MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-Chapter 297 annexation of the dynasty

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Both of them were willing to give the dragon scale armor to Chen Yang, but when Chen Yang saw this, he did not refuse.

After determining the ownership of the dragon scale armor, the remaining treasures and resources can be allocated.

After allocating this batch of resources, the three of them were not idle, they formally integrated the available people in their hands, rode the spirit beasts, and swept toward the dynasty.

This task has been delayed for so long, and it should be solved.

The Daqing Dynasty was the name of the Dynasty Chen Yang went to.

The imperial capital of the Daqing Dynasty, inside the palace.

The contemporary Daqing person Huang Qingyu is sitting on the throne, looking calmly at the old man in purple next to him, "Prince Bamboo, all the geniuses in the clan have been arranged."

Prince Bamboo nodded, "It's all arranged."

Hearing this, Qing Zhiyu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, with them here, the Qing family won't die."

When Prince Bamboo heard the words, he hesitated: "Your Majesty, are we too sensitive? You must know that we are not involved in the actions of the three major chambers of commerce."

"Even if the forces behind the Royal Chamber of Commerce are us, it may not necessarily be said that we have colluded with the magic cultivator."

"Prince Bamboo, what you think is too simple."

Qing Zhiyu shook his head, "It doesn't matter whether we collude with the demon cultivator or not."

"Under the Li family, only we have not surrendered. Because of the foundation of the Li family, we can survive until now."

"Now, we have finally found an opportunity, and the Li family will definitely not let us go. In this Daqing Dynasty, the Li family must be under control."

"Is it possible that Prince Zhu really think that the Li family is a good person?"

"If the Li family wants to control us, let them control it." Prince Zhu said, "We don't have to arrange for geniuses in the clan, but prepare for the dead."

"No, the Li family won't let the Qing family go."

Qing Zhiyu shook his head, "What the Li family wants is the dynasty, not the dynasty controlled by the Qing clan. You should also be aware of this, Prince Zhu."

"After destroying our Qing clan, the Li family can find a family that completely obeys the orders of the Li family to take over the position of the royal family."

"And letting our Qing clan continue to control the dynasty will not benefit the Li family at all. After all, our Qing clan refused to surrender to the Li family from the very beginning."

Listening to Qing Yu's words, Prince Zhu sighed deeply, "If we knew this, we should surrender to the Li family from the beginning."

"The Qing family has long since decayed, and now it is still dreaming of the fourth-grade holy dynasty. Isn't this a drag on the family!"

"Prince Bamboo, stop talking! If the ancestors hear this, you won't be able to eat and walk around!"

Qing Yu glared at Prince Bamboo, and sighed, "I think back then, we and the Li family competed for the fourth rank together."

"Until the Li family became the fourth rank, our Qing clan suppressed the Li family. But who would have thought that the Li family had become the king of the sky earlier."

"Even with the Li family, it surpassed our Qing family and became a fourth-grade family. How could the ancestors accept this kind of gap."

"Not to mention, since we were driven here by the Li family, it is even more impossible to surrender to the Li family."

Listening to Qing Yu talking about the Qing family's past, Prince Zhu remained silent for a long time.

At the beginning, before the Li family reached the fourth rank, the Qing family was the most likely family to become the fourth rank power in this world.

Even the Li family at the time thought so, giving way to the Qing family in every possible way was no different from a vassal family.

But who would have thought that the Li family suddenly produced a peerless evildoer.

It is precisely because of this evildoer that the Li family entered the fourth rank earlier and completely suppressed the Qing family.

This sudden contrast, Prince Zhu paid for it himself, even he could not accept it, and was willing to become a vassal of the Li family.

After all, even if the Li family breaks through the fourth rank, the Keqing clan is also likely to break through the fourth rank.

But who would have thought that the next Qing clan was like being cursed. There are many strong people in the clan who have reached the peak of Daoyuan, but none of them can break through to the realm of breaking the sky.

As the group of demons grew old, the Qing family was unable to compete with the Li family for cultivation resources. Gradually, the Qing family gradually became lonely.

