MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-Chapter 48

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Chapter47 Author: Time separates the two lovers.

The audience was quiet and the team leader looked at the background with fear. Did you just screw up that scene?

Antonio poured a swig of wine, he put down the jug and began to applaud. The crisp applause echoed in the audience, and the audience seemed to wake up from some kind of dream. Like being infected, more and more people have joined the ranks of applause. In the end, the applause is loud and enduring.

In the box, Bilodis stared at the bright red curtain, as if to see the blocked Cecil and his lover through the curtain.

Always together... this is a terrible joke.

Bilodis twitched her hand into her pocket and wanted to take out her pocket watch, but there was nothing in her pocket.


"Everyone has worked hard!" The team leader smiled and squinted into a line. “The show was very successful!”

"Oh yeah!"

“Get a raise and raise!”


Everyone laughed very happily. Du Ze took back his glasses. When he was trying to change clothes in the locker room, he found Enoch in a corner. When Enoch saw Duze, he was very excited. He said, "Thanks to you, the thief finally succeeded!"

Du Ze knew that Enoch was talking about his mission. Now that Enoch has completed the task, he can finally get back his comrades.

"My book?"

"I will give it to you tomorrow." Enoch said: "The last time I released the seal outside of it, I put it in a friend." He still asked some unwillingly: "Hey, tell me what is going on there?" ”

Juvenile, you will not die if you don't die.

When Du Zegang was ready to tell Enoch about returning the book, he would not let the discovery of the discovery, and he would see the opposite thief's eyes wide open. When Du Zeang wanted to turn back, he was forced to hug from the back by a man, and a frivolous voice rang in his ear.

"Come on, let me see how beautiful people are even better than Cecil."

Du Ze’s first reaction at the time was awkward, and you should not be so dedicated! The "Hybrid" Star Empire story is divided into three stages. The first stage is Enoch, and the second stage is the second generation of the official. The son of the Prime Minister of the Star Empire, Erwen, is famous for his woman. After the performance of Cecil, the second generation of the official rushed to the background, and then played the heroine of Cecil's lover. After changing the clothes, the repairs came out of the locker room to prevent the evils of the second generation. So the second generation of the official was furious and angry. He looked at the badge of only the junior soldiers and proposed a life and death duel.

Du Ze said that he is very fond of watching this kind of story. It is the story of being attacked by the pig and eating the tiger, but... why did the heroine become him! ? Some stupid look of the protagonist who is not far away, and then licked the women's clothing that she had not had time to replace, and she was speechless.

Enoch finally reacted: "Let my brother open!"

"I will not let go?" Erwen snorted, he handed a look, two guards went out to surround Enoch. Erwen put his nose on Duze's shoulder and took a strong breath: "Baby, you are really fragrant."

Duze's goose bumps all started.

"I am a man."

Erwen thought that this was Duchen’s excuse, and he issued a slutty laugh: "Take off the clothes and let me see where you are a man..."

Enoch had just planned to bypass the guards and rescued Du Ze. He saw a green shadow passing through the eyebrow of the dude.

The strong impact made Ervin loose Duze, and he stepped back a few steps. He touched his forehead with his hand, and there was a small protrusion. Under the eyes of everyone, a face appeared in the cold, and he walked to the side of Du Ze, reaching out to smooth the wrinkles that were made by Er Wen, like wiping off the disgusting dirt.

"You dare to dare to me -"

When Erwen’s words shouted halfway, there was no sound. Dead, dead, the whole space seems to be frozen. The silver-haired elf is only quietly sorting out clothes for the young black-haired youth, and even the expression is not awkward, but Erwen thinks he is actually dead. He has been killed by the other side.

Like to verify Erwin's thoughts, the sound of no temperature has knocked out the prelude of death in the dead space.


A violent pain came from Erwen’s eyebrows. He screamed at his forehead. All the people looked at the thin branches and green leaves in horror. The green color grew brightly. People feel fear.


Not only the forehead, Erwen’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears grew out of branches. He painfully rolled on the ground, sharp nails cut through the skin, and thin strips popped out of flesh and blood. The two guards hurriedly wanted to save their master. One of them tried to take away Erwen. However, as soon as he approached, the branches would attack him. When he knocked off the branches, Erwen would make a fierce cry. It is like cutting a piece of meat by birth. Another guard tried to squat, but when he saw the gaze, he felt that if he stepped forward again, he would die without a place to die.

Hearing that it was like a scream of Ling Xiao, Du Ze wanted to go back and look at it, but he was repaired and held his neck and could not move.

"Don't look." The sound of the repair was unusually cold: "It's dirty."

When even the branches of the shoes grow, Irvine has almost no sound, and the last two words of the repair have drawn the death terminator.


For a moment, the branches of the blood-stained blooms of white flowers, the pure white color and the **** scenes are incompatible, but the most ironic contrast.

