MTL - The Random Passerby I Married is The Richest Man!-Chapter 63 Extra two

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"one year later.

Bai Zhenzhen opened his eyes again, and it was pure white bedding.

A fragrant smell of instant noodles passed into her nasal cavity. She looked down subconsciously, eating the instant noodles, it was the uncle who lay opposite her.

Because she was unshaven, when she got on the bus, she couldn't help but glance at others.

The sound of the train "Bang Dang Dang Dang" is especially clear, and the bed has a slight sway.

On the broadcast, the announcer's voice suddenly sounded: "Dear passengers, the train arrives at the station-City B station. This is the terminal of this train. Please sort out your luggage and get ready to get off..."

Bai Zhenzhen took a deep breath.

--She has come back!

The train finally stopped at the B city railway station steadily. City B is the seat of Bai Zhenzhen University and the end of her trip.

Bai Zhenzhen dragged the suitcase and followed the crowd towards the exit, stepping on the marble floor step by step, still feeling a little unreal.

Until the ringing of the mobile phone, she was drawn back to reality.

"Hello?" Bai Zhen cleared his throat and finally heard the familiar voice.

The real voice belongs to her.

"Hey, really, are you here? Brother Bing and I are already waiting at the exit!"

It was Bai Zhenzhen’s university classmate, who was also a roommate in the same bedroom, Liao Shu. The “Bing Brother” Yu Bingbing in her mouth was also a member of the bedroom. The two returned to school earlier than Bai Zhenzhen and another roommate. When they heard that Bai Zhenzhen was here today, they went to the train station to pick her up.

"Me, I'm here... wait for me..."

It's been a long time since I heard the voice of a good girlfriend. Bai Zhen was a little excited for a while.

The pace at the foot has also grown a lot.

She really came back. She also received a call from a friend, all this is true.

What about Huo Xiang? He should come back before her. Why didn't she call her? Before the happiness was full, she clearly told Huo Xiang her mobile phone number, and Huo Xiang also had a memorable back.

Maybe it's too late?

Wait a minute.

Exit. Liao Shu and Yu Bingbing both saw Bai Zhenzhen and waved their arms immediately.

I haven't seen it in a summer vacation, and the good sisters naturally miss each other.

When Liao Shu and Yu Bingbing were about to loosen, Bai Zhenzhen was still immersed in it and choked up.

Liao Shu surprisedly said: "It's not true, I don't see you so sentimental on weekdays, what happened in these two months?!"

Of course Bai Zhenzhen cannot tell them what happened.

For them, the time has only passed for two months, but for her, it is two months-plus a full year! !

"Ashu, Bing Brother, I miss you so much! I won't bother you anymore. We are good friends for life!"

Yu Bingbing glanced at Bai Zhenzhen indifferently: "Do you despise me? I still despise you!"

The three laughed strangely again.

"Okay, let's go back home, the hot pot in the bedroom will catch you the wind and dust!" Liao Shudao said.

"Eat hot pot early in the morning?!" Bai Zhen paused and asked, "Is the hot pot base material brought from your hometown?!"

"Huh!" Liao Shu nodded.

"Wow! It's awesome!!!"

With a hot pot, the really white Bai Zhen was completely activated.

"Go away! Hurry back to the bedroom to eat hot pot!!"


After eating and drinking, Bai Zhen was lying on her long-lost bedroom bed.

Although this small bed is not comparable to the luxurious bed of the world's richest man, it makes Bai Zhen really at ease.

"Did you have any gains this summer?" Liao Shu mentioned a topic.

Yu Bingbing said: "It's nothing, just read the CPA teaching materials."

Liao Shu’s mouth opened into an O-shape: "Isn’t it Bing Brother? You are so strong? There are so many thick textbooks, and you have read all of them?!"

"Yes!" Yu Bingbing nodded very calmly.

Liao Shu gave her a thumbs up: "Brother Bing is amazing!"

Yu Bingbing smiled, "Isn't it just reading it? Turning over one by one, it's not easy?! I didn't say it, I understood it all, remember!"

"Cut!" Liao Shu rolled her eyes.

"What do you cut, then you talk about, what did you do with a sense of accomplishment?" Yu Bingbing asked.

Liao Shu lifted her chest proudly and responded: "I changed my husband!"

Yu Bingbing: "..."

