MTL - The Rich and Powerful Marry: the Rebirth of the Ace-Chapter 437 412: Duplicity, Ultimate Plan

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   Alice's line of sight.

   A couple walking side by side, the man has deep facial features and a pair of phoenix eyes like the sea of ​​stars, and he can't see the end at all.

   The girl looks about eighteen or ninety-nine years old, wearing a white T-shirt, black hot pants, and a pair of small white shoes.

   is such a simple combination, but it makes people shine.


  Even though Alice, the little princess who was pampered and grew up, thinks this girl is extremely beautiful.

   It was only a moment.

   All the anger on Alice's face disappeared, and she exclaimed, "She is so beautiful!"

  Perhaps, the word beautiful is not very appropriate.

   Alice looked at the assistant, "Is there an idiom in Huaguo called dead fish and wild geese?"

   "Dead goose?" The assistant was stunned.

   For a while, I didn't know what Alice wanted to express.

   Alice explained: "It's an idiom used to describe a person who is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that fish and geese would have to die when they saw her!"

Assistant    thought for a long time, then smiled and said, "Miss Alice, you should be talking about sinking fish and falling geese, right?"

   Alice nodded, "That's right, that's it."

   She felt that this sentence was very appropriate for Song Yu.

  The fish in the water and the geese flying in the sky are ashamed to see her.

   Alice's gaze was still on Song Jing, "After all, she is beautiful and has a good figure. Look at how long her legs are!"

The assistant    said in a timely manner: "Miss Alice, your figure is also very good. Song Jing is not one ten thousandth of your size."

  Everyone likes to hear nice words.

   Alice is no exception.

The assistant    has been with her for so long, so he naturally knows what kind of character Alice is.

   But today, Alice snorted coldly, "Don't think I don't know you're making me happy!"

   How can she compare to Song Jing!

   is not on a level at all.

The assistant    was taken aback for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

   She didn't have hallucinations just now, did she?

  What did Alice say?

   is simply incredible.

   Alice looked at Song Jing like this, and then said, "You said she looks so good-looking, why don't you go to the entertainment industry?"

   If Song Yu goes to the entertainment industry, she will definitely be fascinated by a lot.



   Seeing Alice like this, the assistant couldn't help reminding: "Miss Alice, you"

   "What's the matter?" Alice frowned slightly and looked at the assistant.

Assistant    continued: "Let's come over today, yes."

   is here to trouble Song Wei, but looking at Alice's appearance, she is about to become Song Wei's little fan girl.

   Ellis snorted and interrupted the assistant directly, "Do I need your reminder? Of course I know I'm here to trouble Song Yu today! She robbed me of an angel on earth, and I won't let it go!"

  Assistant no longer speaks.

  Alice looked at Song Jing's back, squinted her eyes and said, "It's not a good thing to look so good! Isn't there a saying in Huaguo called femme fatale?"

  Rose with thorns.

   The more beautiful the girl, the more vicious it is.

  Song Jing had a harmless face, and she must have done a lot of bad things behind her back.

The assistant    nodded, "Miss Alice, you're right, if Song Jing was a good person, she wouldn't be competing with you for an angel on earth!"

  Xu, the assistant looked at Alice and asked, "Miss Alice, what are we going to do next?"

   Alice said: "Follow her first."

  Assistant thought Alice had some big move, but she just followed Song Jing.

The assistant    nodded.

   In order to prevent Song Jing and Yu Tingzhi from discovering them, Alice and her assistant followed closely.

  Although the two had taken precautions, they were still noticed by Yu Tingzhi.

   Yu Tingzhi paused.

   "What's wrong with Brother Yu?" Seeing his footsteps stop, Song Wei spoke lightly.

   Yu Tingzhi narrowed his eyes, "Someone is following us."

   Hearing this, Song Jing smiled: "It's okay."

   "You know?" Yu Tingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Song Jing continued: "It's not too familiar, but don't take it to heart."

   Alice is like a child in Song Jing's eyes.

   What kind of storm can a child raise?

   Therefore, Song Jing never took Alice to heart.


  Since Song Jing didn't take it to heart, he didn't have to take it to heart either.

   Just a follower.

  If they want to follow, then follow.

   There is a Chinatown in front of it, and it seems to be very lively. Song Yan took Yu Tingzhi's hand, "Brother Yu, let's go over there."

   Yu Tingzhi trotted to keep up with her.

   Alice and the assistant had to trot to keep up.

  Because the running range was too large, Alice's carefully rolled up hairstyle instantly became very dazzling.

   Alice is very angry, she is the little princess held in the palm of her family, and she is served by dozens of people when she travels.

   When have you been so embarrassed?

   When she catches Song Yu, she must settle the account with Song Yu!

   A short while later we arrived at Chinatown.

   When I got here, it was as if one foot had already stepped into the homeland, and the local accents were all heard.

