MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 322 The end of the trip to the 4th floor of Daoyuan

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"Strange, why didn't that person come here?" Some Saint Clan disciples found Chen Yang and asked with some doubts.

"Who knows, it is estimated that he has entered a state of cultivation. He is a little selfless in his cultivation, so he did not find any changes in the spiritual pool of this world."

"Then this person is miserable. He actually stayed with Brother Chiling. It would be good to be able to break through the first floor."

For a while, most people looked at Chen Yang with pity.

After finally getting such an opportunity, it turned out that because he entered the cultivation state too quickly, he could not effectively use this quota.

Where does this make sense.

Just as these Saint Clan disciples guessed, Chen Yang has indeed entered a state of cultivation.

However, the reason why Chen Yang didn't leave is because this spiritual vortex has not affected Chen Yang for the time being.

But soon, Chen Yang frowned.

"Strange, why did this spiritual energy become less?"

Chen Yang opened his eyes and glanced at the situation inside the Heaven and Earth Lingchi.

Seeing this, Chen Yang understood the current situation.

"It turns out that this person has attracted nearly half of the aura, so my aura has decreased?"

"Since someone has made an effort, then I won't hide it."

After making up his mind, the illusory divine vein in Chen Yang's body quickly exerted its effect. When the hair turned purple in an instant, a vortex larger than the vortex caused by Chi Ling appeared.

This vortex stretches for 100 meters, and the spiritual energy it absorbs affects the entire spiritual pool of heaven and earth.

Naturally, this change could not escape the eyes of Li Shuihuang and others.

At the moment when the spiritual vortex appeared, Emperor Li Shui stood up instantly, his eyes were full of horror, and his face changed greatly: "This... what is the situation!"

"This son has also caused a vortex of spiritual energy! And from this vortex, this son's aptitude and strength are higher than Chiling!"

"how can that be!"

Li Shuihuang's whole person fell into a sluggishness.

Rao is because he is the emperor, and he has never seen geniuses outside the saints who can match the top group of evildoers of the saints.

But now, not only have I seen it, but this genius seems to be more powerful than his own evildoer.

For Chiling's aptitude, Lishuihuang is familiar with it.

Chiling's aptitude is not only as simple as Rank 1, even in Rank 1, it is considered a medium existence.

And this son caused such a big vortex, could it be that this son's aptitude has reached a high level or even a peak?

In other words, it's divine!

Not only was Emperor Li Shui sluggish, everyone else, including Shen Renxu, also had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

Although Shen Renxu knew that Chen Yang's aptitude would definitely not be weak, otherwise he would not be valued by the Heavenly Secret Saint.

But what Shen Renxu didn't expect was that Chen Yang's aptitude was even more powerful than the evildoers in the saints.

No wonder, the sage of heaven sees Chen Yang as the future hope of the fluctuating light world.

As for King Xuan Bing and the others, they fell into deep envy.

It is normal for the saints to have this level of evildoer, but how could there be such a level of evildoer in a fourth-grade force?

Do they match?

For a while, the three kings of Daomen all had the idea of ​​​​snatching.

Such evildoers must belong to my Taoist sect and lead my Taoist sect to become a second-rank force.

However, the moment this thought occurred, it was obliterated by the three kings.

What they were thinking was not what Lishui Emperor thought?

They are unwilling to give up such a monster, can the saints give up?

The fact is indeed as the three kings thought. After the shock, the Lishui Emperor calmed down.

At the same time, from the bottom of my heart, there is an indelible greed.

Such monsters must join my holy clan!

If I cultivate it seriously, after thousands of years, my holy clan will surely give birth to another saint, no matter who it is, no one can stop me!

Thinking of this, Emperor Li Shui looked at Shen Renxu.

Emperor Li Shui remembered that this genius was the Shen family.

If you want to absorb this genius into the saints, you must convince the Shen family.

If possible, Li Shui Emperor still wants this genius to voluntarily join the Saint Clan.

To achieve this goal, the Shen family is an unavoidable link no matter what.

