MTL - The President’s Heartbeat: Mermaid Wife is Adorable-Chapter 998 Names 2

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Biquge, the latest update of the president ’s darling: the latest chapter of Mermaid's Wife Meng Meng!

"Right, blossoming, what about the baby?"

Mrs. Xiao looked around and hoped that she couldn't help asking if she didn't see the child.

"Baby is asleep," Lan Duo answered obediently.

I don't know what's going on. The second child of this second child loves to sleep. In addition to drinking milk, he will be awake, and when he sees him, he always sleeps with eyes closed.

"What name do you plan to give your child?"

Sean was asking.

"I've thought about it long ago, brother, sister-in-law, have you thought about it?"

Jun Yu immediately jumped out and said excitedly.

Lan Duoduo looked at Jun Yue with a dull face and shook his head. None of them seem to have thought about the name.

The parents really failed.

"When did you think about it, why didn't I know."

Li Mumu turned his head and glanced at him in disappointment. Junyu didn't care: "When you don't know."

Li Mumu rolled her eyes. This stinking man's virtue, I really want to be stingy.

"What name? Listen to it?"

Li Hua was very interested, and Zhou Qiqi and the Xiao couple looked at him with curiosity.

"Just call him, Jun Yimu."

After hearing what he said, everyone was stunned, Li Mumu even ruthlessly vomited: "Why are you so nasty?"

Lan Duoduo hit the spotlight: "This sounds like a girl's name."

"It's okay, the neutral name is cool, don't you think?"

The sincere Lan Shao shook his head: "I don't think it's the name of a girl, where is it neutral?"

Jun Yu's expression froze, and then he looked at his old brother bitterly: "Brother, don't care about it, Dasao hurt my young soul."

Junyue slightly raised his lips and touched the blossoming chin: "Don't tell the truth the next time."

Lan Duo blinked confused, then nodded obediently.

Jun Yu: "..."

So his brother is making up for it, right?

"I don't care, my baby is a tough guy, and definitely can't call it such a mother-in-law's name." Li Mumu said with a pinch.

"I'm afraid I can't help it," Junyu spread his hands, "I already have a good account."

Li Mumu: "..."

"Yeah, Junyu, you are trying to test on the edge of death, do you know!" Li Mumu was instantly angry, and he had dealt with such a big thing by himself. He still had no wife in her eyes. It's up!

"Mom, take your baby, I'll take the goods away for education!"

Li Mumu said angrily, dragging Jun Yu's collar directly upstairs.

"Jun Yue, Mu Mu seems very unhappy, should we go and see?"

What if Mu Mu cripples Jun Yu?

"Good, we don't have to go to the scene of domestic violence." Jun Yue said lightly.

In case the little fish is close to the black, he will learn what to do with Li Mumu later.

"Xiaoyue, your children, haven't you figured out your name yet?"

Junyue shook his head. He is taking care of the little fish these days. Where can I think about this?

Poor baby, ignored by his biological father.

"Otherwise, can I get him one?"

Sean is proposing.

"No, I think about it." Junyue refused even if he didn't want it. How could he let others name it.

"So fast?"


"Jun Siyi."

"Jun Siyi?" Muttered again and again, "This name is good. Dabao is called Jun Sihan, and his name is Jun Siyi. It's a good match."

"Here, his nickname is Erbao."

Lan blossoming excitedly.

"This ... don't do it." Erbao sounded stupid. Couldn't the little fish take a name that had nothing to do with Baozi.

"Why not, the child was born to me, and it has nothing to do with you. Isn't it OK for me to give a name!"

Jun Yue chuckled and embraced her shoulder: "It can be, but you are sure you can have children without me?"

The Shawn Zhengs and his wife trembled aside.

So they're old, are you here to see the love of these young and young show?