MTL - The Puppeteer of Academy City-Chapter 896 Pyramid structure and enfeoffment

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There has never been a precedent for the Yanshi Curse to be restored for no reason. Unless there is a silver puppet master who is willing to use his own blood to save him, the only way to die is to die.

"Of course, there is another situation." Bai Yinyao said, "It is to eliminate a Yanshi—completely, without resurrection—then there will be a certain probability that the curse on some victims will be invalidated."

Bai Yinyao recalled: "The elders have also studied this and found that the Yanshi curse can be traced back to a specific Yanshi. The curse caused by the suspected liquid in his body can be used as long as the corresponding Yanshi is solved. This part is suspected of liquid failure."

"So, the infected people in Academy City are very likely to be spread by Yanshi Fallen Star that you eliminated in Starry Night." Bai Yinyao concluded.

Based on Ling Xingye's understanding of the Yanshi organization and the information provided by the Baiyin organization, he has been able to roughly outline the internal organizational structure of the Yanshi organization.

To sum up, the Yanshi organization can be regarded as a standard pyramid structure.

At the top is their only "God", generally known as the God of Puppets or the God of Yanshi.

The **** of Yanshi has been considered to be only a symbolic symbol before, and does not exist in reality. But the latest information that came out not long ago confirmed the existence of "God", and there is also a specific name - Platinum.

The second layer below the gods is the "big witch", which is the real ruling and management class of the entire Yanshi organization. Almost all of them are Yanshi-level puppets, and their positioning is similar to that of the "elders" of the Silver Organization.

The third floor below is the pinnacle of Yanshi—the automatic puppet.

Under Yanshi, there are a huge number of ordinary automatic puppets.

The strict and standard pyramid structure at this level is also very similar to the classical European enfeoffment system: every Yanshi is a great nobleman, similar to an "earl" or "marquis"; and among their automatic puppets, the most The high-level group is divided into "viscount" and "baron"; their subordinate automatic puppets are ordinary knights; "knights" are puppet-level cannon fodder and engineers.

The entire Yanshi organization can also be regarded as an alliance composed of Yanshi "big nobles". The key to the formation of such an organizational structure lies in the "suspected liquid".

The "suspected liquid" is the product of imitating the silver "water of life", the blood of the automatic puppets, and the true carrier of their wisdom and "soul".

If Yanshi wanted to expand his power, the first thing he had to do was to give his subordinates his own "blood"—that is, a suspected liquid, and completely wash it from the inside out to become his own subordinates.

Then, these automatic puppets will do the same, giving their own suspected liquid to the lower puppets...

In this way, a Yanshi and his subordinate forces can be regarded as a big family of the same blood.

The end of this bloodline inheritance chain is the victim infected with the Yanshi curse...

Nowadays, "suspected liquid" has been upgraded to "platinum blood", and its main function is no longer "curse", but to transform human beings into "silver zero".

In other words, "Baiyin 0" will also become a link in the blood chain of "Yanshi Family".

During this offensive, the person in charge of Academy City should be Yanshi Falling Star, so the source of the "Platinum Blood" scattered is also Falling Star.

But not long ago, Luo Xing was unfortunately killed by Ling Xingye, so that his "family" quickly went bankrupt.

The "Silver 0" who "inherited" the bloodline of the falling star naturally stopped the transformation.

"Of course, there is another possibility. The real key is actually those angels of disaster," Baiyin Yao continued in the car, "not Yanshi Falling Star."

But it doesn't matter who it is...

"I know how to deal with the current situation." Ling Xingye said suddenly.

Since the Yanshi organization is essentially "blood inheritance"...

"There is no need for a large amount of silver blood as an antidote!" Ling Xingye said, "Just kill their upper lords."

Although this is just an expedient measure to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, after killing the "lord", the people infected with the curse will wake up, but the nano-robots in their bodies will not disappear, they just enter a dormant state.

But this at least buys enough time.

According to the information provided by Chairman Aleister, after being infected with the "Silver 0" virus cursed by Yanshi, it takes only seventy-two hours for that person to be transformed into a Baiyin 0.

The most urgent task now is to interrupt this process, otherwise in three days... Now there is one and a half days left, and they will face billions of silver zeros from all over the world!

As for how to completely eliminate the "platinum blood" in people's bodies, let's wait until later to find a solution.

"It's a way, but the current problem is still insufficient time and manpower." Bai Yinyao pointed out, "Almost all regions in the world are now occupied, and there are a large number of infected people, which also means that the number of Yanshi participating in the plan is extremely terrifying. Just With just a few of us, it’s too late to deal with it.”

"Not to mention, the enemy is cunning and will probably hide and won't fight us at all." Baiyin Yao said worriedly.

"It's very simple, I don't need to look for them one by one." Ling Xingye's eyes flashed brightly, "Since they are all platinum blood, then just solve the problem from the root cause."

He paused for a while, and then said: "As long as one enemy is defeated, the current predicament can be resolved."

"Xingye, don't be impulsive!" Bai Yinyao immediately understood what he meant.

All the gods of Yanshi in the legend, the **** of Yanshi, and the **** of puppets.

Now, He has a common name—Platinum.

It is difficult to find those Yanshi who are so vast and indistinct; however, it is not difficult to find a top automatic puppet.

"If you guessed now Platinum should be inside that floating fortress." Ling Xingye said, "So we just need to break in and kill Platinum, then the 'Platinum Blood' with him as the source will be It will all collapse."

"I said, don't be impulsive!" Bai Yinyao couldn't help raising his hand and knocked him on the head, "Don't think about raiding the enemy's base camp so easily! It's not that my sister wants to pour cold water on you. Considering the strength of the Yanshi organization, even It is Xingye in your heyday, and it is impossible to complete this task."

Ling Xingye looked at the time: "Thirty-six hours have passed since the first batch of infected people were discovered, and we only have half the time left. There is no faster way than this."

"Uh..." Misaka Mikoto, who had been listening quietly, raised her hand and said, "I will go with Xingye..."

Having just experienced the "Thor" mode beyond level 5, Misaka Mikoto is now full of confidence in her own strength.

"It's not enough!" Baiyin Yao shook his head, "When I calculated the combat power just now, I already included you. Of course, it also includes myself, as well as Bai Yinxiao and Huazu."

Misaka Mikoto let go of her hand resentfully, and said: "Then... call some more people? There are still quite a lot of talents in the 'Night Force'."

"What the **** is Ye Power?" Ling Xingye complained, "And how could such a suicidal action have so many people's support?"

"You still know it's suicide!" Bai Yinyao knocked him again, "Anyway, go back first, the latest instructions came from the headquarters, let's see if the Council of Elders has any good solutions."

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