MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1432 Extra Jewel (5)

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   "Of course it's not good," Baozhu pinched her waist and said, "I've been preparing for a long time, so I won't have a chance next time."

   She escaped from Aunt Huang and ran in. After today, she must be the one to be strictly guarded.

   The fourth prince heard the story and knew that there was a story in it, and immediately insisted: "The injuries we suffered yesterday are not completely healed, and we will fight when we are healed."

   "No," Xiaofu stared, "You didn't say that just now, don't you be afraid of seeing the orb?"

   The fourth prince slapped his cheeks and insisted: "Of course not."

   If rumors spread that they were afraid of a girl, what face would they have?

   The three of them are indeed afraid of Orbs, her force value is higher than Xiaofu, but this is not the main reason, the main reason is that she is a girl!

  The father and the fourth uncle both have only two daughters, but everyone holds them in their hands. In the palace, whatever the elder sister likes, the father always gives it without thinking.

The four uncle also hurt the younger sister. It is said that it was obviously the disaster of Baozhu. In the end, the little leopard or the three brothers above were all beaten. The reason was that they did not protect the sister.

   If they really wanted to fight, they wouldn't dare to beat Baozhu, otherwise, if they fight well, even if they leave a mark, even if the fourth uncle doesn't beat them, the father and emperor will not let them go.

  The three princes all glared at Xiaofu and Xiaobaozi with grief and anger, and they found such a big killer. Isn't this letting them stand and be beaten?

  The fourth prince couldn't see Xiaofu's complacent appearance, so he jumped out and provocatively said: "You will also hide behind the women, and you have the ability to fight one-on-one!"

   Before Xiaofu could speak, Baozhu immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I will treat you, Xiaobaozi, you will treat the fifth cousin, Xiaofu, go and beat the sixth cousin."

  The fourth prince felt grief and indignation in his heart, pointed at Xiaofu and shouted, "Are you embarrassed to let a little girl face the biggest threat?"

   "What's your embarrassment?" Baozhu said before Xiaofu again, "You are not a threat to me, so let me go if you have any tricks."

  The Fourth Prince: "..."

   Swords were drawn on both sides. Seeing that a fight was about to take place, the third prince standing by the side raised his hand silently, "Can I apply to change the referee?"

   Both sides turned their heads and glared at him, "No way!"

   "But the father is here, I think it's better to let the father be the referee." The third prince hesitated for a while, but still looked embarrassed.

   Everyone was startled, and they all turned their heads to look towards the door of the upper study. Qi Xiuyuan, who was dressed in a black dragon robe, stood there with his hands behind his back at some point, looking at the children with a smile that was not a smile.

   A few people were startled and hurriedly knelt down to salute.

  Qi Xiuyuan stepped forward with a smile, and helped the orb up first, and a chamberlain had already carried a large chair and placed it behind the emperor.

  Qi Xiuyuan sat on the chair, holding only the orb in his hand, and was indifferent to the boy who was kneeling on the ground.

  Qi Xiuyuan asked Baozhu with a smile, "How did you get into the study? The guard at the door said he didn't see you coming in."

  Baozhu bowed his head embarrassedly, "Uncle Huang, I came in through the wall."

  Qi Xiuyuan said in a soft voice, "You suddenly disappeared, which frightened the grandma, so next time you have to run around the palace without saying a word."

   Qi Xiuyuan was just finishing his government affairs, and when he heard that the precious niece was entering the palace, he went to the harem to see her niece while taking a walk.

He and the fourth brother both have only one daughter, so the royal daughter Jin is very expensive, and he likes girls very much. Thinking that Mingzhu has reached the age of marriage, and the queen is choosing a consort for her recently, he feels melancholy, and he wants to see his niece even more. .

   As a result, before he got to Kunning Palace, he encountered a palace maid who hurried back to report the situation, so he diverted to the study halfway.

   He stopped the person to be notified, and stood aside watching a good show.

   He could see that the little leopard was purely fighting against injustice, and he didn't have much disgust with his cousins. Needless to say, Xiaofu, this child is not only a client, but also a victim, and his sons are naturally at war with each other.

  The interesting thing is that the pearls are very protective of Xiaofu, and they hate a few cousins ​​more than the little leopard.

   So the emperor curiously pointed to the fourth prince and asked Baozhu, "Why do you want to beat up your cousins?"

  Baozhu is no longer an innocent and ignorant girl, but she still said truthfully: "Because I hate them, and I didn't bully them, we are a fair fight."

   Qi Xiuyuan smiled and could call a fight a contest. It seemed that Baozhu was much smarter than his foolish younger brother.

   Qi Xiuyuan asked with interest: "Why do you hate them?"

   Baozhu said solemnly: "They not only bully the weak, but also the brothers, isn't that annoying enough?"

She said: "Daddy taught us to love each other since we were young. Every time our brothers robbed something, they would be punished by Daddy. He said that what should be ours is ours. What kind of guy?"

   "Usually the brothers will let the younger one a little bit. Brother Xiaofu is younger than the cousins. It's okay if the cousins ​​don't let him. It's really bad that they even united to bully him."

When Baozhu said this, he glanced at his cousins ​​and said, "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Back then, brother Xiaofu was weak and had to leave the capital. Now that he's back, he naturally wants to find the place back. Humph, there are three of them. , we also have three people, three to three, no one should take advantage of anyone!"

   Qi Xiuyuan was embarrassed, as if he saw a female bandit, "Who taught you all this?"

   "Is this still worth teaching?" Baozhu said in amazement: "It's written in the book, stabbed at both sides for my brother! Brother Xiaofu is my brother, and I will definitely protect him when he is bullied."

   Qi Xiuyuan laughed when he heard the words, and said, "But your cousins ​​are also your brothers."

  Baozhu said righteously: "I'm not helping my parents!"

  Qi Xiuyuan nodded Baozhu's nose and asked with a smile, "If it was someone else who was being bullied, would you stand up for them?"

   "Of course," Baozhu said without thinking: "If it's wrong, it's wrong. If the cousins ​​did something wrong, I will definitely ask them to change it."

Qi Xiuyuan nodded with satisfaction, patted Baozhu's hand to make her stand aside, raised his hand to call Xiaofu up, leaned forward slightly, looked into his eyes and asked, "Xiaofu, do you also hate the fourth child? cousin?"

  Xiaofu hesitated for a moment, and swayed between lying and being honest. When he looked up, he saw Baozhu's chest and full of confidence. He lowered his eyes and answered honestly, "Yes!"

  Qi Xiuyuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, his smile became wider, and he didn't feel angry at all, and continued to ask softly, "Then how do you want to get revenge? Do you treat them like they did to you?"

  Xiaofu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, as long as they fight us."

This is the palace. They have their mother and concubine who dote on them in the palace, and the uncle of the emperor loves them very much. They won't have that kind of panic, so he won't make this request, as long as he can beat them Just get out.

   He didn't forget the fear of being beaten up by them when they blocked him.

   Qi Xiuyuan nodded and replied, "Okay, Uncle Huang will let you fight."