The Lishui Emperor has already decided that as long as the Shen family can make this genius belong to the saints, even if it consumes a lot of resources, they can create an emperor for the Shen family.

If you want to forcibly cultivate an emperor, the resources consumed are astronomical, even if you can't afford it.

But compared to Chen Yang, all this is nothing, it's worth it!

Looking at Emperor Lishui's gaze, Shen Renxu had already guessed what Emperor Lishui was thinking, and immediately smiled bitterly: "Emperor Lishui, I know what you are thinking."

"But I want to tell you that where Chen Yang goes, it is not up to us, nor your Saint Clan to decide."

"Oh?" Li Shui Huang was a little stunned: "Even you and my saints can't decide, what big man behind Chen Yang can't be?"

"I'll tell you bluntly, even if there is a big person behind Chen Yang, it won't change the situation."

"As long as your Shen family agrees, it's not easy for anyone to come."

"Oh? What about this old man?" At the moment when Li Shuihuang's voice fell, an old voice entered everyone's ears.

Accompanied by the voice, an old man with immortal style and bones appeared in a Taoist uniform.

This person is the saint of heaven!

After seeing the Heavenly Mystery Saint, Lishui Emperor was like a bone-piercing cold light, not daring to move at all. Drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

My mother, is the powerhouse behind Chen Yang a sage from heaven?

If it is really a saint of heaven, then grab a fart!

This heavenly sage is known as the number one sage in the world, the one closest to the gods!

Even if the entire Suzaku Saints add up, they are not necessarily the opponents of this Heavenly Secret Saint.

If it wasn't for this Heavenly Secret Saint's free-spirited nature and no ambition, otherwise, the Fluctuating Light Realm would have been unified long ago.

After glancing at everyone, the Heavenly Secret Saint smiled and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous, the old man doesn't mean to blame you."

"The old man is here to represent a group of saints and convey a meaning."

"That is, no matter who it is, don't interfere with Chen Yang's growth. You all should not have discovered Chen Yang's aptitude, understand?"

"Yes! I'll obey!" The Emperor Lishui and the other kings hurriedly promised, for fear that they would be killed by the Heavenly Secret Saint if they spoke too slowly.

Seeing this, the Heavenly Secret Saint smiled and nodded, then looked at King Xuanbing, "I estimate that Chen Yang will be able to break through to the realm of Daoyuan this time."

"In this way, give Chen Yang another 30 years. After 30 years, let Chen Yang take the Chen family to guard the demon land here."

"Guard the land of demons?" King Xuan Bing said in surprise: "Sir, this land of demons is extremely dangerous. If Chen Yang has any good or bad, then what should we do."

King Xuanbing didn't dare to promise to come down. He didn't hear the saint of heaven say that Chen Yang was concerned by all saints.

If there is an accident in the land of demons guarded by their Daomen, then their Daomen cannot bear the consequences.

After hearing what the King Xuanbing meant, the Heavenly Secret Saint smiled and said, "Although this demonic land is dangerous, it is also the place where we can face the aura of the universe most directly in our Fluctuating Light Realm."

"Understanding the Great Dao here is more effective than outside."

"Besides, as the hope of the fluctuating light world, can't we bear this danger? Well, let's do what we are told."

"By the way, I heard that Chen Yang's practice is Ten Thousand Beasts, so don't get stuck in the practice."

"Of course, I'm not asking you to give it to Chen Yang for free.

You can sell, in order to find some benefits for you. Second, it is to put some pressure on Chen Yang. "

"Okay, that's all the old man said, goodbye everyone."

After that, the Heavenly Secret Saint disappeared instantly.

After the Heavenly Secret Saint left, Li Shuihuang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Touching the drenched junior, Li Shuihuang smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that Chen Yang would be valued by all the saints."

"King Feng, do you know what's so special about Chen Yang?"

Hearing this, Shen Renxu thought about it seriously, and then smiled bitterly: "It's the truth, I don't know either."

