MTL - The Random Passerby I Married is The Richest Man!-Chapter 23

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Huo Xiang unlocked Xi Hexi for two hours.

So that Bai Zhenzhen was sitting in the alley with his ears upright, listening and listening, slowly falling asleep with his eyes narrowed.

"Hey, hey," Huo Xiang, who completed the task, poked Bai Zhenzhen's arm. "Let me enlighten others. How are you? Sleeping in a beautiful sleep?"

Bai Zhenzhen woke up, rubbed his squinting eyes, and asked him, "Done?"

Huo Xiang nodded: "Has brainwashed successfully, just now he has returned to the company as if he had chicken blood."

"Yes!" Bai Zhenzhen stood up, very happy.

——System: "Ding ~ Female Leader Happiness +3."

-Huo Xiang: "Wow, finally there was a normal increase! Don't hesitate I worked hard for two hours!"

——System: "Knight, please continue to work hard! Back to the real world is just around the corner!"

-Huo Xiang: "Oh, this is not anxious, take it slowly."

Bai Zhenzhen said with emotion: "I didn't expect that someone would take a whole night to complete it. You only need two hours to solve it. It is indeed the heir to the richest man in the world! It is extraordinary!

"Others? Who?" Huo Xiang asked in confusion.

Bai Zhenzhen smiled, didn't explain, and changed the subject sternly: "Shall we go for dessert now?"

Huo Xiang looked at the time and said, "It's not possible. It's almost eleven now, and the shop has been closed for a long time."

"So let's go to KFc, which is open 24 hours? I suddenly want to drink Snowtop Coffee!"

Huo Xiang glanced at Bai Zhenzhen and asked thoughtfully, "Are you ... not going home tonight?"

Then she pretended to be shy: "Don't you think that ... I said that 'having a child' is serious, right?"

"What do you want!" Bai Zhenzhen punched Huo Xiang's chest with a punch, and Huo Xiang shouted in pain.

"I didn't intend to go home today! Bai Mengru is at home now, and I have to sleep with her in a room when I go back. It's so agreeable! I decided to stay in the hotel tonight, how about you?"

"Of course I'm staying in a hotel!" Huo Xiang raised his chin proudly. "After all, in my current status, I would go back to the rental house, and I would have lost the honorable face of my richest grandpa! you!"

Shinji Baizhen said, "Live at the store. What room do you open! Ivy can't vomit out of a dog's mouth!"

Huo Xiang's pretending grievances: "Xiao Zhenzhen, you are bad. When you were asked to be a lobbyist, you praised others for their good words. Now that you have finished using them, you will say that they are dogs, and dogs are also Didn't mess with you. "

Bai Zhen really shuddered and fell off the goosebumps.

"I mean, why are you so proud of having money? Let's go out to stay in a hotel now, where do we need to spend money?" Bai Zhenzhen pulled out a room card from his bag. "You forgot what it was? Five The room card of the presidential suite of the star hotel! Since your friend said that the draw was out of order, we actually got it. That's such a big deal.

Huo Xiang's eyes brightened: "Yeah! Free admission!"

——Even if he becomes the heir of the world's richest man, he cannot be excited when he takes advantage of him.

"Let's go! You use the money you saved to buy me a drink ... oh, I still want fried chicken!"

"Eat and eat! You want to buy the whole store!"

Bai Zhenzhen can't help it.

——System: "Knight, you swell."

-Huo Xiang: "Nonsense, give you a hundred million, see if you swell."

-System: "It seems to make sense, too."


Bai Zhenzhen and Huo Xiang took a taxi to the Gathering Commercial Plaza. There is a 24-hour KFc outside the mall. After they bought fried chicken and drinks, they went to the meeting hotel in the northeast corner of the square and checked in.

The five-star hotel is also the Presidential Suite, and the decoration is truly magnificent.

Bai Zhenzhen strolled around and found that in addition to the spacious living room and recreation room, this presidential suite also has two bedrooms, each with a separate bathroom.

