MTL - The Random Passerby I Married is The Richest Man!-Chapter 61 end

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Bai Zhen really thought he had heard it wrong--Leng Ye actually said, want to let them go? !!

It's only been a week!

"However, I'm willing to let you go, not because I can't stand you. I still have this psychological quality." Leng Yan said. However, this sentence has a taste of "two hundred and twenty silver-free here".

Bai Zhenzhen swallowed and reconfirmed: "President Leng, are you telling me the truth? You promised to let us go? We're gone, and the 200,000 can be written off with a sum!"

"Yes." Leng Ying said flatly.

Bai Zhen was ecstatic.

She held Huo Xiang's hand and cheered, "We can leave !!"

Huo Xiang didn't seem very happy. He glanced at Leng Su with a suspicious look, and asked: "There is no good thing about pie in the sky. Will Leng always let us pass so easily?"

"You haven't done anything so terrible. Why can't I let you go? 200,000 to me, but it's only a small amount of money. If I spend this time with you, I'll lose more than 200,000."

"President Leng, how long you thought you should have understood!" Bai Zhenzhen smiled and said, "You are so right. Instead of working hard against us, it is better to earn money with your heart! Why do men love it? It hurts to concentrate on your career! "

"This sentence makes sense." Leng Yan thought deeply and nodded.

Huo Xiang asked again, "What about my grandpa?"

Leng Yan turned to look at Father Huo and asked, "Lao Huo, what are you going to do?"

Mr. Huo responded: "Master, since I have been reunited with my grandson, I also want to enjoy the joy of heaven in my lifetime. So ... I'm sorry, Master, I plan to leave here ..."

"This is your freedom, do not need to say sorry. Moreover, you have been in our cold house for most of your life, it is time to go out and walk." Leng Yan said, and took out a bank card from his pocket. , Handed it to Father Huo, "There are 500,000 in this card, it is regarded as pension."

"Here, this can't be needed!" Father Huo hurriedly refused. "Master, master and wife are very good to me, and the salary is given to me in advance. I can't ask for this money anymore ..."

"This is what my parents explained to me, and I must give it to you." Leng Yan indiscriminately shoved the bank card into Mr. Huo's hands.

"Master ..."

"Ah, grandpa, people have said so, you take it! The half a million, it will be cold within a few minutes and earn it back! If you don't, wouldn't you hit his face?" Huo Xiang aside .

His grandpa looks so high, does he not look like him? It's like Bai Zhenzhen's grandpa, similar to his father ...

Huo Xiang was frightened by his own brain hole, and he shook his head so quickly that the hypothesis that it couldn't exist quickly disappeared in his mind.

"Then I thank Master and Mrs. Thank you Master ..." Master Huo finally accepted the card.

Leng Yan glanced at Huo Xiang and continued to say to Father Huo: "Lao Huo, I leave your grandson to do things, not disrespectful to you, but my approach is indeed inappropriate, and I hope you do not take it to heart . "

"Master, where are you from! This is what Huo Xiang should do! Besides, I haven't seen him suffer anymore these days, but you ..."

"Cough!" Leng Ye coughed a few times, interrupting Mr. Huo.

Father Huo smiled awkwardly.

Yes, yes, there are some things that cannot be pierced.

"Then you go pack up, I will not leave you for dinner." Leng Yan said.

Bai Zhen, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but said, "Thank you."

Leng Yan turned indifferently.

"No need."

Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang glanced at each other. Huo Xiang smiled at her, and the two were ready to go upstairs together to pack their luggage.

But listening to Leng Yan again said: "Mr. Huo, stay for a while, I have something to tell you."


Ten minutes later, Huo Xiang went upstairs and came to Bai Zhenzhen's room.

"How are you packing?" Huo Xiang asked.

Bai Zhenzhen answered unquestionably, "Are you finished talking?"

Huo Xiang nodded, but didn't seem to want to say any more. After looking around the house for a while, he said, "You must hurry up! Your girl's stuff is too much, unlike us, you can go with a bag."

Bai Zhenzhen immediately saw that he was deliberately changing the subject. How could she make him succeed, so she continued to question: "Fast and honest, what did you talk about?"

"What else is there! It's not that I haven't left yet, scold me for some anger." Huo Xiang shouted.

"You lied! He promised to let us go. What can be idle, slap those tongues!" Bai Zhenzhen drank with his hands on his hips, "Huo Xiang! You promised me, never lie to me again ! "

"Okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong ..." Huo Xiang rolled his eyes. "I didn't agree with him, too, I won't tell you what's in the conversation ... I'm not inside or out, how easy is it for me!"

