MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Chapter 51 protagonist: The deadline for one month has arrived.

The light passed through the stained glass on the wall, and a colorful pattern was printed on the ground. The large temple was quiet for a while. The eyes of two black holes of Guangming God have been gazing at Du Ze. The reaction of Du Ze and his cognition have been misplaced. He is thinking about what went wrong.

When the light **** opened again, his voice returned to solemnity.

"If you don't destroy him, you will die."

The light man opened his mouth and his curved mouth was matched with a black hole-like eye like a mask on the face of a clown.

"Do you think he won't shoot you?" The light of God's voice presents a subtle tone, like a mockery and a threat. "If he knows what you have done, do you think he will let you go?"

Du Ze's heart beats irregularly several times, pumping pain. For a long time, he did not dare to tell Xiu: Xiaosheng is the chief culprit in your rebellion.

Therefore, I can't respond to the feelings of repairing, and I want to give what I want, and he can give it to the past, but he can't do it because he regrets it.

- I am sorry for him.


The ground swayed violently, and Du Ze did not stand up and fell to the ground. However, the loud noise seemed to kick off some sort of prelude. The movement outside the riots was clear even in the temple. Lily’s panicking voice came in.

"My God! The demons attacked -"

Her voice stopped abruptly, and Du Ze felt that the back was like a little weight of air. He turned his head slightly, and he was facing the rune of the **** beast.

--I found you.

The light **** snorted, and the **** beast was broken into a red rune. The runes floated to the door of the temple, and they were posted up for a moment, outline the bleeding color for the temple door, and then infiltrate little by little. Go out. When the red rune on the gate disappeared, the temple door was instantly turned into a powder and blown away by the wind. A Mozu stood there with a knife backlight.

"Come here."

No need for extra language, as long as you hear the familiar call, Duze will go to the only person whenever and wherever.

See Duze to go, the light **** sighs. The light ball that flew to the side of Du Ze before turned into a light rope, like a snake, will be entangled in Du Ze. A purple electric light flashed and blasted the rope. The repair is accelerated by the wings, and the sword is turned to the light god. When the magic knife is cut into the body of the bright god, the touch of the hand is sent to the repairing party to be a pure energy form, and the physical attack is basically ineffective.

There was no pause, and the repairs released the thunder and lightning. In the violent sound of "劈哩啪啪", the whole people were blown up. The sky is a jumping arc. Above the temple, the blurred light man is reorganized. He looks down on the underlying repair, like watching a child who is too naughty.

There is light, the light is not dead, and all the light is the weapon of God.

The place where the light was shining was “sucking” and began to zoom and smoke. Du Ze did not have this situation. It is obvious that the **** of light has done his hands and feet. After retreating into the shadows, the light gods waved, and the temple was darkened by a lot of time, because all the light elements were concentrated in front of the bright god, which made it impossible to look directly.

"I am the **** of light. I will only hide the evil in the darkness, and I will make you look like nothing."

"Oh..." He looked up and revealed a pair of konjac with purple light: "See who will... nothing!"

The huge Thunder bombarded the light god, blocked by the light elements in front of the light god, and the two horrible forces presented a state of wrestling. Du Ze had to cover his eyes with his hands. The terrible power just to see, it would burn a person's eyes. The repaired eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and the purple thunder is gradually changing to gold, showing a semi-solid form. Guangming did not expect to be able to do this level. He also began to work harder, because he had to use more power after he took a step later, and he accidentally overtook it.


At that moment, Du Ze felt that he was pulled into a familiar embrace and wrapped his wings to wrap two people.

"Bang", the entire temple was blown up, forming a vacuum explosion ball. The warring Tianzu and the Mozu all looked at the temple in unison. After the glare, the original temple was razed to the ground, and the smog was filled with a pair of bat wings spreading out to reveal the people.

He was holding Duze, and he put his head on Duze's shoulders - he was a little off, and his wings were hurt. The light **** has disappeared, and the repair has slightly narrowed his eyes. He can feel that in the confrontation just now, the strength of the other party has exceeded him for a moment, and then he was suddenly sent away by some unknown existence. .

Bright God...?...

Du Ze felt that he had relaxed his hand slightly. He climbed from the arms of his repair, but he could not get up because he was covering his waist. The demon stared at him and suddenly got together, his voice was intimate and dangerous.

"A month's deadline is up, your reply?"

A month ago, Meng Mou confessed to his stupid readers, stupidly said to consider a month, so he had a month of death.

Du Ze stared at the long and sinister pupils, and did not know why there was a sense of crisis that "dare to refuse to kill you." Some stupidly swallowed a bitter, and cautiously said: "Can I ask a question?"

Stretched his hand and put it on Duze's back neck: "Well?"

It is clear that the key is being controlled, but Du Ze does not know why he is relieved. He has long been used to repairing and saying "come over" to him. He is used to repairing his neck and is used to repairing everything he has done.

