MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 2259 Onion Extra (14)

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When Yunqing retired, he took Yuxi back to the northwest. That time they stayed in Yucheng for ten days and rushed to Yucheng. I didn't expect to step into it again, it turned out to be more than thirty years later. Time, it’s really fast!

Looking at the big characters of the ‘Pingxi Wangfu’ on the plaque, Yuxi sighed and said: “It’s really a thing.”

Kaiyou helped her and said: "Mother, let's go in and see!" Here is where he grew up, so his feelings are exceptionally different. Even if I have been away for decades, there is still a mourning for this place.

I want to be a lively person here. But now, it is cold and clear.

Bypassing the main hall, Kaiyou looked at the bare courtyard and asked: "Where did the original big tree go?"

In charge of the matter: "This tree was hollowed out by termites and was blown down by a strong wind three years ago."

Kaiyou is a bit embarrassed. If they have been living here, every year there will be someone to check these flowers and trees. Now the Pingxi Wangfu has only left 20 servants responsible for the daily cleaning work, and has no time to take care of this.

After settled in Yuxi, Kaiyou went to the yard where he used to live, and the pattern in the house remained basically unchanged. But the flowers and trees in the yard are gone.

When eating at night, Kaiyou said: "Mother, this house is now a lot of dilapidated. Mother, if the house is left empty, sooner or later it will collapse."

"Who do you want to live?" Unless there is a cloud family, no one else has the courage to dare to come in.

Kaiyou didn't think so much, just talked about it. Pingxi Wangfu, but where they live. Only the king can live, and other people are eligible to live.

Yuxi did not express his opinion on this.

After two days of rest, Qi Xuan asked Yu Xi: "Mother, when are we going to Yucheng?" Now that June is over, the sky has begun to heat up. Going to the city, you have to get early. If you don't get into the winter, you can't go back to Beijing.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Don't go to the city. This time, I will stay in the palace for a few more days." She didn't have any mourning for the city, but she spent more than three years in the city. In those few years, it was not a good memory.

The two brothers have no objection. This time they mainly accompanied Yuxi to the heart, where Yu Yuxi had the final say, they obeyed.

Yuxi said: "If it is not old, I still want to go to Huashan again." She and Yunqing went to Huashan once. At that time, both of them were very healthy and climbed up. In the evening, I spent the night in the mountains. On the second day, watching the sun rise, I feel very good.

Thinking of Yunqing, Yuxi looks a little dazed. Unconsciously, the old man has left her for half a year.

Looking at the look of Yuxi, Kaiyou was busy transferring the topic: "Mother, let's eat mutton at noon! The mutton soaked in the capital always feels that there is no delicious food here."

Yuxi heard the words and said: "You also always said that the mutton eaten in the capital is not delicious on the side of the city." Even if the sheep was sent by Yucheng, he also felt bad.

In fact, it is not that meat is not good, but when it is eaten, there is no such atmosphere and mood.

Of course, good things are eaten more, and the mouth is getting worse.

Qi Xuan said: "Speaking, I haven't eaten the whole lamb for a long time. Mother, don't have a whole roast of lamb to eat at noon." I remember the first time I ate the grilled lamb, I really don't think there is any more delicious in the world. The food is gone. Unfortunately, it is only left in memory and can't be eaten anymore.

Kaiyou is not willing: "When you want to eat roast lamb, go to the Fuyun restaurant to eat it! The food you eat at home is not boring." Fuyun Restaurant is in every provincial capital, and even some particularly wealthy states have branches.

Because of this, the annual profitability of Fuyun Restaurant is amazing.

"Go to the Fuyun Restaurant to eat!" The chef with the dishes, the dishes are very good, especially the vegetarian dishes are very good. But roasting the whole sheep, he will not do much.

Kaiyou said with a smile: "Mother, what do you want to eat, I let people go first." Going there will be fine, but they have a lot of time. But if you don't book in advance, some dishes will be gone.

Yuxi said: "Lian Peng chicken, stir-fried diced, and then stir up a group!"

As he spoke, he heard the guard returning and said that Shaanxi Buzheng asked Cao Ren to seek advice.

Yuxi is impatient to see the following ministers, toward Kaiyou: "Let's call him!" The ministers knew that they had come to the city, and could not come to visit.

Kaiyou said with a bitter face: "Okay!" He retired and was impatient to deal with these officials. But apart from him, there are no other suitable candidates.

It was a long time with the Buzheng, and then the people were sent away. When I returned to the backyard, I heard that Yuxi had already rested.

Kaiyou said: "Three brothers, let's go around!" He is a person who can't stand it, not to mention the one who can stay out of the house and not go out.