Up to now, they can only barely maintain the status of the fifth-rank dynasty.

In this regard, Prince Bamboo can only say one sentence is also fate.

Who would have thought that with so many geniuses and so many powerhouses at the peak of Daoyuan, none of them had broken through to the realm of breaking the sky.

If Chen Yang was here and knew the doubts in Prince Zhu's heart, he would be able to guess one or two.

Yu Sheng once said that in order to comprehend the Dao, one must abandon distracting thoughts, and the sudden rise of the Li family made it impossible for those Qing clan strongmen to abandon distracting thoughts.

Qing's strong man is not the kind of peerless evildoer who can comprehend the Dao with distracting thoughts, so naturally he will not be able to break through.

From this aspect, it was the Li family who personally cut off the possibility of Qing's achievement of the fourth rank.

But now, it's useless to say that.

Whether it is Qing Yu, Prince Zhu, or the ancestor of the Qing clan, what he wants at this moment is not to achieve the fourth rank, but to let the Qing clan continue to live.

After a long silence, Prince Zhu looked at Qing Yu, "Your Majesty, how long do you think the Li family will come to our dynasty?"

"It should be soon." Qing Zhiyu said quietly.

At this moment, a man in armor suddenly ran in, "Report! Report to the emperor, a large number of strong men suddenly came from outside the imperial capital!"

Hearing this, Qing Yu smiled and said, "Look, they are here."

"Forget it, this emperor has already made preparations. I hope that this emperor's life will be worth some money, so that the Li family can stay alive, even if it is a sideline."

When Prince Zhu heard the words, he took a deep breath and responded, "I am the Prince of Daqing, and I can change the lives of a few clansmen if I think about it."

"Your Majesty, the old minister will accompany you."

"Hahaha, good! I'll see you today, the Li family who was suppressed by my Qing ancestors!" Qing Yu laughed loudly.

Set the time back to half an hour ago.

Outside the imperial capital, sitting on the back of a Pegasus, Chen Yang smiled and nodded, "I didn't expect the Qing family and the Li family to have such a relationship."

"Then we have to evaluate the Qing family. As a big family that can compete with the Li family, the Qing family's background must be unusual."

"If we can find this foundation, the family's strength will be greatly improved, and the Qing family is also very willing to use the family's foundation in exchange for the chance to survive."

Li Kehui, who was on the side, smiled and said, "Patriarch Chen's words are true. The Qing family does have a lot of good things."

"As far as I know, the most valuable one is a pill recipe."

"Oh? Dan Fang?"

Chen Yang became interested, "Patriarch Li, what kind of pill recipe is actually regarded as the most precious treasure by you?"

"Four-Rank Qualification Pill." Li Kehui laughed.

"Fourth Grade Qualification Pill!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath, there was actually a 4th-Rank Qualification Pill in the Qing clan!

As far as Chen Yang knew, in the entire Hidden Dragon Domain, apart from Daomen, no one had ever heard of anyone who had a fourth-grade aptitude pill.

As for the Qing family, there is actually a pill recipe for these four-grade qualification pills!

Seeing the shocked look on Chen Yang's face, Li Kehui smiled and said, "I'm shocked. When I got this news, I was even more shocked than you."

"No wonder the Qing clan was only a top five-rank dynasty, but the number of Daoyuan Venerables in the clan is not less than that of the fourth-rank power. It turned out to be a fourth-rank aptitude pill." Shen Daokong's eyes were also filled with shock. color.

The Shen family established the clan earlier. When the Li family and the Qing family were fighting, the Shen family was already a fourth-grade clan.

At the beginning, the Shen family wondered why there were so many Venerable Daoyuan in the Qing clan.

At first, the Shen family thought that the Qing family had the support of the Taoist sect. After all, only the Taoist sect could make the number of Daoyuan Venerables in a fifth-rank force catch up with the fourth-rank force.

Now it seems that it turns out that it is because of the alchemy of the fourth-grade aptitude pill.

Chen Yang rubbed his hands, and then asked, "Patriarch Li, I have two questions."

"The first question, how did you know that the Qing family had this recipe? After all, neither the Shen family nor the Li family knew about it."

