MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 8

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"That's right, it's none of your business!" A person behind him echoed.

Another person stepped forward and pushed Mu Geer: "Xiaopozi, get out of here."

Muge'er's leg itself was a bit sloped, and being pushed so suddenly, he staggered and almost fell down.

Wang Jin frowned, and stepped forward to support him.

Brother Mu hurriedly stood in front of Wang Jin: "Don't go too far!"

The three of them looked at Wang Jin who was behind Brother Mu, with a very arrogant expression: "How about we just go too far?"

"..." Muge'er's face was flushed, his lips were trembling, but he was so stupid that he couldn't find any words to refute, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

From the moment Wang Jin saw a few people, the inhuman torture that the original body suffered before kept appearing in his mind.

Those inhuman tortures seemed to have awakened the original consciousness remaining in Wang Jin's body, and it was desperately dominating Wang Jin, making Wang Jin tear them apart.

Wang Jin struggled with restraint, his eyes gradually turned red, and his breathing became heavy.

The leader of the three, Brother Ju, saw Wang Jin's appearance, snorted coldly with disdain, and said sarcastically, "Hey, the little lunatic wants to hit someone again?"

"Come on~" the man said provocatively, looked at the two brothers beside him and said, "There are three of us, and you can't beat them alone, have you forgotten?"

At the beginning, when the original body attacked people, it looked terrifying, but in fact, because of its physical fitness, it didn't have much attack power.

In the end, it was the original body who was pressed and beaten by these three people. They beat someone but the villain complained first, biting the original body back and going mad.

Thinking back on this, Wang Jin was so angry that his breath was stuck in his heart, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost lost his breath!

If he was still the little prince in his previous life, he would definitely bring the nursing home of his mansion and beat these people until his mother didn't even recognize them!

Wang Jin bent his knuckles, pressed his fingertips hard, and pressed several marks on Mu Ge'er's arm.

Brother Mu was in pain, and looked back at Wang Jin, only to see that his facial features were distorted and his expression was irritable. He looked like a wounded little animal, ready to go forward and desperately at any time. Brother Mu felt sore, and quickly reached out to hold it. He took his hand, patted it comfortingly, then turned around and glared at the few people angrily, and said in a loud voice: "Enough is enough! Ah Jin has married the number one warrior of the tribe now, and he is protected now." , you bully him, be careful Brother Heng makes you look good!"

Hearing this, several people's expressions changed slightly, and they shrank a little. Seeing this, Mu Ge'er's eyes lit up slightly, and he said loudly: "You guys return the things, and I will pretend that what happened today never happened, and I won't tell you." Brother Heng, how is it?"

Brother Mu stretched out his hand to the three of them, wanting Brother Orange to hand over the package.

Brother Ju looked at the package, then at the two of them, the hesitation on his face gradually returned to his domineering look just now: "Yuan Heng? Forget it, he will stand up for this little lunatic? Are you kidding me?"

When Brother Ju mentioned this, the two brothers next to him seemed to have been enlightened, and they regained their bullying aura just now.

Brother Lang on the right answered the words and said sarcastically: "That's right, who is Brother Heng, the number one warrior in the tribe, he doesn't even look down on this little lunatic. Didn't you go back at all?"

Brother Qing on the left answered, "That's right, you didn't even give this little lunatic a gift, so you don't even admit that this little lunatic has passed the door?"

Several people sang together, and what they said seemed to be true. Brother Mu's face turned green and pale, and he said violently: "You are talking nonsense! Brother Heng really hurts Ah Jin!"

"It hurts? It doesn't count if you say it!" Brother Ju said, he swaggered closer to Brother Mu and Wang Jin and said, "If you want me to say, Brother Yue is worthy of being the number one warrior of the tribe, this little lunatic..."

Brother Ju didn't say any more, but he showed a very disdainful smile to Wang Jin, his eyes were full of contempt.

Wang Jin couldn't bear the irritability in his heart anymore, he raised his foot and kicked the man in the belly, and the foul words burst out: "I'll go to your ancestor!"

