MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-Chapter 4 Go to Beast Sect

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After agreeing with Elder Chen Xuan on the next plan, Chen Yang spent the next few days practicing in his small courtyard.

Chen Yang had a quiet time, but Nanyang County was completely boiling.

The news that the Gongsun family attacked the Chen family's silk and satin convoy had already spread, but to everyone's surprise, the Chen family didn't say anything.

Before everyone could relax, news came again that the Chen family was asking for a lot of money to buy Bing Yuanzhu.

Its price is so high that it far exceeds the value of Bing Yuanzhu.

Nanyang County, inside Gongsun City.

As a ninth-rank family with two ancient ancestors, the Gongsun family is qualified to name the city where they live with the family name.

This is also a manifestation of the strength of the Gongsun family.

In Gongsun's house, the eldest husband, Sun Gu, was standing beside the head of the house, Gong Sun Miao, "Master, what do you think of this news?"

"What do you think?" Gongsun Miao snorted coldly: "The Chen family is in a hurry, and they want to ask their ancestor's master for help."

"Since this is the case, then I can't let the Chen family get their wish."

"I ordered to go ahead and search for the Bing Yuanzhu in Nanyang County with all my strength. No matter what, I can't let the Chen family get it."

"Yes!" Gongsun Gu nodded, then turned and left.

Gongsun Miao, on the other hand, stroked his moustache, "Hum, Chen family, I see who else can save you this time."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, five days have passed.

According to the discussions of the Chen family, people will be sent to attend the coming-of-age ceremony of the Young Sect Master of the Imperial Beast Sect today.

In the discussion hall, seeing Chen Yang coming, Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, then fell into ecstasy: "Has the master made a breakthrough?"

"Fuck." Chen Yang closed his fan and smiled.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Chen Xuan shouted hello three times in a row, and then smiled: "With the qualifications of the head of the family, it is estimated that he will break through the open pulse soon. At that time, my Chen family will not be afraid of the Gongsun family."

"Okay, no one can say what will happen in the future. Let's do the things in front of you first."

"By the way, has the Howling Moon Wolf handled it properly?"

"Naturally there is no problem." Chen Xuan patted the blue-gray bag on his waist, "There is a royal beast bag given by the ancestors. No one knows about this trip. My Chen family has a howling moon wolf."

"Then I will trouble the elder to guard the beast-guarding bag."

Chen Yang nodded, this imperial beast bag is a treasure refined by the imperial beast sect.

Although it can only accommodate Kaimai and monsters below Kaimai, it is still precious.

In the entire Daqian Dynasty, only the Imperial Beast Sect can refine it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the ancestors of the Chen family had made a lot of credit, there would be no spare beast bag for the family.

After preparing everything, under the leadership of Chen Yang, a group of more than ten people went to the Imperial Beast Sect.

As a seventh-grade sect, the Imperial Beast Sect is one of the thirteen states of the Great Qiang, and the ruler of Jiangzhou.

Its mountain gate is located in the most abundant aura in Jiangzhou.

Fortunately, this place is not far from Fengcheng, Chen Yang and others have rushed for eight days, and they have reached the Imperial Beast City at the foot of the Imperial Beast Mountain.

"Okay, let's rest." After finding an inn, Chen Yang arranged for everyone to stay.

After everything was arranged properly, Chen Yang also planned to rest.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly walked in.

"Elder, what's the matter?" Chen Yang was surprised. The elder didn't take a good rest, so why did he find himself.

"Patriarch, I have something to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"Because you broke through to the eighth level of Qi training, I was just happy, but I forgot a big thing."

Hearing what the elder said, Chen Yang was also a little surprised, and immediately signaled the elder to continue.

"Patriarch, you also know that my Chen family is a beast-fighting family. There are not many strong martial arts in the family, and all the strength lies in the beast-fighting beast."

"But my Chen family practice method is an incomplete version of the beast-controlling practice method. It can only refine the beasts of life in the realm of qi training."

"What I'm worried about is that if the Patriarch doesn't refine the beasts of his life, he's afraid that he will break through to open the pulse."

Listening to the Great Elder's words, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Great Elder, you look down on me too much, how can you break through the open pulse so quickly."

"Besides, after solving the current predicament, I will choose one of the hurricane wolves in my family to refine it and become the beast of my destiny."

"What? Master refining the blast wolf? No, absolutely not."

Hearing that Chen Yang planned to use the hurricane wolf as his destiny beast, Chen Xuan waved his hands again and again.

"Why?" Chen Yang was a little surprised. The monster that the Chen family knew best was the hurricane wolf.

"Patriarch, you also know that Storm Wolf's future achievements are limited, and it is impossible to become a demon general."

"And Patriarch, you will definitely become the ancestor of Kaimai in the future. If you don't have a demon-general-level beast of life, wouldn't it delay yourself." Chen Xuan said.

It was only then that Chen Yang understood. It turned out that this was what Chen Xuan was worried about.

"Elder, have you really forgotten my secret?" Chen Yang looked at Chen Xuan with a smile.

Chen Xuan nodded, "Although I don't know how the Patriarch strengthens the bloodline of the monster, but I can be sure that the price paid must be not small."

"If that's the case, why waste this price on the hurricane wolf instead of choosing a powerful monster to cultivate?"

Chen Yang understood.

What this elder is worried about is not unreasonable. He Daozhu uses the operation of the Chen family as energy, so naturally it cannot be used arbitrarily.

If you find a monster with powerful bloodline, you can save a lot of energy.

Besides, even if you don't save energy, that energy can be used to strengthen the monster, making it the trump card in Chen Yang's hands.

Moreover, the Harmony Bead cannot accumulate a lot of energy in an instant, it needs constant devouring of family luck and slowly accumulate energy.

This also guarantees to the greatest extent that the Chen family can develop steadily.

If it suddenly consumes a lot of family luck, it is estimated that most of the Chen family's warriors will go into trouble, and the rest will either be killed by meteorites, or accidentally fall into the water and drown.

The influence of the ethnic movement on the family is so great.

"The elder's words are right. I won't arbitrarily refine the beasts of my destiny." Chen Yang decided to follow Chen Xuan's words after thinking it over and over again.

Hearing Chen Yang's answer, Chen Xuan stroked his beard and said with a smile, "That's right, this old man retire."

After the first elder left, Chen Yang was lying on the bed, looking at the roof, thinking about the fate of the beast in his mind.

The Chen family's exercise "Wan Beast Judgment" has shortcomings. Not only does it cut off the path above the open veins, but it can only refine the beasts of life in the realm of qi training.

"Inheritance of the Ten Thousand Beasts and the Beast Master Sect, when there is a chance in the future, you can try it in exchange for the following exercises."

"In this way, not only the ancestors can try to break through the condensing pill, but also the disciples of the family don't have to rush to find the beasts of destiny."


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