Huo Xiang put the fried chicken and drinks on the coffee table, looked at the room, and said with emotion: "I originally wanted to show the true nature of the hero and offered to sleep on the sofa, but I didn't expect the hotel to give me this opportunity."

Bai Zhenzhen smiled: "After all, poverty limits your imagination."

Huo Xiang smiled and didn't speak.

I thought to myself that this book should not have been written for a long time, and the heroine in it still has a paragraph that has only become popular in these two years.

The two sat down together on the sofa and began to eat supper happily.

"Really, your heart is really big, it's almost clockwise, and eating so greasy, you are not afraid to gain weight." Huo Xiang said.

Bai Zhen really gave him a white look: "Will you chat?"

Huo Xiang immediately changed his mouth: "Of course you're not afraid of getting fat! As for your figure, you won't get fat by eating a chicken every day!"

Bai Zhen was secretly happy. This is in the book. She has a fascinating person who will not grow meat when eating. This is the dream of all girls in the world!

Huo Xiang, holding a chicken leg, pretended to inadvertently: "Really, did I just go to trouble the little star just now? I thought about it later, in fact, I should have a good chat with you."

Bai Zhenzhen nodded: "Well, you said."

@Finity 好 文, do it in the big brother novel network

"I think your family is still a little problem ..."

Huo Xiang dragged the end and looked at Bai Zhenzhen with the light, for fear that she would not be happy.

But he had to tell her about these things, otherwise she would always be squeezed by this native family, how could she not be happy, and this hindered him from doing tasks.

Bai Zhen's reaction was completely unexpected.

"Right? I think so! What are the issues, you can talk about it!" Bai Zhenzhen was very interested. "Also, be honest and don't worry about wording."

"Then I said it straight ..." Huo Xiang raised an eyebrow.


"Your stepmother and step-sister didn't treat you as your own person, and they still targeted you everywhere, so we will not let it go, let's not mention it. I want to talk about your father, Uncle Bai. I always think, There is a little twist in his mind ... "

Although Bai Zhenzhen said, let Huo Xiang let go and don't think about words. But Huo Xiang was cautious, for fear of saying something wrong. When the heroine got angry, her happiness dropped again.

"He seems to have some hatred. No matter what kind of person he is, as long as he has money, it is an ugly face in his eyes. Take me as an example without mentioning others. I have dealt with him before and got him. I approve of it, and now I have money, his attitude changed immediately. "

"Actually, it doesn't matter," Huo Xiang paused. "I mainly distress you. Today your stepmother said such an excessive amount of words. Uncle Bai is still silent, but you can imagine that for so many years, you have been What kind of life is at home ... "

"Really, I think my grandpa is right. He is not a competent father."

Bai Zhen really thought so.

Huo Xiang continued: "In fact, we are fake marriage anyway, divorce is fine. But the important thing is that even if we are divorced, there is a great chance of marrying a wealthy girl like you ..."

"Wait," Bai Zhen laughed. "Don't your fries dipped in honey sauce? Suddenly your mouth is so sweet?"

"I mean it. If the other person has a good family and loves you, this is a good thing for you. After all, who doesn't want to live a better life!" Huo Xiang frankly said, "But if Uncle Bai has always been This attitude does not allow you to marry good people, and it is estimated that your future life will be more difficult. "

Bai Zhen's smile gradually froze on his face.

She wasn't afraid that the future would be difficult. It doesn't matter if she married or not, but with such a father, she still had to obey others to "honor him", which really made her respond.

When Huo Xiang saw Bai Zhen frown, he thought he was serious, and he quickly explained: "Really, I have no other meaning, just ..."

"It's okay, though you say, I think you're right! Sentenced on the idea, I am worried that no one will talk about it!"

"Really ... really ?!" Huo Xiang shivered.

——It is said that a woman is an animal that speaks by heart. Is it because he has said bad things about his father-in-law, and has been mocked by Bai Zhenzhen? !!

"Really!" Bai Zhen said earnestly. She didn't know what to do to convince Huo Xiang that she was also angry with her father.

"Otherwise, I swear, I'm not angry about what you say!" Bai Zhenzhen said again.

