MTL - The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage-Chapter 202 hurt

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Chapter 202

When Shen Miao Deng was a heart, it was a tight heart.

However, if Xie Jingxing can hide a little, it will be reluctant to perform, and it will always be said that Yongle will not say "the wounded Prince Rui" in front of Lu Ye’s two families. At this moment, Yongle Emperor has almost no concealment. Is it already stated that this incident is already serious enough?

Mrs. Ji stood next to Shen Miao and immediately clenched her hand. She was also afraid of being so anxious, and in turn advised her: "There is inevitably friction on this hunting ground, about where it was accidentally injured. So many guards and guards should be nothing." But on the face, there are more and more concerns.

Shen Miao didn't want Mrs. Ji to follow her own chaos, she should have a few words with her, but she didn't think so. Since Yongle Emperor let Xie Jingxing go out of the city first, and not let Xie Jingxing be exposed to these courtiers, then the injury suffered by Xie Jingxing will certainly not be as simple as "small friction."

She glanced around, no Xie Jingxing iron clothes, no Gaoyang, and her heart was even more anxious.

Yongle did not seem to want to say anything more, but he hunted the lion, and he did not see how happy he was. Everyone guessed the injury of Rui Prince, but also knew that Yongle Emperor was not happy this time. Everyone knows that Rui Prince and Yongle Emperor are deeply in love. Regardless of the serious injury of Rui Prince, they always go to the infield together and are injured. It is the Prince of Rui, and Yongle’s heart is definitely not happy. Therefore, no one dared to talk to Yongle Emperor at this time, and even quietly took up the arrogance and carefully served on one side.

Since the lion has already been hunted, everyone naturally does not have to stay in the hunting ground. Yongle Emperor wants to go back to the palace, and the family members of each of them will return to the government. When everyone was careful, Lu Zhengyi still asked the Yongle Emperor’s sixty-year ceremonies if nothing had happened. In the end, Yongle’s emperor still had a few faces on Lu Zhengyi. Today, it’s cold and screaming. The dissatisfied attitude of the courtiers was well-informed and whispered. Lu Zhengxuan was not only angry, but it seemed to be a little happy. The face of the fierce **** was terrible.

Shen Miao also has to hurry back to the Prince of Rui, she remembered the injury of Xie Jingxing. Mrs. Ji and Ji Yu also want to go, Shen Miao shook his head and said: "This thing has not been clarified yet, I am afraid that it is not so simple, the aunt and the feather book are now gone, but it is easy to be squandered. I will go back first. What is going on, when the aunt and the feather book are better, come over." After a pause, he said: "The more you are at this time, the more you can't be self-defeating."

Although Ji Yushu and Mrs. Ji did not understand what the ins and outs of this incident were, they were also those who had been playing in the vortex of the imperial power, and slowly found the taste of Shen Mi. The season's adults are deeply convinced of the words of Shen Miao, and Ji Yushu and Mrs. Ji are no longer clamoring to follow.

A few people parted ways, and Shen Miao and Mo Qing’s group of people immediately rushed to the Prince of Rui to read; reborn in 1902. Star anise and fennel comforting Shen Miao: "Mrs. And rest assured, the martial arts of the master is not weak, and the average person wants to hurt him. It is impossible. This is the plan of the master, which is used to confuse the enemy."

Shen Miao shook his head: "I don't feel good in my heart." It is not good. It is like something is licking her heart. This feeling makes her feel uneasy. She wants to appear in the Prince of Rui, the next moment. See what Xie Jingxing is.

The star anise and the fennel face each other and don't make a sound.

After waiting for the Prince of Rui, Shen Miao went down to the gate and went straight to the gate. The guard at the door quickly released, and Shen Miao stepped in, but found the quietness of the house.

If it is normal, Tang Shu will also come up early, calling the lady back and send a sweet soup or something, but today there is no one.

Shen Miao’s heart was anxious, and he went to the yard without saying anything. Just in the courtyard, Tang Shu stood at the door of the house and walked back and forth, but it looked like a graceful look.

Shen Miaoxin "squeaks", Tang Shu just happened to see her, Shen Miao immediately went forward, did not tell him anything else, Zhang mouth asked: "How is he?"

"His highness is hurting him, and Gao Gongzi is healing him." Uncle Tang sighed with a sigh of relief: "I haven't seen His Highness for a long time."

When Shen Miao thought about it, he pushed the door and went in.

