MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1399 Extra 范子 衿 (16)

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  Fan Zijin jumped off the horse wearing a hat, couldn't help but took off the fan from his arms and fanned it, and said with a bitter face, "Why is it getting hotter and hotter, aren't we heading north?"

   Qi Haoran unloaded the burden from the horse, found a shady place to put it down, and tied the horse aside to eat grass and rest.

"Let's rest here at noon today and wait for the sun to set in the west before leaving." Qi Haoran took out the dry food, took off the water bag and gave it to him, comforting him: "I'll go into the woods for a while and take a look. Can we catch some prey, if we can, we will eat game at night."

Fan Zijin nodded sullenly, and said, "First, let's count the money on our body. I thought we would be caught and spend money. Since our pursuers ran ahead of us, the probability of us being caught back is very high. If it’s less, we’ll save some money in the future, don’t even think about subsidizing those refugees, you have to save some for ourselves.”

   Qi Haoran sullenly took out the oil paper bag on his chest and gave it to him, and then poured out the silver ingots in the jacket.

Fan Zijin counted the silver notes and sighed, "This money is too frivolous." Only 10,000 taels remained in less than a month after more than 50,000 yuan, and there were not many silver ingots. Fan Zijin counted it, and it was only 120. Twelve.

   He wrapped the silver bill and put it back into Qi Haoran's arms, and said solemnly, "We will not use the silver bill in the future. With only these silver ingots, we will definitely be able to go to Xingzhou Prefecture to find the big cousin."

Seeing Qi Haoran's reluctance, Fan Zijin said, "I heard that the eldest cousin has to support his army by himself, and the food and salaries given by the imperial court are simply insufficient, so it might be better to leave the 10,000 taels to the eldest cousin. He, it's not good that he can't get the same gift."

   Qi Haoran heard the same thing, nodded and agreed, put the silver note close to his body, and then stuffed the silver ingot into the shackle and threw it aside.

  The two of them were so casual about the silver, which made the people watching from afar on the mountain grit their teeth, "The rich are just different, so much money is just thrown aside so casually."

   A strong man with a face full of flesh rubbed his knife and sneered: "That's because they have more money in their arms, and those on the ground are not worth mentioning at all."

He glanced condescendingly, put away the knife and said, "Let's go, you guys be careful, that white-faced little boy is very smart, don't tell him to see the flaws, you have also seen the round-faced little boy's kung fu. , knocking down forty or fifty of us will not be a problem."

   After saying that, he turned his blade and said with a cold face: "If the deeds are revealed, they may not kill us, but the big boss will definitely take our blood sacrifice flag when the matter is exposed."

  The hearts of everyone were chilled, and they immediately became cautious. Yu Niang in the team grabbed her daughter's arm fiercely, and whispered: "Cry when the mother tells you to cry."

  Fan Zijin and Qi Haoran at the foot of the mountain were completely unaware of the danger coming. They were lucky today. Qi Haoran took out a big pheasant only after going in half a circle.

   Qi Haoran hung the pheasant on the branch with a smile, and said proudly, "We will eat this at night."

  Fan Zijin couldn't help but smile, but before his smile fell, he saw Qi Haoran frowning and looking towards the road.

  Fan Zijin followed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "I heard yelling and crying."

  Fan Zijin listened carefully and found that he didn't hear anything, but he didn't doubt Qi Haoran's judgment, and pondered for a while: "Look at me for a while, don't intervene resolutely."

   Qi Haoran nodded solemnly.

   Soon, a group of people appeared at the bend of the road. Two burly men with knives drove an old woman, a young woman and a little girl to this side.

   Both of them frowned slightly. Qi Haoran, needless to say, couldn't help moving his fingers when he saw the two burly men pushing the old woman forward, but he still looked at Fan Zijin, waiting for his decision.

Fan Zijin also frowned fiercely. If he encountered such a thing in the capital, he would probably not see it, but for the past month, he has been doing good deeds to help people almost every day, which has formed a kind of "helping others, the way of the road". Seeing the injustice and drawing a knife to help.” At this time, seeing the old and weak women and children being bullied by two big men with big faces and big knives in their hands, it is inevitable that they will not be used to it.

   He glanced at Qi Haoran, who had the same eyebrows, and waved casually, "Go and rescue people."

   Qi Haoran rushed forward immediately, and a swallow turned over and flew to them. He didn't even land on the ground, he just kicked out with both feet, and kicked the two big men with big knives and flew out.

  The old woman and the mother and daughter of Yu Niang were stunned, they sat down on the ground and stared at Qi Haoran dumbfounded.

   Qi Haoran landed in front of them and sneered at the two strong men: "I saved them young master, why don't you get out?"

  The two strong men clutched their chests and shouted: "You young man is so unreasonable, they owe us money, but they want to send them back to pay off the debt, not to kill them, why do we have to blame?"

   Qi Haoran stared, and was about to scold him when he saw another strong man raised his eyebrows and said, "It's only natural to pay off debts, and we are justified wherever we go. How can you hit someone without asking indiscriminately?"

   Qi Haoran blushed, turned to look at them, and asked, "You really owe them money?"

The old woman nodded timidly and said, "I owe five taels, but they will charge twenty taels. Our family can only make fifty taels for selling iron. Where can we get twenty taels? They will take us. I went to the city and said that I would sell us for money, the old woman has enough to live, she sold it and sold it, I only have pity on my daughter-in-law and granddaughter, their lives will be ruined."

   Yu Niang covered her face and cried, her hand quietly pinched her daughter in her arms, and the little girl in her arms also burst into tears.

   Qi Haoran immediately softened his heart and looked in the direction of Fan Zijin hesitantly.

  It is indeed right to pay back the debt. Although Qi Haoran doesn't like two strong men, he can't beat people away like this, but these three people are indeed pitiful.

  Fan Zijin understood what Qi Haoran was thinking just by looking at Qi Haoran's eyes. He rolled his eyes secretly, took out a piece of twenty taels of silver from his jacket, stepped forward and asked, "Why do you owe them five taels of silver?"

   "Because my son was seriously ill and had no money to buy medicine, the old woman took the courage to borrow money. Who knows that her son was not rescued in the end, and she joined the family." After speaking, she burst into tears.

  Fan Zijin has been in contact with the people at the bottom during this period of time. Naturally, he knows that the poor people cannot afford to get sick or die.

   He carefully observed the faces of the two strong men, and saw that there was no difference, and he believed most of them.

And the two strong men also said angrily: "Before you borrowed the money, we agreed on the interest, we are the gongs and gongs with you, since you want to borrow, you should think about how to pay it back, and we also agreed at that time. If you can't afford it, then you will do it yourself, why do you have to be in such a state of mourning now?"

   "Okay," Fan Zijin said with a sneer, "Isn't it only twenty taels? Master will pay for them."

   After saying that, he threw the silver ingot in his hand to them, stretched out his hand and said, "Where is the IOU?"

The two strong men bit the silver ingot and then returned the IOU to him. Fan Zijin saw the words on it were crooked, and the borrower at the bottom just put a fingerprint on it, and showed it to the old woman to make sure it was them. It was burned on the spot after the IOU.

Read The Duke's Passion