MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 119

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Seeing Wang Jin frowning, Shan Bo dug out a pile of old animal skins from the closet, spread them on the bed and said, "Young master, is this possible?"

Wang Jin touched the bed and found that it was much softer. He sighed and said, "Let's just settle for one night."

He turned back to look at the man, only to find that Yuan Heng had consciously walked to the couch and sat down.

"..." Wang Jin looked at Yuan Heng with a bitter face.

"..." Yuan Heng looked at each other, his heart moved slightly, fearing that he would walk over uncontrollably, he quickly turned his face away.

Wang Jin snorted angrily, and climbed onto the bed angrily.

Seeing this, Shan Bo smiled, walked up to Yuan Heng and said, "Young Master Yuan, let's make it up tonight, and tomorrow I will clean out the next room for you."

"There is Lao Shanbo."

Shan Bo retreated respectfully.

The next day, when Wang Jin woke up, it was already broad daylight, the quilts on the couch were neatly folded, and there was no man left.

He hurriedly got up and put on his clothes and went out. As soon as he went out, he saw many sticks, whips and other murder weapons scattered on the ground at the door. He tried to avoid these things, walked outside, and saw the yard Yuan Heng stood with his back to him, and there was a row of orcs in front of him. They stood neatly and respected him very much.

At the side, Xiao Xiao, Xiao He and some brothers who had never seen before knelt beside the man shaking their bodies, their faces pale...

Wang Jin blinked in astonishment, always feeling like he missed something.

Shan Bo at the side saw Wang Jin, and stepped forward with a happy face: "Young master."

Wang Jin came back to his senses, pointed to the things on the ground, looked at the little people again, and looked at Uncle Shan suspiciously: "This..."

Uncle Shan understood, and looked at the eyes of the young people with a bit of relief, and he looked at Wang Jin with joy: "These people wanted to enter your house early this morning to commit murder, but they were caught. Mr. Yuan has taught you a harsh lesson."

Said it was a lesson, Wang Jin found out with sharp eyes that those brothers were not actually injured, probably they were directly scared away by Yuan Heng, and they didn't do anything, otherwise, with the skill of men, these people might not be so intact look like.

"Then..." Wang Jin searched the row of orcs in the courtyard, pointed at them and said, "What about these people?"

"This is Mr. Yuan choosing a nursing home."

Yuan Heng also came over at this time, and the indifferent and cold aura dissipated after Wang Jin's figure was reflected in his light-colored glazed pupils, replaced by warmth like the first melting of winter snow.

"Are these... okay?"

Yuan Heng pointed to those orcs and asked Wang Jin, Wang Jin looked over the man and looked at those orcs carefully...

He was blocked by Yuan Heng before and didn't pay attention to it. After looking at it, Wang Jin discovered that these orcs are all strong and strong. They are very strong at first glance, and they are very suitable for a nursing home, but...the appearance of these people...

Wang Jin swept from the leftmost one to the rightmost one... His eyes twitched uncontrollably.

The nursing home in his previous life was carefully selected by him. Not only is his martial arts superb, but his appearance must also be above average, so that it conforms to his aesthetics...

But these few people... either have bruises on their faces or beards all over their faces, or have blemishes on their facial features, so ugly that he doesn't even want to take a second look.

Looking again, behind this row of orcs there is a bunch of orcs who have been eliminated and have not had time to leave. In fact, there are many good-looking and strong orcs among the orcs...

Wang Jin couldn't help but take a second look, and looked at the man with some doubts.

However, he saw that the man's light-colored pupils were full of hostility, looking at the orcs he had seen just now, his knuckles were tightly clenching, as if as long as he opened his mouth to leave them behind, he would go forward It's like fighting them.

"..." Wang Jin silently closed his mouth, vaguely understanding why the selected nursing home was so ugly...

The longer you spend with a man, the more you can discover the little thoughts hidden under his indifferent expression... These little thoughts often make Wang Jin very happy.

The doubt in his eyes gradually changed to joy, and the peaceful heart lake was like a stone thrown into it, causing ripples in layers.

In fact, the man's hostile expression is sharp and fierce, and there is a hint of wildness, which makes him look fierce and terrifying. Because of this, he can deter ferocious beasts, orcs and brothers with malicious intentions, but in Wang Jin's eyes In his eyes, he felt that such a man was the most handsome, thousands of times more handsome than those guest officials in his previous life.

It was as if a rabbit had been put into his heart, and the rabbit lost its sense of proportion and stomped on his heart indiscriminately, causing his heart to be dented with claws, and those claws were filled by an unknown force. Full of love...

"This...these people are fine, they all listen to Brother Heng..."

Wang Jin said bluntly, if the people around hadn't seen the disgust and doubt in Wang Jin's eyes just now, they would have really thought that he was extremely satisfied with the selected nursing home...

Everyone looked at Wang Jin and the man standing beside him in surprise.

But he found that the moment the man spoke, the terrifying aura on his body dissipated, and what was left was the warmth like a spring breeze, and the eyes with warmth and smile were quite different from just now...

The two looked at each other, as if everything around them was not in their eyes, and everyone was automatically isolated from them, as if they were the only two left in the world... The atmosphere instantly became ambiguous...

Wang Jin couldn't stop his heartbeat, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he stretched out his hand uncontrollably to touch the man's hand. The sticky and ambiguous appearance seemed that he was not going to hold the man's hand, but to touch his whole body. It's like letting the man take it without any scruples.

Seeing this, Uncle Shan felt a thump in his heart, he hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed in between the two of them bravely, and said to Wang Jin, whose face had darkened, "Young master, what should we do with Xiaoxiao and others?"

"..." Fingertips trembled pitifully in the air, Wang Jin's knuckles twitched slightly, he withdrew his hand, gave Shan Bo a dissatisfied look, and walked towards Xiao Xiao and the others.