Brother Ju didn't seem to expect that Wang Jin would come like this, he was kicked straight on, and the belly is the most vulnerable place of a human being, at that moment, oops screamed in pain, covered his stomach and knelt down, his face turned pale.

"You dare to hit us!" Obviously they only hit one person, but the expressions of the other two changed, as if they had hit them, they stepped forward fiercely to push Wang Jin.

Seeing this, Mu Geer hurriedly stood in front of Wang Jin to block their attack.

For a while, it became a mess.

Mu Geer protected Wang Jin and retreated repeatedly. The house where Wang Jin originally lived was on the outskirts of the tribe. At this moment, the two had been forced to the edge of the tribe.

With no way to retreat, Mu Geer stretched out his hand and pushed the person who was pressing forward, and began to fight back.

When the three of them saw Mu Ge'er counterattack, they became even more angry, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Brother Mu was a little overwhelmed, and Wang Jin was already dizzy from the beating.

Thinking about who he wanted to hit back then, how many times would hundreds of people act for him if he didn't just use his words?

Where is there such a person who goes to the field by himself?

While distracted, he was pushed out by the orange brother, his whole body lost weight, and fell backwards uncontrollably.

Mu Geer was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull it, but was pushed by the person behind him, and fell down.

After the three of them pushed the two of them, they clapped their hands triumphantly.

After a while, Lang Geer among the three of them came to his senses. His face turned pale, and he pulled Brother Orange and said, "Brother Orange, this... this seems to be the outskirts of the tribe."

Brother Orange's face remained unchanged and he said: "The outer area is the outer area. The outer area is the safe zone of the jungle. There are orcs patrolling it. They will kill them. Just teach them a lesson and let them be arrogant!"

Lang Geer pulled Brother Orange's animal clothes, and said in a low voice: "No, Brother Orange, this is the residence of the little lunatic, and it is the most remote periphery... The orcs patrol only to the residence of the little lunatic. Crossed the line."

When Brother Lang said this, the other two reacted, and Brother Qing stammered: "...In other words, this area is still a dangerous area for Brother..."

Brother Lang said with an expression of doing something wrong: "It's not just that, I remember that there is a deep hole here... The white jade fruit we ate in the past was found in that hole, and there was a giant python in the hole..."

Brother Qing tremblingly said: "Giant python...that...although that thing usually doesn't come out of the hole, but if it falls in..."

"!" Brother Ju's face turned pale: "What nonsense! This murderer will be expelled from the tribe, don't talk nonsense."

Brother Lang was about to cry: "What should we do? We..."

Brother Orange turned around and glared at Brother Lang, stopping what he was going to say next. He paused and said, "They... they're not sure that something will happen, don't scare yourself."

The two brothers fell into the dangerous area, and the chances of surviving were very small. They said that there was no certainty that an accident would happen, but in fact it was different from an accident.

Lang Geer and Qing Geer were in a trance.

Brother Ju watched, and while his heart was flustered, a thought flashed through his mind, he took a deep breath and said: "Things... until now, we can only pretend that we don't know anything..."

Brother Lang and Brother Qing looked at Brother Orange in astonishment.

Brother Orange said with a stern expression: "What are you looking at! Hurry up and put away your depressed looks, come on, take your things home, none of us have been here today."

Brother Orange opened the package, and there was a whole body of white clothes in the package, including tops, pants, and bottoms. Brother Orange randomly distributed the clothes to the two, took one by himself, and left first, and the two followed closely. thereafter.

Wang Jin was awakened by the smoke, and a strong stench lingered under his breath, which lingered for a long time.

He touched his nose, opened his eyes in a daze, and rolled his body, the pain was so painful.

When he opened his eyes, there was darkness in front of him, as if he had fallen into a place where the sun could not shine.

He squinted his eyes to adapt to the light, and suddenly, a pair of eyes the size of copper bells slammed into Wang Jin's.