When I broke into the house, I felt a strong **** smell. The iron clothes around Xie Jingxing were also inside. Silently twisting the scorpion on one side, the blood in the basin was shocking enough. Gao Yang frowned and saw Shen Miao come in a slight glimpse, and even said: "You. Know it."

Shen Miao quickly walked to the bed, Xie Jingxing's eyes closed, his face was like paper, his lips were pale. His upper body clothes were pulled apart, but there was a layer of arrow wounds on the abdomen. The deepest part was a knife mark. This was obviously different from the last time, and the knife mark was obviously added. Because it just covered the old scars, it was almost old wounds and new injuries, and it was deep.

The most cold thing is that the blood around the wound is purple, and she points to the wound of Xie Jingxing. The tone is somewhat unstable: "this"

"Quenched poison." Gao Yang cut off her words in a crisp and neat manner.

Shen Miao was struck by lightning.

After a while, she set her mind: "You can solve it"

Gao Yang shook his head.

"This is not a poison, but a mixture of several poisons. If I want to solve it, I must first distinguish what kind of poison it is. It takes time, but his wounds can't wait so long."

"You can't wait for that long, you will find a way to let him wait. In short, his life is in your hands, can't make a mistake."

Gao Yang suddenly stayed. He knows that Shen Mu’s bones are not the gentleness and goodness of watching, but he is also the first time to see Shen Miao’s swearing and stern appearance. It seems that the superior is instructing the courtiers.

Even the iron clothes are stunned. He always feels that this future lady is smart and has a mentality, but the attitude is always softer. On weekdays, there is a gentle smile on the week, a little less. Hey, if you are accompanied by Xie Jingxing, it will inevitably become a drag in the future. Seeing the appearance of Shen Miao at this time, let him remind him of the death of the emperor.

Shen Miao took a deep breath and calmed down the mood before asking Gao Yangdao: "At the moment, it will last for a few days. It takes a few days for you to solve his poison."

"He can hold up to seven days, and I have to detoxify for at least half a month." Gao Yang showed his helplessness and even his fate for the first time: "It is imperative that he can't support it for seven days. His old injury has recurred."

Shen Miao screamed at Xie Jingxing. When he was lying in the **, he was very quiet, just like a sleeping boy. However, this kind of arrogance seems to be in the good skin of people’s lives, but there are many hidden The sword and the sword rain are killing the reads; When I looked at Xie Jingxing last time, I saw that there were many old injuries on him.

What she suddenly thought of, to Gao Yangdao: "You wait." Then he went out of the house and went to another room. The horror and the rain were waiting outside. On the same day, the two of them did not go to the hunting ground. In the house, they waited for the wonderfully injured Xie Jingxing. They were already flustered, and this time they were afraid of the overwhelming thoughts and thoughts. To comfort a few words, but see Shen Miao straight to the dressing table, from the drawer under the dressing table, took a small scorpion and opened the scorpion.

There was a round thing in the scorpion and a medicine bottle. Shen Miao grabbed the bottle and hurried back to the room where Gaoyang stayed. He handed the bottle to Gaoyang and said: "There are three capsules here, can you help him?"

In the scorpion, it was the time when Shen Miao was married, and Luo Tan and Feng Anning sent makeup. Luo Tan sent a compass, Feng Anning sent three capsules. Guiyuan Marumoto is something that can help people continue their lives, and it can make people who will die more. The good things left by Ming Qi’s great medical confession before the confession were difficult for Feng Anning to send. Shen Miao suddenly remembered, and I don't know if this thing can be useful to Xie Jingxing.

Gaoyang Yixi, said: "Where did you come from?" The pick-up took the pill bottle, poured out a grain to look at it, smelled it, and said: "Yes, it is Guiyuan Pill. Useful with this He can hold on for about ten days."

Shen Miao sighed and listened only to Gao Yang and said: "Within ten days, I may not be able to study the antidote."

"Whether you can study it, you have to try it. If it doesn't work, then let's talk. Now that you are a doctor, don't worry about it." She chilled.

Iron clothes and the uncle Tang who followed him looked at Shen Miao with a strange look. I didn’t expect that at this time, a woman’s house could still be so calm.

In fact, Shen Miao did not seem so calm on the surface, but now this time, if it is flustered, it will not help. She had to keep her mind well and think about what to do next.

Gao Yang nodded and said: "I am going to give him a needle now, and with Guiyuan Pill, let him settle down temporarily. You should go out first."

Shen Miao glanced at Xie Jingxing, and his heart seemed to be tightly held and went out. After going out to Tang Shudao: "You go ahead, I want to stay alone for a while."

