MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 136

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Cheng Bai went from joy at the beginning to anxiety and finally to disappointment... from sitting at the table waiting, to waiting at the door, to waiting outside the door... the food was cold and hot, hot and cold... the man didn't come after all.

Cheng Bai sat in the path blankly, staring fixedly at the door, his whole body was numb from the cold as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over his head.

A fiery heart also gradually lost its temperature, as if it had stopped beating.

Suddenly, the fireflies on the path flickered for a few times, and then floated in the air, just like the Milky Way on the ground scattered in the air. The scene was very spectacular and beautiful, but the people who sat there never took a look, their eyes were fixed on nothing. At the door of one person... His eyes are dim.

Gradually the radiance scattered in the air gradually dimmed and dissipated...

The firefly flower that was picked from the sea and could only last for one day was already early morning, and the light was gone...that Xiaojiaobao never came.

Cheng Bai twitched the corners of his mouth as if mocking himself, moved his numb legs, stood up slowly, and looked around. The Ninth Courtyard in the early morning was quiet, not even the chirping of insects and birds... In order to make Yinghua more beautiful , Cheng Bai didn't ask people to light the lamp. At this moment, the fireflies were withered, and the entire Ninth Courtyard was pitch-black, just like his heart at the moment, locked in a closed and cold place, where no light could penetrate.

The servant who had been waiting outside saw him get up, came over with a lantern and asked him, "My lord, shall we..."

"Go back, dump everything on the table." Cheng Bai put his hands behind his back and walked out dully.

In the dark outside the door, Pan Shulin quietly watched Cheng Bai who walked out.

The orc's white clothes were covered with dew. He was already wearing thin clothes in such a cold day, and the dew wet his clothes...

He was walking sluggishly in his half-wet clothes like this, and his silver eyes, which were always like stars, were dim like light at this moment...

Pan Shulin was full of resentment just now, but now seeing him like this... her heart hurts like being scratched by a sharp claw.

He hurried out, but the attendants behind him couldn't stop him, so he stomped his feet to follow.

"Brother Bai." Pan Shulin ran up to Cheng Bai, stretched out his hand to grab his arm, Cheng Bai stiffly turned his head to look at him, rubbed his dry lips back and forth, and finally opened his mouth.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"What about Brother Bai? He was so happy before, why is he so disappointed now?" Pan Shulin asked knowingly.

Cheng Bai turned his face away in embarrassment, without replying, he took his arm out of Pan Shulin's hand and changed the subject, "Go back."

After all, without waiting for Pan Shulin to reply, he walked forward dully.

Pan Shulin gritted her teeth and said, "Aren't you willing to say a word about him? He broke the appointment! He's playing with you."

"It's not that serious." Cheng Bai sighed deeply, his face full of tiredness: "Maybe there is something delayed, and even if he doesn't come, it is expected."

Who made me treat him so much back then, and there were many things about letting that little jiaobao pigeon go...

He didn't know that breaking the appointment would make people so uncomfortable, it was his mistake before.

Cheng Bai walked forward in frustration, no matter how much Pan Shulin called him, he would no longer answer.

"My lord, let's go back, it's almost dawn." Seeing this, the attendant stepped forward to persuade him.

Pan Shulin looked at Cheng Bai's back, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I want to stay with Brother Bai even more at this time."

As he said that, he took two steps forward, but suddenly thought of something, he turned his head and pulled the attendant and asked, "Is the wine we prepared still in Brother Bai's room?"

Hearing this, the attendant suddenly said: "It's over, it's still on the table, young master... What if someone finds out about it!"

Pan Shulin laughed when he heard the words: "Brother Bai called all the servants to the Ninth Courtyard tonight. Even now, those people are cleaning up the Ninth Courtyard. How could anyone find out? Now I'm going back with him, just in time. He didn't eat anything..."

The attendant was shocked when he heard the words: "Young Master, you still have to go back with Young Master Cheng..."

Before the attendant finished speaking, Pan Shulin had already rushed to Cheng Bai.

"Brother Bai, I'll accompany you back." Pan Shulin comforted softly, Cheng Bai shook his head in frustration, and ignored him.

Walking all the way back to the courtyard, the room was quiet, Cheng Bai was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that he took everyone to the Ninth Courtyard, and even the only person who stayed at home went to the Ninth Courtyard because he followed Pan Shulin...

Everyone in Ning'an City knew that this courtyard belonged to him, Cheng Bai, and no one dared to steal the contents inside. The door was wide open, and if the lights in the house were not dark, he would have thought it was welcoming him home...

He doesn't even have a brother, who would welcome him home...

"Brother Bai, I don't know my attic anymore, so I'll just stay here every day and wait for you to come back, okay?"

The words that Xiaojiaobao said while sticking to his side flashed in his mind, and Cheng Bai lost his mind for a moment...

At that time, the Xiaojiao bag was really delicate, soft, and sticky, and it would stick to the body even if it was touched and rubbed a little, and it could not be peeled off.

How can I be so indifferent like now...

The more he thought about how well Xiaojiao had done before, the more disappointed Cheng Bai became.