"If they had known, Qing's pill recipe would have been taken away long ago."

Chen Yang's words are true, even if the Li family is based on benevolence and righteousness, but if they know that the Qing family has a fourth-grade aptitude pill, how can they take it away.

Perhaps it is stronger than the other fourth-rank forces, that is, the Li family may give some more rewards.

But the Qing family still has the pill recipe for the fourth-grade aptitude pill, which means that neither of them has received any news.

"The second question, since there is a fourth-grade aptitude pill, how did the Qing clan decline?"

This question is also critical.

With this pill, even if the Qing clan couldn't keep the original resources, they could still use the fourth-grade qualification pills in exchange for a large amount of resources for cultivation.

The only drawback is that it may be suspected by other forces, so as to investigate the pill recipe of the fourth-grade qualification pill.

But they have already declined, so why do you still care about it, if you donate the pill to the Taoist sect, maybe you can get the protection of the Taoist sect.

Even if there is a pill recipe with a fourth-grade qualification pill in the Taoist sect, if there is a force that offers a pill recipe, the Taoist sect will not refuse.

If nothing else, there must be subtle differences between the two pill recipes. After all, pill recipes were invented by humans.

Everyone's thinking is different, and although the final destination is the same, the possibility of the exact same route is very low.

Just like the Sixth Grade Qualification Pill, there are six kinds of pill recipes only known to Chen Yang.

Although these pill recipes can be refined into the sixth-grade qualification pills, the materials used are also quite different.

However, the refining techniques, flame temperature, as well as some auxiliary drugs and drug introductions that increase the success rate will all be different.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, if you choose the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages, you may be able to increase the chance of successful refining.

With this alone, the Taoist Sect will reward the Qing family with many treasures, and even shelter the Qing family.

Listening to Chen Yang's two questions, Li Kehui thought for a while, and then explained: "That's it, I learned that the Qing family had the pill recipe, it was purely accidental."

"Patriarch Chen should know that my Li family has always maintained a marriage with the Qing family."

"It was a marriage 900 years ago. The object of the marriage was officially my sister, and the current Daqing Huangqing."

"The maid who was married to my sister at the time, accidentally heard the Qing ancestor and Qing Yu talking about the fourth-grade qualification pill, so I learned the news."

"how can that be!"

Shen Daokong blurted out, "The ancestor of the Qing clan and the emperor of the Qing clan discussed the news, how could it be overheard by a servant girl."

Chen Yang also looked suspicious, which was too hard to believe.

Hearing this, Shen Daokong smiled and said, "Hey, you can't think of it, neither can the Qing family."

"The maid who was dowry at that time, but the owner of Fengling's bloodline, there will be no accident in the future, it is a matter of time to become Venerable Daoyuan."

"This Fengling bloodline is relatively tasteless, and it does not help in combat, so it is equivalent to a fourth-grade aptitude."

"But the Fengling bloodline can eavesdrop on all sounds within a thousand miles."

"This kind of bloodline has never appeared in the Fluctuating Light Realm several times. Let my Li family find it. Perhaps, this is the luck of my Li family."

"So, from the very beginning, you planned to eavesdrop on Qing's secrets?" Chen Yang laughed.

Although Chen Yang was astonished at the Li family and was able to find such a monster, but the Li family had such great courage to send this monster to the Qing family, I am afraid they had already made plans to eavesdrop on the Qing family's secrets.

Hearing this, Li Kehui smiled and said, "Hey, when my Li family just came to the Endless Mountains, I naturally wanted to gain insight into the news of external forces."

"And the Daqing Dynasty, as the only fifth-grade Dynasty in the vicinity, naturally my Li family can't let it go."

"Speaking of which, I feel pity for my sister. Her qualifications are not ordinary, she is stronger than me. Unfortunately, at the age of eighteen, she had to marry the Qing family."

"Oh, so, Patriarch Li, your current age is only over 900?" Chen Yang simply calculated, and then said a little surprised.

"Is more than 900 years old?" Li Kehui said with a smile: "On the stage, the life span is only 1,600 years old. At the age of 900, it is already middle and old age."


