MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-v2 Chapter 43 Kill, leave, locust

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The breath of this green giant blade is terrible, far above his pagoda with four beams and eight pillars, it seems to be the killer of the wonderful air.

In the eyes of Shimu, the flash of light flashed in a flash, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouth and fell into the pagoda.

The pagoda immediately shines and changes, and it turns into a wide-backed axe, which blooms eight colors without color.

Shi Mu has already completely controlled the four beams and eight columns, and has reached the realm of random transformation.

"Go!" Shi Mu played a law, and the giant axe flashed into a lightning bolt, slamming down and squatting on the head of the nine shackles.

At the moment when the giant axe fell, Shi Mu and his sleeve waved at the same time. More than a dozen groups of magic weapons flew out and hit the head of the nine heads.

These dozens of magic weapons are the magical light flashing, the most powerful Lingbao, the two previously just got the yellow ball magic weapon is also inside.

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The giant axe stood on the white light shield and made a loud noise.

The light shield trembled violently, and the light dimmed a lot, but immediately the giant axe bounced off.

Not waiting for the nine 饕餮 饕餮 happy, that dozens of Ling Bao flying.

"Explosion!" Shi Mu’s hand, a dozen pieces of Lingbao suddenly made a loud noise, and then turned into a dozen groups of dazzling light groups bursting open, drowning the head of the nine heads.

The earth-shattering shock wave rushed toward the surrounding area.

Although there are dazzling light blocking, but with the vision of Shi Mu and the wonderful sky, you can still clearly see the situation in the depths of the light.

After being smashed by a dozen Lingbao, the white shield on the nine hoes was dimmed again.

In particular, the two earthy yellow **** Lingbao blew themselves up, and the power was enormous. It was like two groups of gods that destroyed the gods, and the white light was blown up a lot.

"Hey!" In the eyes of Miaokong, the golden light flashed, and the right hand waved, and the green giant blade turned into a green shadow, which flashed and fell, squatting in the weakest place of white light.

The white light shield was repeatedly damaged, and finally it could not support it.


The light shield showed a crack.

Miaokong was overjoyed, and Zhang mouth spewed out a golden blood, and then turned into countless golden runes into the green giant blade.


The brilliance of the green giant blade bloomed again, and the sound of the beast roared, and it trembled. Although it was a little difficult, it continued to break into the white light shield.

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The crack on the light shield spread quickly, and finally burst into a burst.

However, the green giant blade seems to consume all the power, and the body shape is rapidly shrinking, and it turns into a size of a dozen feet.

In the eyes of Miaokong, Li Mang swayed, and Zhang mouth squirted a golden blood and blended into the green giant blade.

Two blood spurts out, and the face of the fascinating face is also pale.


The green giant blade immediately swelled a large green flame, burning, and numerous green runes tumbling inside.

The green fire blade flew down.

"No!" The nine singers were full of unwillingness and screamed in the mouth.

Once again, it will temporarily force the body's time and restore its mobility.

As soon as the action was resumed, Shi Mu and Miao would not want to hurt it.

The green fire blade pierced the skin of nine scorpions and fell into the head.

The nine screams made a terrible noise, but at this moment it was still unable to move, the whole body swayed like a trembling, and the eyes were round and stunned.

The face of Miaokong changed abruptly, and the connection between Ananda’s knife and his squad was suddenly cut off. I don’t know what the nine scorpions used.

"Don't be struggling, die!" A figure appeared in the air behind the nine heads, and it was Shimu.

He sighed low, and one arm was wrapped in gold and blue flames, and his palm was like a knife, and he slammed into the head of the nine scorpions.

The huge arm of the giant python ruined and ruined, and fell into the hard head of nine sturdy heads.

The fierce screams came from the mouth.


The golden blue flame was also flourishing at the same time, wrapped around the head of the nine scorpions, and a very hot and extremely cold breath suddenly broke out.

The golden flame is swallowed, and everything is instantaneous for nothingness, including the surrounding void.

Where the blue ice flames shrouded, everything was frozen and then broken.

Shi Mu with one hand and one wave, a few pieces of red and blue crystals flew out, it is exactly the water and fire fairy crystal, immersed in the golden blue flame.

The two flames of gold and blue immediately twirled several times, and then merged into one, turning into a faint white flame.

This white flame seems to be inconspicuous, but it exudes an annihilation.

The head of the nine scorpions was wrapped by it, and it quickly shrank and shrunk. Several breaths disappeared completely. The soul of the gods inside did not fly out and turned into nothingness.

Only a green knives are suspended there.

The headless body of the nine squats trembled a few times and did not move.

