MTL - The Random Passerby I Married is The Richest Man!-Chapter 39

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When Huo Xiang arrived at the hotel, it was only a quarter of an hour away from the time agreed with Bai Mengru.

Bai Zhenzhen weighed it a bit and decided that he couldn't make a big mistake because of this small opportunity. He had to take this opportunity to solve this vicious female match. So she refused to meet with Huo Xiang and "confront", and let him go directly to the restaurant on the third floor.

And she changed a pair of dresses that she had already prepared, and also wore a wig, and followed into the restaurant.

Huo Xiang fixed the two corners of the deck, one of which was specially prepared for Bai Zhenzhen. Just a few minutes after Bai Zhenzhen sat down, she saw a beautifully dressed woman coming in from the door.

Bai Mengru today wore a white lace dress, her hair rolled up to make a shape of a meatball head, and the makeup on her face was very light, looking pure and innocent.

"Brother Huo Xiang!" Bai Mengru went straight to the deck where Huo Xiang was, and did not recognize Bai Zhenzhen wearing a wig.

Huo Xiang stood up and made a "sit down" gesture. The two officially took their seats, and Bai Zhenzhen, who was next door, also raised his ears and listened carefully, and wanted to see if the performance of Huo Yingdi today could break the record set by the original.

"Brother Huo Xiang, I'm really sorry, you are so busy, I have asked you out, and it has delayed your time ..." Bai Mengru first made a typical move to retreat.

According to this routine, even if the person opposite is really upset, but listening to the little girl feels guilty and blame, she will definitely say "It doesn't matter".

However, Huo Xiang was not an ordinary person, and he had learned the truth from Baizhen. He said politely: "Since you know, let's talk short."

Bai Mengru stunned, but still insulted, and smiled, and said to Huo Xiang: "Brother Huo Xiang, I know that you are true to your sister, but she didn't know to cherish it, but hurt you ... Here, I will do it for you My sister said 'I'm sorry' to you ... "

"She and me will not bother you to come forward and bother." Huo Xiang smiled politely.

Behind Bai Zhen really listened, and she was very happy.

What Bai Mengru said was basically the same as what she had guessed. The outline of the script she gave Huo Xiang today was-to death! Don't leave any face to Bai Mengru! Let Bai Mengru be completely dead!

"Brother Huo Xiang, how do I feel ... you always have some hostility and rustiness towards me? Actually, I really want to be friends with you, and I know you are a very good person. From the hospital you I took care of my dad so much ... "Bai Mengru continued to show enthusiasm.

Huo Xiang said: "Why didn't I see you so enthusiastic about me when I was in the hospital?"

"I, I was busy with the final exam, so ... so I didn't get in touch with you too much ..."

"Then you will ask me out when I become the heir to the richest man in the world?" Huo Xiang asked for another soul torture.

Bai Mengru is worthy of the fact that the green tea has reached the extreme. Even if someone pierces his mind, he can continue to brace himself. She replied innocently: "Actually, whether you are the heir to the richest man in the world, Huo Xiang, I like you very much, but unfortunately you were already your sister's boyfriend, so I can only control my emotions ..."

"I heard you right, do you like me ?!"

Bai Mengru nodded pretentiously: "Although this kind of words come out of a girl's mouth, it is a bit shameful, but I ca n’t take care of it so much. Even if you reject it, I want to say my mind, so as to avoid future Sorry. Brother Huo Xiang, you don't need to feel burdened. I like you. It's my business. I just need to like you in silence ... "

The waiter just served Bai Zhenzhen, Bai Zhenzhen had no appetite at the moment.

Instead there was a feeling of nausea.

"You came to me today to say that?" Huo Xiang glanced at Bai Mengru.

"No ..." Bai Mengru paused and sighed again, "Actually ... I have something to ask for. My dad's illness has recurred, but although my sister came back, she ignored it ... Actually I also Understand, my elder sister is out of work now and ca n’t afford those expensive medical expenses, but her attitude really makes me feel chill ... "

"Wait a minute," Huo Xiang interrupted Bai Mengru, "how did it get on your sister again? How about you and your mother? Have you paid for your father's medical bill?"

Bai Mengru's eyes were red, and he nodded in a hurry: "Brother Huo Xiang, my dad has been in the hospital for almost a week. I paid for the money. But I just signed a contract with an entertainment company and participated in two or three shows. But I only made a few thousand dollars. Even if I am interested in treating my father, it is really difficult ... "

"In that way, aren't you as helpless as your sister? Why should you step on your sister?"

