MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 114

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He knows the city lord, if he didn't understand the temper of the city lord, he wouldn't be able to manage some big and small things in this city as a brother...

This city lord used to be a bit careful in the past and he didn't care at all, as long as the result didn't shame Ning'an City, didn't make him feel uncomfortable, didn't let him know that his younger brother was being bullied...

But this time, the orc directly described his negligence as a hidden danger that might bring a bad reputation to Ning'an City, and then provoked the city lord's dissatisfaction with him...

It's no wonder the city lord didn't punish himself!

He really underestimated this orc. He thought that even if he was an ancient orc, he was just a brave man... Unexpectedly, he still has a brain...

It seems that if they want to calculate in the future, they can't be so straightforward...

Thinking of this, he became more and more angry when he looked at Pan Yue next to him. This man was still his brother, but his elbow turned outward.

"Stay away from Xi Yao next time, don't help him!" Pan Shulin squeezed out a few words between his teeth.

Pan Yue wondered, "Why?"

"Because..." Pan Shulin turned to look at Pan Yue. Pan Yue's eyes were clear, reflecting his distorted face, which was distorted like a monster. Pan Shulin regained consciousness instantly, this was still at a banquet...

He looked around, and found that some people had noticed his side, and they were secretly looking at them. He quickly calmed down and suppressed the anger in his heart.

His brother has always been warm-hearted and simple... It's not the first time he knows...

Pan Shulin softened her tone and said, "Because you are so kind to other people's younger brothers, I will be jealous. I am your younger brother."

Hearing this, Pan Yue seemed to believe such words. He grinned, his eyes full of tolerance and said: "Xiao Lin, it's okay, brother knows, just hide from the young master next time."

When Pan Shulin heard this, her expression softened slightly.

Not long after, Zhao Xiang came out from behind, wearing a fancy dress, covered with gems all over her body, not to mention that it was too ostentatious and ugly... Even the weight of the gems made Zhao Xiang unable to straighten her body, so she could only bow her head Go forward.

He was already short and fat, with such an arched back, he looked like a lump, which should have been cute, but his clothes were too dazzling, and the expression on his face was too distorted... The powder and fat are scattered... From a distance, it looks like a clown...

The moment he walked around, several orcs had already turned their heads away from him, and some of them were still secretly smiling...

Feeling ashamed, Zhao Xiang angrily walked to her seat and sat down, looking at the hatred on the face of the author's soft brother.

The clothes are very tight, just a short walk away, the clothes rubbed against the skin... There have been several cuts, and they are stinging with pain...

Zhao Xiang lifted up his sleeves slightly and saw that there was already a scar on his arm, and it was still a little itchy. He scratched it twice, and there was a lump of swollen lump immediately... It looked very scary...

Zhaoxiang didn't dare to scratch it, but it was unbearably itchy, so she just kept rubbing it with her hands...

Pan Shulin watched quietly from the side, his eyes darkened, this time Zhaoxiang also suffered a lot from the rumor.

Looking around again, all the orcs and brothers looked at the expression of Xi Yao and the ancient orc, where there was just sarcasm and ridicule, most of the attitudes became extremely respectful...

The performance of these two people at the banquet made everyone in the city look at each other with admiration...

It seems that this time when the rumors came back, it was quite different from the past.

After the banquet, Zhao Xiang was the first to rush out of the banquet.

Wang Jin watched him leave the table in a hurry, and for some reason, he felt a different kind of joy in his heart.

This kind of joy is like that person is someone who has bullied me for a long time but I can't do anything about him...

But Wang Jin knew very clearly that he and Na Zhaoxiang only met twice...

Perhaps it was the resentment buried in the heart of the original owner before.

Wang Jin no longer looked at that person, he and Yuan Heng looked at each other, and they both saw the willingness to stay for the time being in each other's eyes.

They still have some matters to discuss with the city lord Xining... After the banquet is over and everyone has dispersed, it is a good time for them to talk to the city lord.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of leaving, the city lord raised his eyebrows slightly.

He happened to have something to do with these two...

When the people at the banquet dispersed one by one, the city lord was about to stand up and talk to Wang Jin and Yuan Heng, when Wang Jin and Yuan Heng stood up, suddenly there was a red shadow in front of Xi Ning.

As soon as the man came in front of Xining, he knelt down as soon as he bent his knees.

Xi Ning was taken aback, and looked at him suspiciously: "Shulin, what are you?"

Pan Shulin lowered his head and said, "City Lord, please spare Brother Bai. He has been punished to kneel in the basement for a day. He hasn't rested or eaten since he came back...I'm worried that he won't be able to survive..."

Wang Jin was surprised when he heard this, is Cheng Bai still being punished?

Thinking about it carefully, he was indeed not present at the banquet.

Hearing this, Xin Ning had a gloomy look in his eyes. He bent down the corners of his lips that had been raised all the time, looked at Cheng Li standing not far behind Pan Shulin intentionally or unintentionally, and asked, "What's your relationship with Cheng Bai?" ?”

Pan Shulin was startled, and said in a sticky voice, "It's just...friendship."

"What kind of friend?" Xi Ning said, looked at Cheng Li and pointedly said: "Even his elder brother never pleaded with me, why are you so anxious to plead for mercy?"

Xi Ning's eyes narrowed slightly, obviously he looked very lazy, but his eyes were very shrewd and penetrating, as if he had seen through Pan Shulin's thoughts...

