MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 71

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When Liao Yuan took the initiative to invite Ying in the evening, Guo's mother didn't refuse any more, she started and let Liao Yuan take charge.

Dad Guo looked at the kitchen and hummed.

"Why are you?" Guo Zhi was dissatisfied, "The nose is not the nose, and the face is not the face. You have an opinion on me."

"I have no problem with my girl." Dad Guo said slowly while reading the newspaper.

Guo Zhi leaned over and leaned against her father, and said angrily, "Then what are you doing, give me a slap in the face."

"You know it."

"I don't understand"

Dad Guo glanced at her and continued to read the newspaper.

Guo Zhi is a little guilty.

Holding her father's arm, she whispered coquettishly: "What are you doing? This is. Liao Yuanren is really nice. Don't keep pulling your face, how ugly."

"I didn't pull my face." Guo's father refused to admit, "I have done all the courtesy."

"I didn't say you were rude. Isn't that an attitude?"

Father Guo hummed again: "That's my attitude." After speaking, he ignored Guo Zhi and read his own newspaper.

Guo Zhi was so angry that he ignored him.

Guo Heng laughed and watched the fun. Seeing Guo Zhiyan's knife swept over, his instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages drove him to stand up immediately: "Ah, I'll go see if I can help in the kitchen."

He tactfully avoided the kitchen.

Three people in the kitchen, the efficiency is very high, and the meal is on the table quickly.

"Come, come and taste Xiao Liao's craftsmanship." Guo's mother greeted her husband with a smile.

Guo's father's face was normal, neither happy nor indifferent.

"Dad, try this, Liao Yuan is good at it." Guo Zhi served her father with vegetables.

Father Guo gave a light "um", and put it in his mouth to save his daughter's face. Then Father Guo paused, didn't say a word, and continued to eat. However, this subtle action still did not escape Guo Zhi's eyes, and she let out a "hehe" in her heart.

Papa Guo didn't say much. After a peaceful meal, some wine was drank during the banquet, and with Guo's mother watching them, the three men just had a little fun, and they didn't drink too much.

This day is the Mid-Autumn Festival. After dinner, everyone watched the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala together and took out the box of moon cakes to eat. Guo Zhi and the others brought it from the imperial capital, a time-honored brand in the imperial capital.

Moon cakes are actually not very tasty, that is, it is the occasion of the festival. Liao Yuan washed his hands after eating the moon cakes, went back to the house and called his mother to say hello to the Mid-Autumn Festival. He swiped his finger across the address book and his dad's phone number. After thinking about it, he still picked up the phone, so there was no need to make this call.

The family of three over there is celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. You don't need one more of him.

Back in the living room, Dad Guo asked with tea, "If you don't go back in Mid-Autumn Festival, will your parents be unhappy?"

"It's okay, uncle." Liao Yuan continued to pour water for him, and said warmly, "My father's family of three, my mother's family of four, it's the same whether I go back or not."

Guo's father was startled, "Oh", and said nothing.

Guo Zhi glanced at her mother.

Mother Guo also gave her a look.

Guo Zhi's eyes were full of eagerness.

Mother Guo rolled her eyes at her and watched TV intently.

When it was time to sleep, Guo's mother closed the door and talked to Guo's father.

“Little Liao people are okay,” she said.

"I don't have a good relationship with my family." Dad said.

"How about that, you said that my mother remarried, there are sons and daughters, and her husband is not happy for her to communicate with her ex-husband, so I don't see her twice a year. Dad has a stepmother. You Haven't heard that if there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather, let alone a younger brother. In high school, the stepmother was sent to the school to live in the school, and when he returned home after graduation, he didn't open the door at home, so he gave him 50 yuan to send him away. You said, how is this good?"

"So bad"

"Isn't it. I was chatting with me in the morning, and my tears came down. I told you that I am distressed. This child should cry, not like other people's wow. He was just talking and talking, and when I saw the tears rolling down my eyes, I couldn't hold back. It's pathetic."

"What are you crying for?"