Bai Mengru was defeated by Huo Xiang's clear and invincible logic, and his face was finally a bit lost.

She avoided this topic and finally showed her intentions today: "Brother Huo Xiang, now our family is really desperate. Can you lend me some money? At the hospital a while ago, you took care of my dad so much, I believe you He must be a good man ... "

"You asked me to lend you money?" Huo Xiang raised an eyebrow. "Then give me a reason. Why should I lend you money? I and you are not related, because you like me?"

Bai Mengru bit his lip and said poorly: "Yes, I know my request is abrupt, but ... but I really don't know who to ask for help except for you ... in my most helpless At that time, the first thing I remembered in your mind was your face, Brother Huo Xiang, I know this is insane, but I really like you ... if you are willing to help me, let me do anything, I am willing ... "

This passage passed into Bai Zhenzhen's ear. After listening, she couldn't help feeling: she was still the same routine!

In the book, the person Bai Mengru went to hang out with was her "quasi-brother-in-law", who was also under the guise of borrowing money, approached him many times, and often gave him stew chicken soup and sent nutritious meals to his office. From time to time, she also took a few "gossips" about her sister.

"But I don't need you to do anything for me." Huo Xiang spread his hand. "Uncle Bai has already said that he can't use my money, so he won't use my money. You, his daughter, don't listen to yourself The words of my father, on the contrary, begged someone he hated. If your father knew this, wouldn't he be angry? "

"Dad he was just confused, Brother Huo Xiang, please don't go to your heart ..." Bai Mengru gritted his teeth, as if he had made an important decision, sincerely, "Also, what my sister can do, I can do it too Brother Huo Xiang, if you want, I can give you everything ... "

Bai Zhenzhen's mouth opened into an o-shape-Bai Mengru was too dare! This hint is obvious enough! Unfortunately, not all rich people in this world are as shameless as the one named Zhen Wei.

"Are you insulting your sister or insulting me?" Huo Xiang's eyes flashed sharply.

He stood up and said to Bai Mengru: "Today's chat is not pleasant, and I don't want to continue it anymore. Also, your sister is different from you. Your look of filial piety and undulations really makes me sick. "

Huo Xiang pierced his face mercilessly, Bai Mengru's tears fell down.

"Brother Huo Xiang, no, it's not like that ... you misunderstood me ..." Bai Mengru stood up while crying, trying to retain Huo Xiang.

Seeing that Huo Xiang had left the seat and was about to leave, Bai Mengru rushed to Huo Xiang's body with a broken step.

Even wronged Barbara lived in Huo Xiang's sleeve: "Huo Xiang, listen to me explain ..."

"No need!" Huo Xiang shook her hand coldly.

By this action, Bai Mengru slipped his feet backwards and then screamed, and his whole body was planted on Huo Xiang.

I thought it would fall into the arms of a classic hero to save the beauty. Who expected Huo Xiang to move faster than her, turned around in a stride, and only heard the "plop", Bai Mengru fell to the ground, even the small and cute chin was pinched The pain made her whole face twisted.

There was a smirk in the deck next to "噗嗤-". Bai Zhenzhen was covering her stomach, she didn't dare to laugh too loudly.

After the fall, Bai Mengru slumped on the ground and weeping, trying to get Huo Xiang's mercy.

However, Huo Xiang watched indifferently, but fortunately came a sentence: "Don't want to touch the porcelain, this restaurant has a lot of surveillance!"

After that, Bai Zhenzhen gave a glance to the side secretly, and left without looking back.

Bai Zhenzhen supported her cheeks and pretended to be drinking tea to prevent Bai Mengru from seeing her face.

She originally thought that after Bai Mengru left, she followed her away, and then sent a message to laugh at her, completely enraging Bai Mengru and forcing her to take a shot. Unexpectedly, after Huo Xiang's figure disappeared, Bai Mengru even stood up calmly from the ground.

Bai Mengru patted the dust on his body, and touched his chin again, with a ruthless smile on his face.

"It really is a difficult bone. Since you dare to insult me ​​like this, then don't blame me." Bai Mengru hated.

Bai Zhenzhen heard strangely, just then, a man wearing a peaked cap and carrying a miniature SLR came over.

Bai Mengru asked him, "How?"

The man replied, "It's all taken."

The two looked at each other and didn't say much, and left together. When leaving, Bai Mengru subconsciously looked at Bai Zhenzhen, but still did not recognize her.


After Bai Zhenzhen stepped out of the restaurant, she went straight to the elevator and returned to the hotel room.

