MTL - The Random Passerby I Married is The Richest Man!-Chapter 41

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After leaving the hospital, Bai Zhenzhen called Huo Xiang's phone.

Although the boy hasn't contacted her since leaving the hotel last night without a word, he sees that he "hit" Bai Mengru and made a great contribution to the important mission of defeating the vicious female partner, Bai Zhen Really decided that the adult will not remember the villain, and forgive him for the time being.

But what surprised her was that Huo Xiang's phone was "temporarily unavailable."

Bai is really strange.

She sent several more QQ messages to Huo Xiang.

[Hei Jia Jia] Is the bile fat? Even if I don't contact me, I can't get through to the phone now?

[Hei Jia Jia] You can reply to my message within ten minutes, otherwise I will ignore you!

[Hei Jia Jia] Kouheng! (pissed off)

Bai Zhenzhen returned to the mix company and happened to run into Su Meng after taking a nap and pour water in the tea room.

If, like the previous two days, Bai Zhenzhen had already greeted him, joking diligently, "So little, let me do this little thing," but today Bai Zhenzhen looks like an eggplant beaten by frost. Dejected.

"What's the matter?" Su Meng glanced Bai Zhenzhen suspiciously.

Bai Zhenzhen shook her head and sat down on the sofa beside him, saying to Su Meng: "It's nothing, Sister Dream, I'll take a break before I go and prepare afternoon tea for everyone."

"It's not anxious." Su Meng sat down beside her and looked at her carefully. "What's wrong with you today? Why? Arguing with Huo Xiang?"

"It would be great if there was a fight, anyway, I would also know why he suddenly ignored me." Bai Zhenzhen frowned. "But, we only revealed each other's minds last night, and said we would be together ..."

"Did you decide to be together?" Su Meng asked in surprise. "Really, you didn't tell me such great news in the first place? Do you still treat me as an older sister?"

Bai Zhenzhen smiled flatteringly: "Sister Dream, I don't want to tell you, mainly ... oh, it's hard to say!"

Bai Zhenzhen shared with Su Meng what happened yesterday.

Su Meng was also a little surprised.

"He bounced a second before, and suddenly opened the door a second later?"

"Isn't it!" Bai Zhenzhen rolled his eyes. "I didn't contact me this morning. I just called and couldn't get through. I left him a message. He didn't know. What medicine are you selling! "

"This way ..." Su Meng stepped out of surprise, thinking for a moment, and suddenly remembered the time when Huo Xiang told her about the incurable disease when she was in Haicheng last time.

Su Meng froze, is it because of this concern? !! @Infinite Good Text

"Sister Dream? Did you think of anything?" Bai Zhen looked curiously at Su Meng.

Su Meng smiled in concealment, and said quickly: "No, nothing ... but I have a guess. I heard that some people will be very unstable after experiencing great joy and sorrow. I guess Huo Xiang is I ’m so happy, I have n’t been able to calm down for a while, I do n’t know how to face you! ”

"Just his gutsy intestine, he won't know how to face me ?!" Bai Zhenzhen smirked. "You don't know, he and his pre-nuptial agreement have been stolen by him! It's really annoying!"

Su Meng looked at Bai Zhenzhen's expression with interest.

After Bai Zhenzhen finished speaking, he encountered Su Meng's meaningful eyes and froze: "Sister Meng, why do you think of me like that?"

"I think you're cute!" Su Meng said, "I'm mad at my mouth, but I look at your expression, but I'm so happy! You and Huo Xiang are really a match made in heaven, if not for you He's so grumpy, he really can't entangle you! "

"Sister Meng, you make fun of me again." Bai Zhenzhen said, and glanced at the phone again. I don't know when there was an unread QQ message.

Bai Zhenzhen was immediately excited: "Oh, I didn't see it, he turned me back!"

Su Meng smiled, watching Bai Zhen can't wait to open the news.

[The most handsome knight in the universe] I am busy with the wedding. (Poor) (Poor)

"Seeing that, the first time you promised to be with him, they went to plan your wedding! How moving this thought is!" Su Meng sighed aside.

Bai Zhenzhen murmured: "Count on his conscience ... But even if it is a busy wedding, there is no time to send a message ..."

"What do you know, the wedding is not a big deal, it takes time and energy! Not to mention that you will have a wedding in half a month, he must be in a hurry!"

"Is that so?" Bai Zhenzhen raised an eyebrow. "I thought, as long as you have money!"

@Infinite Good Text

"Well--" Su Meng laughed out loud.

Just then, Bai Zhenzhen's phone rang. She glanced at the screen, calling by Hesi.

"True sister," said Xi Xixi, "are you and your brother-in-law free? I want to invite you to dinner."