Qi Xuan was hesitant and said: "If you wait for the mother to wake up, we will go out with her." I left the old lady in the house, and the two of them ran out to eat, drink, and play.

Qi You smiled and said: "You are not clear about the mother's temper? If you don't see us, she will find something to do."

In the end, Qi Xuan went out with Kaiyou.

Yuxi woke up and heard the two brothers go out and laughed, then asked Bingmei: "Is it something that Chen Hao has written down?"

Bingmei nodded: "I remember it. The Queen Mother, will she use this original name in the future?"

Yuxi looked at Bingmei and said: "I must use a pseudonym, and the background has to be replaced. I can't let her see her identity." With the real name, the girl who spreads the Chen family later does not want to. Married, I have to die in my home.

Bingmei smiled: "The Queen Mother is wise."

In the evening, Qiyou brought Yuxi back to the two cages to fill the soup: "Mother, still hot, hurry to eat." This soup, cold, it is not good.

Yuxi ate two soup bags and did not eat it. Other rewards were given to the people around him.

In addition to eating two soup bags, Yuxi also ate a bowl of glutinous rice porridge at night, a dish of fried cucumber and a dish of stir-fry.

After the age of sixty, Yuxi ate porridge in the morning and evening. But in the morning, you should be richer, sometimes you will drink goat's milk eggs or chicken soup. At night, I only drink porridge and eat some vegetables. However, she will have a medicated diet every day.

After Yuxi finished eating, Qiyou praised: "Mother, I really admire you." If you eat so lightly for decades, no one can hold on.

Yuxi said: "You don't listen to me now, eat lighter, and after two years of various problems, find it, and then regret it."

The 87-year-old Yuxi, who is not blind and does not spend her health, has a great relationship with her long-term diet and exercise. It can be said that Qi Hao's body is not as good as her.

Kaiyou shook his head and said: "I still don't want it." He would rather live for a few years, and don't eat boring food every day. Can't be delicious, there is still fun to live.

While walking in the yard, Yuxi said: "Tomorrow, we will go to Caotang Temple."

Kai Yu scared a big jump: "Mother, are you going to the Caotang Temple?" Not to blame him for making a fuss, but Yuxi has never been to the temple.

Yuxi smiled and said: "I don't want to burn incense and worship Buddha, but I want to see ‘eight treasure jade tower.’”

This tower is said to be made of jade from the Western Region. The jade color is bright and radiant, and every jade is different. Yuxi lived in Yucheng for almost 20 years, but only heard the name but did not go to the Tobacco Temple. The last time I went to the northwest with Yunqing, I came and went. This time, Yuxi wants to go and see.

The next day was not bright, and the mother and the child set off. On the road, I met many people who went to the Tobacco Temple. These people have to go to burn incense and worship Buddha, but also to go to play.

When I arrived at the Tobacco Temple, Yuxi saw a lot of young men and women in the carriage. These young people are coming with their elders.

Kaiyou said: "Mother, let's go to burn incense and worship Buddha, or do we go to see the pagoda and the stone?" There is a big stone in the well of the Tobacco Temple. Every time there is a snake lying on the stone, there is a white mist and sky over the emperor. city. Therefore, this bedroom is also a scene in the temple.

Yuxi chuckled: "Look at the pagoda." A stone, what can be seen.

After watching the jade tower and seeing it earlier than lunch, Yuxi went to the mountain and walked around. This time, Qi Xuan and Qi You did not follow, but went to the temple to turn around.

Yuxi’s quiet place to go, the result is more and more remote, and I don’t know where to go when I walked behind.

Waiting for the two to prepare to turn around and go back, they heard a cry of screaming.

A sunny and soft voice said: "Jiu Niang, you go with me!"

The woman said while crying: "If I am leaving with you, what can I do with my mother? Lilang, I can't be so selfish."

Yuxi shook his head helplessly. It is strange that she did not let Qin Tianjian count the next time, and went out. If not, it will not always happen.

The man whispered: "If they really hurt you, they will not give you the old thief of Cao Ren to do it. Jiu Niang, if you don't follow me, can you make Cao Ren?"

Yuxi smashed, and the political ambassador called Cao Ren. I don’t know if Cao Ren, whom the two said, is him. If it is Cao Ren, this matter has to be managed.

The woman cried: "Lilang, I..." She really couldn’t make up her mind to run away.

Yuxi turned and went back.

I couldn't hear the voices of the two people again. Yuxi said to Yu Zhi: "Let people check the identity of these two people. In addition, check the Cao Ren." The person around her, will not leave. If you don't have a good body, you can go back. It is Yu Zhi, the health of the body has always been with her.