  Song Jing is too busy.

   A candied haws in the left hand and a cup of coffee in the right.

   Even with Yu Tingzhi holding big bags and small bags in his hands.

  Alice was visiting Chinatown for the first time. She looked at the red candied haws and asked curiously, "What is this?"

  The boss immediately introduced enthusiastically, "This is Bingtanghulu, which is a very famous snack in our country."

   "Is it delicious?" Alice asked

   The boss nodded and said with a smile: "Of course the sugar-coated haws are delicious! I promise you have eaten it once, and you want to eat it a second time."

  The little princess Alice who grew up spoiled, Alice's food is developed and matched by a special person.

   Even if he came to country P, he was still surrounded by several chefs.

   Alice has not eaten junk food outside.

   Originally, she didn't want to eat it, but seeing Song Jing eating so happily, she was also a little moved.

   Alice swallowed, "Then give me one."

   "Okay." The boss took out a bunch of candied haws and handed it to Alice, "It's three dollars in total."

   Alice asked the assistant to give the boss money.

The    assistant's expression was a little embarrassed, "Miss Alice, Madam specifically explained to me that you can't let you eat anything outside."

   If something goes wrong with eating, she can't take responsibility.

   Alice said coldly, "Pay."


   Alice narrowed her eyes.

The    assistant was under pressure and only had to pay for it.

  The boss took the money, took out a bunch of hawthorn and handed it to Alice, "You take it."

   "How do you eat this?" Alice asked

   The boss smiled and said, "Just bite down."

   Hearing this, Alice lowered her head and took a bite of the hawthorn.

  The red hawthorn is covered with a layer of crunchy rock candy, which is crisp, sweet and sour in one bite.

  The boss looked at Alice and asked with a smile, "Miss, what do you think of the taste?"

   "It's so-so." Alice said proudly: "It's far worse than the delicacies I usually eat!"

   She wouldn't admit that Huaguo's sugar-coated haws are delicious!

   Obviously, their country C's snacks are more delicious!

  What is Bingtanghulu?

Isn't    just wild fruit?

   What's so great about it?

   Alice ate a bunch of candied haws in one go, turned to look at the assistant, "I want to buy another bunch!"

   Buy another bunch?

  The assistant froze.

   Doesn’t it mean that the taste is not good?

  The taste is not so good, do you want another bunch?

   What magic operation is this?

   "Are you deaf?" Alice said displeased when the assistant was motionless.

  Assistant then reacted, took out the money with a smile and handed it to the boss, "Please come again."


   The boss handed the candied haws to Alice, and said with a smile: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, this lady! Isn't our Dahuaguo's ice candied haws delicious?"

   Alice held the candied haws and said with a look of disdain: "I took it back for the dogs to eat."


   Hearing that, the assistant was a little surprised.

  When did Alice get a dog, why didn't she know?

   The boss smiled and said nothing.

   Alice took the candied haws and walked to a milk tea stall again, looking at the assistant, "I want to drink this."

The    assistant's face was full of embarrassment, "Miss Alice, I really can't explain to my wife like you."

   How to explain this?

Assistant    continued: "You are a rich man. If something goes wrong, I can't afford it."

   "You don't have to bear it!" Alice became impatient.

  Why Song Jing can drink but she can't?

Assistant    sighed, with a helpless look on his face, looked at the boss, "How much is this one cup?"

   The boss pointed to the price list and said, "There are prices here, you can order whatever you want."

   Alice didn't look at the price list and said to the shop owner, "I want to be the same as the girl just now."

  The shop owner was stunned.

   She receives so many guests every day, how does she know which Alice is talking about?

   Alice continued: "It's the most beautiful one."

  After a while, Alice added: "She is also from your Chinese."

   After saying this, the shop owner understood and asked with a smile, "Is it the couple who just came?"

  People are always impressed by beautiful things.

   What's more, Song Yu and Yu Tingzhi are simply a combination of golden boys and girls.

   is like a myth shining into reality.


  The shop owner continued: "If they want taro ball milk tea."

   Ellie said without hesitation: "Yes, yes, I want that too."

The assistant    couldn't understand Alice's operation anymore.

   Obviously came here today to trouble Song Jing.

   But now, Alice is copying the food Song Jing has eaten.

   What does this mean?

The assistant    reminded in a low voice, "Miss Alice, have you forgotten the purpose of our going out today?"

   Alice squinted her eyes, "Know yourself and know your enemy and win a hundred battles."

  After a while, Alice continued: "I don't worship Song Jing, I just want to completely trample her under my feet."


   If Alice didn't say anything, she wouldn't doubt it yet

   Soon, the milk tea was also made.

  There is no tea in country C, so Alice has never drank milk tea.

   When she drinks milk tea, her first impression is that there is such a delicious drink in the world!

  Fragrant and silky.