After Wang Jin turned around, Shan Bo came back and approached Yuan Heng and said in a low voice, "Young Master Yuan, you are young and don't know how to restrain yourself. You have to control yourself a little bit. You are just a guardian. You can't fight with so many people watching you." Little boy like this..."

"..." Yuan Heng heard this, his knuckles trembled, he could hardly make a fist, and the roots of his ears turned pink at a speed visible to the naked eye... His slender eyelashes trembled, and finally retracted, covering the little bit of shame in his eyes …

"I'll take care, Shanbo."

His voice was low and hoarse, as if he was suppressing a certain nature, but he seemed calm and reliable. Shan Bo nodded in satisfaction and followed Wang Jin.

Yuan Heng waved his hand to let the eliminated orcs leave, and the remaining guards lined up in the yard, waiting for arrangements.

Wang Jin came in front of Xiao Xiao, Xiao He and the others.

Those people were afraid of Yuan Heng, but they were not afraid of Wang Jin. Seeing Wang Jin approaching, they raised their heads and stared at him fiercely.

" still don't take good care of your orc!" Xiaohe said boldly.

Wang Jin narrowed his eyes, but the man was not afraid, instead he raised his head even more, like a proud peacock.

It's just that this state didn't last long, Wang Jin didn't see him hanging his head like a bereaved dog, he looked back slightly, and he found Yuan Heng standing behind him.

These guys... really know how to bully the weak and fear the strong.

"Take me to the cashier." Wang Jin kicked Xiaoxiao and said.

"..." Xiao Xiao got kicked, raised her head angrily, saw the man behind Wang Jin and dared not move, but he didn't obey.

Yuan Heng narrowed his eyes dangerously, and wanted to step forward, but Wang Jin stretched out his hand to hold him down: "Brother Heng, don't get your hands dirty with this matter, let me handle it."

Men have always been reluctant to argue with his brother. He, a beastman, can't justify doing something to his brother, and even lowered his status.

Wang Jin glanced at the guards who were standing upright, and said to them, "Pick up the wooden sticks on the ground and come here."

Those people were taken aback, and stepped forward obediently.

Wang Jin signaled them to surround Xiaoxiao and the others...

Those orcs are all strong and strong, with fierce faces, and they are holding wooden sticks and long whips and other fierce things...

Xiao Xiao and the others turned pale with fright, shrank into a ball and trembled weakly.

"You...what do you want to do?" Xiao He asked with a trembling voice.

Wang Jindao: "I don't think you can resist anyway?"

"..." Xiao Xiao and Xiao He paused and looked at each other.

Wang Jin said: "I'll say it again, take me to the accountant, otherwise I will really do something."

As Wang Jin spoke, he motioned to the orcs, and the orcs understood, and moved closer to those people. Xiao Xiao and Xiao He trembled even more, and finally gave in: "Wait...we'll take you there."

After all, they stood up shaking their legs and walked ahead.

Wang Jin followed behind with Nu Yuan, Yuan Heng and Shan Bo.

Shan Bo saw that Xiao Xiao and Xiao He were so afraid of Wang Jin, and when Wang Jin faced the two, he was no longer as embarrassed and panicked as before. He was astonished and felt ecstasy in his heart.

He had waited for so many years for the young master to become strong, and now the young master can finally be on his own.

Moreover, the young master knows the most important place in the attic - the accounting room.

He has mentioned to the young master more than once that he wants the young master to keep the books and finances in his hands, but every time the young master is timid and dare not mention...

He didn't open his mouth this time, but the young master knew the importance of the finances... Uncle Shan's face was filled with relief...

His little son has finally grown up.

The accounting room is set up in a separate small courtyard in the backyard of the attic. There is a special accountant inside. He is a middle-aged man. When he saw Wang Jin enter the door, the accountant glanced at him, and then continued to work indifferently. One's own business, as if Wang Jin did not exist.

After a short pause, he seemed to think of something, and lazily added: "There is no money in the cashier, young master, go slowly."

"..." Wang Jin's eyes twitched, his complexion turned black.

In this attic, except for Shan Bo, no one is the original owner and the master... Let alone the master, it seems that the original owner is not respected as a normal person...

Wang Jin bent his knuckles uncontrollably, with fierce eyes, stepped forward, tapped the table and said, "What if I must withdraw money today?"

That brother's voice contained strong anger, as if as long as he rejected him, that anger would explode with great energy and attack him.

The accountant didn't want to pay attention to the man's words, but he finally raised his eyes after feeling the ruthlessness in the tone.

The delicate facial features of the brother in front of me are like a tiny brush stroke by stroke. The fine hair on the fair skin is clearly visible, and the small face can be covered with a slap...

This person is still the exquisite appearance in memory, but the feeling is completely different...

In the past, he was timid and weak, his eyes dodged left and right, and he didn't dare to look directly at others. He obviously had a good-looking face, but he looked dull and dull because of shrinking.

But the person in front of him is smart and confident, looking at him with those clear eyes, his figure is reflected in the black pupils, as if there is a fire burning in the center, at this moment he is looking at him like that, as if the fire has burned him His reflection made him shudder.

He paused with his fingers, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was a little strange, although he had the same face, but he felt that the person in front of him was not the rumor that he could easily deceive, but a person who would come forward and bite if he didn't treat him well. Brother son...

He didn't dare to speak for a moment, Wang Jin knocked on the table again and said, "I said I must withdraw money today?"

"..." The accountant closed his eyes and thought for a while, then put on a rascal face, and said, "Young master, we really have no money in the attic..."

"Bang" Wang Jin casually grabbed the accountant's teacup on the table and threw it at him, the fire in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

The people outside heard the sound inside and rushed in immediately.

Read The Duke's Passion