"Chen Yang didn't develop in my Shen family, but led a family to cultivate alone. I don't know what he has and magic."

Hearing this, Emperor Li Shui nodded, "That's not surprising, maybe Chen Yang has found some treasures that are the best in the world, or maybe he was originally talented.

That's why it attracted the attention of all the saints and let Chen Yang practice step by step. "

"Well, since it is the order of the saint, let's follow it."

"By the way, this myriad beasts are determined from the divine tome.

At that time, I also asked Feng Wang to inform Chen Yang that if there is a need, he can come to my holy clan to buy it, and our price is absolutely fair. "

"Yes!" Shen Renxu nodded respectfully.

After deciding what happened to Chen Yang, everyone looked at the Heaven and Earth Lingchi again.

They were all a little curious, how much benefit this genius called the hope of the fluctuating light world could gain from this spiritual pool of heaven and earth.

In the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond.

The emergence of this spiritual vortex naturally cannot escape the eyes of the cultivation genius here.

When it was, many people looked at the newly emerging aura vortex suspiciously.

After seeing the genius who caused the spiritual vortex and the scale of the spiritual vortex, everyone fell into a sluggishness.

"How is this possible! How is it possible that there is an existence that is even more enchanting than Brother Chiling!" A disciple looked incredulous.

Xueying's eyes turned even more beautifully, and she looked at Chen Yang in astonishment, "Do you know this person?"

"I don't know, but I have seen him stay with those people from the fourth-rank forces. Could it be that he is from the fourth-rank force?"

"From the fourth-rank forces?" Xueying said in surprise: "Among the fourth-rank forces, there are even more evil spirits than Brother Chiling?"

"It's useless to say this. Once this person has caused a spiritual vortex, how can we cultivate?"

"Why don't you give him a warning?" Some saint disciples looked unkind.

"Nonsense!" Xue Yingjiao shouted, "Didn't you hear King Fen Mie's warning?"

"Besides, this son's aura is so strong, and his cultivation base must be higher than Chiling brother. You go to provoke him, are you not afraid of causing trouble for yourself?"

"Then we can't help but practice."

Hearing this, Xueying sighed, "As of now, I can only let Brother Chiling negotiate with this person.

Let's see if the two sides can back down and leave us a mouthful of soup. "

Having said that, Xueying laughed at herself.

They thought just now that these people wanted to drink the soup they left behind.

Who would have thought that it was themselves who drank the soup.

"Huh? What's going on? Why is there less spiritual energy?"

Chiling, who was cultivating, suddenly noticed that the spiritual energy around him was slowly decreasing.

Could it be that something unexpected happened in Lingchi?

Out of doubt, Chi Ling opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the flow of spiritual energy.

When he saw Chen Yang and the spiritual vortex he caused, Chi Ling's eyes as deep as the stars revealed an incredible look of astonishment.

"Who is he?"

Chiling didn't expect that a person who was even more enchanting than him suddenly appeared.

And the disciples of the Saint Race, seeing Chiling awake, also hurriedly greeted him and told Chiling what they meant.

After listening to the words of these people, Chiling nodded, "I see, I will negotiate with this genius, but I can't guarantee that he will agree to my proposal."

After that, Chiling gradually approached Chen Yang.

Chiling's actions naturally could not escape Chen Yang's perception.

Immediately, Chen Yang opened his eyes and looked at Chiling with some doubts, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't get me wrong!"

Chiling waved his hands again and again, and then smiled: "I didn't expect to encounter a young saint here.

In Chiling, Nangong of the Suzaku Saint Clan, dare to ask your Excellency. "

"Chen Yang." Chen Yang said lightly, "I don't know if Brother Chiling is here, is there something wrong?"

"That's right, the clan brother's talent is really too powerful. If you and I absorb the spiritual energy with all our strength, I'm afraid they won't be able to cultivate."

"In this way, it's better for you and me to take a step back. Let the two of us take a little control and divide up this half of the world's spiritual pool."