Yu Zhi nodded and said: "Okay."

Going halfway, I met Qi Kai and Qi Xuan who came to find her. Seeing the look of the two men, Yuxi smiled and said: "What is this? I just took two steps in the back hill, but I can't lose it."

Kaiyou said: "Mother, there are poisonous snakes in this mountain. Just now, I heard a few people playing in the back hill and being bitten by poisonous snakes."

"There are Azhi who are there, and the snake is not afraid." After that, Yuxi asked: "Bite by a poisonous snake, if you do not detoxify in time, you will be in danger."

Kaiyou said: "The monks in the temple gave them poison and prescribed medicine. Now it is no longer a problem."

Qi Xuan added: "I originally wanted to give them a poison pill, and the result was useless." Not only did he go out, but also brought a lot of medicines and precious pills.

At noon, six vegetarian dishes, one is Luo Hanzhai, steamed egg with tofu, jade jade roll, sweet and sour pork chop, five treasure fresh vegetables, vegetarian meat, and mushroom soup.

Kaiyou ate two and said: "It is far worse than the vegetarian food of Lingshan Temple." The vegetarian food of Lingshan Temple is famous for its deliciousness. Qi Youmu went to eat before he came to the name. After returning, he was full of praise. He said that he had moved to Qixuan to eat twice, but Yuxi was indifferent.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Don't like to eat, don't eat. When you go down the mountain, you should find food."

Kaiyou still has this plan.

In the evening, Yu Zhi will inquire about the news and Yuxi said: "The Queen Mother, the pair of men and women you met in the day, the girl is the nine girls from the salt merchant Lu Jia. These nine girls are Mrs. Lu’s daughter. The male is the three young masters of Zhao Ji’s food shop."

Seeing that Yu Zhi’s voice is hoarse, Yuxi said: “Don’t say anything, don’t worry.”

After drinking a cup of tea, Yu Zhicai said: "Lu family has offended the salt transport company, they are worried that they can not get salt, they want to give this nine girls to Cao Ren."

“How old is Cao Ren this year?” As he grew older, Yuxi didn’t pay much attention to the things in the hall. Not to mention these places in the local government, that is, the situation of the ministers in the capital, she is not very well understood. However, it can be done by the government, and the age is definitely not light.

Yu Zhi said: "Cao Ren has fifty years of this year. This person likes the young and beautiful girl. She only served as the Shaanxi Buzheng for five years, and she has a four-bedroom room. Moreover, she also raised a group of dancers." These few cockroaches are the young women of the 28th year of the Jiaodian.

"anything else?"

Yu Zhi knows what Yuxi wants to know and says: "In addition to the errands, others are better. In Shaanxi, there has been no accumulation of money in the past five years, and the political achievements are not bad."

Yuxi said: "Let the secret guards check it carefully." If you don't get corrupt, you can't take it.

After two days, the mother and son went to Qujiang for a tour. As a result, a rain fell in the middle of the road. Yuxi blew a cold wind on the boat, and it was a little uncomfortable that night.

Bingmei saw her uncomfortable and quickly called Zhang Yu doctor. One called the doctor, naturally also alerted Kaiyou and Qixuan.

Zhang Yu medical diagnosis said: "Some of the cold, I first open two drugs." Yuxi's body has always been healthy, eating two medicines should be good. However, just in case, I dare not say too much.

Kaiyou knew that the reason was a little annoyed, and knew that she should advise her to stay on the boat.

Yuxi leaned on the bed and smiled and said: "It’s really old to swim in a boat. It’s useless."

Qi You took Yu Xi and said: "Mother, you are not old. We go out with you, others think we are brothers and sisters!"

Yuxi laughed and said: "I am not old with you, brother and sister? Kaiyou, you are also a bad old man."

Kaiyou does not agree with Yuxi: "I am not a bad old man. I am an old man with temperament, charm and humor."

Qi Xuan feels that Kaiyou has no limit.

After eating three days of medicine, Yuxi’s disease is just fine. However, Yuxi did not dare to go out, but stayed in the government to continue to rest.

Kaiyou asked: "Mom, when the weather is cool, will we return to Beijing?"

Yuxi shook his head and said: "If we don't return to Beijing, we will turn to Jiangnan."

Qi Xuan said: "Mother, we are afraid that we will not return to Beijing for the New Year."

In the past three years, she spent three months with Yunqing in Jiangnan. The scenery in Jiangnan is really picturesque. Every time I think about it, I want to go again: "This year in the Jiangnan New Year, do not return to Beijing." If you don't go to Jiangnan this time, there will be no chance.

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