MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1465 Extraordinary Qi Haoran (7)

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   Mu Yangling laughed, "Brother, if you want to give Haoran money, just say it. You don't need to look for these reasons. Although the money is taken by me, it is not my private house. It is shared by our husband and wife."

   Qi Xiuyuan pouted, "You don't need to give him face, he is not proficient in other things except for his talent in fighting. If it weren't for you, would he have brought such a big family business?"

  Qi Haoran nodded again and again, and gave Mu Yangling a wink, "Yes, yes, that's what you've earned, even if it's your private house."

   Mu Yangling was very principled, unwilling to take advantage of Qi Xiuyuan, and insisted not to accept his money.

   Fan Zijin couldn't help but said, "Give me all your money, I don't dislike it."

  Qi Xiuyuan raised his fingers and tapped him on the head, and said with a smile, "You just picked a box of treasures from my private library, aren't you satisfied?"

  Fan Zijin couldn't help rolling his eyes, "No matter how precious those things are, they are not worth two hundred thousand taels. Besides, don't you all dislike the money? I don't dislike it."

  The act of pushing ended with Fan Zijin's shameless insertion. Qi Xiuyuan didn't say whether the money was given or not, or to whom. He walked back to his cabin with his hands behind his back and closed the door to cut off everyone's eyes.

  Qi Haoran clutched his chest and said to Mu Yangling with heartache: "A-Ling, since eldest brother wants to give us money, why don't you accept it?"

   This is 200,000 taels. In order to raise money for the shipbuilding, he not only borrowed foreign debts from Fan Zijin, but also sold his private house and several collections for money, just to surprise Mu Yangling.

   Qi Haoran spends a lot of money, but money is still a very important treasure to him.

   Mu Yangling said, "We're not short of money, why do you want big brother?"

   Qi Haoran said solemnly: "To make eldest brother happy," he shouted, "You don't see how disappointed eldest brother is when you don't want money, even if it is for eldest brother's pleasure, you can borrow money."

  "..." So Qi Xiuyuan pursed her lips tightly because she didn't accept the money he sent?

   What's wrong with this?

   is not one or two hundred taels, but two hundred thousand taels!

  When did silver become so cheap in Daqi?

Fan Zijin coughed lightly, glanced at Mu Yangling, and said indifferently: "Big cousin is compensating, if he gives it to you, go ahead, then he will be happy, anyway, he is not the emperor now, the things in the private library think about it. Use it however you want."

  Qi Xiuyuan used the money of his younger brother and cousin to build a large country in the country. Rationally, he gave his younger brother and cousin a hereditary throne, which was regarded as a return.

   But emotionally, he just feels that he owes a lot to the two of them, so he likes to send Fan Zijin some antique calligraphy and paintings from time to time, some solitary books, etc.

  Since he became the Supreme Emperor and could control the assets in his name as he wanted, Qi Xiuyuan had the feeling of being an elder brother more than 30 years ago.

   So as soon as we got on the boat, Qi Xiuyuan saw the arrangement above and knew that it cost a lot.

The younger brother has never been restrained in spending money, so his money has never been loose. It is not a secret that he borrowed money to build this sea-going ship, so his heart aches and pains, and he will give his younger brother 200,000 taels with a wave of his hand. He also went to the private house of his sister-in-law. How can I say that this boat was also built by my brother and given to my sister-in-law. I can't ask my sister-in-law to pay for it in the end.

   The younger brother doesn't show on his face, but he doesn't necessarily feel uncomfortable in his heart.

   Who knew that Mu Yangling would not accept his money, Qi Xiuyuan was very depressed.

   Qi Haoran didn't feel very uncomfortable about the fact that his daughter-in-law had to pay nearly half of the money for the gift he gave to his daughter-in-law.

   Mu Yangling understood and asked in a low voice, "So I did something bad?"

"No," Qi Haoran took her hand and comforted her: "You did the right thing. Logically, we really can't take the eldest brother's money, it's still such a large sum of money, but next time he will give it to you. Go on."