Bai Zhenzhen asked curiously, "Why didn't he let you tell me what you said?"

Huo Xiang pursed his lips without answering.

Bai Zhenzhen turned his head and said, "You only promised him not to tell me the content of the conversation, but you can tell me the general meaning! Just don't tell the content!"

"……is this OK?"

"What's wrong!"

Huo Xiang sighed: "Okay! Actually, I didn't intend to hide from you. What he did for you should be remembered by you."

"for me?!"

"Um." Huo Xiang nodded.

"Actually, he didn't want me to be a punching bag, or to humiliate me, but he wanted to observe what kind of person I am and to see if I am with you through daily interaction. Love each other as we say. "

"After a week of getting along, he ate a lot of dog food, but in the end he saw the truth of the matter. He recognized me as Huo Xiang, and he felt that I was not only handsome and handsome, but also handsome and talented. The quality is excellent, and it is worthy of your trust. "

Bai Zhenzhen smiled "hehe": "This is certainly not his original word."

"Please don't pay attention to these details!" Huo Xiang continued, "So, Leng Yan didn't plan to retaliate against us from the beginning. On the contrary, he was very worried about your future life, so he wanted to come out and try it out. Of course, This is also a way of killing two birds with one stone. After all, after getting along with each other this week, he finds that you really don't love him, and he is completely disheartened. "

"He's so miserable." Bai Zhenzhen pouted. "A good actor, his girlfriend is gone, his fiancee is gone. I hope he really hates me, and then avenge me, so I can feel more at ease ... though It doesn't help. "

"He just was afraid you felt guilty, so he didn't let me tell you the content of the conversation!" Huo Xiang said, "but don't worry about it, he said that he had gone through this" love robbery ", but felt his life was more open Now, he also said that Leng's business needs to go to the whole world. Now he has ambitious ambitions, and his condition is extremely good! "

"Oh independence, he also explained, I must take good care of you. Do you say he is nonsense? My mission here is to take care of you and take care of you!"

Bai Zhenzhen raised his eyes and looked at Huo Xiang: "What you said is true? Will you really take good care of me and take care of me? Oh, I emphasize again, it is not a mission without a mission, I only ask you if you really mean it . "

"You also know that you have emphasized many times?" Huo Xiang reached out and squeezed Bai Zhenzhen's cheek. "Forget it, then I will answer it again-it is sincere, 100% sincere!"

Bai Zhenzhen's nose was sour, and he flew into Huo Xiang's arms.

Huo Xiang grinned and grinned.

He hugged Bai Zhenzhen and said with emotion: "Although some of the women in this novel are not good enough, this actor is still very positive. Since he even blessed us, we have no reason to be unhappy! "

"Um ..." Bai Zhen was very sad once, she urged, "then you don't have to fail the mission again ... what if you come back again, you don't know what will happen!"

Huo Xiang released Bai Zhenzhen and pulled her to sit down beside the bed. Zhengzheng said, "Taking this opportunity, I will correct my own name-you know, the last time, why didn't you perform a side mission?"

"Why?" Bai Zhenzhen's heart has been haunting for a long time. @Infinite Good Text

"Not because I don't like you and don't want to marry you, but because ... I like you so much. Whether you are a heroine or not, I have fallen in love with you completely, I don't want to lose you." Stopped Bai Zhenzhen's hand, said with affection.

——System: "Oh, I can't stand it, these words ..."

-Huo Xiang: "It's a rare sensation once, give me a little bit of oK ?!"

——System: "Dear Knight No. 9938, the system warmly reminds you that this system has successfully turned on the shield mode. Please express your heart, the system will not disturb you."

-Huo Xiang: "Good!"

Bai Zhenzhen was surprised: "Since you like me, won't you marry me?"

"Really, do you remember my main task?" Huo Xiang asked.

"Remember!" Bai Zhenzhen nodded without thinking. "You have to collect the heroine, which is my happiness."

"Well, according to the system settings, once I collect 100 happiness points, even if my mission is completed. Then, I have to return to the real world."

"You mean ..." Bai Zhenzhen probably realized something. "When you were preparing for the wedding, the happiness value you collected was almost 100 ?!"

"It's not coming, but it's full!" Huo Xiang corrected.

"then you……"

"On the day of your father's death, your happiness rose sharply, and my accumulated happiness exceeded 100 ..."

Bai Zhen really rolled her eyes unnaturally.

What did you say ... how wrong?

"But fortunately, I used to get a chance to resurrect after the end of a side mission. After using the right to resurrection, my accumulated happiness value returned to that time before the change-but only 100 points away There are less than 5 o'clock left. "

Bai Zhenzhen asked subconsciously: "So, you deliberately chose not to do sideline tasks, that is, not to have a wedding with me. In this way, you can restart the system and return to the original point?"

