MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 12

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Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a person wearing a beast suit walking over from the crowd with a bored expression on his face.

"Boss?" Mugeer called out in a low voice.

leader? This is the leader of the Danmu tribe.

The leader who tolerated the original body and lived in the tribe before, but never met Wang Jin?

Wang Jin raised his eyes curiously and looked at the visitor. The visitor was a little handsome, but he was still not as handsome as the man. If the man's scar healed, he would definitely be thousands of times more handsome than this man.

After Wang Jin glanced at it, he turned his gaze away.

The leader glanced around for a week, and when he saw Brother Yue, he was slightly taken aback, his face changed slightly, and then turned his eyes away under Brother Yue's avoidance.

Finally, his eyes fell on Wang Jin, and he looked Wang Jin up and down. The leader's complexion turned bad visibly, and he sneered: "Everyone says you are a lunatic. It’s not crazy at all to take revenge on people.”

Wang Jin raised his eyebrows and said cheekily, "No, I'm crazy."

Before, he always explained that he was not crazy, but no one believed him.

Now others say that he is not crazy, but he is happy that he is crazy.

Crazy to do some extraordinary things.

For example, this time... If he is a normal person, the current situation is really difficult to deal with.

But now he is just an unconscious lunatic, he can't tell what is reason and what is human affection, he only knows that if he is bullied, he wants revenge!

"..." The leader twitched his mouth, stopped looking at Wang Jin, and walked towards the confronting people step by step.

The two sides who were still confronting each other just now converged after the leader appeared and turned into human forms.

People in the tribe still listen to the leader very much, except Yuan Heng...

After Yuan Heng saw the leader, although he restrained his spread wings and retracted his exposed minions, he still refused to transform into a human form.

An orc with a beast shape is threatening to any orc, and it is not as harmless as a human shape. Yuan Heng's behavior is equivalent to provoking the leader.

The leader's expression was gloomy. Seeing that he was about to lose his temper, Yuan Heng finally shook his body and turned into a human form.

"According to the rules of the tribe, if you murder your brother, they will be expelled from the tribe. The orcs failed to supervise their brother well, and they are guilty of the same crime." Once transformed into a human form, Yuan Heng spoke first.

He didn't have the respect that others had for the leader of the tribe, but seemed to be preemptive.

The leader's complexion was black and blue. Is he the leader or is this person the leader?

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" He asked, his tone full of displeasure.

Yuan Heng shook his head slightly: "I just hope that the leader will be fair."

"You don't need to say it!" The leader snorted coldly, glanced around, and frowned when he saw the three orcs who were seriously injured on the ground and the three brothers whose eyes were red from crying but their faces were pale.

There was cunning in Brother Orange's eyes, and when the leader was about to speak, he suddenly stepped forward and knelt down in front of the leader, crying, "Boss, we really knew we were wrong, we missed it before, it was really just a small contradiction, lunatic... No...Brother Jin held grudges, which magnified the conflict, Brother Yue knew it, he knew it was a small conflict."

Brother Ju desperately winked at Brother Yue, who was taken aback for a moment. He did say "a small conflict", but in fact he didn't know that these people made such a serious mistake.

At this moment, the brother winked at him, his eyes were full of pleading, his embarrassed appearance made him a little soft-hearted.

"Yeah, leader, just now brother Yue spoke for us, but this... Jin brother didn't listen at all, then Yuan Heng only cared about his brother, and completely ignored the feelings of other people in the tribe." Lan Geer saw Brother Yue didn't speak, but stepped forward to agree, and even teased Brother Yue secretly.

Brother Yue paused for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the man, but saw that the man's always indifferent eyes were tender at this moment. He followed the man's eyes and found that he was actually staring at the madman with a focused look. It seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him, but only the madman.

"!" Brother Yue's heart went cold, sourness welled up from the bottom of his heart, and it rose to his throat. His mouth was astringent, and jealousy crawled into his heart like a ghost, blackening his thinking.

He said loudly: "Yes, it's actually some small conflicts. They didn't murder my brother on purpose. They just missed, but they couldn't be forgiven. It's a bit too pitiful."

As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Yue's mind went blank, as if something exploded in his mind!

He actually said it? ! Protected three brothers who committed felonies...

The silence around was terrifying. Brother Yue's face turned pale and his head was dizzy. He looked at the man. The man raised his gaze at some point and looked straight at him. It can't be said, it's just indifferent and calm, as if looking at an unrelated object or an unrelated person.

Brother Yue's eyes went dark, and an indescribable embarrassment filled his heart, causing unbearable pain in his heart.

" are truly a bodhisattva." Wang Jin sarcastically said beside him.

People don't know what a bodhisattva is, they just think that the madman is talking crazy again.

Normally, brother Yue would think that a lunatic is talking nonsense, but today he feels sensitively that this lunatic is talking about him, mocking him, mocking him, occupying his beloved man and showing off his power to him.