Pan Shulin swallowed, her eyes wandered, she didn't dare to look directly at Xi Ning, with a guilty look on her face, Xi Ning frowned, this person's thoughts on Cheng Bai couldn't be...

That was his younger brother's fiancé, before his younger brother and Cheng Bai made it clear whether they wanted to get married, no one could take away his younger brother's love.

Xi Ning took a deep breath and was about to speak when Wang Jin next to him made a suspicious sound.

"Brother, what exactly did Cheng Bai do?"

Why do you look serious?

Cheng Li, the elder brother of his fiancé Cheng Bai, looked like he wanted to plead but couldn't do it, and Pan Shulin also looked very worried...

Wang Jin recalled that when he just came back...Cheng Bai was beaten and fined again, and was forced to kneel down and apologize to himself, saying that he had lied to him...

What is he hiding from himself?

"..." Xi Ning looked at Wang Jin, hesitant to speak, his eyes full of worry... as if Cheng Bai had done something bad to him.

Wang Jin became more puzzled, and saw Xi Ning waving his hand at Pan Shulin and said, "Go back, no matter how Cheng Bai is, it is impossible for a brother of yours to intercede for him, his elder brother is still there."

"..." Pan Shulin was about to say something, but Cheng Li suddenly stepped forward, stood beside him and said, "Mr. Pan, Cheng Bai and you are just casual acquaintances, you don't need to do this for him, his business Since my brother is in charge, you can go back."

"..." After finishing speaking, Cheng Li saluted Xi Ning, looking like he was about to plead for mercy, and Xi Ning waved his hand at him: "Okay, there is no need for this between you and me, I know what you mean, come with me. "

As he spoke, he took the lead and took two steps. He paused, then turned back to Yuan Heng and Wang Jin and said, "Yao'er and you will follow."

Everyone present except Pan Shulin left...

Pan Shulin knelt on the spot for a while, and finally stood up reluctantly.

Why didn't I even have the chance to intercede for Brother Bai, just because Brother Bai was the fiancé who stopped rumors?

That Xi Yao is obviously ambiguous with that ancient orc, why should he occupy Brother Bai's? !

That elder brother Bai is obviously suffering for Xi Yao, but Xi Yao looks ignorant and totally ignorant... Everyone is doting on Xi Yao! Why? !

Pan Shulin's facial features were distorted due to jealousy, his knuckles tightened, his fingertips were held in the palm of his hand, and the sharp nails on the top were deeply embedded in the flesh of his palm, he didn't realize it at all...

After an unknown amount of time, he turned around slowly and walked out step by step.

Outside, Na Zhaoxiang had already changed clothes and waited outside. Seeing him coming out, she rushed to meet him.

"I'm still thinking, when are you going to come out?" Zhaoxiang greeted Pan Shulin with a smile, seeing that his complexion was not good, Zhaoxiang paused slightly, and asked, "You... what's wrong?"

Pan Shulin didn't answer, just walked out, Zhaoxiang hurriedly followed and asked, "Is it because of the rumor?"

"Don't worry, Xi Yao treated me like this today, I will never let him go, and when he returns to the attic, I will let Xiao Xiao and Xiao He take good care of him!"

After listening to Zhao Xiang's words, Pan Shulin had a slight reaction. He looked at Zhao Xiang firmly and said, "That's right, we must take good care of him! Let him never pester Brother Bai again!"

He said with gritted teeth, his expression was like a grieving ghost returning from hell, wanting to take people's lives, Rao even Zhao Xiang was startled, and couldn't help taking a small step back.

Pan Shulin regained consciousness in an instant, restrained her ruthlessness, thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "It's just that Xi Yao is quite different from him in the past, Xiao Xiao and Xiao He may not be able to deal with him, you'd better be careful .”

Pan Shulin's stern expression was fleeting, as if it was just an illusion, Zhaoxiang blinked several times, and then said calmly: "I know he has lost his memory now, and he doesn't shrink back, but he is also a delicate Brother, we who are usually weak can poke him down with just one finger, just like him... Even if we really sue the city lord, it will take a day or two to replace Xiaoxiao, Xiaohe and others. In two days...Xiao Xiao and Xiao He will definitely be able to make him obedient if they use the previous tricks!"

The previous trick?

Pan Shulin's eyes flickered. Although he had never been involved in the attic, this Zhaoxiang told him everything... including the matter of dealing with the rumor before.

The tactics this man said were intimidation and violent beatings... frightened the man until he collapsed, beat the man until he obeyed, the attic was full of his people, locked him in the room for a day or two, and no one would pay attention. After a day or two, people will naturally be honest...

It's just... that was the previous Xi Yao, withdrawn, timid and timid... no one would find it strange to hide in the attic for a day or two, but the current Xi Yao... if you really shrink in the attic for a day or two... no one will really Do you care?

Or could he really be like before, frightened to a nervous breakdown, with scars all over his body, still holding back and not resisting?

Pan Shulin shook her head and said, "I always feel that this time it won't be that simple, you still..."

"Oh." Zhaoxiang interrupted Pan Shulin: "Shulin, you are just too cautious. Didn't I deal with it like this before the rumor? It will be fine, trust me."

Hearing this, Pan Shulin rolled her eyes where Zhaoxiang couldn't see, there was nothing he could do if this person wanted to go his own way...

Xining led the three of them to a damp and dark basement. The basement had no windows or doors, and looked very oppressive. Once inside, the stone walls on all sides seemed to press down on people.

There is nothing inside, and a kneeling orc with his head bowed in the center.

The man heard the sound and raised his head.

Read The Duke's Passion