Chen Yang shook his head, "I mean, Patriarch Li, you are over 900 years old, how can you be so clear about what happened more than a thousand years ago?"

Chen Yang didn't say it clearly, and Li Kehui also knew what Chen Yang meant.

It is nothing more than that he is very clear about the main line expelling the Li family.

Hearing this, Li Kehui sneered and said, "How dare my generation know so little about the shame of the family. If I don't even know this, is it worthy of being the Li family?"

Chen Yang nodded, the family hatred, no matter how long it has passed, must be kept in mind.

"As for the second question, my servant girl also found out the news. That is, the source of this pill recipe is not correct, and it is said that it has an inexplicable relationship with the Taoist sect."

"If I guess correctly, this pill must have been stolen from the Taoist door."

"Other pill recipes may be used, sold, or even given to the Taoist sect. But how dare the Qing family use the pill recipe stolen from the Taoist sect." Li Kehui said.

"I see."

Chen Yang nodded, "It's cheaper for us. Whether we return it to Daomen or secretly use it ourselves, there will be no small benefits."

"As for the specific return to the Daomen, it is still for our own use. Let's discuss it slowly."

"Now, let's put this pill recipe in the bag first."

Shen Daokong on the side nodded, apparently agreeing with Chen Yang's point of view.

Speaking of this, the Pegasus began to slowly descend, and the imperial capital, which was crawling on the ground like a giant beast, gradually became clear.

When landing, Chen Yang couldn't help but ask: "By the way, what happened to the maid in the end? You won't leave him in the Qing family."

"How is it possible, after finding out the news about Dan Fang, my Li family recalled that maid. Now this maid is my wife, and her cultivation base is at the peak of her stage."

"It won't be long before my wife will become the first female ancestor of my Qianyuan Li family." Li Kehui smiled.

While the two were talking, Pegasus gradually fell to the ground.

Seeing such a behemoth landing outside the imperial capital, the powerhouses in the imperial capital instantly became alert.

At the same time, a strong man swept up in front of Tianma, and one of the strong men even in golden armor scolded: "Who? Dare to be wild in my Qing Dynasty!"

"Humph! You are not qualified to talk to this deity, let Qing Yu roll over!"

Seeing this person being so arrogant, Shen Daokong snorted coldly, and then released his own breath without concealment.

Feeling the terrifying aura on Shen Daokong's body, the strong men in the imperial capital calmed down instantly, and then, the golden armored strong man trembled and said, "Please... Please wait a moment."

In this way, there is what happened in the palace.

Time has passed to the present, and after a rush of tea, Qing Yu and Prince Zhu rushed to the imperial capital.

After feeling the unfathomable terrifying cultivation base on Shen Daokong, Qing Yu hesitated for a moment, then volleyed to his knees and lowered his head, "Besides the Qing Dynasty's little emperor, I will meet the seniors."

When Qing Yu finished speaking, a hearty laughter came from above Tianma, "Brother-in-law, long time no see."

Hearing this, Qing Yu suddenly raised his head, and happened to see Li Kehui's smiling face.

Immediately, Qing Yu said sluggishly: "Li Kehui? Could it be that the person leading the team this time is you, Li Kehui?"

"Exactly." Li Kehui smiled.

Qing Yu looked at Li Kehui in astonishment, "Why, have you reconciled with the Li family in Qianyuan and the Li family in Mianyang?"

"Brother-in-law doesn't need to worry about it. Brother-in-law, the visitor is a guest. It's not good to leave us here to talk."

Hearing this, Qing Yu hurriedly said, "It's my brother-in-law's fault, everyone, please come with me."

Afterwards, Qing Yu quickly took Chen Yang and others to fly towards his palace.

At the same time, a look of joy flashed across Prince Bamboo's face.

If Li Kehui were to deal with the Qing family, then the Qing family might really be able to survive.

The Qing family and the Qianyuan Li family have been married for hundreds of years. In the Qing family, there have long been many people from the Qianyuan and Li family. Seeing their face, they can't destroy the Qing family.