Liao Shu happily said while pulling out her mobile phone: "That's the drama I gave you in the group. It's really a conscience adaptation! The key is that I eat the face of the male lead too much, he has now officially replaced my last husband , Become my eleventh husband of Liao someone!!!"

Yu Bingbing was too lazy to listen to Liao Shu again and looked up at Bai Zhenzhen who was lying on the bed and asked, "Really, why don't you talk? In the past two months, have you gained nothing?"

"Her harvest is lazy sleep for two months!!" Liao Shu answered first.

Bai Zhenzhen said quietly: "I also found a husband."

"Clam?!" Liao Shu surprised.

Yu Bingbing scoffed at this: "Really, it's not uncommon for Ashu to change her husband. Why did you even come with her? Be serious!"

"I'm very serious." Bai Zhenzhen sat up from the bed and said seriously, "Although he can't be called my "husband" now, we have privately decided to live for life, and he promised me that when the National Day is on holiday, he and I will go home to see my parents, and by the way!

"What?!" Both Yu Bingbing and Liao Shu opened their mouths.

"Are you really teasing us?" Liao Shu confirmed again.

Bai Zhenzhen shook his head: "I lied to you what to do. I spent time with him... for a while, I think he was the person I was looking for in the next half of my life, so marriage should be a matter of course."

Yu Bingbing and Liao Shu looked at each other.

A muttered: "Wouldn't online dating be scammed?"

One echoed: "Online dating is not terrifying, what is terrifying is that it is mistakenly entered into the MLM, and all the people involved are those who are around-it is us!"

"You're enough!" Bai Zhen interrupted the YY of these two guys, "I'm serious! This girl is rarely in a relationship, can you give face?!"

At first sight Bai Zhen really was this attitude, and Yu Bingbing and Liao Shu immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and sat in danger.

"Okay, then you hurriedly tell me now, what is that person's name, how old, how does it look, where do you go to school, where is your hometown, what does your family do!"

"A Shu, you are not studying accounting, are you studying hukou?" Bai Zhen gave Liao Shu a blank look.

"I care about you!"

"Ashu is right! Really, explain it quickly!" Yu Bingbing also fanned a fire.

Bai Zhenzhen thought about it carefully and said, "He is Huo Xiang, he is 21 years old, and he is a junior in T City next door. He is in the same grade as us..."

"Real age?" Liao Shu captured an unusual piece of information. "What about unreal age?"

Then, I immediately touched Bingbing's arm: "What am I talking about, it is estimated to be online dating!"

"Oh, no! I didn't make a mistake!" Bai Zhenzhen quickly explained.

"anything else?"

"And... his family is in business, and the conditions should be okay! As for the appearance conditions, they are much more handsome than our department!"

Liao Shu rolled her eyes and said: "How many boys do we have in total? Can the grasses selected under those conditions be compared?"

"But we are really OK with grass. I really said that her boyfriend is more handsome than grass. That should be pretty handsome." Yu Bingbing said.

"Afraid to be afraid of Xishi in the eyes of lovers!" Liao Shudao said.

The two sang and reconciled one another, and then directed at Bai Zhenzhen with a tacit understanding: "Pictures, take a look!"

Bai Zhen laughed awkwardly twice: " photo."

"No photo?! No photo, how do you fall in love?!"

"We are in love face-to-face, but not online dating, what photos are needed!" Bai Zhenzhen calmly pretended.

"No, when you met in person, did you take a picture of yourself?"

"At that time, I only cared about you and I, I still remember taking pictures..."

This sounds like nothing wrong.

But Liao Shu and Yu Bingbing always felt something was wrong.

The most unsatisfactory thing is that Bai Zhenzhen did not show any ambition to any male for two years, and even did not publicly express the ideal type-how suddenly he talked about a boyfriend and reached the point of talking about marriage and marriage Anymore? !

"Then the two of you videos, Bing brother and I secretly watched on the side. You can rest assured that the two of us will not appear." Liao Shu gave Bai Zhen a real idea.

"Me, I haven't contacted him yet..." Bai Zhen hesitated.

Liao Shu asked: "I didn't contact him? What do you mean?"

Bai Zhenzhen said: "I was waiting for him to call me, but he never called."

Liao Shu was even more surprised: "What time is this, is the communication between you two still on the phone?! Don't talk about WeChat or video?"

"Step by step, WeChat...not yet added..."

Liao Shu was speechless for a moment.