Shi Mu was somewhat stunned, and the power of the nine-yuan ice fire fairy was so powerful that he greatly exceeded his expectations.

In the eyes of Miaokong, the color of surprise was also revealed. Then he waved and summoned the knife and returned it, which was included in the body.

Nine large headless bodies were lying in the void, but no more angry.

The golden giant python is full of light, and the huge body is rapidly shrinking, turning into a humanoid size.

At this moment, his face was pale and almost bloodless.

Shi Mu turned over and took out two medicinal herbs, and this was a good look.

Wonderful face is not very good-looking, take out a medicinal dress.

The two were delighted to look at each other, but they all saw a trace of happiness in the eyes of the other party.

If it is not the water of the time, they want to get rid of these nine cockroaches, I am afraid it is impossible.

The two rested for a moment, and the wonderful sky flew to the body of the nine scorpions, his eyes sparkling, and he waved a green knife in his hand and pulled out a huge knife.


When the nine scorpions died, the spiritual power contained in the body immediately disappeared, and the defense was greatly reduced. The body was easily split into two pieces.

A good wave of a wave, issued a suction.

After a while, the two groups of white light flew out from the body of the nine scorpions. It was the water of the time, but I did not know why it split into two pieces.

And the two groups of time combined, it seems to be a lot smaller than before.

Shi Mu also flew over at this moment, saw two groups of time water, his eyes were bright, and then took a look at the wonderful sky.

The wonderful sky just happened to be seen at the moment. The two eyes looked at each other and there was an inexplicable breath around them.

At the moment, Shui Yuanzi reduced his body and turned it into a size similar to that of Cai, and squatted on the shoulders of Shi Mu, and also looked at the water of time.

"Haha, since there are two pieces of water in the time, Shimudaoyou, you and I don't have to fight for it, one person." Miaokong suddenly laughed, waved a golden light, wrapped a piece of time water, sent In front of Shi Mu.

Shimu's eyes moved and nodded. He also gave a bright yellow light, shrouded the water of the time and pulled it to his side.

The water of the time is divided into two, although this thing is still very heavy, but for Shimu, it is nothing.

"There are some good things here." Miao Air once again waved a golden light, and did not enter the body.

A muffled sound seemed to be something shattered, and Jin Guang rolled up a lot of things and flew out.

Most of these are some materials, and they are all nine days of fairy tales, which is not inferior to the water and fire fairy.

There are also a few Lingbao, the five-color guns are in it, and there are other Lingbao, which are also extremely precious.

"The nine cockroaches have a space for birth, but unfortunately the time of the water of the time has made the space in the body violent, and many things are ruined, leaving only one point." Miaokong said with some regret.

Then he waved the things into two, half pushed to the front of Shi Mu.

Shi Mu is naturally unceremoniously put away.

"Shimudaoyou, the goal of your joint efforts is here to achieve, the poor and the important things, let's leave. First, with the strength of the Taoist friend, I believe that it will take a long time to fly up the upper bound, you and I may have in the upper bound. Meet the day." Miaokong laughed.

"The wonderful airway friend Yu Jiyan." Shi Mu nodded and said.

"There will be a period later." Wonderful sky seems to be in a hurry, nodded to Shimu, turned into a golden light, flew away in the distance, and soon disappeared in the distance.

Shi Mu looked at the wonderful sky, his eyes flashed slightly, but he quickly shook his head and no longer thought about it.

The commission of Wonderland has ended, and even if the other party has other things, it has nothing to do with him.

"The water of time! I can't think of this kind of rare in the lower bounds, haha!" The water spirit and other wonderful air left, immediately changed a look, laughed, excited.

"Oh, you are also very eager for this thing? The power of time inside is also useful to you?" asked Shimu, oh.

He was curious about the water of this time, but he did not have much greed.

As for the law of time, he did not realize it at all. This thing is probably a chicken rib for him.

"I am not interested in the crystal of time here, but the true water that can give birth to time is of great benefit to me. You later refine the crystal of time in this thing, keep it yourself, this thing can delay the day When the robbery comes, remember to give me all the real water," said Shui Yuanzi.

"The crystal of time has such a magical effect! Can you postpone the robbery?" Shi Mu eyes brightened.

He was inductive in the midst of it, and the period of the robbery was approaching, and he had been guilty of it.

If the crystal of time can delay the advent of the robbery, he can prepare more, and secondly, he can accompany Zhong Xiu and Xi Menxue, both of which are beautiful.

"Well, you only need to refine it into the body," he said.

Shi Mu excitedly nodded and waved several yellow awns, shrouded the layers of the water, and protected them.

His gaze fell on the body of the nine scorpions, and the gods covered the wreckage and searched carefully.

