MTL - The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage-Chapter 167 Marry

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Chapter 167

"Miss Shen Jia?" The Prince was first stunned and then lost his voice: "Shen Miao?"

Fu Xiuyi looked at him but laughed.

"No." The prince shook his head. "Miss Shen Jia is the jewel of Shen General. I haven't decided yet. I am afraid that it is very important to see my daughter's lifelong events. How will I be willing to marry Donggong? Moreover," The Prince led a look at Fu Xiuyi and smiled: "Dingjing people know it all. When Miss Shen Jia was the favorite, Jiu Di, you can't take her heart."

Fu Xiuyi shook his head with a smile: "Where is she who likes me, it was just a small joke, but in the past few years, you have seen that I have had a half-hearted feeling, but it is colder than an outsider."

The Prince thought carefully, indeed, in the past two years, it seems that when I saw Fu Xiuyi again, it was not as hot as the original, and the cold and cold were like two people. They are still very puzzled. Having said that, the prince still said: "Maybe it is because you treat others, and Miss Shen is angry with you."

"Big brother is still trying to tease me." Fu Xiuyi said with a smile: "Under the situation, Shen is not the family I can climb. I am willing to find a wife with a less prominent status. Instead, I am comfortable." Fu Xiuyi seriously said: Why should Big Brother start from General Shen and Miss Shen? The words of the parents are the best way to give this to the father."


"Not bad." Fu Xiuyi saw that the wine glass in front of the Prince was empty, and he filled the wine glass of the Prince. This is not too slow: "The father is the most loved one. You are the big brother. Since the father has the heart to support the big brother, it will definitely give Big Brother is looking for a boost. If the older brother wants Miss Shen Shen, the father will definitely enjoy it. As a result, as long as the marriage ceremony is given, everything will be solved."

"Nine brothers think too simple." Prince translated his head: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet. You must know that Miss Shen Jia would not marry me. Although he had to enter the door of the East Palace because of the imperial edict, he would always have grievances in the future. General Shen will also have grievances against his father. If the marriage is not a crime, it will be bad."

“Why did Big Brother think so?” Fu Xiuyi looked at him with surprise: “The woman in the world is just a prosperous and stable future. Married to the East Palace, although it can’t be right, the identity of the Prince’s side is not low. Big Brother is enthroned, Miss Shen Jia is naturally promoted. Big Brother, your temperament is warm, as long as Miss Shen Jia is better, will see people in the future, how can she give up grievances to the big brother? It is like a big sister, when I married the big brother, it was also the father’s marriage. But now, it is not a single-minded plan for the big brother."

The prince heard the words, but he felt that Fu Xiuyi’s words were somewhat reasonable. Prince Edward was also married to the emperor at the same time. Before that, they had never seen each other before. They also had various unwillingness at first. Up to now, they have been deeply rooted in the love of the Prince, and they are thinking about the Prince.

"Women are like this, marry a chicken with a chicken to marry a dog with a dog, as long as it is better for her, they will follow the husband." Big brother is a dragon and a phoenix, how can you not fall a woman?"

The Prince was said to be a little embarrassed by Fu Xiuyi, and he waved his hands again and again. The two brothers are again pushing their hearts and pushing their cups, and they are very happy.

Only when the night was deep, after Fu Xiuyi left the East Palace, the drunkenness on the Prince's face was swept away. Instead, it was somewhat clear.

The aides came out from behind, and tempted to look at the Prince: "His Royal Highness, the words of His Royal Highness..."

"Nine brothers want to steal peaches for Li." Prince smiled and took a drink from his own drink. He smiled and said: "There is a bit of courage, now the father is suspicious of his heart, even dare Come to my East Palace to show my love. In this way, it was really our brother who stunned him."

"The proposal under the nine halls, let His Royal Highness and Shen family climb, how did His Royal Highness think?"

The prince put the wine glass in his hand and flashed a glimmer of light: "Although his heart is not right, but the policy can make it, I really need the power of Shen family. Shen Miao is a good piece, and it is no problem to come back." He laughed again. Laughter: "Since it is a good birth, it doesn't matter."

The aides nodded: "I have decided to agree with your Highness?"

The prince looked at the jug on the table: "A few Japanese palaces will personally mention this matter with the father. After the event, I will remember the love of the nine brothers."

The same as Fu Xiuyi expected, the score was not bad. Within a few days, the Prince was really the same as Wenhui Emperor. Wen Huidi did not immediately agree, but did not refuse, but looked at the Prince with a meaningful meaning, and finally laughed. : "Yes, when you haven’t grown up, you’re finally a governor.” Again: "I will consider it."