"Yes. Because I will have a month of closed training at the new company tomorrow. I haven't seen you for a long time, so I want to invite you to dinner.

"Okay, no problem! We have time." Bai Zhen really answered.

"OK, then I'll call Sister Su Meng now, and my brother-in-law will trouble you."

"You don't need to call Sister Meng." Bai Zhenzhen said, pressing the phone hands-free, and looked at Su Meng, "I'm working at Sister Meng's company now, she's by my side now, otherwise Tell her directly. "

Su Meng's eyes were confused, and until Xi Xixi said the invitation again, she nodded her head: "Okay, I'll follow along with you!"


At six o'clock in the evening, Huo Xiang parked the car at the door of the mix company.

Bai Zhenzhen and Su Meng went out through the company's door.

As soon as he saw Huo Xiang's car, Bai Zhenzhen speeded up and walked over. He pulled the car door and scolded Huo Xiang with a head covering his face. Twenty-four hours out of touch! "

Huo Xiang responded weakly: "I'm not here ..."

"You came because of Xi Hexi. In your heart, he is more important than me." Bai Zhenzhen sat down in the seat of the co-pilot, spitting while tightening his seat belt.

Su Meng followed into the back seat, closed the door, and just heard Bai Zhenzhen's words.

Can't help but laugh: "Huo Xiang, did you buy vinegar today? Why is there a big smell of vinegar in this car?"

"Sister Dream!" Bai Zhenzhen glanced back.

"Really, your vinegar is too weird!" Su Meng still laughed at the back. "But Huo Xiang, you did something wrong. Even if you are busy, you can't leave us alone. Are you sure? I know how much she misses you today! I mutter in my ears all the time ... "

"Who missed him! Sister Meng, don't talk nonsense!" Bai Zhenzhen yelled.

Huo Xiang smiled like a flower, and came over to look at Bai Zhenzhen's face: "Blushing, and then lying, the nose will become longer!"

"My nose isn't getting longer. I don't know. If you laugh like this, your face will become swollen." Bai Zhen really fiercely said.

Huo Xiang snorted, obediently returned to his seat and started the engine.

Su Meng was sitting back, almost smiling. "You two are really happy to be friends. I think it's more fun to watch you than to watch a TV series."

Bai Zhenzhen shook his head, turned and extended his hand to Su Meng: "Charge!"

Su Meng: "..."

The vehicle is moving forward smoothly.

Su Meng immediately shifted the topic, pretending to inadvertently said: "By Huo Xiang, I saw a news today saying that Xiaohua and Xiaohua had shared a gossip with you, and then the live audio broke out, and the content was quite rich Ah. The one named Bai Mengru, isn't that the real step sister? What's going on? "

Before Huo Xiang had time to answer, Bai Zhen really said coldly: "Bai Mengru still called me today, saying that he wanted to remind me that Master Huo is a hypocrite, don't believe him." @ 无限 好 文 , 尽In the Five Blocks

"Really ..." Huo Xiang gave Bai Zhenzhen a miserable glance. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have left suddenly yesterday ..."

——System: "Ding ~ heroine happiness value -5."

Huo Xiang listened to the prompts from the system and didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

According to the current situation, he definitely hopes that the happiness value will rise slowly, and it is better to increase it bit by bit or even decrease. However, as long as the happiness value fell, Bai Zhenzhen was in a bad mood. Since then, he can't be happy.

Bai Zhenzhen's anger has also eased a lot. She pursed her lips and said, "It's not a punishment if you are a first offender. If you have another time, don't try to enter my door again."

"Hum--" Su Meng was teased by Bai Zhenzhen again, "Huo Xiang, it seems that you don't have a high status at home ..."

Huo Xiang immediately responded neatly: "Our family is really the master, what she says is what!"

Then Bai Zhenzhen smiled.

Huo Xiang went on to Su Meng's previous topic and said, "While the Bai Mengru you said is a real step sister, there is no friendship with Zhenzhen. The story inside is very long, and it is estimated that it will be a short while He couldn't understand. "

Su Meng said, "You don't need to say I understand, isn't it the plot of the vicious stepmother and step-sister, I've seen much in TV shows."

She looked at Bai Zhenzhen again: "Really, I listened to that recording. Your step-sister, you feel suffocated when you hear the sound. You should get along with her, but you should be more relaxed!"