Du Ze was finally repaired and opened his neck. He looked back and could only see the small white flowers that were shining brightly. Under the tangled branches, he could barely see a red liquid. Even if he didn't see the whole process, Du Ze also learned the ending from the faces of other people - the script is wrong, the drama is great! Doesn't it mean that repairing only prevented the evils of the second generation of the official, and how to get rid of the second generation of the official! ? Although later in the duel field, it was also the second generation of the cannon fodder. However, at that time, the agreement on life and death was signed. The Prime Minister’s anger could not clearly understand the repair, but now...

Some stupid thought deeply, this is a prelude to be wanted.

Everyone was watching all this, and the two guards of Erwen just wanted to sneak away, and they were stunned by Enoch. The team leader looked at the little white flower that turned the body into a nourishment, and looked at the silver-haired elf with no expression. The bite made people quickly close the door. All of them are present at home, and if they are handled quickly, no one will find it. When the team leader thought about it, he saw that there was a stranger on the field. It was a female alchemist in a wheelchair. She wore a veil and gloves, and the whole body was covered up and down. She couldn’t see her at all. On her knees, she was sleeping. Little Chimera.

The female alchemist spoke up: "I am Bilodis."

After hearing the identity of the alchemist, the leader was directly dumbfounded, why the famous alchemist suddenly appeared here, and this is the moment of death. He didn't know at all when Bilodis came and how long he watched here.

I don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate, and Bilodis ignored the white flowers with blood on the ground. Even through the veil, she can still see that she has been staring at Enoch.

"Young people, don't your parents teach you not to take other people's things?"

"I'm sorry." Enoch screamed stiffly: "I don't have parents, only a teacher who is old and unrespected."

"Who is your tutor?"

"Jack, stealing King Jack."

The reason why Enoch answered this honestly is because he used to check the information of Bilodis and found that the famous female alchemist was said to be a very good friend when he was young and had stolen Wang Jieke. The place, finally in the aftermath of an adventure. Enoch never listened to the thief and talked about it. He thought of this assignment, and he decided that his teacher was absolutely deliberate.

Next, Bilodis did react like Enoch's conjecture, but Enoch did not expect that Bilodis' reaction was too intense. When he heard the name, Bilodis began to tremble as if he couldn’t stand it: "...take the pocket watch back."

What Enoch wanted to say, he heard that Bilodis slammed his voice and almost screamed: "Give me the pocket watch!"

The little Chimera in the heart of Bilodis woke up awkwardly. It jumped out of the alchemist's arms, and the body swollen like a blow, and finally became a height of four meters. The lion's head, the sheep's body and the snake's tail were huge. Different animals. Chimera looked at Enoch with a slap in the face, and the mouth dribbled from the corner of his mouth and fell on the stone floor to make a sizzling sound.

"Before, predecessors, have something to say, have something to say -"

Chimera rushed straight up, and Enoch jumped up and down to escape its attack. I have to say that in terms of escape dodge, short-haired thieves have deep experience, and he can even hold several rounds under the attack. Enoch flicked Chimera's attack while trying to communicate with Biodis. When it was discovered that Biodis had completely lost his mind, Enoch could only choose the next best policy.

Chimera bites Enoch, but it is only a residual image. The real Enoch has been posted behind Bilodis, holding the owner of the alien.

"Offended." The voice of the thief is full of bitterness. "Predecessors, please calm down."

Bilodis was completely unaware of her suspicion. She almost whispered to herself: "Transformation, shifting and changing... Oh, it’s really him..."

"I have no intention of offending you, my predecessor, my teacher gave me a task, he should want to see you, so -"

"I don't want to see him." Bilodis's voice is calm now, but full of tranquility before the storm: "Let me go, then return the pocket watch to me."

Seeing Enoch hesitated, the alchemist took out a small bottle from his arms.

"As long as I open this bottle, everyone here will die. Would you like to give it a try?"

The atmosphere of the audience was suddenly dignified, and even the repair could not be viewed on the wall. He grabbed Du Ze and was ready to leave. Just as the tight atmosphere reached its apex, the ceiling sighed: "Dys, don't be a junior."

A figure jumped down. It was a boy with freckles on his face, about ten years old. After Enoch saw the boy, he released Bilodis and instantly came to the boy: "Teacher!"

Almost everyone suspects that they have got it wrong, but what happened next tells them that it is not a collective illusion.

"Bad boy, it's useless." The little boy was disgusted: "Go out later and don't say that you are my apprentice."

"I am not rare for the thief!" Enoch was indignant. He took the pocket watch and handed it to the boy.

Even if you can't believe it, everything in front of you has already explained that the boy of about ten years old is the famous thief Jack. Except for the parties, only Du Ze knows that the reason why King Jack is so "young" is because his time has been reversed - he will become smaller and smaller, from child to baby, and finally return to embryo, which is His "death."

The moment Jack saw the pocket watch, his eyes flashed through the complex light. He held the pocket watch and looked at Bilodis, who had been silent since he appeared.

"Dess, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Seeing Bilodis sitting in a wheelchair like a statue, Jack is like a child who is pranking to attract the attention of a girl who likes it. He lifts his pocket watch and screams badly: "You ignore me, I Just smash it."