After the prince left, Wen Huidi was confronted with the justice of the other side: "The prince actually wants to be so fascinated, but he did not expect it."

Su Gonggong said with a smile: "Miss Shen Jia is good at learning, and the vision of the Prince is excellent."

"Get it." Wen Huidi dismissed: "Hey, there is no brain. Just the old nine this time gave the Prince a clear road, what does this mean?" In the words, it is known that the marriage with Shen Jia is Fu Xiuyi. The idea.

Su Gonggong was cautious and did not speak. These royal chores are a dead word, and he is a slave who never dares to blend.

"But just right, I wanted to support the Prince, and Zhou Wang and Wang are not getting rid of the shackles in the eyes. The old nine 朕 can't understand. The prince has a family behind him, which can balance Zhou Wang from the king. It is also possible to control Shen’s military power in his hands. It saves a little effort. Just...” Wen Huidi looked at the book on the table and smiled. He closed the fold and stood up: “Swing up, Kunning Palace. ”


Luo Xueyan received a message from the people in the palace and asked her to bring a message of Shen Miaojin to the palace tomorrow. I thought that there was something wrong with Shen Xin, and asked Shen Xinlai, but Shen Xin couldn’t figure it out. Regarding the royal family, the husband and wife will always be particularly cautious. However, my heart is cautious, but I dare not show it to Shen Mi, I am afraid that I will be afraid of Shen Mi’s heart.

Although Shen Xin and Luo Xueyan tried to say it was easy, but the heart of the heart could not be relaxed. Fu family for no reason, will not let Luo Xueyan take her into the palace. But what exactly is this time, there is no clue. I haven't sent her a letter for a long time. If I have a letter, I can still touch the next move of Fu Xiuyi... Suddenly, my heart suddenly moved, yes, why didn't I write to her for so long?

In the past, even if there was no major event, I would keep a letter with her, but it has been a long time, and there is a faint conjecture in the heart of Shen Miao. Could it be that I can’t write to her? What did you discover by Fu Xiuyi?

The heart is more and more confused. Since the inexplicable mad priests in Putuo Temple, it is difficult to calm down. She wants to know who the noble person has the life of "the fierce dragon" and wants to know who the previous life gave her the chance to come back again, but I don’t have a clue if I want to go, but it makes my mood more impetuous. .

Shen Miao looked up at the window involuntarily, and the door of the window was closed. Xie Jingxing once said that he would not be able to open the window in the future, but Xie Jingxing did not appear in these days. Shen Miao draped the skirt to the window and opened the window. The outside was cold and the night was tight.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in front of him. From the sun, he stood up from the bottom of the wall and looked at Shen Miao. "Miss is looking for the master?"

Shen Miao was shocked and was shocked. He was annoyed with his chest. He didn’t have a good air: "No."

From the sun, it seems that I have not heard the words of Shen Miao. I am serious and continue to say: "The master is not in Beijing recently, and the lady does not have to wait for him here."

"I didn't wait for him." Shen Miao stressed: "I am just breathable."

When Yang did not speak, Shen Miao thought of something and asked: "From Yang, if I enter the palace, can you go in together?"

From Yang Wenyan, he stunned, and then he was a bit stunned: "The subordinates are not in the palace. They are not familiar with the terrain in the palace. They follow the lady, there is no place to hide, and they are not sure not to be discovered."

Shen Miao coveted, since Yang is not sure not to be discovered, then forget it. I thought about it again, no matter what kind of tricks the Royals did, they would never be openly in the palace. After all, Luo Xueyan was there. When I think of it, I am relieved, saying: "It's okay."

"If the lady has something to say, she can tell her subordinates. When she delivers the letter, she will bring it to the master." I looked at it from the sun and said to myself.

Shen Miao "啪" shut the window, what kind of subordinates have what kind of master, do not listen to people!

On the other hand, Rui Wangfu, Gao Yang and Ji Yushu are studying a map. This map is densely marked with a lot of places. If you look closely, you can clearly see it clearly, but it is a military defense map.

The outside guards came to report: "Gao Daren, Ji Shaoye, Miss Shen Jia will enter the palace tomorrow, do you want to bring your letter to your Highness?"

“Into the palace?” Ji Yushu asked: “Is there anything?”

The guard shook his head.

Ji Yushu sighed: "These days I was busy doing this picture, I didn't help my third brother to look at Miss Shen. The third brother came back badly. I don't know if you ask me, you and I will be unlucky. Hey," he touched. Hit Gao Yang: "You are in the palace, what's the matter recently?"