Shimu’s eyes flashed a disappointment, and the gods did not find good things like blood sputum in the nine scorpions.

Although some body parts of this beast are good materials for the refiner, he is naturally not interested at all.

The body of this beast is too big, and he has no intention of dealing with it, turning around and flying away in the distance.

But at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly trembled.

It is not the kind of small tremor caused by fighting, but the whole secret of the Shura heart is trembled, and there are huge space cracks everywhere. It seems that the whole secret world will collapse.

"Well, the water of the time is the core of the secret of this Shura heart. You take it away and lose the support. I am afraid that the whole mystery will collapse." Shui Lingzi shouted.

Shi Mu heard a slight change in his face, and his body was yellow and strong, and he was shot in the direction of the ancient barbarian and the Shura spider.


A little half a day later, in the space tunnel outside the secret of Shura’s heart, a group of yellow mans flew out from the inside and landed nearby.

Huang Mang flashes and converges. There are dozens of figures in it. It is Shi Mu and Gu Man, the Shulu spiders.

The space tunnel is extremely unstable at the moment, the inside is flashing, the dull but grand voice, from time to time from the depth of the space tunnel.

Every time the muffled sound, the emptiness of the void was shaken by it, and it fluctuated.

"It seems that the secret of this Shura heart is really about to collapse, hehe!" The head of the enemy looked at the space tunnel and sighed.

Numerous resources within the heart of Shura will also disappear.

Russell’s patriarch also had some regrets, but he quickly recovered and went to Shimu for a ceremony. “Thanks to Shimu’s friends, we may not be able to escape from it.”

The other ethnic groups of the two ethnic groups also marched toward Shimu.

Although the two ethnic groups are injured a lot at the moment, there are not many people who have fallen.

The two beasts of the nine scorpions were besieged and killed by them in the secret, and there were no casualties.

"Since I brought you in, you can help me a lot. I naturally have the obligation to bring you out." Shi Mu said calmly.

"We haven't been able to help much at all. Instead, Shi Mudao and you both killed nine scorpions and reported great enmity for our two families. I really don't know how to thank you." Qiu Yuancheng said slyly.

"The two patriarchs don't have to be like this. Shimou came to crusade the nine scorpions, but also for their own purposes, but it is just a matter of help." Shi Mu put a hand.

"This matter has already been settled, and Shimou has something to do again. I will not stay here any more. I will leave here." Seeing the enemy, they are still trying to get together, and what to say, Shi Mu immediately preemptively intercepted.

He is not very good at facing these scenes.

After saying this, he broke his hand and turned it into a yellow dawn, going away in the distance, and soon disappeared into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Qiu Yuan and Russell looked at each other and sighed.

The strength of Shimu is extremely strong. They originally planned to make a friendship with them. It is absolutely beneficial to make such a great power. Unfortunately, Shimu did not mean to make friends with them.

"Chou Yuan patriarch, the main force of the dynasty family was destroyed, I do not know what plans the patriarchs have next? It is better for you and my two people to join forces to destroy the genus of the dragons and divide the world." Russell looked madly and said.

"This matter, let's talk about it later." Qiu Yuan was silent and said.

Since the heavens have been destroyed, Qiu Yuan intends to lead the tribes back to their homeland. After all, there is the root of the ancient barbarians.

He has no intention of participating in the battle on Shura.

However, if it is profitable, it is not impossible to join forces with the Shura spiders.

The people of the two communities rectified a little and quickly left here.


In the secret of Shura’s heart, the remains of the nine scorpions are in the void, drifting with the force of space turbulence, as if they had no roots.

Although he died, his body was tough and the power of space could not destroy it.

The emptiness of the emptiness turbulence, the secret of the heart of Shura, within one or two layers, the ground continent collapsed, and the above creatures were involved in the turbulence of time and space, turning into powder.

A tens of miles of land was involved in the turbulence of time and space, drifting to the vicinity of the nine scorpions, and the bang broke and shattered.

However, a hundred-foot-long black shadow flew out from the inside and landed on the nine dead bodies of the scorpion, but it was a zerg, shaped like a cockroach, but it was somewhat different from cockroaches.

If Russell or Qiu Yuan is here, it is certain that this worm is a strange insect known as a locust in the secret of Shura.

However, this worm looks a little different from the common mites, and the whole body is black and bright, giving a very special feeling.

The black locust fell on the cockroach, and the nose sniffed at the cockroach, and then screamed twice, and the big mouth quickly gnawed the food in front of him, devouring it at a speed disproportionate to his body. The sly body, quickly biting the skin of the cockroach, got into it.


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