"Then don't have to be." Huo Xiang then believed that Bai Zhenzhen didn't say anything ironic, and his heart was not so panicked.

He continued: "Really, since you also do n’t like your native family, why do you still get used to them everywhere? Today they are so humiliated, you are still swallowing up there, if it is not my embarrassment, I must It's your turn. "

"I didn't fight back, I couldn't fight back!" Bai Zhenzhen looked helpless.

"Why?" Huo Xiang was very puzzled. "In your current condition, you can completely leave this family and pursue the life you want! You don't need to feel guilty at all, because they have never considered it for you!"

Bai Zhen was really touched, and suddenly he tenderly said, "Thank you, Huo Xiang."

Huo Xiang deliberately sat a bit on the other side of the sofa, and said positively, "I told you, don't call me that, I will be afraid."

Bai Zhenzhen's mouth twitched again, and she smiled and said, "Be assured, I have already thought of how to deal with them. When we have completed the" Divorce Certificate ", I will let you see how powerful I am!"



"I'll wait and see!" Huo Xiang also raised his lips.

Bai Zhen really stared at the big boy who was two years older than her.

In the world of this book, her so-called heroine is actually a father who doesn't care about her mother or love her.

I have to be with the three men of the original female host group cp-male No. 1 is cold and suspicious, he is provoked and misunderstood the female lead; male No. 2 Jiang Muyang, gentle and indecisive, but indecisive, until the end Defend his sister; male No. 3 Xi Xi, this is a sincere child, but not mature enough and strong, so that when the female lead is attacked by his fans human flesh and violence, nothing can be done.

But this person is different now.

He has three perspectives, is reasonable, has a sense of morality, and is a real Jian Jian expert. He can also turn into a wife-guard madness at any time.

Even if the grease **** is a little bit slippery at times, you should definitely not pick off when it is time to take it seriously.

Bai Zhenzhen only thinks:

——Like a passerby, live! Yes! Yes! first! rich!


The meeting of the world's richest heirs was held as scheduled.

The location is at the true Dragon Century Hotel in the city center.

This domineering hotel name is really not randomly generated to match the big world, but it has actually appeared in the original novel. Bai Zhenzhen also admires the original author's brain.

At five o'clock in the evening, Bai Zhenzhen set off from the meeting hotel.

The driver who came to pick her up drove a Maserati worth tens of millions. In addition, the driver brought a full set of dresses, high heels and jewelry to the banquet.

Although Bai Zhen really doesn't know the brand of this thing, but she knows—the things sent from the richest man in the world must be Gaoding! !!

So people, you still have to make friends!

In order to be worthy of this set, Bai Zhenzhen took the makeup seriously and went to the banquet with joy.

Zhenlong Century Hotel is the city's most luxurious six-star hotel. Mr. Huo wrapped up the hotel's largest and most magnificent VIP room. The whole scene was huge, which is not comparable to Jiang Muyang's birthday party.

And this is the banquet hosted by the richest man in the world, celebrities from all walks of life are rushing. Not only did the city's famous men come here, but some of the world's best friends with Master Huo have also come from all over the world.

So when Bai Zhenzhen entered the door, two white handsome men came face to face, and she immediately said hello, not surprised at all.

She was only surprised when she saw various foods.

Then she took an elegant step and occupied a dessert table.

At this time, Huo Xiang was preparing to wait for the "stunning appearance". He just sent a message and said, let Bai Zhenzhen play alone for a while, wait for him to finish, then come to her.

But Bai Zhenzhen was here to eat and drink, she was happy.

When Bai Zhenzhen was tasting the durian mousse that the waiter had just brought, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Turning around, she really saw a man and a woman coming towards her.

The man stared straight at her, and when she saw that she turned, he greeted her immediately: "Oh, Bai Zhenzhen? Really you! I thought I knew the wrong person!"

Bai Zhen looked at the person in wonder.

The man's face did not really impress her. And all three main characters have appeared, and the system has not given any hints.

As for the woman next to him, a face lifted off even more has no recognition.