   Alice looked at the assistant, "Pack a cup and bring it back to the dog."

  The assistant can only do so.

   but dog

  Can you really drink milk tea?

   Next, Alice visited every stall that Song Jing had visited.

  The assistant's hand is about to be broken.

   But Alice still had no intention of stopping.

too crazy!

   Alice obviously came to Song Jing to settle accounts, but in the end it turned into a buy, buy, buy

   This leaves the assistant speechless.

   Looking at Song Yu who was walking in front, Alice squinted her eyes, as if she suddenly remembered something, and looked to handle, "Does Song Yu have a boyfriend?

  The assistant is speechless!

   It's been so long!

   You just noticed this?

   But the assistant definitely showed his true thoughts, nodded and said, "That is Song Jing's fiance."


  Alice's face was full of surprise, "She already has a fiancé!"

The assistant    nodded.

   Alice touched her chin and continued, "But her fiance is quite handsome."

   Hearing this, the assistant widened his eyes.

   Is this something you should be worried about now?

   Alice narrowed her eyes, "I will also find a fiance who is so handsome in the future."

   Otherwise, she would rather not marry for the rest of her life.

   Speaking of this, Alice seemed to think of something, squinted her eyes and said, "Song Wei is a bad woman who specializes in stealing other people's things, and her boyfriend is definitely not a good thing!"

   After all, there is a saying called a nest of snakes and mice.

   Alice turned to look at the assistant, "Is her boyfriend a bad guy?"

The assistant    continued: "Her boyfriend has special conditions."

   "Tell me." Alice's eyes flashed with excitement.

Assistant    then talked about Yu Tingzhi's situation.

   Hearing this, Alice's face was full of speechless expressions.

  Especially when he learned that Yu Tingzhi was a waste.

  Yu Tingzhi is worthless in China, and I don't know how Song Jing likes him.

   "Song Jing's eyesight is too bad!" Alice sighed, "What a shame for a beauty!"

The assistant    looked at Alice with a wonderful look on his face.

  Looking at Alice's appearance, it seems that she is still grieving Song Yuming!

   Does she still remember that Song Jing was the enemy who stole her clothes?

   The two followed Song Jing and continued to walk forward.

   At this moment, an accident happened!

   A child with an ice cream in front of him ran too fast and hit Song Yu directly.

   The black chocolate ice cream all smeared on Song Yu's legs.

  The bear child also fell directly to the ground because of the impact, crying.

   Seeing this, Alice's eyes widened!

  It's over, it's over!

   It's not good for this arrogant child to provoke anyone, but he has to provoke Song Yu, a woman with a scorpion's heart.

  Song Jing will definitely not let this bear child go.

   Alice silently lights wax in her heart.

   At this moment, Song Jing helped the little boy who fell to the ground, with a rare gentle tone, "Are you alright?"

   The little boy looked like he was about seven or eight years old. He was still holding half of the ice cream in his hand. His eyes were red from crying, but when he saw Song Yu's face clearly, he was stunned.

   But it only paused for a second, then started crying.

  Song Jing didn't have the slightest impatient look on her face, she raised a smile, "Don't cry, how about I buy you another ice cream?"

   Hearing this, the little boy raised his head to look at Song Jing, and said while crying, "Really?"

   "Yes." Song Jing nodded slightly, then looked at Yu Tingzhi next to her, "Brother Yu, go buy ice cream."

   Yu Tingzhi is holding a tissue and bending over to wipe off the chocolate on Song Yu's knee, "Okay."

Yu Tingzhi went to buy ice cream, while Song Hua took out a tissue from the bag and gently wiped the tears from the little boy's face, noticing the scratches on his hands, Song Hua took out a small porcelain bottle from the bag, "You It's hurt here, I'll put some ointment on you, it may hurt a little, you can bear it."

   The little boy nodded.

  Song Jing gently rubbed the ointment on the little boy, and finally blew lightly.

   The little boy looked at Song Jing and said shyly, "Thank you, sister."

   "It's called Auntie." Song Jing said.

   The little boy froze.


  Aren't aunts all describing people about the size of their mothers?

   This is obviously my sister.

   "Sister." The little boy spoke again.

   "It's Auntie." Song Jing corrected.

   The little boy was stubborn, "Sister."

  Song Jing no longer bothered about this issue, and said with a smile, "You can call it whatever you want."

   Soon, Yu Tingzhi bought ice cream.

   Seeing the ice cream, the little boy smiled and said, "Thank you uncle."

   Yu Tingzhi: "."

   This scene made Alice a little stunned.

   She thought that Song Wei would educate this bear child fiercely.

did not expect.


   This is very wrong!

   "Song Wei seems to be kind." Alice said.

   Looking at Alice like this, the assistant is used to it.

   Before waiting for the assistant to react, Alice continued: "No, Song Wei must be acting for me! But what's the point of her doing all this? Is she trying to please me?"