A surge of anger surged from his heart, rushed to the limbs, and made his toes and fingertips curl up.

Brother Yue took a deep breath, and his desire to protect the three brothers became stronger and stronger.

He said again: "There are not many people in the tribe. If the three of you are driven away, how can their father, father, elder brother, elder brother and the orcs in their family ignore them? Then they will leave together. If not, the tribe will lose a lot of combat power, which is a loss for the entire tribe."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and after careful consideration, they felt that Brother Yue's words were not unreasonable.

Brother Yue saw that everyone was shaken, and said again: "Brother Ju and they were indeed wrong this time, but they really missed. They didn't mean it. They made a mistake. Wouldn't it be better to stay in the tribe to make up for it? Who benefits?"

Brother Yue spoke with eloquence and emotion, and everyone was inclined to forgive for a while.

From a distance, the leader looked at the talking brother who was neither humble nor overbearing, the satisfaction and fascination in his eyes seemed to overflow his eyes.

Yuan Heng watched, with an imperceptible sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, he walked over to Wang Jin in front of everyone, hugged Wang Jin by the waist in full view, and shouted to Laiyuan: "Let's go!" .”

Lai Yuan pulled Mu Geer and hurriedly followed.

"Ah?" Wang Jin was stunned for a moment, feeling the man holding him and walking forward. He looked at the leaves on the ground behind him, stretched out his hands and pulled them in the void several times, and wailed: "Leafs...leaves!"

The man paused slightly, and saw Mu Geer running back two steps and picked up the leaves, Wang Jin calmed down, and the man walked away again.

Brother Yue looked at the back of the man leaving, and lowered his eyes in a lonely way.

The four of them went back to the man's house together, but they met a person at the door—Xiao Ruo.

The man looked sunny, pacing anxiously at the door.

Seeing the four people coming back, they hurriedly greeted them.

"Xiao Ruo?" Lai Yuan blinked his eyes, a little confused: "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you snake meat, and put it in your respective houses. Brother Heng, you hunted in a big fog, and the brothers divided it up. The most tender meat and animal skins were brought to you. You hunted them specially. I also brought back the milk and the fruits I found, and put them in your room."

"Thank you." Yuan Heng thanked, Xiao Ruo touched his nose guilty, and hesitated to speak: "This...Brother Heng...I..."

Yuan Heng glanced at him, his brows relaxed slightly, and he took the initiative to say, "I don't blame you for calling the leader."

Xiao Ruo looked at the man in surprise: "You know?"

Yuan Heng nodded: "Even if you don't call, there will always be someone to invite. I don't intend to go beyond the leader to deal with those brothers. I just want to teach them while the leader is away."

Suddenly, Xiao Ruo's mind was relieved a lot, he said with a smile: "I was afraid of accidents, so I called the leader, and I was afraid that brother Heng would blame me, so I didn't dare to follow the leader to find you."

"So, you did this to apologize?" Lai Yuan joked.

Xiao Ruo clicked his tongue, pushed him, and said, "What kind of apology, don't say it so harshly, I've done this to you before!"

Lai Yuan smiled, Xiao Ruo said: "By the way, after the leader left, how did you deal with those brothers? At least let them go to a safe area to collect! And they have to be assigned to take care of the elderly in the tribe!"

As soon as this was mentioned, the four of them stopped talking, and Xiao Ruo paused, with a strange expression on his face: "He...won't he just let it go?"

Lai Yuan sighed when he heard the words: "Although I didn't say it, I guess it was, but I'm not surprised at all, the leader ran on Brother Heng not once or twice..."

Lai Yuan's words came to an abrupt end. He seemed to realize that he had said something that shouldn't be said. He glanced at Yuan Heng carefully, and Wang Jin looked up at the man, and found that his expression was normal, as if he was not talking about him.

Wang Jin was a little curious, what kind of existence does this man have in the tribe?

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now I suddenly remembered that the orc world advocates force, and the leader is often the most powerful one, but this Danmu tribe is not like that...

Looking at other people's attitudes towards men, the delicate relationship between the leader and men, and even his unique animal nature, Wang Jin felt that it was not easy.

Xiao Ruo's face was gray and defeated, and she looked at Yuan Heng annoyedly: "I'm sorry...Brother Heng, I..."

He was a little embarrassed to say it, he knew that those people would not be kicked out of the tribe after notifying the leader, but he really didn't expect the leader to be so blatant and let him go like that...

"Don't even mention this, why don't you have dinner at my house today?" The man carefully placed Wang Jin on a chair, and turned around to ask a few people.

Laiyuan and Mugeer put the leaves on the table of the man's house and said: "We won't do it, Brother Heng, I have to go back to deal with the snake meat, put the leaves here."

"That's fine." The man didn't force him to stay, but turned to look at Xiao Ruo, who scratched his head and said that he wanted to deal with the meat, and followed.

In an instant, only the man and Wang Jin were left in the room.

Read The Duke's Passion