"Why don't you remember me? I'm Zhen Wei!"

"Oh, it's you!" Bai Zhenzhen suddenly realized, "Just a moment ago, I didn't recognize you!"

The name "Zhen Wei" has been seen in the book by Bai Zhenzhen. @Finity 好 文, do it in the big brother novel network

He was a sister-in-law and Bai Mengru's boyfriend when he was in high school. Later when he graduated, he dumped Bai Mengru.

What's irritating is that Bai Mengru's green tea daddy wanted to get close to the magnificent boy and was embarrassed to destroy her image of the jade girl, so she went to Zhen Wei under the guise that her sister liked Zhen Wei and asked her to help match. Zhen Wei is also a narcissist, always thinking that the sisters of the Bai family like him.

So that there was a time later in the book, Bai Zhenzhen accompanied Leng Yan to the reception, and it happened that Zhen Wei was also there. @Finity 好 文, do it in the big brother novel network

At the scene, Leng Yan immediately humiliated Zhen Wei. However, Zhen Wei's words were also printed in Leng Ye's heart, and he was later provoked by Bai Mengru. Leng Ye was even more unconvinced by Bai Zhenzhen's explanation, and Bai Zhenzhen was angry for a long time.

It seems that the time and place of this encounter in the book has changed again.

At this moment, Zhen Wei carefully looked up and down Bai Zhenzhen.

He looked at the dress on her, which was very precious and exquisite, which made her look extraordinary, and Bai Zhenzhen carefully dressed it up, which was several times better than when she was in school.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have become pretty." Zhen Wei laughed, looked around for a while, and asked, "Where is Bai Mengru?"

"If you want to find her, you can call her." Bai Zhenzhen showed a faint smile. "Sorry, there are people waiting for me, so I won't be with you."

Bai Zhen is too lazy to talk about this unimportant character.

Zhen Wei didn't do it, a step struck him in front of Bai Zhenzhen, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "Don't go, why are you in such a hurry!"

Bai Zhen really rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I'm kind of weird. As your identity, can you come here? Which big boss followed?" Zhen Wei glanced again at the ruby ​​necklace worn on Bai Zhenzhen's neck. "This The necklace doesn't look fake? Bai Zhenzhen, you are so good now, people are willing to spend a lot of money on you! "

"Mr. Zhen, please keep your mouth clean. I don't seem familiar with you." Bai Zhenzhen responded politely.

"Why are you unfamiliar ?! When you wanted to seduce me, you didn't say we were unfamiliar!" Zhen Wei chuckled, and said to her next companion, "It's this woman, in high school , Always asked her sister to hand me a love letter, saying what loves me to the land is so wild. "

"Oh, are you afraid your head is flooded? I'll write a love letter for you ?!"

"Isn't it! It's not just a love letter!" Zhen Wei smugly said, "But you didn't expect it, I actually fancy your sister! Who told you to dress so earthy and rustic every day, your sister?" Even though she is poor, she will dress up! She is also holding a pure little appearance, just to play with me. "

Bai Zhenzhen smiled: "The two of you are really a perfect match. One is for money and the other is for color. How do you say that? Hey, son with a dog, forever?"

"Bai Zhenzhen you--" Zhen Wei was irritated, his face changed instantly, and he pointed his finger at the bridge of Bai Zhenzhen's nose.

"How? Dare you dare to be fooled? Want to hit me?" Bai Zhenzhen looked around again. "On the site of the richest man in the world, do you dare?"

It's so proud to switch to white now.

Zhen Wei gritted his teeth, put his fingers back, and shook them into a fist.

He hated and said, "Okay, Bai Zhenzhen, don't think that if you climb a high branch, you can shine here. How I played with your sister before, he will play with you! Don't catch anything in the end, still Put yourself in! "

"Ah, that's really embarrassing. I disappointed you." Bai Zhenzhen raised the diamond ring on the ring finger of his left hand. "My husband and I are already married."

Bai Zhenzhen had this ring in her hand, which she asked Huo Xiang specifically. Bai Zhenzhen was worried that she would meet those men one, two, and three again, so she wanted to wear it all the time and declare her married status.

