MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-v2 Chapter 171

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"Xiao Ruo, when the clothes come, let everyone choose and wear them by themselves. I opened a tailor shop, and there are a lot of clothes in the shop, so you're welcome." Wang Jin said.

"!" Xiao Ruo's eyes widened in surprise, he... didn't mean that.

And what is a clothing store?

Xiao Ruo was puzzled, but the speed of the people in the attic was very fast. After a while, a brother led everyone to clean.

The Danmu tribe came this time with orcs, and they were not used to being led by their elder brother to take a bath. They all looked shy and reserved.

However, after all, they all went to take a shower.

In the courtyard, there were only a few guards left, Pan Shulin who was guarded by the guards, and Wang Jin.

Wang Jin looked down at Pan Shulin who was kneeling on the ground from above, his good mood dissipated instantly when he saw Pan Shulin's gaze like a poisonous snake.

He stood up and circled Pan Shulin, thinking in his heart how to deal with this person in order to be worthy of the original owner and himself?

"Shall we throw him into the sea?"

As soon as Yuan Heng entered the door, he saw Wang Jin's distressed look. He hurriedly answered, and Wang Jin raised his eyes to look at him.

"Have you arranged for those orcs?"

Yuan Heng nodded and said, "The leader of their tribe, that is, the few friends I know will come over for dinner tonight."

Hearing this, Wang Jin blinked and said, "Isn't it better for Shan Bo to prepare the order?"

"There are still at home." Yuan Heng replied.

They discussed their family's problems as if no one else was around. It was obviously a very ordinary conversation, but the atmosphere circulating between the two of them was extremely harmonious, which made people feel like they were in the spring breeze.

Pan Shulin's complexion became more and more gloomy, what he hated most was seeing this person living a comfortable life.

Receiving a sinister gaze, Wang Jin felt extremely uncomfortable. Yuan Heng also noticed Pan Shulin, and protected Wang Jin in his arms without a trace.

"Little brother, do you want to deal with this person according to what you said before?" Yuan Heng asked again.

Wang Jindao: "Of course, not only do we need to add two more days, but also include the account of sending people to murder me this time."

Yuan Heng frowned when he heard this, "He moved you again this time?"

It was only then that Wang Jin slipped his tongue. He hastily closed his lips and stopped talking, but Yuan Heng's complexion was black, and his cold aura pierced the kneeling Pan Shulin like an ice pick.

Wang Jin stretched out his hand to tell the man in front of him that he was fine, but the strong aura actually made him feel uncomfortable. Wang Jin had a premonition that if he spoke at this time, the man would be even more angry.

He simply stopped talking, and the man stepped forward to mention Pan Shulin, and pulled Wang Jin out.

Afterwards, Wang Jin saw with his own eyes that Yuan Heng, who never cared about his brother, threw Pan Shulin into the sea, found a driftwood to tie it up, and tied the driftwood to the shore with a rope...

Dislike him for being noisy, and then gag his mouth...

The waves hit Pan Shulin wave after wave, making his face pale, his thin body trembling, he wanted to struggle but was tied tightly, he was so rushed that he even wanted to sink, but floated Wood pinned him firmly on the surface of the sea...

Wang Jin was quite relieved to see it, but after watching it for a while, he felt bored and followed Yuan Heng back.

After returning, Xiao Ruo and the others had put on new clothes, which fit well, and the orcs of the Danmu tribe were much more handsome than before.

Wang Jin praised again and again, and his face was flushed when people praised him in the future. Yuan Heng looked at it with a hint of jealousy in his eyes, and his light-colored glazed pupils were fixed on everyone's bodies in dissatisfaction.

Everyone seemed to have returned to the Danmu tribe. When they went to see Jin Ge'er, the orc was staring at them.

Their faces turned pale, and they hurriedly found various excuses to escape, except for Xiao Ruo...

"..." Yuan Heng stared at him firmly, as if staring at a dead body, he almost didn't say the word "drive away".

Xiao Ruo's knuckles trembled, her smile froze, her legs instinctively wanted to run, but she still bit the bullet and sat beside Wang Jin.

"Jin... Brother Jin... this..." Xiao Ruo swallowed, and took out a small fluffy bracelet from her bosom.

The yellow one is extremely cute.

Under tremendous pressure, Xiao Ruo handed the bracelet to Wang Jin, and quickly explained: "Brother Mu asked me to give it to you."

"Amu!" Wang Jin was overjoyed, picked up the bracelet and looked at it, put it on his own hand, and found that it was just right.

"Brother Mu gave birth to a little orc, which was made of hair from the little orc's body. He asked me to bring it to you to announce the good news, and he also apologized, saying that the little orc was just born, and neither A Yuan nor he could come to see you. "

"..." This thing was made by Amu's son's hair...

Wang Jin's hands trembled. Can ordinary babies have such long and abundant hair? still yellow...

This yellow is like the hair of the yellow tiger of the Danmu tribe...

Could it be that this child was born in the shape of a beast?

Then this in my stomach...

Wang Jin took a deep breath and clutched his stomach stiffly.

"What's the matter? Brother?" Yuan Heng was always paying attention to Wang Jin, seeing him clutching his stomach, he sat up nervously: "But the stomach is uncomfortable? Did the baby bully you?"

"...Baby...Baby in belly?" Xiao Ruo looked at Wang Jin's belly in surprise.

