MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 2

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As soon as Wang Jin raised his eyes, he saw the tall man. The original body had no contact with the man before, and he had never looked at the man carefully. Now Wang Jin saw that the man was tall and handsome, with very three-dimensional facial features. , with an air of calmness and prestige all over his body, just like a general.

It's just that on the left side of the man's face, there was a long scar that stretched all the way to his chin... making the originally handsome appearance look a little scary.

The man approached, and Wang Jin stared at him warily.

"Are you awake? Are you hungry?" The man seemed to sense Wang Jin's vigilance, and stopped three steps away from him.

Wang Jin rubbed his stomach and nodded stiffly.

He is indeed hungry.

One must know that the original body was inexplicably captured by a group of people yesterday, and has been locked in this room since then, without eating anything or seeing anyone, which means that this body has been hungry for a whole day!

Seeing this, the man didn't say anything, turned around and went out. Not long after, he came in with a bowl of unknown food and handed it to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin hesitated for a while, then took it.

No matter what, the meal still has to be eaten.

Feed yourself first, so you have the energy to think about the next thing.

After taking a mouthful of porridge-like paste, the rough taste made Wang Jin vomit on the spot.

He, Wang Jin, swears that he has never eaten such an unpalatable food in this life and his previous life combined! Pig food here! What about abusing him? !

Mr. Wang Jin suddenly lost his temper. As soon as he raised his head, he glared at the man and threw the bowl in his hand viciously.

The bowl rolled on the ground for a round, and it wasn't broken, but the mush inside did spread all over the room.

"..." The man frowned slightly and looked at Wang Jin.

The brother in front of him was so angry that his cheeks were swollen, his wet eyes were staring angrily, he looked like some kind of small animal.

The man was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what mental activity he had done. After a while, his brows were finally relaxed, and then he silently cleaned up the ground, picked up the bowl and went out. After that, he never came in again.

"!" Wang Jin stared at the door as if he was about to see two holes, so the man just left? Put him here? Why don't you give him something to eat? !

After a long time, Wang Jin clutched his stomach aching from hunger, feeling a little regretful.

How should I put it, the tiger is in peace now... He is no longer a son-in-law, but a lunatic who has nothing and lives in someone else's house...

Taking a deep breath, Wang Jin struggled to get up from the bed, his body didn't know what was going on, it hurt like being run over by a carriage.

Enduring the pain, he got out of bed and groped on the ground for a while, but couldn't find his shoes, so he went out barefoot.

The outside room is a lobby. There is only a table and a few chairs in the room. The light in this room is very poor, and even the lobby is dark.

He leaned on the wall and walked out, the glare of the light made his eyes feel uncomfortable for a while, he squinted his eyes, and after adapting for a while, he looked up at the sunlight.

The sun was very strong, and the skin on his face was sore from the sun. He lowered his head and looked at himself. On such a hot day, the original body was still wearing animal clothes... but it was sleeveless.

The hands and legs were exposed, and under the sun, the exposed skin was covered with bruises...

No wonder it hurts so much!

The original body had not been particularly viciously beaten, how could there be so many scars?

Wang Jin thought about it carefully, and then remembered some facts.

This body was the same as his previous life's body, it was weak and delicate!

The scars on his body were bumped into on the road when he was dragged here yesterday!

Wang Jin was so aggrieved that he forgot to breathe, his cheeks turned purple.

Changing from a wealthy young man to a penniless lunatic was enough to give him a headache, but now his body is still such a "squeamish bag"!

It's like God is going to kill him!

Wang Jin sat down on the ground angrily, his complexion turned red and white, and became very ugly.

He moved his hips slightly... The weird touch from his skin touching the soil made him bounce up instantly.

The original body didn't even wear obscene pants!

He said how when walking, there is frequent wind below!

Wang Jin's eyes twitched and he tightened the hem of the animal skin, just at this moment, a man walked over from outside.

Seeing the people in the courtyard, his footsteps became a little weaker, and he was still holding something like a pumpkin in his hand.

Under the sun, the scars on the man's face were even more terrifying, almost covering up his original handsomeness. Fortunately, his tall and slender figure and that attractive and strong aura added a lot to him. The world must be an ugly monster where everyone shouts ugly.

Wang Jin looked at the man, who had already stood beside him.

He handed the things in his hands to Wang Jindao: "Eat."

"?" Wang Jin looked down at the "pumpkin"-like fruit in the man's hand, and then looked up at the man with doubts written all over his face.

The man sighed softly, and pulled Wang Jin to sit on a stool by the door. His hands transformed into sharp claws, and he quickly cut open the melon.

Instant milky aroma.

Wang Jin's disgusted and vigilant eyes lit up instantly, and he stared covetously at the melon in the man's hand.

The melon looked like a "pumpkin" on the outside, but inside the yellow-green peel was white pulp. The pulp was gelatinous, exuding a milky aroma, and looked like cheese.

This cheese is a good thing, and it is only available outside the customs. If you want to eat it, you have to wait for the merchants outside the customs to bring it into the city, and you have to rush to buy it.

Wang Jin liked to eat this thing the most in his previous life, and he wondered if the flesh tasted that way.

He is ready to move.

The brother in front of him, his eyes were astonishingly bright, and the salivation made his mouth overflow with some transparent liquid. He raised his hands, trying to take the "white jade fruit" several times,

But suffering from the lack of tools and not knowing how to eat, he seemed at a loss.

The man chuckled, stuffed the fruit into his arms, took out a wooden spoon from the room, and handed it to him.

Wang Jin got the spoon, finally he didn't need to be guided by anyone, and directly took a spoonful of the white flesh...

The pulp is like a jelly-like object. When you dig it down with a spoon, except for the one that went into the spoon, the one below it bounces up slightly, which is very comfortable to watch.

Wang Jin hurriedly put it in his mouth.

The taste is sweet and sweet, and the milk taste is not as strong as the cheese Wang Jin ate before, but there is an unknown fragrance, and the taste is very refreshing, it is a food that will not get greasy no matter how you eat it.

Wang Jin narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and the man next to him couldn't help laughing at his satisfied look.

Wang Jin was so hungry that he didn't bother to talk to the man, so he ate the fruit on his own. It didn't take long for him to eat up the fruit as big as a "pumpkin".

He burped generously, and slumped on the chair comfortably with his stomach stretched out and his legs stretched out.

The man had been sitting next to Wang Jin, watching, his eyes turned to his straight legs and bare feet.

The bruises of bruises on the white skin were shocking, and the white and tender feet were covered with grass clippings and mud.

He frowned, took out a pair of shoes and a bottle of unknown things from the room, and squatted in front of Wang Jin.