"As for the other half, let them divide it up."

"To show my sincerity, I am willing to absorb only one-third of the two of us, and leave the remaining two-thirds to the clan brother to absorb."

Listening to Chiling's words, Chen Yang nodded, "Okay, no problem."

Originally, Chen Yang didn't need so much spiritual energy. The reason why he absorbed the spiritual energy at full power was mainly because Nangong Chiling absorbed all the spiritual energy.

Since the other party chose to back down, Chen Yang had no reason to persist.

This can give the saints a face, and secondly, it can also allow the Shen family to absorb some spiritual energy.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang continued: "I can agree to the conditions, but I hope that your holy clan can divide an area and train the geniuses in my clan."

"No problem." Nangong Chiling promised again and again, "Leave these trivial matters to me."

Immediately, Nangong Chiling came to the other half of the spiritual pond and informed everyone of the results of the discussions between the two.

After the Saint Race genius heard the words, he was naturally overjoyed.

As long as there is a little control, this half of the spiritual pool is enough for them to absorb.

As for giving the Shen family an area, the genius of the saints did not refuse.

This is what it should be, after all, it must be given face to a young saint.

Second, the Shen family also know that there is no genius. Together, they may not be able to absorb as much as a young king.

In that case, why not sell Chen Yang a face?

Immediately, the geniuses of the saint clan took the lead and deliberately divided an area for the geniuses of the Shen family.

And tell others that no one can absorb the aura in this area.

Seeing this, the geniuses of the Daomen and Li family and the Beast Sect looked at Shen Longzhao and the others with envy.

With an exclusive area, they definitely gained a lot from this trip.

No way, who told the Shen family to give birth to such a monstrous genius, they could only envy him.

Seeing that Nangong Chiling was properly handled, the purple hair on Chen Yang's head disappeared instantly, and the vortex of spiritual energy gradually diminished.

After adjusting the spiritual energy he absorbed, Chen Yang continued to practice with his eyes closed.

When Nangong Chiling saw this, he also began to practice.

Now that I have finally come across such a monster, it is natural to compare them well to see who has the most to gain.

You know, if you have high aptitude, you don’t necessarily have to break through many realms.

After all, this Martial Dao bottleneck actually exists.

If you get stuck on a certain bottleneck, it is useless no matter how high your qualifications are.

As everyone settled down to cultivate, time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, seven days had passed.

In the past seven days, the geniuses who entered the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond have all made breakthroughs.

The only two people who have not made a breakthrough are Chen Yang and Nangong Chiling.

The geniuses were not surprised by this.

After all, the cultivation of these two people is high, and the spiritual energy they need is naturally high.

However, after seven days of accumulation, it is time to break through.

"You said, who will break through first?" Nangong Xueying asked.

When Nangong Xueying's voice just fell, Chiling's aura changed suddenly, and his own aura rose steadily until he broke through to the eighth floor of the stage.

Seeing this, Nangong Xueying smiled and said, "It seems that the question has already been answered."

After the breakthrough, Nangong Chiling glanced at Chen Yang, and there was a smug look in his eyes. Unexpectedly, I was the one who broke through first.

At this moment, the sky above the Lingchi of Heaven and Earth suddenly changed, and dark clouds gradually gathered together.

In that dark cloud, the thunder and lightning gathered, sweeping the terrifying energy, as if to destroy everything below.

Seeing this, Nangong Chiling's complexion changed greatly, and he quickly shouted: "Chen Yang! Wake up quickly! This is the Daoyuan catastrophe, hurry up and get rid of the catastrophe!"

Chen Yang, who was awakened by the sound, raised his head and glanced at the dark clouds above, and then swept out, flickering to the outside of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond, and began to transcend the robbery.

This Daoyuan catastrophe is the catastrophe that needs to be experienced when a strong person on the stage breaks through Daoyuan.

And under the Daoyuan catastrophe, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to help, otherwise the power will increase more than ten times.

This is also the reason why Chen Yang left the Heaven and Earth Lingchi.