Yu Bingbing patted her on the shoulder and sighed: "It's definitely not online dating, this is undoubtedly MLM."

Bai Zhenzhen: "..."


Bai Zhenzhen waited for one morning, and still did not wait for Huo Xiang's call.

It was Liao Shu's words that reminded her-they won't call you, you can call him! What kind of restraint do you care about?

Makes sense.

Bai Zhenzhen quickly dialed in the past according to the number of memory. Who knows that he did not hear the "beep" sound, only an electronic female voice responded to her-"The user you dialed has been turned off."

Bai Zhenzhen tried to add WeChat again, but the verification message was passed, and he never received a response.

——Did you encounter any problems on the way back to reality? !

This is the worst plan.

Bai Zhenzhen was disturbed and did not think about anything. Instead, Liao Shu, who had just bought the water from downstairs, happily proposed: "I just heard that the new amusement park next to our school has been opened That’s it! Let’s go to school while we are still two days away, let’s go join the fun!”

Yu Bingbing stretched his waist: "What's the fun, that's where the kids play."

"Why is this a place for children to play? Obviously there are a lot of fun projects! Besides, we are childish, aren't they good!"

Liao Shu said, glancing towards Bingbing.

Yu Bingbing is unknown, but looking at Liao Shu's eyebrows, she seems to have some hidden feelings.

Liao Shu said to Bai Zhen, who had lost her soul: "Really, haven't you always liked amusement parks? At the end of last semester, when people were still in trial operation, you shouted that you would go play!"

"Oh." Bai Zhen responded weakly.

Yu Bingbing said: "I really just took the train for one night. I'm probably tired. I'll wait for Feifei to come back tomorrow. Will the four go together?"

"Fifi is afraid of heights, never go to such a place!" Liao Shuyi solemnly refused.

Bai Zhenzhen turned over on the bed and said, "Go, I'm not in a mood..."

"It's because I'm not in a mood, so I want to go even more!!" Liao Shu moved quickly to Bai Zhenzhen's bed and dragged her up.

In a small space, two people huddled together.

"If you don't go, I will tickle you until you go!" Liao Shu threatened.

Bai Zhenzhen had to agree: "Okay, I can't go yet."

After that, he sighed helplessly.

Yu Bingbing narrowed his eyes, looked up at Liao Shu, and questioned her with his eyes.

Liao Shu returned to Yu Bingbing with a meaningful smile.


The amusement park is located in the northwest of Baizhenzhen School, and you can walk to the entrance within 800 meters.

As the initiator of this event, Liao Shu's mood is very good. He threw more than 500 yuan and actively bought a ticket for three people.

Although this amusement park is not as grand as those theme parks, there are a few major projects that should be there. One-ticket system allows you to play all the projects in the park.

Liao Shu's first choice was the most exciting roller coaster. Although Yu Bingbing said, "There is something fun to do", when he actually sat up, the excitement was still overwhelming.

And Bai Zhenzhen, with no eyes, was sitting alone in a row, and there was no happy color on his face.

Yu Bingbing asked Liao Shu next to him with some anxiety: "Ashu, really this state, are you sure it's all right?"

"You can rest assured!" Liao Shu didn't care.

After a few laps, all three were shocked.

Liao Shu and Yu Bingbing sorted out each other's appearance and appearance. Yu Bingbing was about to arrange Bai Zhenzhen's messy hair, but Liao Shu grabbed her and shook her head at her.

"Oh, this roller coaster is still too exciting. I can't stand it. Otherwise, let's go to the square next to it and sit down." Liao Shu suggested.

Bai Zhen nodded like a puppet.

She was still thinking about Huo Xiang's things, especially after she came to the amusement park.

So, with the hair style that was blown by the wind just now, she followed behind Liao Shu and Yu Bingbing and walked silently to the central square.

Before she sat down, Liao Shu exclaimed suddenly: "Wow! What a cute puppet bear!"

Bai Zhenzhen "chucked" in his heart.

Memories flooded her heart almost instantly.

——"Look at the fact that you are so hard to play with me today, I will give you a magic weapon-if one day you make me angry, you will play a puppet bear to tease me and make me happy I won’t be mad at you anymore."

——"How can I make you angry, I love you and you are too late!"

Bai Zhenzhen's tears fell immediately.

"Death Huoxiang! I also said I didn't want to make me angry. If I didn't call me for so long, I was angry!!!"