Bilodis still had no reaction, and the little boy wrinkled his face, and it seemed that he was being bullied. Enoch’s gaze revolved between the two, and finally could not help but ask: “Does the teacher know the predecessors?”

"Don't call a senior, call a teacher," Jack said.

Enoch was shocked and everyone was shocked. The thieves Jack and Bilodis used to be a very famous partner in Chaos. They ventured around and created a lot of legends. However, twenty years ago, the pair suddenly broke up, and a seclusion in the magic tower barely stepped. One step, the other gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone. Regarding the relationship between Jack and Biodis, there have been rumors that they are lovers, and now they have been confirmed by the parties, so that the participants have the feeling of participating in the legend.


At this point, another party gave a sneer. Bilodis finally opened his mouth and his voice was indifferent: "You still like to lie."

"No lie, we were a couple." Jack glanced at the people around him: "Everyone thinks so, yes."

The people who had been seen by the stolen king were reflexively nodding, and Bilodis was silent for a moment, then she reached out and opened her own veil. When Bilodis showed her true face, everyone discovered that she was a white-haired old man.

Even though he has seen all of this from the novel, Du Ze still feels shocked. Bilodis and Jack were indeed a pair of lovers. In the last adventure, they went to the gnome ruins; in the gnome ruins, the two opened a building and then touched the wheel of time. It was the beginning of a tragedy. After leaving the ruins of the gnomes, they found that their time was wrong: Bilodis was accelerating aging, and Jack was rejuvenating.

Time separates the lovers. At this time, Bilodis stood with Jack, like a pair of grandparents.

In the face of the incredible eyes of everyone, Biodis smiled: "You said, how could I be a pair with him?"

She said to herself: How old can you be with him.

She said to herself: You are so ugly, how can you be with him.

If I can make a rejuvenating pharmacy, can I be with him?

The freckled teenager in memory gave the pocket watch to the girl: we are a natural pair.

“Why not?” Jack walked up to Bilodis, who gently placed his pocket watch on Bilodis’s knee: “We are a natural pair.”

Because of Jack’s approach, Biodis had subconsciously left his face, but was gently held, and the opposite boy said with a serious look: “You see, no one wants to fall in love with my little boy, nor People are willing to pursue your old woman, so we can only be together."

In the eyes of Bilodis, Jack squeezed his eyes: "Although we have different directions, we can still die at the same time."

The transparent liquid slid down the wrinkles, and Bilodis closed his eyes: "...It's hard to see, it's too decent."

"Then don't let them watch, let's take risks again, this time go to a place where no one is there." Jack kissed the eyes of Bilodis: "Dess, don't hide from me anymore, we have missed too much time." ""

Bilodis only shed tears, trembled and said nothing, and Jack’s smile was also bitter.

"Your lover is obviously him, why should you care about the eyes of others."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the silver-haired elf who had just said this sentence. Even Biodis couldn’t help but open his eyes. Du Ze looked down on the repairs subconsciously, only to find that the repair seemed to be watching him from beginning to end, as if the sentence just said to him. When he saw Du Ze and his eyes on the line, the repaired hand trembled, as if he wanted to reach out and touch Du Ze, but he restrained it.

- People who like you are obviously me, why should you care about other people's ideas.

Accept me... is it so difficult?

Du Ze seems to be able to read this information from the green eyes, but he finally hangs his head and staggered his sight.

- I never cared about what other people would think.

Never said it... I don't like it.

This person is the person he cares most in this world. He was originally worried about it because of jealousy. However, he has long been confused about how he feels about repairing.

If you want to fix it, you want to fix it, what you want, what you can give it to the past, but he can't, because he will regret it.

The person who likes it, the person who cares, the person who wants it can be anyone in the world, but it should never be a person named Du Ze.

He doesn't know how long he can stay in the world.

Just like Cecil's story is faintly revealed: when one of the time freezes, the next step is separation.

He has no time to freeze, but there is a zero point to restore.

This golden finger, which has existed since he came to this world, reminds him from beginning to end:

You are not a person in this world.

So sooner or later will leave.

The author has something to say: put the small theater to destroy the atmosphere, so I don’t let it go this time. I wanted to add more yesterday, but I still didn’t have the code to come out OTL.

The friend Raisling heard that everyone wants to see the women's dress and draws a picture, the goddess 跪舔 =333=

Thanks to Cats (2), une_enu, Xiao Wei, Qing Yue, and spoon. Xiaxia neon, ∝ listen to that sad melody, Sajia Xiaoyun, 11428166, Aim, Ziyan, Mo Shangnan Feiyan, Yan Yan Dance, Take, Take Yi, Puppet, Liu Xiaoqi, Xiaolan, the future of the future, 13000016, Kong Zilin, Shaofeng Shaoye, 12188038, J, shallow due to the moon, blue, bowse, chilly (2), 咩咩 Yang, 12964612, JanMaf, enamel cup, forest broken, Group, alaimen, white sugar mines

Thanks for the grenade of the child, Keiko, and malt.

Thanks to bing001646's rocket launcher~

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