If you stay in the Heaven and Earth Lingchi, then this Daoyuan catastrophe will inevitably use other geniuses as Chen Yang's helpers.

Once this happens, this Daoyuan catastrophe cannot be resisted by Chen Yang.

Looking at Chen Yang, who was transcending the calamity outside the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond, a sense of frustration rose in Nangong Chiling's heart.

Unexpectedly, he has broken through Daoyuan. It's ridiculous that I still want to compete with others.

After shaking his head with a wry smile, Nangong Chiling closed his eyes and continued to absorb spiritual energy.

He is a monster, and naturally he can't compare with others, but neither can I, let my trip to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond be in vain.

There are a total of nine thunders in this Daoyuan catastrophe, and these thunders are stronger than each other.

The ninth thunderbolt has the power of a single blow from a Daoyuan layer powerhouse.

If you want to cross the premise, you must be able to resist the Daoyuan first-layer powerhouse without dying.

Of course, this is only for others, for Chen Yang, it is simple.

As soon as this divine vein is opened and the illusory ability is used, these thunderbolts can't hit Chen Yang at all.

With this ability, the catastrophe has been hacked nine times in a row, and Chen Yang didn't lose a single hair.

Half an hour later, the catastrophe was over, and Chen Yang officially set foot in the Daoyuan realm!

After seeing Chen Yang returning to the Heaven and Earth Lingchi unscathed, Nangong Chiling became more convinced of his thoughts.

This girl is just a pervert. Compared with a pervert, let's compare it with yourself.

The process of Chen Yang transcending the calamity naturally cannot escape the eyes of the kings.

Immediately, King Xuanbing looked at Emperor Lishui, "Lishuihuang, if I read it right, Chen Yang understood the illusory avenue."

"Yes, it is the illusory avenue, and it seems that it has already realized the second realm."

Li Shui Huang took a deep breath and said with some jealousy: "I finally know why the saints value Chen Yang."

"When this cultivation base was still on stage, the understanding of the Dao had already reached the second realm. Such a monster is simply unheard of."

"The only thing I have an impression of is the original illusory god. He was also in the stage realm, and he realized the illusory avenue of the second realm."

"According to this, the saints hope that Chen Yang will become the second illusory god. At the very least, he is also an illusory saint!"

Illusory Avenue!

This illusory avenue, known as the first avenue of the human race, has not appeared for many years.

Now that it has finally reappeared, no wonder these saints are excited.

If Chen Yang can really become a god, then there is a great possibility that this cage will be opened, and they will also become gods!

And even if Chen Yang fails to become a god, and there is an illusory saint, the pressure on them will be much less.

After all, this world is not as safe as the fourth-grade forces know.

Time passed again, and in the blink of an eye, the one-month trip to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond was completely over.

At the end of the moment, King Xuanbing came to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pool and woke everyone up, "Everyone, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pool has ended, please wake up!"

The king himself dispatched, even the most addicted genius will be awakened.

Immediately, a genius came out of the heaven and earth spirit pond, and everyone's face showed a satisfied look.

Not to mention that this is the heaven and earth spirit pond that produces the tide of spiritual tides, this spiritual energy is abundant.

Each of them almost broke through three small ranks. UU Reading

You know, for Zifu, three small ranks may not be a big deal.

But for the stage, these three small ranks can leave them with more than ten years, or even decades of cultivation.

Of course, to say that the biggest gain is still Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang broke through to Daoyuan, he broke through three small ranks one after another, and now he is a powerhouse on the fourth floor of Daoyuan!

Breaking through three small ranks in Daoyuan rank will save hundreds of years of cultivation time.

After the trip to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Pond, everyone returned to their respective forces.

Afterwards, the kings of the various forces led them to leave.

In a short while, in this city within the city, there is only one power of the Shen family left.

Seeing this, Chen Yang looked at Shen Renxu, "Ancestor Renxu, why don't we leave?"

"Wait first, Daomen has something to tell you." Shen Renxu said.