Assistant beside   : .

   You can really entertain yourself.

   Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, the assistant continued, "Miss Alice, should we continue to follow Song Jing?"

   Alice squinted her eyes, "For the sake of Song Yu's favoring me, let's forgive her for the time being today! Go back!"

The assistant    nodded, took out his mobile phone and arranged for the driver to come over.

   Ellis continued: "But if I can forgive Song Wei today, it doesn't mean I can forgive her tomorrow. The account that should be reckoned has to be reckoned!"

   "The angels on earth can only be mine!"

   Having said this, Alice sighed.

   If only Song Jing hadn't stole her angel on earth.

   Maybe, she and Song Jing can still be good friends!

   She likes to make friends with big beauties!

   What a pity!

   Seeing her sigh, the assistant asked curiously, "Why are you sighing?"

   Alice said: "I'm thinking about how to make Song Wei disappear from this world."

  The assistant was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

   After a while, the car stopped beside the two of them.

   Alice got into the car.

  The assistant put the things in the trunk, and when she got in the car, she saw that the milk tea and rock candy haws that should have been given to the dog all went into Alice's mouth.

The assistant    swallowed his throat.

  In a luxurious villa.

  This villa looks no different from a normal villa, but the interior of the villa seems to be connected to another world.

   Tech is everywhere.

  A gray-haired old man sat at the desk and looked at the young woman beside him, "Have you found anyone yet?"

   The young woman shook her head.

   The old man narrowed his eyes.

  For a moment, the old man lit a cigarette, his wrinkled face was full of traces of years, "It's been two years."

  Young women are very beautiful and have flamboyant features.

   Wearing a black leather jacket, black leather pants, and a pair of knee-length boots, the aura is very strong.

   "Grandpa, don't worry." The young woman continued, "If she is not dead, we will find her one day."

   "If it really died"

   Hearing this, the old man frowned, "If we really die, then all our previous efforts will be overturned."

   Hearing this, the young woman also frowned slightly.

  I thought everything was under their control at first, but I never thought about it, but when it came to the last step, there was nothing wrong.

   Now, one wrong step, one wrong step.

After a while, the old man looked up at the young woman and said earnestly, "Sihang, you are our family's only hope."

   Sihang nodded.

   "Grandpa I know."

  Because she knows the burden on her shoulders, she has always been walking on thin ice.

   "No matter what, she must be found." The old man continued.

   Sihang's face was full of determination, "Don't worry, as long as she is still alive, I will bring her back to apologize to you in person."

   The premise is that she is not dead.

   But Sihang always felt that no one could survive under such circumstances.

  To die is to die.

  Unfortunately, Grandpa couldn't accept the fact that the man was dead.

   Hearing this, the old man's face was inexplicable.

  Si Hang looked at the old man, considered the words in his heart, and then said, "Grandpa, she is not the only one in this world who can accomplish our great cause."

   She can too.

  The old man didn't speak, just sighed.


  sihang called again.

   Her name is Sihang.

   The commander-in-chief, the voyage of the voyage, from the moment she was born, her parents placed high hopes on her.

   Available now.

   Air China has become less like Air China.

  The battleship that was supposed to ride the wind and waves turned into a small sailboat hiding in the harbor.

   Not even a small sailboat.

what is this?

   What is this like?

"Hanghang," the old man looked up at Sihang, very rare, this time, his brows and eyes softened a bit, and even the title changed, "First, I'm your grandfather, secondly, it's you Your superior. As a grandfather, I know your strength very well. As a superior, I also hope that you will break through yourself, but from the grandfather's point of view, he does not want to lose his favorite granddaughter."

   "Hanghang, I hope you can understand this."

   Sihang lowered his head and did not speak.

   In my impression, Grandpa rarely had such a time.


   Is her strength really so vulnerable in Grandpa's eyes?

  For a moment, Sihang looked at the old man, "So, do you have to wait?"

  Wait for a result that has no result at all?

  The old man nodded, "It's not the time yet."

   "Eternal light doesn't go out, it means she is still alive."

   may get a makeover.

   may also hide in the crowd.

   In short, someone like her would not easily die in such a place.

   Finally, the old man coughed violently.

   "Are you all right?" Si Hang immediately came over and slapped the old man on the back, looking nervous.

  Grandpa's health is not good. The longer he stays here, the worse it will be for his health.

  The old man covered his mouth and shook his head, "I'm fine, don't worry."

After a while, the old man said with a pale face: "It seems that I have to go back."

   "I'll go back with you," said Si Hangdao.

  The old man shook his head, "You stay here, guard the ever-bright lamp, and wait for me to come back."

   Sihang seemed to want to say something, but he swallowed the words again.

   At times like this, even if you are unwilling, you can only endure it, "Okay, with me here, you don't have to worry."