Du Ze presses his earphones, his heart beats very fast, like every time he says a word, the heart has to jump out of the mouth.

"If I tell you, the reason why you are abandoned by everyone is because of mine, do you still insist?"

This is a reader named Du Ze, the most cruel secret to the protagonist of "Hybrid".

The repair seems to be a bit surprising. I don't know because I rarely heard Du Ze say so long, or I was surprised by Du Ze's words. Du Ze stared at the repairs without hesitation. His expression was blank. Only he knew that he was on the verge of dying. As long as he had a few words, he could decide his death.

The neck is tight, but it is close to the distance between the two people. His mouth is picking up, and the smile of the demon is so unstoppable.

"Since it is what you caused." Xiu said: "So, you take all responsibility for me."

Du Ze looked at him with such a hegemony and demanded his responsibility. A stupid habitual facial mask was a good way to save the two stupid appearances when he could not react.

It is like the sun breaks through all the haze, and he seems to be released from a certain burden, no longer need to be restless.

Du Ze and Xiu Guan, his lips are gently bent.

"I am responsible to you."

In the past, this novel was called "Hybrid". The protagonist in the novel is called Xiu, and there is a reader named Du Ze. Outside the novel, the protagonist lost everything because of the reader; in the novel, the reader gave up all the protagonists, and later?

- The reader and the protagonist have become true love.

The mullion of the repair was slightly tightened. He stared at the smile of the young black man and couldn't help himself to kiss. Du Ze was shocked, and his hand was reflexively trying to push. When he realized what had happened, a stupid Meng grabbed the corner of the dress with his hand and hesitated to open his mouth. The repaired tongue slipped in and rolled around Du Ze's tongue and began to suck. His movements were a bit heavy, like holding a tight tangle around Duze. Du Ze worked very hard to keep up with the rhythm of the repair, but the fighting power never improved. In the end, a certain **** still fell in the arms of the Meng master.

Duze had not slowed down, and he heard the repair in his ear and said: "I want to hold you."

...... Waiting for this rhythm is wrong, we just just established the feelings and jumped directly to the rolling sheets. This is unscientific!

Dusty Meng Duize realized this cruel fact: "Hybrid" is a kind of Ma Wen, kind of Ma Wen... Stallion...

One page of Qiu Qiu Quotations: It is not a hero who is not a night, but not a good protagonist.

The reader carefully counted the sisters who have been in the main harem: Loro, Kelly, Ellie, Verla, Alice, Heidi, Lilia, 1234567 - it’s really seven times a night. !

There are seven women in the protagonist of "Hybrid", and now there is Duze - a great reader! He inherited the glorious tradition of the harem. Seven sisters are attached to the soul at this moment! He represents the long history and tradition of Ma Wen, and at this moment he is not alone in fighting, he is not alone!

... Author, you are revengeing the niche to bend the protagonist.

Facing the Mozu who is loyal to the theme, Du Ze said that the pressure is great... QAQ

"His Royal Highness."

Rachel was able to save Duze in the heat, the demon wearing unilateral glasses fell in front of the repair. "We have occupied the outer city of the Sky City, please board the city wall."

"do not go!"

When Du Ze heard the familiar lines screaming reflexively, before he crossed, he saw that the latest update of "Hybrid" was to repair the wall, and then the celestial being used the strongest weapon to reach the sea, life and death are unknown. . Seeing Rachel's strange eyes, Du Ze tried very hard to explain.

"There, there is danger." Duze looked forward to the repair: "Let's leave this, okay?"

The next moment, Du Ze was repaired and held up, repairing the opening, but said to Rachel.

"Receive the troops, return."

Rachel looked at Duze thoughtfully and immediately went to the order to perform the repair.

Duze was very touched by the unconditional trust of the repair, and then he heard the magic delighted: "After going back, I will make you unable to get out of bed."

... Meng master, you have to run away.

The stupidity of holding his house is ready to leave the city of the sky, but there is an angry voice.

"You devil!!!"

Du Ze looked back from the shoulder of the repair and found that Lilia had an eye-shaped sphere. She looked like a wolf at this moment, one wing was broken, and the left hand pressed the left eye that had been bleeding. Lilia has been looking at the open space of the temple, her eyes full of anger, as if the temple was destroyed more seriously than she was injured.

"With my body, destroy this blasphemy!"

At that moment her body was turned into countless spots of light absorbed by the sphere. Duze's blood is cold, and the eye-shaped sphere is the strongest weapon of the Tianzu: ruling. The ball was getting brighter and brighter. It opened his eyes. Du Ze had no time to explain anything. He covered his eyes with his hands and closed his eyes.

As long as the ruling sees the eye, it will be judged to hit the heart.