"Relax, Sister Dream, such a person, how could I not be guarded." Bai Zhenzhen said, "This time she just debuted, she has planted such a big head, it is estimated that it is difficult to continue to mix in the entertainment industry. Slightly. "

Huo Xiang said: "Uncle Cai has checked out the photos and fabricated news that were written and performed by Wu Entertainment, and the lawyer's letter has been sent to them. By the way, Grandpa also came in person to find the mine The head of the mining group, that is, Zhen Wei's father. Now that person named Zhen Wei can't protect himself, he will definitely not protect your sister anymore. "

"The relationship between them was based on their interests and interests, and it was reasonable to hit it immediately." Bai Zhenzhen said.

Su Meng listened to the two as they sang a harmony, as if talking about a cross talk, could not help asking: "This time, Huo Xiang didn't fall into someone else's pit, but your little husband and wife teamed up together and gave them a kick. Where ?! "

Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang looked at each other and smiled tacitly.


When they arrived at the restaurant He Xixi had set up, the three walked into the private room together.

Just after opening the box door, Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang both froze. It turned out that today, Xi Xixi not only invited the three of them, but also Leng Mao and Song Ling.

If you think about it, Xi Xixi only knows that the hotel's affairs were maliciously framed by Jiang Muyu, and he doesn't know that there is a real emotional dispute between Bai Zhenzhen and Leng Yan and Song Ling.

"Sister Zhenzhen, brother-in-law, Sister Su Meng, please sit down." Xi Xixi saw them coming and greeted them with great enthusiasm. "The two don't need me to introduce them, right?"

"Of course," Bai Zhenzhen calmly responded, "Hissy, now Miss Song is your big boss. You have such a big face that you can even get her."

Song Ling smiled and said, "In the company, I'm Hesi's boss. Here, we are all friends."

Huo Xiang's face was not very good, and he looked like he didn't care.

The last time Song Ling questioned Bai Zhenzhen was vivid. Although she was not the one who provoked right and wrong, but under the guise of wanting to make friends with Bai Zhenzhen, she did not trust people at all. This behavior made Huo Xiang very uncomfortable.

Bai Zhen really didn't mind these, anyway, she never thought about making friends with Song Ling.

However, Song Ling has always been the image of the heroine in her mind. After the last incident, Song Ling's image in her heart was somewhat reduced.

"Husband, let's sit next to Hesi. After today, I haven't seen our good brother for a long time." Bai Zhenzhen raised her face and said to Huo Xiang half coquettishly.

Huo Xiang listened to this title, could not help but hesitated, it took a while to calm down and nodded: "Okay."

Song Ling was going to stretch out Bai Zhenzhen's arm because of her sentence, her hand was silently retracted.

After Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang sat down, Su Meng sat beside Song Ling.

"Master Huo, what happened to the Jiang family last time?" Leng Yan asked.

Bai Zhenzhen found that Leng Yan seemed to avoid her deliberately, not even looking at her, and it seemed that she did not care about her anymore.

But she has not heard the system's announcement, and this person is still a “hidden danger” for her.

"The Jiang family wanted reconciliation outside the court. My grandfather and I didn't agree. It is estimated that the court will start next month." Huo Xiang passed the area lightly and looked at Bai Zhenzhen again. For weddings, it seems that the procedure is so tedious, it may take a while. "

Bai Zhenzhen responded: "It doesn't matter, as long as she can get the punishment she deserves.

"Are you going to have a wedding?" Hexi heard the other element and asked excitedly, "When? I must come to participate!"

"You don't think you can come to participate." Bai Zhenzhen immediately poured him a cold water. "Aren't you going to participate in a month-long closed training? I and your brother-in-law were married on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. It's the 21st of the month. "

"Twenty-first of July?" Upon hearing Hexixi frowned, "That's not true ..."

"Since it's my sister's wedding, I'll give you a holiday that day and make an exception for you to go to the wedding." Song Ling said.

"Really ?!" There was a hint of surprise in Gucci's eyes.

Bai Zhenzhen looked at him like this, feeling in his heart: What a simple child! I do n’t know yet what wedding I ’m going to attend. The bride should have been his sweetheart ... forged! !!

But this is not very good!

"Um." Song Ling nodded toward Xi Xixi. "Let's go together then."

After a pause, he looked at Bai Zhenzhen again: "Really, would you not invite me and grandma?"

"How come, you all come, Xiangxiang and I are too late to be happy!" Bai Zhenzhen smiled and responded.

——Leng Ye can watch the ceremony carefully, even if a certain heart is dead.

At this time, the waiter brought a plate of fruit salad and bowed, "VIP, your dishes are ready, please use slowly."

Huo Xiang glanced at the durian in the fruit salad, and immediately forkd it with a fork, and handed it to Bai Zhenzhen's mouth: "Baby, your favorite durian."

Bai Zhen really wanted to open her mouth, and suddenly another hand reached out to her, grabbing the durian in Huo Xiang's hand.

"She can't smell the durian." Leng Yan said without thinking.