@Infinite Good Text

"Yes." Huo Xiang nodded. "I don't want to leave you, even if you were just a character in a book and a phantom in a false world, but I still don't want to leave you. I love you , Really. "

Bai Zhenzhen punched Huo Xiang's chest with a punch: "But in this way, all your traces in this world will be erased! If it were not for my accident, the person you love to protect will never remember You! Even, even with other men ... "

"It's okay," Huo Xiang smiled, and his tone became more gentle. "As long as I can protect you and see you happy and happy, I'm very satisfied."

"Xiang Xiang ..." Bai Zhen really felt a sore nose and couldn't help but reach around Huo Xiang's neck. Unexpectedly, he dropped a kiss on his forehead.

Huo Xiang's throat knot immediately had a noticeable float.

"I always thought I liked you a little more than you liked me, and now I know that you have always had me in your heart and never gave up on me." Bai Zhenzhen said.

"Fool, how could I give you up!" Huo Xiang reached out and shaved his nose.

——System: "Ding ~ Heroine Happiness +20."

-Huo Xiang: "????? Didn't you say that the blocking mode has been activated? You are actually overhearing ?!"

——System: "Unjustly knight, I haven't heard anything on the system side! Voice recognition and happiness value recognition are not a set of data, so if you turn off voice recognition, happiness values ​​can still be obtained!"

-Huo Xiang: "... do not want to be captured."

Bai Zhen really saw Huo Xiang's silence, and asked a little worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Huo Xiang pursed his lips: "It's nothing, but ... the happiness value has increased again ..."

Bai Zhenzhen blushed: "Oh ..."

"Now I have accumulated more than 40 of your happiness values, and within a few days, it is estimated that they will break a hundred."

"What then?" Bai Zhen was so anxious, "I have to stay in this world for more than ten months! I don't want to be a widow!"

Huo Xiangfu'er: "Calm and calm, not so serious. In fact, after this return, I have been thinking about it. After knowing your true identity last time, I came up with an idea."

"What? Listen to it!" Bai Zhen shook Huo Xiang's hand in excitement.

Huo Xiang made a coy look, and said, "Why do you suddenly become so active, and you have a forehead and a small hand, which makes people embarrassed ..."

"... Stop slapping me aside!"

"Ahem, my idea is that we can cooperate with each other!"

"Cooperate?" Bai Zhen frowned.

"Well, for example, when you are particularly sad, let me hurry over and go to your side and lower the happiness I have accumulated! Then when you are happy, I will stay away from you ..."

"This idea is good, but is it too late to take control of the emotions?" Bai Zhenzhen questioned.

"If you don't have time, you will know if you try it!" Huo Xiang said, "It's better than doing nothing! When the happiness value approaches 100, I deliberately collapse the side mission, the worst plan, Just start again! "

Huo Xiang paused for a moment, and suddenly smiled and said with a smile: "Otherwise, let's do it again? This time, my life as a‘ mansion housekeeper ’s bitter grandson ’is really miserable ...”

"What are you talking about?" Father Huo was even more alert than the system. He heard Huo Xiang's words at the door and was very displeased. "What‘ mansion housekeeper ’s bitter grandson ’?! Grandpa's grandson, are you so unhappy ?!”

Huo Xiang explained quickly: "Grandpa, you can't just listen halfway when you listen to someone! I actually want to say that although my life is miserable, as long as I can recognize my grandfather, I am very happy!"

... or change your identity and continue your grandparents' relationship, it's not bad! !!

"Don't you really want to abandon Grandpa?" Father Huo asked.

"How could I be disgusted with Grandpa!" Huo Xiang looked serious. "Even if Grandpa is penniless, he is my Huo Xiang's grandpa! Grandpa, you will enjoy your life in the next days! I will definitely respect you ! "

"And me!" Bai Zhenzhen solemnly added.

Mr. Huo was very happy: "It is indeed a good grandson and grandson of Grandpa!"

Bai Zhen walked over with a smile, holding Father Huo's arm, and said, "Grandpa, you can relax. A smart man like Huo Xiang, still worried about not being able to find a job? And me, I'm not bad Yes, although the education here is only high school, but the top three hundred and sixty line of business, as long as we are willing to work hard, we will be able to live a happy and nourishing life! "

"Really good!" Father Huo nodded, "As long as our grandchildren are together, even the coarse tea and light rice are happy! What's more, grandpa and you two smart ghosts, grandpa believes that the next Life must not be hard! "

"It's dripping!" Bai Zhen responded happily.