Wang Jin was so frightened that he couldn't make a sound, and even scrambled back a few steps, not caring about the pain in his body.

The eyes blinked for a moment, then slowly rose, and Wang Jin realized that it was a snake head... a huge snake head, about ten times his size.

At this moment, the snake head was spitting out snake letter, and it was slowly approaching him. Its letter was thicker than his thigh, and the strong and unpleasant stench was emitted from it's swallowing and spitting.

"!" Wang Jin had never seen such a big snake before, his face turned pale with fright, and he almost fainted.

"Ah Jin? Are you there?" Suddenly, Muge'er's voice came from a corner nearby, and Wang Jin saw that the snake turned its head and went towards the voice.

Wang Jin's lips were trembling, his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't speak a complete sentence, but he managed to squeeze out a few words.

"A... Amu, hurry... run!!"

"Ah Jin?" Brother Mu shouted, and then exclaimed: "...the giant python..."

Wang Jin looked over with terrified eyes, and saw Muge'er slumped on the ground, looking forward tremblingly, as if petrified.

And in front of him was the snake head just now.

The snake head was pulled up, driving the snake body on the ground, and the ground where Wang Jin and Mu Geer were located was shaking instantly. When the snake head was pulled up to a certain extent, the snake head opened its mouth and attacked Mu Geer at an extremely fast speed.

"Amu!!" At the moment of crisis, Wang Jin didn't know where the courage came from, but he stood up with his weak legs and rushed towards Brother Mu.

With such a pounce, Wang Jin closed his eyes as if he was dead.

The severe pain imagined is gone, and the stench is also far away.

The body was caught by something soft and warm, and Wang Jin opened his eyes.

I saw that my body was a vigorous white tiger with a pair of white wings on both sides of the white tiger, and those wings were like angel wings.

Wang Jin's body is completely soft, this is a snake and a tiger...

I'm afraid this life will end!

The white tiger retracted its wings, landed beside Mu Ge'er, and let Wang Jin down.

Wang Jin's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand, and he collapsed on the ground together with Mu Geer.

Brother Mu was speechless, but his trembling hands instinctively protected Wang Jin.

Wang Jin's voice was a bit crying: "Amu..."

Mu Ge'er held Wang Jin even tighter, but he still didn't say a word. If you look carefully, you can see his teeth chattering, and he couldn't squeeze out any words at all.

The white tiger glanced at the two of them, Wang Jin shrank his knuckles, tightened Muge'er's skirt, and stared at the white tiger vigilantly, but who knew that the white tiger spread its wings and flapped its wings twice before attacking the boa constrictor ferociously and go.

In addition to this white tiger, there were many more tigers around the giant python at some point, but those tigers did not have white wings.

The dark cave can't be seen very clearly, only some vague shadows, and the hissing of snakes and the roaring of tigers can be heard, at the same time, the earth is shaking...

After an unknown amount of time, when Wang Jin felt that his legs were going numb, a huge object fell down with a bang, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

After the dust cleared, Wang Jin took a closer look and found that the giant snake was lying on the ground dying.

Its body didn't know when it had all appeared, so it surrounded itself...

Surrounding the snake were a dozen tigers, and the white tiger was in the middle of the tigers, like the leader of the group of tigers.

Is this the tiger that snatched them from the mouth of the snake as rations?

Wang Jin's complexion turned even paler.

But Mu Geer suddenly let go of Wang Jin, stood up on his weak legs, and walked towards a tiger in the tiger group with a limp.


Wang Jin reached out to grab him, but he didn't.

The tiger also came out pacing, Wang Jin anxiously wanted to go forward, but suddenly found that the tiger was walking, its body changed, and it turned into a man.

"Ayuan..." Wang Jin heard Mu brother call the tiger "Ayuan".

"..." Wang Jin was stunned.

After the change of "Ayuan", the other dozen tigers also turned into human shapes one after another, and the white tiger in the middle also changed. Wang Jin is not unfamiliar with becoming human...

Yuan Heng...

Read The Duke's Passion