The eyes turned around and it didn't lock to the target. The ruling eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, countless rays are shot in all directions. The repaired Du De squinted, almost by instinct to escape the ruling attack, he had just used too much power, and now can not release the lightning attack ruling.

Without any sound, the City of Sky was directly ruled to cut a corner. Rachel led a group of demons to come over in amazement, only to see the corner of the city of the sky fall into the sea of ​​clouds, Xiu and Du Ze have no figure.

With the help of Du Ze and the gravel falling together, Du Ze has passed out. Even if they were desperately dodging, the two of them were run through several places, but fortunately they were not fatal. The eye-shaped weapon is like a special restraint of the Mozu, the wounds of the repair are getting worse and worse, and the wings can't fly because of the previous injuries.

As the height dropped, the two passed through the clouds, and the ocean that appeared in front of them was an endless ocean. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the sea, he took a deep breath and converted the human form. He sang the wind magic to slow down, and finally fell into the sea to reduce the speed to an acceptable range.


The icy waters will be repaired and wrapped in Duze, replaced with water magic, so that the two can breathe in the sea, he tried to swim with Duze to the sea, but there is more and more suction under the sea. The repair did not struggle for a few times, and was sucked into the depths of the sea.

The sea has returned to peace, as if nothing has happened.


The gods, the temple of light.

Bright God crushed the crystal angrily. At the most critical moment, his projections used too much power and were ruled out of the chaotic continent.

This meeting with Du Ze is an abnormal failure. The **** of light is anxiously paced in the temple. Even let him accidentally use the power of God, the growth of this heresy is too fast, and it will take a long time for him to reach the realm of "pseudo-god".

Even if it is known that only Du Ze can kill the heresy, Guangming still feels that he can't wait. He was restricted by rules to be unable to leave in the realm of the gods, and he could only use all his followers to chase the heresy - whether he succeeded or not, he could not sit still.

Guangming God evoked a new crystal and connected to the bright temple of the Chaos continent. He just prepared to release the gods and heard the Pope’s urgent report.

"My god, the Yuehua Empire was invaded by the Orcs! The other side has the blessing of the beast!"



We are there, are you there? ! !

Editor Jin Yi: It must be the way I opened it! You actually said that you want to hang! ?

Editor Jin Yi: Still alive and scream! ! !

One page knows Qiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: ... Every time I see you, I have a kind of impulse to want a sudden outburst.

Editor Jin Yi: Don't say it, tell me your previous message is not true.

One page Zhiqiu: Really.

Editor Jin Yi: ... Why not write?

One page of Zhiqiu: Tomorrow the end of the world.

Editor Jin Yi: The end of the world has not arrived yet, I think your last days are coming. 【knife】

One page knows Qiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: ... boss, you are not, you really intend to use this excuse? I don’t know you so naively that I believe in the end of the world!

Editor Jin Yi: Give me a decent reason too!

One page knows Qiu: Well, it is like this. The protagonist found out that I was the author who abused him, so he climbed out to kill me.

Editor Jin Yi:......

Editor Jin Yi: Selling is shameful!

One page knows Qiu: Hehe.

Editor Jin Yi: You really don't plan to write?

One page knows Qiu: En.

Editor Jin Yi: Hey, let me tell you what the story is, the card is not humane here.

One page of Zhiqiu: Next is the new era, the battle of the gods.

Editor Jin Yi: I am going to be high. You have given me eunuchs! ?

One page Zhiqiu: This paragraph has little to do with the protagonist.

Editor Jin Yi: Hey? What is next?

One page of Zhiqiu: The gods at dusk.

- Chat record December 20, 2012 11:58:13

The author has something to say: I was so moved after I finally wrote it here. Thank you for your support to the bad authors. I still have to say something. There is still a story in this article that will end up before the 混(╯▽╰)╭ It was because Du Ze only saw it there before crossing, and then the main thing was to become a **** and add it. [Hey!

This week, the bad authors have to take the sixth grade. After finishing the sixth grade, they have to go home, so leave until next Tuesday.

Thanks to Qiu Yu Wu Tong (2), Liu Xiaoqi, Hearing, Lolo, Fusang, Liangzhu (2), non-slip banana skin, mysterious faint, sly, Sarah, proverbs, film, one flower, one world, fish Fish 7, diving is a good thing..., white is awkward, alley rain, my wife Altman, Di Di (3), A regiment, Leslie, Zhu Yeqing, Jiuchuan, M bean, BLX, 13115898 , dy, Huang Sang, red clothes, no words, no death from the seven years of death - (2), moon shadow sparse, abuse, this woman. . . The gentleman on the beam, so empty and empty. Latte, A Ting, always wanted to pull the bomb, never been real, Xing Wei, Mo Shangnan Feiyan, Si'an, monkey stealing peach, falling Xia neon, Xiaolan, Yan Yan dance mine ~

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