MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 122

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Pan Shulin's whole body relaxed as if the boulder pressing on her heart had finally been lifted.

Seeing this, the kneeling brother hurriedly congratulated and said: "Congratulations, my son, the brother who was bribed by us to deliver the letter to Xi Yao died, and no one will know that Xi Yao's departure was not voluntary, let alone Xi Yao. People know that Xi Yao has been murdered, and Xi Yao himself can't remember this incident. That is to say, as long as Xi Yao does not recover his memory, no one will pursue this matter, let alone us. .”

Pan Shulin raised the corners of her lips: "I heard that the city lord agreed to that ancient orc to be the guardian of Xi Yao?"

The brother was taken aback, and replied: "Yes, we moved in and lived together last night. I heard people say that Xi Yao and that ancient orc are closely related."

As he said that, the brother said with a disgusted goose bumps expression: "It's obvious that they haven't got married yet, but they are sticky all day long, I'm afraid that others won't know that they have been married before..."

When Pan Shulin heard the words, the joy in his eyes became even more intense: "So, the rumor is that you have forgotten Brother Bai and are no longer attached to Brother Bai?"

The brother was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while and said, "That's right, but..."

He thought for a while and said: "Last night at the banquet, according to what the city lord said, that young master Cheng was still the fiancé of Xi Rumor...and he never heard of the dissolution of the engagement..."

Pan Shulin remembered how he was taught by the city lord when he begged for mercy at the banquet, and his complexion suddenly sank: "Obviously there are ancient orcs, but in the end, they still occupy Brother Bai."

A trace of jealousy and ferocity flashed in his eyes, as if he wished to cut Xi Yao into pieces.

Seeing this, the brother hurriedly persuaded him: "Young master, Xi Yao, who has lost his memory, is in the limelight now. You can't be impulsive. I think that Xi Yao, who has lost his memory, has such a good relationship with the ancient orcs. If it continues like this, it will not be as good as Young Master Cheng." Sooner or later, the marriage contract will be broken, and when the time comes, it will be the son's chance."

Pan Shulin's complexion eased a lot when he heard the words, but there was always a trace of unwillingness in his eyes: "It's just that, it's easy to stop the rumors."

"That is the younger brother of the city lord after all." The brother replied.

Pan Shulin snorted coldly: "He relies on his identity, without this identity he is nothing."

"That's all." Pan Shulin got up and helped the brother up: "As long as he doesn't want to wake up and doesn't pester Brother Bai, I don't want him to die."

After finishing speaking, Pan Shulin seemed to have thought of something, his face was stained with some blush, his slightly closed eyes were full of spring, and he said, "Let's go, let's go see Brother Bai."

Wang Jin took Yuan Heng for a stroll from the street to the end of the street.

This Ning'an City has developed extremely well, and it is no different from the small town where Wang Jin lived in his previous life.

Wang Jin walked around the stalls with a purse in his hand...he could buy whatever he wanted.

Seeing the heavy purse in Wang Jin's hand, all the peddlers gave him warm smiles and greeted him...

Looking at it, Wang Jin felt as if he had gone back to the past. He was still the wealthy son with a family fortune, and he was greeted by thousands of people when he went out...

This kind of long-lost feeling is very refreshing, Wang Jin bought it for a while, and bought all as long as he was even slightly interested.

Fortunately, the money given by Xining is enough.

"..." The little brother in front was like a bird that had been imprisoned for a long time, and was once free.

That brother was so proficient and comfortable when he was shopping, and his petite figure quickly shuttled through the crowd. Although Yuan Heng followed step by step, for some reason, it was the first time that he felt so far away from that little brother. It's so far away that it seems like centuries have passed.

There has never been such a street, such a prosperous moment in the Danmu tribe or even his ancient orc tribe...

Everything in Ning'an City is strange to him, but his brother is so familiar with the way of life here...

Yuan Heng suddenly remembered what Xin Ning said to him... and seemed to understand what Xin Ning meant by letting him be the guardian...