The appearance of staring closely made Yuan Heng feel like his brother was being watched. He snorted displeasedly, Xiao Ruo hurriedly looked away, and God returned: "Brother Jin is happy?!"

"..." Wang Jin was brought back to his senses by his howling wolf, because of this sentence, all the orcs who were originally acting in the attic gathered together.

"Brother Jin is happy!"

"Brother Heng has a back pull!"


"This is a great joy!"

For a moment, the crowd chattered around Wang Jin, as if Wang Jin was something rare, and all looked at him with shining eyes.

Wang Jin had a headache from the quarrel. Seeing this, Yuan Heng gave the crowd a rather imposing look. The crowd reacted and didn't speak again, but there was unstoppable joy on their faces.

These joys infected Wang Jin, and Wang Jin couldn't help feeling better.

Of these people, he was the one who was pregnant, and Brother Heng was the one who had the baby, but they seemed to be happier than the two of them.

Wang Jin thought of a man's animal shape, a majestic white tiger with wings... If it were his son, a small white tiger with soft wings that couldn't be spread out seemed...not unacceptable...

Wang Jin got down softly, leaned gently into the arms of the man behind him and said, "I'm fine, Xiao Ruo, does Amu's child have a name?"

"Yes, the younger name is Huhu, and the older name is Lai'an."

"Huhu..." Wang Jin laughed out loud, "It's pretty cute, it's a pity I didn't see it."

He is pregnant now, and he may not know when he will be able to see Amu...

That brother was obviously lost, Yuan Heng felt a pang in his heart, and said, "Why don't you let Brother Mu come to accompany you?"

"The Danmu tribe is so far away from here, Amu is a weak brother, and Huhu is just born, how can we let them run around." Wang Jin shook his head.

"Or shall I send someone to pick him up?" A male voice came from the door, everyone looked over and saw Xi Ning walking with his hands behind his back.

Everyone was busy saluting, and Wang Jin and Yuan Heng separated and stood upright in an instant.

Xi Ning looked at the funny, and said softly: "Don't be cautious, I just want to tell everyone that there will be a thank-you banquet in the city tonight, thank you for helping me in Ning'an City to get through the crisis this time."

After a pause, Xining turned to Yuan Heng and said, "Yuan Heng, those friends of yours are kind to me in Ning'an City, how can they live in Yuanju again? I have brought them back to the city and arranged another residence, and I have invited them tonight For the banquet, if you want to find them for dinner, try another day, you can’t compete with me for time.”

"...Well." Yuan Heng responded.

"Yao'er." Xi Ning took Wang Jin's hand and said softly, "This time you are shocked, everyone in the Zhao family is dead, including Zhao Xiang who helped Pan Shulin, he committed suicide in the courtyard of the Zhao family, Xu knows about the failure of his father and brother, as long as Pan Shulin and you take care of it, you don't have to worry about anyone making trouble for you again."

"Thank you brother." Wang Jin replied softly.

"It's true what my brother said just now to send someone to pick up your friend to Ning'an City. I'm not joking with you. You are pregnant and need a caring brother to take care of you. It's always worrying to leave it to the servant, but in Ning'an Ancheng is only trusted by Shi Yu. Although I sent Xinniao to bring back Shi Yu and his son, but Shi Yu is a frizzy master and can't take care of you well. Now you say that you have a good and trustworthy brother in the Danmu tribe. ...Brother immediately sent someone to pick him up."

Xi Ning said, and then said: "You don't have to worry about the danger of the long journey, I will send someone to protect me, and I will also arrange for the most comfortable car to pick him up. He won't feel tired and he won't be in danger. Besides, Ning Ancheng is more comfortable than the tribes, do you really not want your friend to live in Ning'an? His newborn little orc can also get the best care in the city."

Wang Jin hesitated when he heard the words, Yuan Heng saw this, and echoed from the side: "Little brother, why don't you let Brother Mu come over? They will always come here."

"?" Wang Jin looked at Yuan Heng suspiciously, and Xi Ning also looked at him.

Yuan Heng said: "I want to build a city, and I won't go back to the Danmu tribe. The clan emblem of the ancient beast clan left in Danmu will soon become invalid. That place will not be able to stop the beast tide next year. I intend to let the people of the Danmu tribe Come to the city together."

"Building a city?!" The orcs of the Danmu tribe were surprised.

Xiao Ruo frowned and said, "This is a big deal, Brother Heng."

"I know." Yuan Hengying, the determination on his face did not waver at all. Seeing him like this, the orcs of the Danmu tribe knew that he had made up his mind.

Xiao Ruo said: "I am willing, I will be where Brother Heng is... It's just that this matter involves a lot, I may have to go back and discuss it with the pharmacist and everyone."

"Well, it should be so." Yuan Heng nodded.

Xi Ning looked at Yuan Heng with a frown and said, "You... come with me."

Yuan Heng paused for a while, and obediently followed Xining to the side. The two were whispering mysteriously, Wang Jin looked at it strangely, and opened his ears to hear, but he couldn't hear a sound.

Seeing Yuan Heng walking away, Xiao Ruo approached Wang Jin and muttered in a low voice: "Brother and Brother Heng are really not going back to the tribe?"

"Yeah." Wang Jin nodded: "You have lived in Ning'an City for two days, and you know that the convenience in this city is not comparable to that of the tribe."

"But...but...that is always our home." Xiao Ruo said softly.

Read The Duke's Passion