysterious breath, the Mottled Tiger couldn't help swallowing.

This enlightenment leaf has been guarded for hundreds of years, and it is really unwilling to hand it over like this.

However, compared with the bones, this enlightenment leaf is actually nothing.

Immediately, the split-sky mottled tiger gritted his teeth and pretended to be generous: "According to the agreement, this enlightenment leaf belongs to you, go and collect it."

"That's under orders."

The Emperor Wood smiled and came to the enlightenment tree and carefully picked the six enlightenment leaves.

Later, Emperor Mu came to Chen Yang and handed three of the enlightenment leaves to Chen Yang, "Patriarch Chen, this is your enlightenment leaf."

"By the way, this enlightenment leaf can only be stored in a jade box, please don't forget it."


Chen Yang took the enlightenment leaf, and immediately took out a jade box from the storage bag.

After opening the jade box, he carefully put the enlightenment leaf into the jade box, and then looked at the Emperor Wood.

"By the way, Emperor Mu, I still don't know how to use this enlightenment leaf."

"The method to use is very simple, just swallow it." Before Mu Huang could answer, the Mottled Tiger in the Sky Splitting explained impatiently.

"I said, let's hurry up, okay? This thing is a hot potato, and you still have the time to talk about how to use the Enlightenment Leaf."

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at Emperor Mu.

Seeing the Emperor Mu nodded, Chen Yang was relieved. Immediately, the two quickly left the valley.

And just after Chen Yang and his party left the valley, the emperor demon who had just escaped came here with several emperor-level demons.

When he saw the collapsed withered forest, the emperor demon let out a roar.

After the roar ended, the emperor demon looked at the other demons, "Notify your lord, and say that someone has taken my family's sacred object."

"Okay!" The other emperors and demons also said angrily.

Immediately, all the demons also disappeared.


In the land of demons guarded by the Suzaku Saint Clan.

Looking at the land of demons with no borders, Tiantian Mottled Tiger said impatiently: "Let me say a few, we have all been flying for so long, haven't we reached your human race's lair yet?"

"Sky-splitting Mottled Tiger, don't be impatient, before we go to our human race, we have to complete the task given to us by the human race." Mu Huang said with a smile.


The split sky and mottled tiger glared at the wood emperor, "This is the task that your human race gave you, what does it have to do with me?"

"Naturally, it has nothing to do with you, and we don't need you to take action, we just need you to wait by the side."

"Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger, if we don't complete this task, we can't go back."

"Don't worry, this task is relatively simple, just kill some kings and demons." Wood Emperor smiled.

Hearing this, Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger suppressed his anger.

If you kill the king demon, it shouldn't take much time, just wait.

After flying for another half an hour, Chen Yang and his party finally arrived at the city explained by the ten elders.

Looking at the demons near the city, Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger smiled disdainfully, "Just such a little demon, is it worth your emperor to do it yourself?"

"The courage of your human race is too small."

The Emperor Mu ignored the Mottled Tiger and looked at Chen Yang, "Patriarch Chen, I'll deal with the demons first. You can communicate with the king who guards this place."

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded, and immediately swept toward the city wall.

The powerhouses above the city wall all boiled up when they saw the Emperor Mu shot.

They all sensed the terrifying aura on the Emperor Wood, this is an emperor!

The emperor personally took action, can they still resist the calamity of the demons here?

At this time, Chen Yang arrived at the city wall.

As soon as they arrived, someone stepped forward and said, "Nangong Lingyun pays respects to senior."

"Don't be too polite." Chen Yang motioned for the person to get up, and then said, "We are here to help you at the order of the Nangong Patriarch."

"These king demons, leave them to me and the Emperor Wood. As for you, it's to deal with those ordinary demons."

Hearing this, Nangong Lingyun said repeatedly: "Yes, I will obey!"

After the handover was completed, Chen Yang also swept out, found a king demon and hammered to death.

Looking at Chen Yang's figure, the Venerable beside Nangong Lingyun wondered, "My lord, who is this lord, why don't I know him?"

"I don't know either." Nangong Lingyun shook his head, "Maybe it's some hidden powerhouse."

"Anyway, with the arrival of these two adults, this evil disaster is over."

"Everyone, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!"

"As ordered!"

For a time, a group of strong men swept out from the city wall and killed those demons.

As for the high-end battlefield, with the help of Mu Huang and Chen Yang, all the kings and demons of this group of demons were completely wiped out in a short time.

Looking at the retreating demons, Chen Yang said with a smile: "I remember a few years ago, it was quite difficult for me to deal with this level of demon disaster."

"Now, it's so easy to solve."

Hearing this, Emperor Mu also sighed with emotion: "This is the power of the secret realm of time. In just one year, it seems like a lifetime."