The man's knuckles trembled slightly, and he curled up tightly. Now he is really not qualified to stand beside the little brother...

The little brother stared at the things on the street with bright eyes, and his expression of joy made people want to give him all the things on the street, but... the money he bought and sold was not his Yes, it belongs to Xining... He doesn't even have any money to buy the little brother what he likes...

Yuan Heng pursed his lips tightly, his knuckles turning white...

Wang Jin was attracted by the things on the street, and he didn't notice what was wrong with the man at all.

It wasn't until the money was almost spent that Wang Jin rented a beast cart with Yuan Heng carrying a bunch of things and returned to the courtyard.

This beast cart is different from Xi Ning's, it's a cart pulled by a beastman transformed into a beast...

These orcs are relatively weak in physique, or have some physical disabilities caused by hunting, and they do these jobs in the city to earn a living.

Wang Jin took it as it should be, it wasn't the first time he rode in such a beast cart, and Shanbo rented this kind of cart for him when he was looking for Yuan Heng.

But Yuan Heng is the first time to sit...

The man's face turned dark from the moment he got on the beast cart, his knuckles were bent at his knees, and he grabbed the clothes there tightly, wrinkling them out.

"Little brother..."

He called the excited Wang Jin, and Wang Jin was fiddling with the things he bought, responding a little perfunctorily.

"..." Yuan Heng heard this, silently closed his mouth, and turned his head away.

Wang Jin couldn't wait for Yuan Heng's answer for a long time, so he raised his eyes to look at him, but saw the man sitting silently on the side, his slender eyelashes covered the thousands of thoughts in his eyes, his lips were tightly pursed, Although outsiders seem to have no expression, but Wang Jin has been with him for so long, he knows every little change in the man...

The man's expression made it clear that he was sulking.

Wang Jin blinked his eyes, leaned close to him, put him on his shoulder, looked straight at Yuan Heng and said, "What's the matter? Brother Heng?"

"..." Yuan Heng looked at the fox-shaped orc pulling the cart outside and said nothing.

Wang Jin followed his gaze, then looked at the man's expression as if he had been robbed of his job, and suddenly felt strange.

Does the man want to pull the cart?

What a magical idea, even the Danmu tribe doesn't have this...

Thinking of the Danmu tribe, Wang Jin suddenly remembered.

In the Danmu tribe, only their own orcs can stoop to their brother will only accept his own orcs' backs...if he gets on the back of other is equivalent to betraying his own orcs.

Although the orc in the shape of a beast outside is pulling a cart, but he is sitting in the cart... The man doesn't think that the orc is carrying him, right?

"You..." Wang Jin looked at Yuan Heng with wet eyes, "You don't think it's another orc carrying me, do you?"

"..." The man froze and didn't speak.

Seeing him like this, Wang Jin knew that he had guessed right. He was dumbfounded for a while, and his eyes were bent when he smiled, his lips formed a heart shape, and his eyes were as bright as stars in them.

Hearing the brother's laughter, the man's teeth itch in his heart, he turned around and hugged the little brother, got out of the carriage, turned into a white tiger with wings, and jumped forward with the little brother on his back.

The orcs outside only saw a white shadow flash in front of them, and the two people in the carriage disappeared. Only a sentence came from a distance.

"When the things are delivered to the address, I will pay you."

Quickly running to the door of the attic, Yuan Heng turned into a human form and stood aside with his hands behind his back. Wang Jinxiao bent over, looking at the man with mockery in his eyes.

I really didn't expect that a man who has always been prudent would be so childish.

"Brother Heng, the rules in Ning'an City are different... and he didn't have any contact with that orc in the car, so he can't be counted as carrying me..."


Yuan Heng naturally knew that the orc had no contact with the little brother at all, long as the little brother was involved, even if it was just something that this person might have intentions for others, he couldn't take it calmly.