"Nothing." Gao Yang thought about it, and said: "If you don't bring in the letter, he is busy with business, and the distraction is not good. Since there is no news from Yang, it should not be serious. If something really happens, we will block one. Block is all."

The guard went away.

Ji Yushu looked at Gao Yang: "How do I feel that you are not doing this properly?"

"What's wrong with it." Gao Yang impatiently said: "Look at the picture!"

Ji Yushu muttered: "If anything happens, the third brother asked why he didn't report it in time. I said it was what you let..."


On the second day, Shen Miao followed Luo Xueyan into the palace.

Every time I go into the palace, something will happen. Luo Xueyan is somewhat vigilant, but Shen Miao is used to it, because she has long known that the Tian family is not good, but it is not so nervous.

The palace ladies took them directly to Kunning Palace.

Brought to the Kunning Palace, the first thing I saw was the queen sitting on the main seat. The smile of the nephew sitting next to the emperor was stunned and plain, and it was actually Dong Shuzhen.

Queen and Dong Shuzhen? The heart of Shen Miao was lifted up at once.

The Queen is the birth mother of the Prince, and Wen Huidi is a well-behaved relationship between husband and wife, but the Queen itself is from the wealthy family, all the way down the wind, to the point of the moment, one heart on the body of the Prince, but the unintentional right in the harem . It’s a bit of a fierce and arrogant, but in the end, I’ve never tried to look at the most unobtrusive Dong Shuzhen.

Dong Shuzheng has always been outside the harem, just like Fu Xiuyi, looking at other scorpions fighting blood, oh, naturally there is a point, in which there is also a little bit of power she did not know, That is, a little bit of force, often pushing things to the worst place. By murder by knife, the disaster is cited? No one is better than Dong Shuzhen.

If Mrs. Zhai is brazen and arrogant, Dong Shuzhen is Wen Wenyi, and he smiles and gives a knife. Therefore, when the two of them saw each other, Dong Shuzhen did not go to Shenmiao, but she appreciated the lady.

When Shen Miao looked at the situation in front of her, she knew that the Queen was afraid that it would be used by Dong Shuzhen as a knife. After all, Dong Shuzhen is the kind of person who has to give himself a profit regardless of what he does.

The Queen smiled and gave Luo Xueyan a seat, but he waved at Shen Miao and signaled that Shen Miao came forward.

When Shen Miao went forward, the Queen looked up and down carefully, and smiled with satisfaction. She said to Dong Shu: "It's a whole person."

Luo Xueyan was somewhat restless, only wishing to take Shen Miao and grab the door. It’s just that there are too many helpless people. She doesn’t know what the Queen’s idea is. She has a natural intuition for her mother, especially those who have an attempt at her children.

"How old is this year?" asked the Queen.

"Return to the girl's words, the daughter of the sixteen." Shen Miao.

The Queen smiled and took the hand of Shen Miao and smiled: "When the palace was in the palace, I heard that this daughter of General Shen was both versatile. I saw it at the palace banquet and I felt extremely pleasing. In these few days of leisure, I asked Mrs. Shen to come to the palace with Miss Shen.” She sighed: “The 16th is so watery and intelligent, but I don’t know who the young master has such a good blessing and can sink. Miss Jia is a wife."

Luo Xueyan’s heart was “squeaky” and the hand hanging on his side suddenly clenched. The movement of Shen Miao’s heart was clear that the Queen’s purpose of calling them into the palace today was three points.

Dong Shuzhen also followed the smile: "Isn't it? The beautiful and well-behaved, I can't find a little arrogance, and now such a girl is rare."

"I don't know Mrs. Shen, Miss Shen can have a marriage match?" The Queen asked.

Luo Xueyan’s heart is entangled, but it’s a fast interface: “I’m not afraid of the goddess’ jokes. I’ve been squatting with the right young master and the little girl’s relatives recently.” If the royal family is playing this idea, then I’m afraid that it’s going to be so good now. The inquiries are clear. But they dare not bully, otherwise they will fool the royal family.

"This way." The Queen smiled more vigorously: "What about the palace to make a media for Miss Shen?"

"No!" Luo Xueyan didn't even think about it. Seeing the imperial color behind the emperor, he explained: "The young woman is still young, and the minister is reluctant to marry her, and she wants to stay with her for a few more years."