Yu Bingbing looked at Bai Zhenzhen in surprise, and asked Liao Shu doubtfully: "What's the situation? What did she say?"

Liao Shuying said: "I don't know. However, I should know it later..."

Yu Bingbing's brow furrowed tighter.

She wanted to keep asking, but she saw that the puppet came to the three of them.

The puppet bear first came to Yu Bingbing and took one from the sunflower in his hand and handed it to Yu Bingbing.

Yu Bingbing took it subconsciously.

The puppet bear turned to Liao Shu again and gave her a sunflower.

Holding a sunflower, Liao Shu held Yu Bingbing's arm and dragged her to walk a few steps.

Then, the puppet bear blocked Bai Zhenzhen and handed her all the flowers left in her hand.

Bai Zhenzhen looked up at the huge bear's head, and then at the sunflowers. She was not willing to accept it in a bad mood.

"Thank you, I don't need this."

The puppet bear still keeps the posture of sending flowers.

Bai Zhen really wanted to move aside, but the puppet bear moved with her, just blocking her from letting her go.

Bai Zhenzhen had to reach out and pick up the flowers.

"Okay, I accepted it. Thank you." Bai Zhenzhen had to leave after finishing his speech.

The puppet bear blocked her again.

"What do you want?" Bai Zhen was really impatient.

The puppet bear reached out and pointed at the flower in Bai Zhenzhen's hand. Bai Zhenzhen followed his gesture to raise the flower, and saw the note attached to the sunflower petals.

-"I love Bai Zhenzhen."

These five words are posted on every flower.

Yu Bingbing also immediately looked at the sunflower in his hand, and really posted it.

"What's going on?" Yu Bingbing asked Liao Shudao.

Liao Shu smiled and introduced the events that happened at noon.

"I wasn't going to buy water at the time. I walked and called you to ask you what you really want to drink. Then when a boy heard the real name, he stopped me and said he was a real boyfriend. As soon as I asked, the name and the information were all right, and I promised to help him with this game!"

"So, did he let you take us to the amusement park?"

"What'us' is mainly to bring Zhenzhen to the amusement park, you don't matter. By the way, this ticket is also given by him."

"My God, it's really romantic..."

The two were feeling emotional, and the puppet bear's headgear was taken down.

Huo Xiang's face also appeared in front of Bai Zhenzhen.

"Really, long time no see."

It's exactly the same as what I saw and heard in that world.

Bai Zhenzhen was so happy and angry that his entire face flushed with excitement.

She suddenly remembered her henhouse head, which was too late to clean up, and immediately turned around: "Don't look!"

On the side, Liao Shu smiled and poked at Bingbing: "I deliberately told you not to arrange it for her, just for this scene!"

"Muddy!" Yu Bingbing snorted, paused, and said, "Good job!"

The grudges of the two single dogs did not affect the love between Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang.

Huo Xiang walked in front of Bai Zhenzhen again, hugged her shoulder and said, "Why don't you let me see? You look so cute."

"Really?" To be exaggerated, Bai Zhenzhen has forgotten to be angry, "But, I'm not as pretty as there..."

"It's just two different styles. In fact, what you look like now is my favorite look. I just saw you at first glance, and I knew that you are really real." Huo Xiang said seriously.

The two roommates who were spreading dog food aside fell into extreme depression.

Yu Bingbing: "Don't you say that you have met each other? How did you become the first sight of you?"

Liao Shu: "So I said, absolutely-online dating!!"

Yu Bingbing: "Online dating is better than online marketing!"


You said one word to the other two, and they were very happy.

But Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang are deaf.

At this moment, the eyes of the two people are only each other.

"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you add me to WeChat? Do you know how worried I am!"

"I was wrong. I didn't mean to make you worry. It was just that when I woke up, I came by plane to find you. When you called me, I guess it was on the plane... and then I came to your school. I just wanted to surprise you, so I didn’t call you..."

"Even if you want to give me a surprise, you must first report peace! I'm so mad!"

"I know you will be angry, so I came to you as this puppet bear. You said, this is a magic weapon to coax you, you will not be angry when you see it."

"Do you remember?"

"Every word you said, I remember...

Including-marry me. "

Liao Shu: "What?! Online dating really talks about marriage?"

Yu Bingbing: "Ah, contentment is better than being a pyramid scheme..."

Bai Zhenzhen: "..."

Huo Xiang: "..."

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