However, she also called a "promissory note", and she will return when it happens.

Zhen Wei looked at the glittering diamond ring for a moment.

Bai Zhenzhen continued: "What's even more touching is that he also divorced his original wife for me and dismissed all the good-looking boyfriends. Hey, **** it, I blame my charm of no place what……"

The amount of information in this passage was too great, and Zhen Wei was stunned.

After Bai Zhenzhen showed off, he turned his attention to Zhen Wei's female companion, and said quietly, "But what did Mr. Zhen say just now? You are looking for a girlfriend just for fun? Oh, this lady, you are all here Tolerable ?! "

When Zhen Wei's female companion heard it, she immediately changed her face, glared at Zhen Wei fiercely, and then left angrily.

Zhen Wei looked at her back and took a severe sip: "Smelly bitch, son, dare to shake his face? Laozi can find other people without you!"

After saying that, I looked at Bai Zhenzhen fiercely again: "Bai Zhenzhen, you have a long time now! Who is your husband? He has the ability to call him out! I want to see what his business is. In the future, in this business world, I will still be confused! "

Bai Zhenzhen really remembers that Zhen Wei's family was indeed very rich, otherwise Bai Mengru would not approach him in the same way. It's a pity that this man's character is too bad, and Bai Mengru's bamboo basket was drunk.

But think about it, Zhen Wei couldn't be more cold in the original book, so it must be more than the power of the world's richest man!

Thinking of this, Bai Zhenzhen became even more confused: "Zhen Wei, you come here to a banquet, but you don't know who my husband is ?!"

"What do you mean ?!" Zhen Wei looked suspicious.

Cao Cao Cao Cao said that Huo Xiang appeared beside Bai Zhenzhen like magic at this time.

"Really, what are you talking about?"

Bai Zhen was so happy: "You are too timely to appear!"

Before Huo Xiang spoke, the system's voice sounded in his mind.

——System: "Ding ~ Heroine Happiness +2."

-Huo Xiang: "What? This happiness is here? Is it poverty alleviation ?!"

Zhen Wei froze and looked at the man beside Bai Zhenzhen. He thought that Bai Zhenzhen would be a bad old man with a big belly, but he did not expect to be a handsome handsome man!

But also, there are those "obsessive", most of them are handsome and handsome.

"So why did you come here suddenly?" Bai Zhenzhen asked. "Aren't you supposed to be ready to debut? Just come out so casually?"

"It's important to see you when you play." Huo Xiang grinned and smiled softly at Bai Zhen, "I'm worried that you don't adapt, so I came out to see you, and then go through the process. Anyway, these people don't even know I."

"Well, don't show up!" Zhen Wei interrupted the conversation between the two, and said to Huo Xiang, "You are Bai Zhenzhen's husband, right?"

Huo Xiang tilted his head to Bai Zhenzhen: "Should I say yes or no?"

Bai Zhenzhen: "..."

Huo Xiang understood her expression, and immediately turned her head again, and said to Zhen Wei decisively: "Yes!"

Zhen Wei asked again, "It's you, in order to marry her, you have given up your original wife ?!"

Huo Xiang: "Ah?"

"Also gave some beloved little boyfriends outside ?!"

"What ?!" Huo Xiang was dumbfounded.

-What the hell? !!

As soon as Zhen Wei saw Huo Xiang's reaction, she knew that something was wrong, and immediately laughed: "Bai Zhenzhen, you are lying! Master Xiao looks like an understanding person, how could he do those things for you!"

Bai Zhenzhen has not had time to refute.

Huo Xiang slammed his thigh, and then said, "This gentleman, you have misunderstood me! The reason why I was surprised just now is that I don't think such a trivial matter is enough, but it is so formal and proud I was so surprised and moved to share with you! Actually, what I am willing to do for her is much more than that !! "

With that said, he gave Bai Zhenzhen a very affectionate look.

"Baby, I'm willing to give it all up, just to have you with me in this life !!!"

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