"That's right."

In Chen Yang's eyes, there is a look of longing. If he uses the time secret realm again, how much can he gain?


Just as the two sighed, suddenly, a loud noise came.

The two looked along the loud noise, and found a few demons exuding the breath of the emperor, staring at them.

And under the demon emperor, lie the corpses of many demons and human warriors.

"Damn it, it came so fast!"

Mu Huang's expression changed, "Patriarch Chen, we are in trouble. These emperor demons should have been attracted by the inheritance bones."

"I underestimated the attraction of this heritage skeleton to these demons."

Hearing this, Chen Yang said with a smile: "It's okay, the appearance of these emperors and demons must be known to the Suzaku Saint Clan as soon as possible."

"We just have to hold on for a while."

After that, Chen Yang exuded his own aura, facing away from those emperors and demons.

Demon over there.

After these demons came, they didn't rush to do it, but let a demon sense it first.

After a while, the demon pointed at the split sky and mottled tiger and said, "The holy thing is on it."

After that, a group of emperors and demons disappeared collectively.

When it reappeared, it had already surrounded the Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger.

The split-sky mottled tiger was stunned. He was just watching the excitement. As for being surrounded by so many demons?

"What do you mean? Could it be that you want the monster beasts to join the battlefield and help the human race?"

The visitor was not good, and the Mottled Tiger hurriedly raised the banner.

Hearing this, one of the emperors, the demon, said disdainfully, "Monster beasts? Hehe, it's just beasts, how about helping the humans?"

"Don't talk nonsense with it, kill it, get the holy relic and talk about it."

For a while, several emperors started working together, and a blood-red spiritual energy roared out, transformed into a powerful move, and blasted towards the split sky and mottled tiger.

After hearing the word "Sacred Relic", Sky Splitting Mottled Tiger knew that these demons should be thinking about the skeleton.

Damn, it was overcast by the human race.

The emperor said that those two guys were so kind to let the emperor take care of them.

It turned out that they had long known that demons could sense this skeleton.

Cunning human race!

Although he complained in his heart, Tiantian Mottled Tiger also didn't want to, let the food out of his mouth, and immediately roared: "Friends of the human race, why don't you come to help?"

Seeing this, the Emperor Wood turned his holy energy, "Patriarch Chen, please help, after all, the bones are still on the Mottled Tiger."

"it is good."

Immediately, the two rushed to the demon together.

Seeing this, the leading demon sneered: "Go to the two emperors and hold back the two human races."

Hearing that, the two emperors and demons swept out together, and each entangled Chen Yang and Mu Huang.

Especially the emperor demon who confronted Chen Yang, when he saw that his opponent was not the king, he laughed disdainfully, "Now even the king, dare to join the battle of the emperor?"

"Forget it, since you are courting death, then this emperor will give you a good time!"

After that, a powerful spiritual energy gathered in the hands of the emperor and demon, and then, a phantom of the scorching sun that was polluted by blood energy appeared.

This scorching sun shadow not only did not have the slightest warm feeling, but also exuded a gloomy aura.

Of course, the most important thing is the terrifying aura contained in this scorching sun phantom.

If it is hit by the phantom of the scorching sun, I am afraid that the powerhouses on the fourth floor of the emperor may not be able to survive.


There was a cruel smile on the face of the emperor's demon, and he punched out. Suddenly, the phantom of the scorching sun rushed out like lightning, but in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang seemed to be frightened by the scorching sun, and he didn't even hide.


A loud noise came, and Chen Yang's body was completely submerged in the shadow of the scorching sun.

Seeing this, the emperor demon shook his head, "It's boring, it's solved so easily."

"Well, I still hope that spirit beast can bring me some different experiences."

After that, the emperor demon turned around and left.

And at this moment, a ghost sword with a handle suddenly pierced into the back of the emperor's demon.

The stinging pain came, and the demon emperor turned around suspiciously. When he saw that Chen Yang was not injured at all, the demon emperor looked shocked: "How is this possible!"

"My move, even the emperor can't bear it, how can you be fine!"

Suddenly, the emperor demon suddenly thought of hurriedly shouted: "This person is the illusory king! The second human race on the must-kill list!"

"Everyone, come and kill him!"

Hearing the demon's shout, the other demons turned around one after another, and immediately thought of something, they quickly put down their opponents, and rushed towards Chen Yang.

The split-sky mottled tiger is stunned, who is this king? Why would these demons give up the skeleton of this inheritance demon and kill him?

Wait, must-kill list?

The emperor remembered that the number one on the must-kill list seemed to be the **** of formation.

The emperor said that he was the second, it was difficult, this person was second only to the existence of the gods!

Split Sky Mottled Tiger looked at Chen Yang in astonishment, what kind of evildoer he was related to.



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