Wang Jin saw that Yuan Heng didn't speak, a trace of helplessness flashed in his smiling eyes, he stepped forward and was about to speak, when Shan Bo ran out and said, "Young master, you can count yourself back, you have invited the doctor back from the city lord, It's waiting for you inside."

Hearing this, Wang Jin hurriedly dragged Yuan Heng into the room. The doctor was a middle-aged orc, and he looked quite benevolent.

Seeing Wang Jin running in from the outside, he looked him up and down, and gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Young master, you said that you were sick from fright, I see your face is ruddy, She is full of smiles, her brows are full of spring waves, her eyes are full of spring, she doesn't look like she is sick."

Wang Jin was not guilty of being seen through at all, instead, he stepped forward frankly, sat next to the doctor, and stretched out his hand: "I also love myself, I was really frightened by the **** scene just now, only…"

Wang Jin raised his eyes to look at Yuan Heng once, his eyes fluttered, and cunning flashed in his eyes, that clever appearance was full of aura, very pleasing.

"Brother Heng took me out for a walk, and the discomfort disappeared. Thanks to Brother Heng. You have to mention it to my brother when you go back."

Hearing this, the doctor raised his eyes to look at the man, and then at the brother opposite, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, this young man wanted to speak well of the ancient orc in front of the city lord...

The young master on the opposite side looked at the ancient orc, and smiled happily, as if it contained sugar, so sweet that everyone who watched it felt happy...

This young master protects this ancient orc so much... It's nothing more than this ancient orc likes him so much...

It's rare to see such sincere feelings. The smile on the corner of the doctor's mouth widened a little, and he jokingly said, "I think it's best to tell the city lord directly that ancient orcs are the best medicine for the young master, isn't it?"

"Of course!" Hearing the words, the little boy raised his head slightly and looked back, his flying expression seemed to be high-spirited...not at all polite.

The doctor laughed, shook his head, packed up his things and said, "That's all right, the young master is fine, so I'll go back first."

"Hey, wait..." Wang Jin motioned to Shan Bo, Shan Bo immediately understood, and moved out a big wooden box from the house.

Wang Jin pushed the big wooden box in front of the doctor and said, "This wooden box contains the tonic that Axiang gave me. The doctor will help me see if I can take all of these? Will it be the same as the medicine you prescribed for me?" Clash?"

Hearing this, the doctor hurriedly took the wooden box and opened it to have a look. A triumphant smile flashed in Wang Jin's eyes.

The doctor looked at it carefully for a while, his complexion darkened, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also disappeared.

"Young master, you must not take this medicine."

"What's wrong?" Wang Jinming asked knowingly.

The doctor asked: "Is this given to the young master by Mr. Zhao Xiangzhao, the elder brother of the deputy city lord?"

"Yeah." Wang Jin nodded.

The doctor shook his head, and said with doubts on his face: "This is strange, his deputy mayor is not so poor as to give away tonics, but some fake medicines?"

"Fake medicine?" The corners of Wang Jin's eyes twitched. He thought it was a defective product, but he didn't expect it to be more serious. It was fake...

This fragrance...

The original owner regarded him as a sincere friend, and that's how he treated the original owner...

It's a pity that the original owner's friendship is sincere...

It is also because of this that Zhaoxiang is even more unforgivable, to deceive the original owner's feelings like this!

"Can you see clearly? This medicine was given to me by my best friend?"

When Wang Jin said this, there was anger and resentment in his heart, and his complexion naturally showed a bit of unbearable pain. From the doctor's point of view, this pain was just that he couldn't accept the reality of being treated so perfunctorily by his friends, and he was completely hurt. sad heart...

The doctor suddenly felt pity in his heart. The little boy was shy before and had no friends. He only regarded Zhao Xiang as a friend, but now, this friend...

The doctor couldn't bear to look at those fake medicines, he hurriedly closed the wooden box, and lied with a smile: "Maybe I made a mistake, I'll take it back and have a look, and then I'll send it to the young master."

Wang Jin's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly said, "Then... thank you doctor."

"No, then I'll go back to my life first."

Read The Duke's Passion