"He's only 20. You have to give people time to grow up." After Mom finished speaking, she suddenly remembered, "Just like you never cried, Liu Jianguo asked an introducer to go there. Our family told my mother that we wanted to talk to me about someone, and my mother agreed, who was crying in front of me and who was it?"

Dad's face was flushed: "It's been so many years, what's there to mention?"

"Tsk" Mom said disdainfully, "It's only two days since Xiao Liao's twentieth birthday, you were more than twenty that year, didn't you cry?"

"It's alright, let's not talk about this, what the hell" Dad quickly changed the subject. "Didn't you say Liao Yuan, what are you saying about me?"

"It means Liao Yuan, isn't that a rush to talk?" Mom said.

"No car, no house, no job, why marry my girl" Dad said angrily.

Your girl asked me, and I introduced those individuals to her. Which one can come to the door and sell 20,000 yuan to buy something for us. I thought about it, and I really didn't. All of them are calculated and calculated, for fear of the man's family. It's a loss. Think about the stuff that Jiao Xiumei introduced to you."

Dad was silent for a long time and sighed faintly.

"But Xiao Liao's condition is too bad." He relaxed a little.

"The conditions are really strong, why do you like your girl and she is twenty-eight." Mom began to calmly analyze, "If the conditions are not strong enough, being with your girl can be overwhelming. Live your girl, your girl has a soft temper and is not as capable as she is still thinking about suppressing her, she can do it every day."

Dad: ""

"Little Liao's condition is not very good. But do you know what your girl likes most about Xiao Liao?" Mom asked.

Dad: "What"

"When your girl says it, I like Xiao Liao to listen to her."

Dad: ""

"The two of them are living together now, and Xiao Liao cooks, what are you embarrassed about? Your daughter is twenty-eight, and you still want her to keep an empty room"

Dad hummed, the boss was unhappy and did not speak.

"You don't know how comfortable your daughter is now. Xiao Liao cooks the food, washes the clothes, and cleans the hygiene. Let him go east, he will never go west. Your daughter works overtime , Ren Xiaoliao even sent her porridge over, just because she was afraid of stomach problems."

"Not like a man" Dad scolded.

My mother kicked him without saying a word: "What are you talking about, your uncle is like a man, and looks good. Your own uncle, you want your daughter to be a little fudi the waiter."

"I think it's good. A husband and wife, one is strong, and the other is weak. It's no big deal." She continued, "Your daughter, even if you hold her down, she will not be low. Go down. Simply, find someone who is weaker than her and can bow to her. I think it's ok."

"Forget it." Dad saw through the truth with an expression on his face, "I said so much, in fact, because he is good-looking, right, my daughter, I don't know it's the same as her mother, I like it good looking”

"Yo~~~~" Mom smiled, "You still have eyes on you."

"What's wrong with being good-looking? Is it good-looking? I can find a good-looking one. I have to find an ugly one. I have cat disease. Don't you know? I want to go home and see an ugly face. I can't eat for three days. Do you know what to say? I like good-looking ones. Marry you Liu Jianguo, his father was a deputy minister back then. My mother was snot and tears. Do you still get it cheap, sell it well, and despise people Xiao Liao is here, let me tell you, Xiao Liao's face is ten times stronger than you were back then. Go to that station and do nothing, I just watch Just Shu Tan, my daughter also looks at Shu Tan every day when she goes home and looks at her, how can it not work?" The mother turned her face instantly and became aggressive.

Dad was caught off guard, completely powerless, and said embarrassedly: "What are you yelling, keep your voice down, don't let the children hear it"

In the university, there were more boys and fewer girls. Most of the girls who can read are average-looking and introverted and shy.

There is a girl with short hair and white skin in the middle, which is particularly bright. He speaks loudly, laughs like a silver bell, and does things quickly and neatly. There are not one or two male students who like her.

But she came to Liu Jianguo, a deputy director-level father, and asked an introducer to go to her house and said that she wanted to formally deal with her, but she didn't agree, she just fell in love with her he.

Because he has a good face.

In retrospect, Guo's father still sighed

That is really a secret pride that cannot be spoken of in life.