After a while, the three packed up their luggage and left Leng's house.

Leng Ye did not come to see them off. He heard that Liu Ye said that Leng Shi Group was preparing to start a large project, and Leng Ye had already ran the company to work overtime.

Bai Zhenzhen carried his small bag in one hand, and helped Father Huo in one hand. Huo Xiang carried the big bag and carried it on his body, as if he were a master of the family.

They just went out of the door of Lengjia Villa, and after walking a few steps, they saw a black Bentley opening up.

Huo Xiang stepped out.

Bai Zhen asked him in puzzlement: "Why stop? You want to take a black car, and you don't want to take Bentley? This is a bit expensive ..."

"No, look at the license plate of this car!" Huo Xiang was wrapped in his hands, and he could only use his eyes to signal Bai Zhenzhen.

The vehicle stopped slowly in front of them.

Bai Zhenzhen took a closer look: "88888 ?! Ouch, this license plate is powerful enough! The person sitting in this car must not be an ordinary person!"

"This is not the point! Don't you remember the license plate number ?!" Huo Xiang was anxious.

Bai Zhen really didn't understand what Huo Xiang was talking about.

Just then, a person walked down from the car.

A familiar figure!

A kind face!

A ... a smile with RMB!

"Uncle Cai?" Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang shouted in unison.

Uncle Cai stepped, and was very surprised: "You ... know me ?!"

Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang nodded sharply and shook their heads again.

Father Huo also recognized the person, walked over excitedly, and asked, "Acai, are you ?!"

"Yes, it's me, it's Ah Cai, Master!" Uncle Cai was also quite excited.

Seeing Father Huo and Uncle Cai embracing and crying, Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang were messy in the hot sun.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, you, how did you find here? My parents, are they ... are you okay?" Father Huo just fainted when he asked the following sentence.

Think about him now more than sixty, his parents, I am afraid ...

"Master and his wife have passed away last year. On the day of dying, they said that they must let me find you ... Huang Tian is willing to take care of you. After more than a year, I finally found it !!!" said Uncle Cai.

Mr. Huo pursed his lips and responded, "Don't say it, I've been out of relationship with them for a long time."

"Although that is the case, the master and the wife can't let go of you anyway! And the huge family business still needs you to go back to inherit ..." Uncle Choi bitterly advised, "Otherwise, there is so much property I do n’t know what to do ... ”

"I'm not interested in those properties! I just want to live the life I want!"

"Master, that's what you said when you were young. Now that we are all old, we can't be willful anymore ..."

Father Huo and Uncle Cai, you say, I say, the two next to me are in the mist.

"Wait ... what family business? What property?" Huo Xiang swallowed.

Uncle Cai looked at Huo Xiang in doubt: "This is ..."

"This is my grandson, Huo Xiang ..." Father Huo introduced it, and said to Huo Xiang again, "Huo Xiang, call Uncle Cai!"

"Uncle Cai!" Huo Xiang shouted endlessly.

The old man's memory is really not very good, just now he and Bai Zhen really said hello.

Upon hearing this, Uncle Cai was very anxious: "Okay! That's a great thing! Someone has succeeded the Huo Group!"

"Huo's ... Group ?!"

"Yes, Little Master, don't you know yet? Your grandpa is the only son of Huo Lao, the richest man in the world, and you are the only great-grandson of the richest man-the successor of Huo's Group!

Huo Xiang was stunned.

——System: "Not surprised? Unexpected? Unexpected? The system said a long time ago, surprise-everywhere!"

"Really, you slapped me to see if I was dreaming ..." Huo Xiang muttered.

Bai Zhen really gave him a white look: "I haven't been an heir, have you been a little bit better?"

Uncle Cai asked again, "This lady is ..."

"This is my grandson and grandson!" Father Huo answered proudly.

@Infinite Good Text

"Ah, it's Mrs. Little !!" Uncle Choi was even more pleased, and his gaze was deliberately or unintentionally on Bai Zhenzhen's stomach.

"No! Not yet! Me, I just ate a little bit these two days ..." Bai Zhenzhen hurriedly.


Father Huo and Uncle Cai laughed happily.

In this happy atmosphere, the driver in the car stepped down and helped put Huo Xiang's luggage in the car.

Huo Xiang's hand was empty, and she took Bai Zhenzhen with her, holding her in her arms.

"What to do? Now that you have such a perfect man, it is estimated that there will be a large wave of female partners ready to attack you," Huo Xiang helplessly said.

"Afraid, I have my knight to protect me!" Bai Zhen answered.

The **** crossed, smiling at each other.

The sun hits the two of them, the picture seems to be still, warm and beautiful.

(End of text)

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