The Queen heard the words and laughed again. "Mr. Shen said that this is not right. She said that her daughter's family can't stay, stay and stay and stay in the enemy. You have been dragging and letting Miss Shen marry, Miss Shen is afraid in the future." Will blame you? Is it, Miss Shen?"

Shen Miao glanced at the empress and smiled: "The minister also wants to be with her mother." It was not a face to the queen.

The Queen’s smile was not so refreshing. She stared at Shen Miao. She didn’t know that Shen Miao had no brains, so she dared to be so arrogant, or deliberately hit her face. Thinking of such a woman as her daughter-in-law, the Queen’s heart was not so happy.

Or Dong Shuzheng saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and smiled and eased: "Miss Shen and Miss Shen and her mother-in-law are deep-seated, but it is enviable. But..." She turned her head: "The daughter's family always wants to marry. Not After marrying a person, you can't be a mother or a woman."

These words are to come to the round, but unfortunately, Luo Xueyan and Shen Miao did not accept the words of Dong Shuzhen.

Dong Shuzhen’s heart was a bit strange. When she was so obsessed with Fu Xiuyi, Dong Shuzhen thought that Shen Miao was a brainless woman who had no brains. Later, I thought it was not the case. I feel that there is still a bit of cleverness in the end, and I know that it’s clear and sturdy. Who knows that today’s look is not the same as Luo Xueyan’s, and the mother and daughter are as difficult as they are, hard and hard.

The Queen does not seem to be so accustomed to being so close to people, especially the attitude of the other party is not very hot, but today it is just that she wants to make a break in advance, so that Shen’s family has a preparation, what is Shen’s attitude? The Queen did not care. Shen Xin’s courage is big, and he loves his daughter again. The arm is not screwed to the thigh, under the imperial power, anyone must bow.

So I chatted a few words, and let Luo Xueyan and Shen Miao go back.

On the way back, Luo Xueyan said nothing and said nothing. Shen Miao also thought about his own affairs, so the atmosphere of silence was scared by both the horror and Gu Yu, and thought that something had happened.

When I returned to the Shen Zhai, Shen Qiu and Luo Ling had just returned from the Ministry of War, and asked the Queen what was the reason for calling them into the palace. Luo Xueyan vaguely coped, and took Shen Xin back to the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Luo Xueyan told Shen Xin what she said to her in the palace today. At the end, she asked: "I mean that the Queen is going to give a kiss to Jiao Jiao. What can I do?"

Shen Xin’s face has already sunk, and he said: “Is it a marriage? My daughter, why should I give them a marriage? It’s so big, it’s our support, and why others have the power to be in the family. Pointing up?"

"I guess the Queen wants to let Jiaojiao marry the Prince." Luo Xueyan said: "In the dark, I have mentioned that the Prince has improved and raised several times. This can be done. The Prince has already had a Prince, a tender wife. In the past, at most, it was only a side squat, and the side squatting was just a higher status. I don’t want to marry the past and have to give other women a tea ceremony, and I want to live a life. When I think of it, I am blocked. Panic. Besides, what if the Prince is a good person and a good person? I don’t dare to hand him over to him."

"No matter which emperor, Jiaojiao can't marry!" Shen Xin's chest was so murky that he couldn't understand it. He simply slammed on the table and the cups shook a bit.

"You are afraid of Jiaojiao marrying the past, will we all get into the turmoil of the Shen family?" Luo Xueyan said: "Yes, this day, these people are not interested in wine, once they are related to the royal family, Shen Jia can't run well in the future!"

"It's not because of this." Shen Xin sighed long: "The royal children are more affectionate, their wives are married, and Jiaojiao is married and will not be happy. Even if the Prince becomes an emperor in the future, even if he is well-being, How, the Sangong and Sixth Houses are seventy-two, and the rain and the dew are all dip. I don’t want to spend that kind of time. Moreover, as you said, they are not really wanting to be charming. My son-in-law can not worship. Phase, you can not use the golden hat, but he must be single-minded to be charming, can not do this, the king of Laos will not work!"

He heard this sentence in the mouth of the door, and suddenly there was a warm current in his heart. In this world, there are always relatives who support her unconditionally. They are willing to offend the dignitaries, but they are not willing to let her suffer a little wrong.

Just listen to Luo Xueyan in the head and said: "Yes, in this case, Jiaojiao is determined not to marry Donggong. Just wait for the imperial edict, things must be worse, now what should be?"