Tang Shu’s words and stops, and finally said: "In any case, the wife must take care of the body, the old slaves will do their best to cooperate with the lady."

Shen Miao should be. Iron clothes and Tang Shu also left, sent a few shocked, Shen Miao stood outside the door, looked at the yard, but now it was tired and tight.

For a long while, she sat down at the steps in the yard.

The weather in June was hot, especially when it was hot and cold, but the ground was cool and the wind was simmering. Shen Miao felt a little cold. She thought, if Xie Jingxing really has three long and two short, what should she do? It seems that she should think about the future life, what she has to do in the future, this is the rational thing she should do. But at this moment, she could not persuade herself to analyze her sensibly in the future, as if the results were all she would not want to think about.

When Xie Jingxing’s position in her heart has become so important, it’s important to think that after losing this person in the future, I feel that the rest of the time is a bit boring. If you haven't tasted the taste of honey, it should be tolerable, but when you taste it and lose it, everything becomes unacceptable.

Someone’s footsteps came from the ear, and I didn’t know when I got to the yard, and saw her sitting on the steps and sat down. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Don't worry, he is a chilly prince, not so easy to accident."

Silent silence. And her dawn was a little stunned, and she felt so sad in her mouth that her heart was sour. Speaking of it, he seems to have never seen Shen Miao like this, Shen Miao in front of the shackles, always in the chest, the momentum is quite high, it is necessary to press him. When he was detained in the dungeon of the Dingwangfu, he once thought that Shenmiao would not be embarrassed by this, but worried about his life and death, when he was worried about people, what was it like now, he finally saw it, Shen When I was worried about life, there was no aggressive thorn, and the fragile was no different from ordinary women.

I always feel that I am sitting close to Shen Miaoming, and the distance between them is like a reading that is far away.

Ruan said: "Go back to the house, the wind is big."

"No," Shen Miao looked outside: "You are not all well, don't worry about me, go back to rest first."

Hey silent, said: "I will accompany you."

Shen Miao was too lazy to persuade him. Her mind was completely out of her mind at the moment, and she was worried about the injury of Xie Jingxing in the house.

Gaoyang was busy all night.

Shen Miao also sat for a whole night.

Speaking of it, on the night of the Xie Jingxing news on the hunting ground, Mrs. Ji snored, but Shen Miao did not fall asleep. She also didn't close her eyes for two days, but she was mentally awkward.

When the chicken called three times, Gao Yang opened the door and walked out. He saw the Shenmiao and the squatting people sitting in front of the door, and couldn’t help but sigh a little, saying: "You sat for one night."

Shen Miao asked Gao Yang on the knee that was already numb: "How is he?"

"For the time being, the effect of Guiyuan Pill is good. Next, I will study the method of detoxification in the house. No one should bother." He looked at Shen Miao again: "These days, he will take care of you."

Uncle Tang, who heard the news, couldn’t help but ask: "If it is ten days, you have not come out yet."

Gao Yang did not speak, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became heavy.

"You go." In the silence, Shen Miao opened her mouth, and her voice was calm, as if the person who was in the line of life and death was not her husband.

Gao Yang gave her a serious look: "I also hope to succeed. If it doesn't work, I will not be happy in this life."

He turned and left.

Uncle Tang looked at Shen Miao and looked at him again. He said, "Mrs., son, you haven’t eaten for the night last night. The condition of the master has stabilized. Or eat something first, take a break. Rest, don't hurt the master, but you are sick."

Shen Miao nodded, said: "Let's come to the house, I will take a break in this house, and it will be convenient to look after. In addition, I will send a message to Mrs. Ji's head, saying that His Highness is temporarily stabilized, but he has not yet woken up. Come, don't come over now."

Uncle Tang nodded and looked at Shen Miao. Seeing that Shen Miao had walked to the chair in front of the bed in the house and sat down, the light was stunned and turned and followed.

Gu Yu quickly brought a bowl of porridge over, and Shen Miao let her go out and take it to the door. There are only three people in the house who are fascinated and unconscious, Xie Jingxing and Iron Man. As she ate something, she asked the iron suit: "What the **** is going on, can you tell me now?"

Iron clothes.

Shen Miao stopped the action in his hand and stared at him with sternness: "On that day, you followed him into the infield. No one happened more clearly than you. Even if you only recognize him as a master, you can't glare at me. ”

Iron clothes busy said: "No, ma'am, but the master's plan is not very clear this time. Because of the Emperor's discussion with the master, even the Mexican army has not used it. But there seems to be something wrong in the middle, the emperor In the end of the game, some people were ambushed in the Guards. The master was seriously injured in order to block the knives. The knife was poisoned and some people wanted the life of the emperor."