When Pan Shulin saw this, a flash of calculation flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly said: "Brother Bai, let me go in with you, you haven't eaten yet, I actually cooked a table of dishes for you today, and I'm in the room. There is also wine."

Cheng Bai's eyes flickered: "Is there any wine?"

"Yeah." Pan Shulin's eyes lit up, and he pulled Cheng Bai into the room and said, "I can prepare good wine, and I can eat the food after I heat it up."

He dragged Cheng Bai all the way into the room where the food and wine were placed, only to find that the wine had been drunk and even the food had been tampered with.

Pan Shulin was shocked: "This..."

Cheng Bai looked at it, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "No one takes the things in this room, but someone eats the food, maybe the passers-by are hungry."

He said, and said to Pan Shulin: "Young master Pan, you see that the wine has been drunk, and the food has been eaten... You should go back early, it will be dawn..."


Suddenly there was a very soft humming in the room, as if someone had not slept well and let out a dissatisfied murmur...

Shocked, Cheng Bai quickly got up and went to check the house.

But he saw a naked orc sitting on his bed in the room. That man was staring fiercely outside, with obvious guard and hostility in his eyes.

Seeing someone coming in, he pulled the quilt on the side and covered the person inside. The person was covered with only a small hillock, and he looked very small...

"Yuan Heng?" Cheng Bai was surprised: "Why are you here?"

Cheng Bai's eyes swept over Yuan Heng's body, the orc looked like an afterthought, his lean body was covered with sweat, and his long hair was stuck to his body.

"You..." Cheng Bai was startled, and turned to look at the bulging hillock.

The man was covered tightly, only the face above the nose was exposed, his eyes were tightly closed, he seemed extremely tired, and he showed no signs of waking up, and the corners of the man's eyes were flushed, and he looked bullied in a mess appearance…

That person only showed half of his face, but Cheng Bai still recognized him...

It was Xiaojiaobao who had been waiting all night for him to arrive...

Cheng Bai's mind went "boom", as if something broke: " and are on my bed..."

Pan Shulin, who entered late, covered her mouth in surprise...and looked at Cheng Bai.

Cheng Bai's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and stared at Yuan Heng, as if he wanted to find Yuan Heng desperately.

"He's still my fiancee!" Cheng Bai squeezed out the words between his teeth, roared angrily, and turned into a white fox, pounced on Yuan Heng.

"..." Yuan Heng watched, quickly put on his clothes, hugged the person on the bed with the quilt in his arms, and jumped out of the window.

Cheng Bai's eyes turned red with anger, and he chased after him.

Pan Shulin twitched her lips, pulled the attendants and ran after her.

Yuan Heng carried Wang Jin back to the attic. During this time, most of the people in the attic were sent by Wang Jin to manage the clothing store. When he came back now, the attic was very quiet. Fortunately, he met Uncle Shan at the door.

Yuan Heng stepped forward anxiously and said: "Uncle Shan, find a doctor quickly, my brother seems to have a fever."

"! The young master is sick!" Shan Bo was startled, and looked at the person in Yuan Heng's arms. The man was wrapped in blankets, and his face was flushed abnormally. Shan Bo stretched out his hand and touched his forehead. Surprised, he hurriedly said: "Hurry up and take the young master in and lie down, I'll go right away."

"Okay." Just as Yuan Heng took two steps, Cheng Bai climbed over the wall and yelled at Yuan Heng: "Yuan Heng!"

"Young Master Cheng?" Shan Bo was taken aback, "Why are you here!"

"Why am I here?" Cheng Bai strode towards Yuan Heng, gnashing his teeth and said, "I'm here to settle accounts with someone."

Seeing Cheng Bai's complexion, Shan Bo hurriedly stood in front of Cheng Bai: "Young Master Cheng, let's talk about it later if you have something to do, you can walk faster, can you help me find a doctor, young master has a fever."

"!" Xiaojiao is sick?

Cheng Bai's heart twitched, and the overwhelming anger turned into pity. He stared at Yuan Heng for a moment, tightened his hand, and turned around without saying a word.

"..." Yuan Heng took another step, carried the person in his arms back to the bed, and put on clothes for the person on the bed.

Last night...he lost his mind...too much.

Yuan Heng hugged Wang Jin with self-blame, Wang Jin's face was flushed abnormally, but his lips were so white.

Just now he and Cheng Bai had such a big commotion, but this person showed no sign of sobriety at all.

"You little brother, I usually tell you to take more tonics, but you always don't listen." Although he blamed the unconscious man, the self-blame and worry in the man's eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Doctor, go and have a look." Not long after, Cheng Bai walked in with the disheveled doctor.

As soon as he came in, seeing Yuan Heng holding Wang Jin in his arms, his complexion turned dark immediately.

He stepped forward and pulled Yuan Heng up, pushed the doctor over, and dragged Yuan Heng out the door.

Yuan Heng's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to the Buddha's head, and was about to go inside.

Cheng Bai directly showed his sharp claws and attacked Yuan Heng. Yuan Heng dodged easily, and looked at Cheng Bai with displeasure in his light-colored pupils: "You can't beat me."

"Then try!" Cheng Bai was furious, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Suddenly a male voice came and stopped the two of them.

"What are you doing?"

Read The Duke's Passion