Shen Xin frowned and thought, saying: "Before the decree, I will marry Jiao Jiao. It is just such a short time, even if it is a relative, it is very difficult. I don't know how the other person's character. Anyway, tonight, I am Let people find some young talents. If someone has a good taste, if you don’t dislike it, you will fix it first.” Shen Channel: “In short, you can’t let Jiaojia marry the royal family!”

Shen Miao’s heart can’t tell what it’s like, the sound in the house is getting smaller, and it’s supposed to be a young talented person who is negotiating. When Shen Miao got up, he turned to his house. When he turned around, he saw Shenqiu and Luo Ling standing behind him. Both of them were frowning. I don’t know when to stand here and how much I heard.

Shen Qiu walked away with Shen Miao.

Until I walked to the wonderful yard, Shenqiu and Luo Ling entered the house, let the cockroaches go out, only closed the door, said: "Sister, the queen wants to give you a marriage prince?"

It seems to be heard, and Shen Miao did not intend to conceal, and nodded.

Shen Qiu slammed on the table and gnawed his teeth: "Tear too much!"

Shen Miao turned aside and laughed. She said: "How many people want to climb the high branches of the East Palace, how come to you and become a bully. The eyes of the big brother are too high, so that the people of the whole city can not enter. Your eyes."

Shen Qiu didn't have a good voice: "Jiaojiao, how do you feel so big, I am worried for you, you are good, but come to laugh at me."

Luo Ling looked at Shen Miao, Wen Sheng asked: "How does the cousin see this thing?"

Shen Miao shrugged his shoulders: "Do your best to know the destiny."

"The cousin doesn't object?" Luo Ling's tone is somewhat inexplicable.

"My mother is looking for a way out for me." Shen Miao said that he didn't care much, as if this was not about her lifelong event. She said: "Looking for some young talents, I think that if you close your eyes, you will hurry to settle down before you go to the sink house. This will do." She smiled again: "Do not worry, my eyes are not as big as my eldest brother. It should not be difficult to close your eyes."

Shen Qiu muttered: "I don't know which kid is cheap..." Shen Miao only did not hear it.

Luo Ling took a step closer and asked: "If you don't find the right one, or before that, the imperial edict will come down, what about the cousin?"

Shen Qiudao: "Cousin, what do you say so arrogant?"

Luo Ling is still staring at Shen Miao, and seems to be obsessed with seeking an answer from Shen Miao.

Shen Miao smiled and said: "Then it is married."

"Sister!" Shen Qiu cried.

"How else?" Shen Miaodao: "Don't you want Shen's family to bear the crime of resisting the whole family? Because I am tired of all my loved ones alone? Because I am not willing to marry, my family is following me badly. Big Brother, this is what you want to see. Big Brother, let me ask you, if you are me, or if the Queen wants to give you a marriage, what will happen to you? You will also say that you will die or not?"

Shen Qiu was silent.

If it is him, he will take this marriage for the sake of Shen Miao and Yan Niang. If you sacrifice a peace of mind that you can change back to the entire house, Shen Qiu feels that he has nothing to do.

"Big brother will be like me." Shen Miao said: "Not everyone in the world can do their own things as they please, everyone has a last resort. Everyone knows the destiny, I will try my best to avoid this result, if I can't avoid it, That's no big deal. If you marry, you will marry." Shen Miao looked at Shen Qiu: "A husband, a marriage, is far from being important to my loved ones in my heart."

"But that is the happiness of your life." Shen Qiu's eyes are a bit sour. He didn't know why his sister was so cold when she talked about her marriage and her husband, and she even had some disgust. However, he is instinctively thinking that Shen Miao is at the age of a young girl, and she does not have the expectations and dreams that a girl should have, that is, he does not take care of his sister.

"Happiness depends on oneself, not on someone." Shen Miaodao: "Is it possible to marry a good person to ensure the happiness of my life? Whether it is a prince or someone else, is there anyone who can be sure? In the next few decades, he will not be able to gather in the 妾 妾 妾 妾 妾 妾 妾 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"Sister, you can't think like this. You are not yet married, you can't think of people so terrible, you can't see it... vicissitudes." It's like a woman who is reading thousands of sails.

Luo Ling was thoughtfully looking at Shen Miao, moved his lips, but finally did not say anything.

Shen Miao coveted, husband? Marriage? Formerly on this head, she once planted a slap in the face. For her, this is the two words that carry the pain. Don't fall twice in one place. Without expectation, there will be no harm.

She smiled and said: "I don't think it's too bad. It's a big brother thinking too complicated. But it's just married, the woman has to marry, and she has married Anping for a lifetime, even if she is not good at the Prince's House. I will not let the people who hurt me better."

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