As he spoke, he took the durian he took from Huoxiang and put it on a plate with a fork.

Su Meng and Xi Xixi have very complex faces.

Song Ling pretended to be thirsty and silently drank his tea.

Huo Xiang was not in a hurry, but asked Bai Zhenzhen curiously: "Ah? No? Baby, don't you like durian? Last time at the banquet, I saw you eating durian mousse. . "

Bai Zhenzhen hasn't answered yet, Leng Yan said in advance: "Master Huo, you are all going to marry Miss Bai, don't you even know about them?"

"How did President Leng know?" Huo Xiang asked.

The tone is stronger than the cold one.

Leng Ye was silent for two seconds, and some responded unnaturally: "I originally wanted to hire Miss Bai as my secretary. Naturally, I explained to my men and went to the hotel where Miss Bai had stayed to investigate."

"Oh, that CEO Leng is going to give a fine to the employee who did the investigation." Huo Xiang snorted.

But in the gap between the words, he winked at Bai Zhenzhen.

With such an eye for survival, Bai Zhenzhen could see the meaning of Huoxiang at a glance--please, please, if I really look away, you do n’t eat durian, and now you have to pack it with me. Many people's faces were beaten! Huh!

Bai Zhenzhen almost laughed.

Obviously worried about being beaten, he also pretended to be a cow B coquettish and others. It is said that women are jealous, but she feels that Huoxiang is better than it.

"Well, you don't need to argue." Bai Zhenzhen said, breaking the deadlock. "President Leng, maybe your employee made a mistake in investigating. I don't just hate the taste of durian, I like it."

With that said, Bai Zhenzhen picked up the fruit fork next to her plate, put another durian on the fork, and delivered it straight to her mouth.

"Really--" Su Meng uttered a halt, "or else ... let's eat ..."

Bai Zhenzhen looked at Su Meng's meaning, and seemed to be worried that she was indeed performing with Huo Xiang, so she found a cover and wanted to give her a step down. However, she really likes to eat durian. Huo Xiang said that the last time she saw her eating durian mousse at a banquet is also true.

-Bai Zhenzhen: "System, does the original owner not like to eat durian?"

——System: "Sorry host, this has not been recorded in the system's data after testing."

-Bai Zhenzhen: "That's pretty much what I guessed. As long as it's not allergic, like this thing, it seems to have changed from person to person."

"Ye ~ It's delicious ~" Bai Zhenzhen didn't listen to Su Meng's words, and still bite the durian more than half, then chewed in his mouth very much.

As I ate, I muttered, "I still saw the durian in the fruit salad for the first time. Is it specially prepared for me?"

People at a table looked at Bai Zhenzhen intently.

Looking at her enjoyment, she knew that she really liked to eat durian. Otherwise, people who can't stand the taste of durian will not be able to eat it, let alone pretend to enjoy it.

Bai Zhenzhen finished eating this durian, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and smiled at Huo Xiang with a smile: "My husband, thank you, you still understand me."

Huo Xiang only felt a durian breath rushing on his face.

"Good, I don't know who you understand." Huo Xiang responded with the same smile.

Leng Yan suddenly got up and said, "The company still has something to do, I'm leaving now."

Song Ling also stood up quickly, "I'll be with you ..."

Between them, the two have gone out one after the other.

Xi Hexi swallowed and did not know what to say.

Bai Zhenzhen said to Xi Xixi, "Hexi, don't worry, Song Ling won't get angry at you because of this kind of thing. She still has this character. It's just that it's not emotional Smart, the old man turned around coldly, which made people feel pressured, but also annoyed himself. "

"I, I am not worried about this ..." Wu Xixi scratched his head, "Sister Zhenzhen, if I had known you and President Leng ..."

"Well, Hey, this doesn't blame you." Huo Xiang continued. "Your sister is naturally beautiful, and there are too many people who **** her beauty. You can't prevent this, you can't prevent that. But you can rest assured that your brother-in-law , Those people are also embarrassed, there is absolutely no chance to start. "

Su Meng twisted her neck and let out a long sigh of relief: "Me too! Just the tacit agreement between the two of you, I was just blindly worried!"

Su Meng's voice had just fallen, and a sudden vomit sounded in the room.

Bai Zhenzhen quickly took a plate, tilted his head, and spit out the durian that had just been eaten. Although she liked the taste, her "body" could not stand the food. Rejection ".

The remaining three: "..."

Bai Zhenzhen looked at them with red eyes, and said weakly, "I, I really like to eat durian. I lie to you as puppies ..."

Huo Xiang moved her hand and touched her: "Really, don't say it, I understand! You paid for me too much ..."

Bai Zhenzhen: "..."

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