Huo Xiang had been waiting at the door of the room for a long time. When she saw her coming, she asked with a smile: "It won't be revenge for me to change the agreement, so I intentionally let me wait so long? You are too naive!"

"Now it's not childish, I have no time to trouble you!" Bai Zhenzhen took Huo Xiang's words, swiped the card to open the door, and then walked in while saying, "Just after you left, Bai Mengru and a man When we met, the man had a SLR in his hand, and I guess it was a picture of your conversation just now. "

"So what?" Huo Xiang asked, bringing the door in hand.

"So what? Thank you for asking!" Bai Zhen frowned. "But also, you haven't experienced it. I don't know what it means to be" the mouth of gold ". At the beginning of the picture, it all depends on the editor. As for the editor What it looks like, find a group of sailors to follow, and even ridiculous can 'change' into reality! "

"Speaking like this, it seems like you have experienced it." Huo Xiang blew his nose.

"I haven't eaten pork, I've always seen pigs run!" Bai Zhen really said, "I suspect that within two hours, you and Bai Mengru's scandal will fly all over the sky. This is for an eighty-first line just debut For little stars, it is definitely the best springboard to hit the 18th line. "

Huo Xiang narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you think I will give her this chance?"

Bai Zhen really looked at Huo Xiang, the more he looked, the more he felt like a fox.

Yeah, a person who can adjust the package under her eyelids even before the marriage is so easy to be counted? !!

After Bai Zhen really looked at it, Huo Xiang slowly pulled out a mobile phone from his pocket. @Infinite Good Text

"Hey ~ the evidence is here!" Huo Xiang raised his eyebrows proudly. "If she dares to make up blindly, I will release this recording for everyone to see this girl who looks like twenty-four filial piety. How did you approach me without a limit? "

Bai Zhenzhen had to give him a thumbs up: "It really is a fox."

The two sat down on the sofa, and Bai Zhenzhen began to count with him: "Since the white and green tea is finished, let's talk about the pre-marital agreement."

Huo Xiang blinked: "In fact, I think your step sister just said something very well, I like you is my own thing, you can't force me to dislike you! Who makes you so beautiful, cute, moving ... ... "

"Listening to these adjectives, I have some doubts that you like me." Bai Zhenzhen's goosebumps in his hands returned to a serious look, and said to Huo Xiang, "Xiangxiang, I'm not like you……"

"What, what ?!" Huo Xiang seemed to hear a shocking news, and his **** bounced off the sofa.

"Don't like it? That's like it?" Huo Xiang started dancing, "Bai Zhenzhen, you will finally admit that you like me ?!"

Bai Zhen frowned: "I haven't finished talking. I admit that I have a good opinion of you, but ..."

"No but! It was so happily decided! On the sixth day of next month, we will declare our love to the world!"

Bai Zhenzhen got up, with a disgusted look: "If you're so indifferent, you won't be able to talk this day."

"Okay, I'll listen to you seriously." Huo Xiang pulled Bai Zhenzhen and sat down again, making a good appearance.

Bai Zhenzhen said: "In fact, I am a particularly insecure person. I am afraid of losing, so if I am destined to have no good results, I would rather never have it. I do n’t want the joy of a moment to become a lifetime of solitude."

"Really, why do you say that? Did you know anything?" Huo Xiang looked at Bai Zhenzhen's solemn look, and even suspected that she had seen through his "real identity."

But this assumption is difficult to establish, after all, he did not reveal anything wrong.

Huo Xiang thought for a while and asked, "Did Su Meng say to you?"

Last time he and Su Meng said that he had terminal illness and didn't have much life, so he didn't dare to pursue Bai Zhenzhen. Is it true that Su Meng told Bai Zhenzhen about this matter, but Bai Zhenzhen was afraid that he would lose him in the end, so he didn't want to be with him?

"I just can't stand it myself." Bai Zhen smiled perfunctoryly. "I think it's easy for two people to get along with each other and have similar interests. However, such a person will not live in his life. Only meet one, even if you are not with me, you will meet another such person someday. "

"I can't wait." Huo Xiang was anxious, and almost leaked. "Really, I just want to be with you. I don't have the spare time to cultivate feelings with others."

"What if one day, you or me, suddenly disappear from the other person's life?" Bai Zhenzhen asked.

Huo Xiang froze. He knew that Bai Zhen really couldn't see him through, but these words came out of Bai Zhen Zhen, which always made him feel strange.

"You see, you hesitated, so you can't stand the pain." Bai Zhen sighed.

