MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-Chapter 10 little girl's hope

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At this moment, Yang Qing was sitting on the floor next to the computer desk. The broken glass on the ground was simply pushed aside. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the computer mainframe.

At this time, his spirit was so traumatized that it naturally shrank and shrunk directly into his body, so he had to rely on his eyes to distinguish external objects.

The host is always on. Although it is an old model a few years ago, it is well maintained. The cpu uses liquid cooling. The sound of the power supply fan in the case is almost inaudible. It’s just that the host has not been operated for a long time. It has entered a dormant state, and only maintains the lowest running state, waiting to be awakened.

This host is the shelter he chose for Xiao Ai. In fact, there is no other choice at this time. Yang Qing has no chance to make a suitable carrier for Xiao Ai. She only hopes that with the characteristics of half of her digital life, Being able to successfully enter the digital world of the Internet, as for the incompatibility of the base system, it is just a trivial matter, and it is good to survive first.

"Don't resist!" At the last moment, Yang Qing wrapped Xiaomei with his spiritual consciousness to prevent her from being evaporated. As he said to her, he suddenly stuffed his spiritual consciousness and Xiaomei inside into the memory particle.

Fortunately, he is not that kind of nerd. He obviously studies software, but he knows nothing about computer hardware. This computer was a few years ago. He bought accessories from the Internet and DIYed it himself. He used the top configuration at that time. The location of the memory is clearly remembered.

It is also fortunate that the consciousness and Xiao Ai's soul do not have physical properties, so they can penetrate the package on the surface of the memory particle without any obstacles, directly enter the inside of the transistor, and connect to the electric field of the internal wiring. The whole body squeezed in just a little bit.

Although it is in hibernation, in order to be able to restart at any time, the memory is always powered on, so that the data will not be lost, but the CPU is always in a standby state. This is why Yang Qing chose the memory instead of other places. The reason for stuffing it in is that only here can she exert the instinct of a digital life and turn herself into a series of beating numbers instead of solidified data on the hard drive.

Following the intrusion of the divine consciousness and Xiaomei, the power supply of the mainframe hummed and spun desperately, and the monitor also lit up at the same time, but this time what was displayed on it was not the Windows desktop, but a series of garbled characters. Turn the monitor screen into a kaleidoscope.

Don't look at how small Ai looks when she is in the spirit state, but when she was in the fairy world, her cores were calculated according to YB. A mere sixteen gigabytes of memory can hold it, so in addition to the 256 gigabyte solid-state hard drive that cannot hear any movement, even the spare 2T mechanical hard drive is also spinning rapidly, using it as virtual memory.

But these are still not enough. In Yang Qing's eyes, his expensive chassis has turned into a roaring tractor, and there is a faint smell of burning coming from it, but the patterns circulating on the screen are still unchanged. It can stabilize and turn into a slide show that plays slowly frame by frame, and then suddenly disappears, and the screen is black. Apparently, Xiao Ai has concentrated all her computing power internally, and has no ability to output externally.

As the highest crystallization of human wisdom, the computer is also extremely fragile. Not to mention the internal core of the cpu and graphics card, even if a capacitor on the motherboard explodes, it may be completely paralyzed. Obviously, if the host computer burns out after a while, all of Xiao Ai's Efforts become useless.

Still not working!

Yang Qing sighed in his heart, a dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor, if there is a server with a disk array in front of him, maybe there is still a chance, he thought about it, a little bit reluctant, wrapped the sea of ​​consciousness The spiritual energy particles were thrown into the memory, where the fluctuations of Xiaomei's weapon soul were the most intense.

This was already the last bit of effort he could make, if it didn't work, it meant that Xiao Ai was doomed to perish on Blue Star, and there was nothing he could do.

And these spiritual energy particles are precious, but Yang Qing is determined not to absorb them until the hidden dangers it brings are eliminated. After all, this thing still has to be combined with the body before it can feed back the soul, and it will be a disaster if it stays.

Now I just hope that Xiao Ai hasn't completely discarded the memories of when the Great Desolate Immortal Realm controlled the refining equipment, so that she still has a chance to refine the host machine as a magic weapon.

He silently blessed Xiaomei in his heart, and he stopped paying attention. His spiritual consciousness entered his body, assessing what happened just now, and the damage caused to his body.

At this time, the transparent energy combined with shock had been exhausted, and it was precisely after discovering this that he had the courage to poke his spiritual consciousness towards him, and he was careful to cut his wrists to escape.