In the moment of Shen Miao, it seems that some beads have finally been connected into a line, and the guess in my mind has a vague answer. This hunting is actually the game between Yongle and Lu, perhaps the Lu family. Yongle Emperor wants to use his own life to bring down the entire Lu family. The Lu family wants to take this opportunity to deal with Yongle Emperor, but he does not know that Yongle Emperor has made a determined determination.

However, Yongle Emperor’s plan to burn this jade did not tell Xie Jingxing, or that Yongle Emperor knew that Xie Jingxing would not agree, so Xie Jingxing would say “planned change”. In order to save the fate of Yongle, Xie Jingxing would suffer such a heavy injury. Ancient mixed-race children.

Shen Miao silently looked at the young man lying in the **, he is always arrogant and stubborn on weekdays, and is good at putting everything in his palm, and he is trying to calculate, but he is lifted up and gently lowered. In front of the casual smile. Because he is always accustomed to showing his own strength, so people forget that, in some ways, he is just an ordinary person, and he will also die and die. Once injured, he will be in jeopardy and may even be possible. Completely disappeared from this world.

Shen Miao’s heart burst into pain, recalling that before entering the infield, Xie Jingxing’s phrase “waiting for me to come back” and then looking at the eyes, I feel extremely ironic.

Then the effectiveness of Guiyuan Pills could not last long. Gaoyang could not study the antidote within 10 days, and how to make a good look at Xie Jingxing, the nails gradually embedded in the palm.

Look at the front and the back, if you can't do it in front of you, then the culprit must have tried ten times of his suffering.

In the Weiyang Palace, Yongle Emperor slammed the fold in his hand to the ground.

The Queen of Xiande sighed and bent down to smash the fold.

"He is courageous enough, and his heart is wild enough." The emperor's face sinks into the water: "This time is still swaying in front of you, you can't wait to lick his skin and drink his blood."

"Lu Jia's power is not a slap in the face, this time it is even more dangerous. If it is not Jingjing, the Queen of Xiande did not say anything."

Hearing the words, Yongle’s eyes flashed a sigh of pain, saying: “You can’t wait to die.”

"Jing Xing is a child with a strong sense of righteousness. Emperor Ming knows that he will not agree. So I didn't tell him at the beginning, isn't it in other words, even if the emperor arranged everything, he might not be happy with Jing Xing? It’s a shackle, and the emperor simply didn’t think about his feelings.”

The words of Queen Xiande with a thorn, but did not give the face of Yongle Emperor at all, Yongle Emperor was not happy, and the words were almost a little angry.

"The emperor does not have to be angry. At the moment, the scene has not yet been awakened. It is imperative to blame anything, and it is second." The Queen of Xiande told him so, reminding him.

Yongle Emperor closed his eyes and said: "Hey know. You only have such a younger brother."

"The injury of Jingxing has been taken care of by Gaoyang. There is still no news from the head of the Prince of Rui, but the emperor, and more importantly, the Lu family has already begun to work."

"Oh, I know." Yongle's lips twitched slightly. He looked like this. At this moment, Xie Jingxing of peacetime is similar to seven or eight points. It is clearly smiling, but it can make people feel his indifference. He said: "He wants to deal with 朕, since he is not dead, it is his turn to deal with him. Anyone has military power, and Lu Jiahuo’s time is long enough. This time, Xie Yuan’s is not good at all. The Lujia Jiuzu up and down, all for the funeral." He paused, another word: "Xie Yuan is good, they have no way to escape."

The Queen of Xiande slightly daggers and looks at the sky outside. Outside the palace in June, it was still a bright sun, but it was already overcast.

After all, it is going to change.

Gao Jiafu squats. Gao Yang just returned to the government, he heard a voice of imposing voice: "Gaoyang, you are clearly a big cool person, but I lied to you that you are Mingqi Dingjing people, you are not a doctor, it is clearly a cool minister of health. ,you liar"

Luo Tan stood in the doorway, her expression was a little embarrassed, and the eyes showed green and black traces. Looking at Gaoyang at this time, it is clearly a must-see for Gaoyang.

Gaoyang is going to come back to refine the medicine. His pharmacy is in his own house. There are also many herbs in the house. Gaofu and Rui Prince’s House are not far away. Therefore, they came back from the house and refining the medicine, but they did not expect to come back. Go to the question of Luotan.