   "Just take it for him, and we will give it to him later when eldest brother needs it." Qi Haoran whispered: "I see that eldest brother is very uncomfortable with this money in his hand."

  Qi Xiuyuan was subject to too many constraints in the past. Although he was an emperor, he was unwilling to even eat extravagant meals, let alone spend the money in the inner treasury as he wanted.

   It can be said that when Qi Xiuyuan was the emperor, the emperor's inner treasury was equivalent to the second treasury of Daqi.

But now he can control the things in his private library as he wants, but he has always been frugal. Suddenly he doesn't know how to spend the things in it, and he is ashamed of his younger brother and cousin, so he keeps putting things out. deliver.

   Of course, Qi Xiu, who is keen to be the Emperor of Distributing Wealth, not only gives things to Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin, but also likes to reward others, such as the guards around him, former heroes and so on.

   Qi Haoran felt that instead of letting the elder brother distribute all the things to others, it would be better to have them all in his hands.

His eldest brother plans to travel around the mountains and rivers. With his temperament, he can't use the money from the national treasury, nor will he interfere with the emperor's internal treasury, and he will not reach out to several sons. It can be said that his expenses are almost All from Neiku and the assets under his name.

  According to the speed of eldest brother's wealth, who knows how long these things will last?

   In any case, he is always the emperor, and the quality of life outside the home cannot be too bad, not to mention the queen, so the cost is quite a lot.

  Qi Haoran always wanted to help his eldest brother manage his money bag after seeing the speed at which he was dispersing his money. Of course, he didn't have the ability, because it was also difficult for him to keep money, but he still had Arling by his side.

  Qi Haoran whispered to Mu Yangling: "We don't really want the eldest brother's money, take it first, and then save it for him."

  Qi Haoran smiled, "Big brother has given me a lot of money in the past four or five years, and if he gives us another 200,000 yuan, his money is almost finished."

   Mu Yangling reached out to hold his cheek and said, "Don't laugh like that, you look too bad."

  Those who didn't know thought that Qi Haoran was trying to steal his brother's property.

   Qi Haoran put away the smile on his face, looked at his wife seriously and said, "So, do you look like a good person?"

   Mu Yangling couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  Qi Haoran turned around expressionlessly, and went to knock on his brother's door seriously.

  Qi Xiuyuan was depressed, and when he saw his younger brother, he didn't look good. He lifted his eyelids and glanced at him lightly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Li Jinghua got up with a smile and said, "You brothers are chatting, I'll go make tea for you."

   "I've troubled the Queen's Wife," Qi Haoran nodded solemnly.

  Qi Xiuyuan saw that his face was serious, and the indifference on his face could not help but put away, and asked, "What happened?"

  Qi Haoran waited for Li Jinghua to close the cabin door, then he sneaked up to the big brother, lowered his voice and said, "Big brother, do you think it counts to give me 200,000 taels?"

   "..." Qi Xiuyuan choked for a while before looking him up and down and asked, "Do you want money?"

   Qi Haoran nodded.

  Qi Xiuyuan asked, "What do you want money for? Don't you have an estate in your hands? You should have a lot of money in your hands."

"It's a lot, but the money is all in Ah Ling's hands. She has not wronged me for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but it's not enough to buy something more expensive." Qi Haoran said pitifully, but Qi Xiuyuan was indifferent and asked lightly: "for example?"

   Qi Haoran only blinked from Qi Xiuyuan before saying after a while, "Brother, do you know where I got the 300,000 cash for my shipbuilding?"

"I know, you have some of your own private house, you sold some trophies, and you borrowed some from your four sons," Qi Xiuyuan pouted and said, "You, the father of the most, are useless enough to spend money. I have to reach out and ask my sons for it.”

   Qi Haoran complained, "It's not that Arling is in strict control."

"If you want me to tell you to manage it well, or with your generous hands, I'm afraid that no amount of money will be enough for you to squander, let alone earn such a large family business for a few children, you just say you want money What are you doing, don't bet around me."

   Qi Haoran held it back for a long time before he could say a word, "Use it for business."

Read The Duke's Passion