Huo Xiang shook his head immediately: "Really, I didn't hesitate! It just so happened that I talked to Su Meng about this, and I asked her the same question. Guess, what did she say?"


"She said that if you are destined to lose in the future, you must learn to cherish it now. Because if you miss an opportunity, you may never be able to return in this life. In the end, regret will take root in your heart forever, than The so-called solitude is much more painful. "

Huo Xiang paused. "Later, I knew her story. It turned out that a year ago, she had a suitor who was always around her, and even once wore her outfit to make her happy ... that's why she saw that day I will be so excited afterwards. "

"... At that time, Su Meng was busy with work and had no intention of falling in love. Although she had that person in her heart, she always wanted to wait for a while and wait for the company to win a big project before agreeing to be his girlfriend. But who knows, just at the beginning of this year, that person suffered a car accident and died ... until the person died, Su Meng was unable to say to him personally-I like you. "

"Su Meng said that this is a regret of her life. If she can come back, even if a car accident is inevitable, she will still accompany him in the last days of his life."

Huo Xiang was so rare to tell a story so blandly that Bai Zhenzhen was a little moved.

After talking about Su Meng, Huo Xiang made a summary: "So, in life, we must be happy in time and cherish the present. We will enjoy every day now, whether it is sunny or rainy tomorrow, even if it is the end of the world Then. "

"OK." Bai Zhen said unexpectedly.

Huo Xiang did not respond for a while.

He frowned, and asked, "What's up?"

"Make fun in time, cherish the moment." Bai Zhenzhen calmly, "So, I also have to admit that I like you, I actually want to be with you."

"What what?" Huo Xiang couldn't believe what he heard.

He stood up and turned around the coffee table, as if looking for something. Waiting for Bai Zhenzhen to ask, he asked again, "Really, is there a cotton swab in this room?"

"Why are you looking for a cotton swab?" Bai Zhen was puzzled.

"I dig my ears and I will hear you again ..."

Bai Zhen really laughed.

Huo Xiang did not find the cotton swab, and had to poke his ears with his little thumb, and then said to Bai Zhenzhen seriously: "Well, you say it again, I listen carefully."

Bai Zhenzhen smirked and looked at him and said, "I like you too, let's be together."

"Which kind are they together? Really?"

"Well, it's the kind that can hold a little hand and kiss it." Bai Zhenzhen didn't hold back, but he added, "But that, for the time being."

"No problem! Absolutely no problem!"

Huo Xiang jumped up with joy.

He rushed in front of Bai Zhenzhen, took her hand, and asked, "Really, are you serious? You won't change the agreement for revenge, do you deliberately lie to me?"

"I'm not as black as you!" Bai Zhen glared at him.

"Okay, that's good, hehe! Haha!"

Huo Xiang couldn't stop smiling.

But after laughing for a while, Huo Xiang's brow frowned again. He questioned again: "So, are we together like this? Because I just said that?"

"Yeah, the story you were telling was really amazing, and I suddenly figured it out."

"No, this is too casual, isn't it? No other special plots are needed, such as the kind of heroes saving the beauty, leaving life and death, and touching ones?"

"You're writing a book when you're here! I'm going to be thrilled before the male and female masters can recognize each other?" Bai Zhenzhen sneered.

Those are the routines in the book. As long as the two parties think about it, they will be together directly, what procedures do they follow!

Huo Xiang was moved to tears.

This is definitely the most unpretentious actress in the few books he has read.

——System: "Ding ~ heroine happiness +20."

A word from the system doubles Huo Xiang's excitement. This is the first time I heard the number "plus twenty". I can imagine how happy Bai Zhen really was after revealing her feelings with the people she likes.

However, the following sentence made Huo Xiang's mood drop to the bottom.

——System: "Congratulations to the knight. So far, you have accumulated a total of 81.5 points of happiness for the heroine. Victory is just around the corner!"

Huo Xiang's smile froze instantly.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zhenzhen saw Huo Xiang's face suddenly change, and he couldn't help wondering.

Huo Xiang took three steps and made two steps. He walked to the door of the room, opened the door, and then turned to dialogue with Zhenzhen: "I still have something, go first."

"Clams ?!" Bai Zhen really froze.

@Infinite Good Text

Huo Xiang disregarded her surprise and left without a haste.

Bai Zhen really didn't close his mouth for a long time. @Infinite Good Text

This, this is too out of line, right? !! This is just the end of the confession. Two people shouldn't let you ... let's interact? Why do you suddenly turn around and leave? !!

——From Huo · Naive · Xiang Xiang revenge? !!

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