Inside the palace, Chen Yang sat on the throne of Qing Yu, while Shen Daokong and Li Kehui were on the left and right.

Originally, Chen Yang wanted Shen Daokong to sit in the main seat, but Shen Daokong said that this would help raise Chen Yang's identity, so that he could better get good things from the Qing family.

Sure enough, seeing Chen Yang in the main seat, Qing Yu was a little scared and said: "This son is..."

Seeing this, Chen Yang glanced at Li Kehui.

Immediately, Li Kehui understood what Chen Yang meant, and immediately reprimanded: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Yes yes yes! Xiao Huang understands." Qing Yu nodded quickly.

Qing Yu could sense that Shen Daokong was a Daoyuan Venerable, and sitting in the main seat in front of Daoyuan Venerable, this person's identity must be unusual.

"Hahaha, Emperor Qing doesn't have to be like this, he is just the head of a 17th rank family, and he doesn't dare to let Emperor Qing restrain him." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qing Yu was even more convinced of his own ideas.

Because this is the way the big clan likes to send the hidden demons from the clan to other places and secretly start a clan.

Because it is impossible for the enemy to know which of the forces as many as the carp of the river was created by the hidden genius of the great clan.

After thinking about it clearly, Qing Yu asked cautiously, "Sir, why are you here this time?"

"If there is anything that needs help from the Qing family, the adults can order it."

Listening to Qing Yu's words, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Emperor Qing, the matter of your collusion with the Nether Sword Sect has been known to the Li family."

"Now, the Taoist Sect ordered the Li family and the Shen family to expel the demon cultivators together. We are here for this matter."

"It's impossible!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, Qing Zhiyu quickly said: "My lord, who made this rumor, how could my Qing family collude with the demon cultivator?"

Chen Yang watched Qing Yu's performance with a smile. After Qing Yu finished speaking, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Qing Huang, if I were you, I would not be in a hurry to clear the relationship, but to find a way to save the Qing family."

Listening to Chen Yang's words, the expression on Qing Yu's face changed.

After a while, Qing Yu lowered his head, "Sir, how can I let the Qing family go?"

"It's very simple, I want the Qing clan to surrender!" Chen Yang put away the smile on his face and slowly came to Qing Zhiyu's side.

Afterwards, Chen Yang patted Qing Yu's shoulder, "Qing Huang, only if you surrender completely, I can save your life."

Hearing this, Qing Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, the Qing family planned to surrender, but now it seems that there is no need to say anything.

Immediately, Qing Zhiyu half-kneeled and said, "The Qing family is willing to surrender."

"Emperor Qing, wait a moment." Chen Yang helped Qing Yu, "What I want is the complete surrender of the Qing family, can you understand what I mean?"


Qing Yu frowned, and immediately asked: "Sir, please forgive me for being stupid, how can it be considered a complete surrender?"

"It's very simple. Your Qing family's treasure trove must be owned by us. At the same time, your Qing family swears to be loyal to my Chen family forever."

"In addition, your Qing family's human emperor needs our consent to take over the throne. Your Qing family's Daoyuan seeds must be approved by us before they can be cultivated with resources."

"And the powerhouses above your Qing clan must make a great oath of heaven and earth, and they will always be loyal to us."

"In this way, it can be regarded as complete surrender."

Hearing this, Qing Yu bit the bullet and said, "Sir, what's the difference between this and annexing us?"

"You are right, we are going to annex you." Chen Yang returned to the main seat with a looked at Qing Yu condescendingly, "The Qing family's life or death is in your mind. "

Li Kehui, who was on the side, also echoed: "Brother-in-law, this is your Qing's only chance."

"If it weren't for the marriage between your Qing family and my Li family, what awaits you now is not words, but our martial arts."

"This..." Qing Yu hesitated: "These important matters must be decided by my Qing ancestor."

And at the moment when Qing Yu's voice fell, an old voice thought outside the hall, "Your Majesty don't have to hesitate, our Qing clan can surrender."


Qing Yu looked at the old man who walked in, then nodded with all his strength, "Okay, my Qing family is willing to surrender."

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