The maid around Luotan looked at Gaoyang with apology. On the morning of the royal hunting, Luo Tan was supposed to avoid it according to Gao Yang’s instructions. Who knows that Luo Tan slipped out and just saw the Gaoyang who was walking in the courtiers. Reads; proud of Ling Tian. Luo Tan was confused on the trivial things in the ordinary days, but he was not savvy in the big things. Immediately after turning back to ask the maid, the waitress couldn’t see it when he saw it, and he had to hold it out.

For Luo Tan, this is somewhat unacceptable. Gaoyang is a pure doctor, so it doesn't matter if he is in the cool or in the Ming Dynasty, but he is obviously a cool minister of the martial arts, but he has been a doctor in Mingqi. This is no different from the enemy's spies and spies in the eyes of Luo Tan. In addition, Luojia is a family of military lords. When Luo Tan was a child and Luo Qiang was to go to the troupe to listen to the drama, most of the loyal and worthy sinners were lost in the secret behind the traitor.

Luo Tan had a good impression of Gao Yang. Although there were some minor shortcomings, she also took care of her in the weekdays. Now, the person who cares for herself has become a bad person. Luo Tan is very unacceptable.

This is really a house leaking and even the night rain, Gao Yang is busy with Xie Jingxing's busy moments at this moment, coincides with catching up with Luo Tan. If it was before, he would definitely explain it to Luo Tan with a good voice, but now time is really too late. Thinking of Shen Miao, I am sure that my heart is also uncomfortable. When a person is in a foreign country, her husband is still hanging on the line. Maybe a sister is with him. Then he said to the little girl around him: "Tell her, I am going to the advanced house, no one is allowed to come in." He went to the pharmacy.

Luo Tan originally thought that Gaoyang would explain some difficulties. After all, she still did not believe that Gaoyang would do such a mean and shameless thing. She did not expect that Gao Yang not only did not explain the default, but also ignored her directly into the house. She said: "Hey, what do you mean by this, you first explain to me, you are in the end"

"Luo girl," Gao Xiao, who was around Gaoyang, stopped her from saying: "Small talk to you, in fact, things are a bit tricky now. The son went out today to see a doctor. The Prince of the Prince of the Prince of the Kings had something to do. I need a son to heal."

Luo Tanyi: "Rui Prince is not my brother-in-law, what happened?"

Xiao Yan wiped the sweat: "This is a long story."

On the other end, Shen Miaofu was in front of Xie Jingxing’s bed, rubbed his eyes and sat up again.

After playing for a while, the spirit was a lot better. The man who turned to look at the ** still closed his eyes, as if he was asleep. Seeing him there is nothing to do at this moment, and the heart is relieved. However, her heart is always up and down.

Shen Miao feels that since she was born again, she has been peaceful and stable. Because of the predecessor's road ahead, she always masters things that others can't grasp, and she is forced to the end, but there is no. But for now, it is indeed the first time in this life that I can feel the power of helplessness. Although it does not happen to her, it is even more uncomfortable than her own.

But she will not be able to heal, and the second will not detoxify. Only three pieces of Guiyuan Pill can be taken out, and all hopes are pinned on Gaoyang. Shen Miao is not used to it. She slowly reached out and held Xie Jingxing's hand outside the quilt, as if to make himself feel at ease.

Tang Shu came over and sent some hot tea and snacks to Shen Miao. It’s not good to eat badly. The whole person is also watching. Tang Shudao: "The lady also eats something, so she has been caring for the master, and she is very tired."

Shen Miaodao gave a thankfulness, suddenly remembered something, hesitated, and asked: "Uncle Tang, when His Royal Highness arrived just two years ago, is this the same?"

Two years ago, the reason why Xie Jingxing looked back was another reason. On the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, there were Wenhuidi’s people in Xie Jiajun of Mingqi, who wanted to take his life. Xie Jingxing escaped life and death, but did not escape serious injuries. It seems that it is also a life and death danger. At that time, it was fortunate that Gao Yang was around, and Xie Jingxing’s own good fortune, otherwise I am afraid that there is no Rui Prince now.

Uncle Tang, a stunned look at Xie Jingxing’s eyes, said with memories: "The original lady also knows. Indeed, when the master returned for the first time, he was also sent back. The doctors at the beginning It is a miracle to say that the returning to the sky is weak and the high son is helpless. Finally, the master has come over.

------Off topic ------

When I say that amnesia comes out, I promise not to kill you. The amnesia is how many years ago I played. I haven’t been happy for a long time.

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