MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 552 Ticket head

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As one of the only 18 TV station directors in the whole 2nd dimension, each person has a lot of energy, just like the 18th road princes. Although they have no foundation in the half-domestic city, the materials that are continuously sent from the city still give them a lot of room to expand.

The election campaign was hot, and the half-home city began to be lively. The advertising methods of various TV stations were all used here. Flying spacecraft advertisements, various publicity vehicles, screaming street speeches, and idol meetings, signature meetings, handshake meetings, and even hugs at the end of the conference were all used.

At the idol conference, I have been tired of half-dead idols. I have to drink the refined idol oil to support the various activities in accordance with the requirements of my own boss. The profession of idols seems to be glamorous, but the pain behind it is only the idol himself.

Zhou Yu was not willing to let Bai Mo them so hard, even if both of them said they could continue, he did not agree to what activities to hold.

"Have a good rest, don't think too much. As long as you beat your opponent at the Idol Conference, the votes will naturally be there."

Zhou Yu’s words are right, but they are not necessarily right. As it turns out, the activities of other directors are effective. In the next few days, the rankings of Bai Mo and Xiao Mu Pear have declined one after another, and they even have to fall out of the top ten.

The think tanks of the Luhua team are taking the time to study the next tactics. In any case, the boss is not willing to let the idols work in a coordinated manner. There is no way for anyone to persuade them. They can only use other methods to make up for the current downturn.

"White ink is no longer enough. We can let people who like white ink vote for Xiaomu Pear through speeches, so that at least two or three thousand votes can be recovered. Xiaomu pear can at least enter the top three."

This strategy of abandoning the car to protect the handsome, from the stray cat Hank. It’s already the twentieth day. Maybe tomorrow, the white ink will fall out of the top ten. Especially after other TV stations have adopted the policy of “abandoning the car and retaining the handsome”, more votes are concentrated in the first few idols. More dangerous. The situation of Xiaomu Pear is not good. Although the sixth position is still possible, the number of votes has fallen behind the tens of thousands of votes. Even if you play behind it, it is unlikely to win the first place.

So, it is time to make a sacrifice.

However, Zhou Yu is still hesitating, he does not want people to feel biased in small wood pear. What's more, the back of the hand is all meat, so how do you give up?

Zhou Yu’s hesitation is very clear to everyone. The self-owner is not the person who kills the decisive. This kind of critical decision is always normal and suffering, and it is normal.

At this time, the indifferent white ink came in and said after the ceremony, "Father, Uncle Hank's proposal was made after consulting with me. I have already agreed, so you don't have to hesitate. Not to mention the wooden pear. My sister’s qualifications are on the throne of the first idol.

"But this is the case, you can..."

When the number of votes is diverted, the white ink naturally cannot maintain the existing rankings. It is rare to have the opportunity to show up in the world, but it will never be returned.

The determination of white ink makes Zhou Yu have nothing to do. Although he is very eager to think of the best way to think of the best of both worlds, it is a pity that there is only one pot of porridge left in the brain, and where the aura comes.

At this time, the thief king came in. He was responsible for his old work espionage during his half-town.

"The main public, the election campaign has worsened. Privately, there has been a ticket-buying act. The black market is a ticket for 300 mics. And there are already strange 'tickets' appearing. They claim that they have a considerable number of votes in their hands. If you can, you can get a discount. Some TV station directors sent people to contact the ticket in private, except for some that are fraudulent, most of them are true."

The ticket, the inevitable character in an election game, is no exception in this election.

Although I don't know how many tickets are held by these votes, from the fluctuation of idol rankings, it is obvious that the movement of these votes can already determine who is the first idol of this year.

Zhou Yu does not like this state. It is obviously a qualification competition between idols. The result has evolved into the carnival of those votes, which is sad. If the number of votes at the ticket is enough, it is even possible to start with an idol. Isn't this a huge cancer?

For a time, Zhou Yu had a point to quit this idol conference. After all, he was a person who didn't like this social rule very much.

After a while, Zhou Yu still got angry: "I will immediately send the information to the half-house immortal. I don't believe that he can watch the tumor continue to exist and spread. A good idol conference, the result is various What does py trade mean?"

However, the thieves who have always been obedient did not leave this time, but rather tangled and continued: "After my investigation, there seems to be people behind these votes, and they can have this kind of ability in half-domestic city. I think there should be only one person."

Needless to say, this person can only be a half house immortal. But why is he doing this? The thief king could not understand. Meng coin? Half house immortal will be short of money? Playing with the TV station director? But there are two of his children inside, how can you even play with your own children?

Not only the thieves Wang did not understand, Zhou Yu, Bai Mo and even Hank, were confused.

What kind of idea is this strange half-house immortal?


"Sheriff, Xiaodong, what are you thinking about?"

Half-House Immortal is chatting with two people at the moment. These two are his old friends. They have been around since they were in college, so trust is definitely there. It’s just that today’s things are a bit weird. The two actually secretly control some of the so-called votes and manipulate the results of the game. This is a big taboo, Zheng Lu does not believe that his two **** brothers will know it.

She Chang and Xiaodong smiled and explained slowly: "I have a very interesting holiday. Can we stand by and watch? Let us make a fuss, and let’s take a look at the half-home city no longer manages 2 After the second dimension, what did they look like?"

It turned out that they are going to take this opportunity to try the gold content of the directors of 18 TV stations. If there is a situation in which all the idols have fallen, then the half-domestic city should be re-emerged, and the order of the two-dimensional chaos will be unified again, so as to avoid more unbearable things.

When the half-house immortal listened, it was relieved, but the heart was also embarrassing. The two unlucky children in the house would not count it.