MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1034 Five peaks

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"Everyone listens to the order, follows the lord, kills!" Lu Yuzhong and others immediately screamed, followed by Shi Mufei.


At the time of Shi Mufei's mouth, there was a word in his mouth, and the whole body burst into a large white light.

Among the white light, his body flew up and the arms were tied together, and a long white hair grew up all over the body.

Between a few breaths, the incarnation of the stone scorpion is a white scorpion, and the body continues to grow, until the height is high, the whole body is covered with golden scales, the muscles are agitated, and the horrible temperament is emitted, and the air is also smashed. The sound is loud.

The sky sticks also skyrocketed and turned into a giant stick, which burst into a dazzling golden light.

The giant python is like a huge meteorite, with the sound of tearing the empty space, directly slamming into a yellow shield over the battlefield.

"Boom" a loud noise!

The surface of the yellow shield suddenly appeared numerous cracks, such as a spider web, which broke open quickly, and the dying effort broke down.


The battle array under the mask was trampled by the giant white pythons of the Shimu, and immediately died of numerous injuries and injuries. The formation collapsed directly.

The giant arm slammed his arms to the front chest, and a scream of screams in his mouth, with a wave of his arms, turned into a huge incomparable stick shadow, and went to another pure white shield next to him.


The white shield broke again, and under the white scorpion of Shimu, the fragile paper was like a piece of paper.


The equally barbaric giants in the battlefield clashed with roaring screams and rushing toward Shimu.

At the same time, there was a ray of light flashing around the other battlefields. A large-scale attacking secret technique, various light beams, red fire dragons, blue ice snakes, etc. attacked and overwhelmed toward Shimu.


Shi Mu laughed and laughed in the hands of the gods, illusion of a stick of shadows, greeted the ancient barbarian giants.

At the same time, his body shines, and numerous gray rays emerge, forming a thick gray body aperture around his body.

Those red fire dragons, blue ice snakes and other attacks slammed on the gray body protection aperture, and then flashed into it.

The gray body aperture was only slightly flashing, and the gray light circulated, and it immediately recovered.

The people in the battlefields of the heavens saw this scene, and their faces changed greatly, and they could not believe their eyes.

These attacks are powerful and powerful. Each attack is comparable to the power of the gods. Stone Shepherd has suffered so many attacks, and nothing happens.

After a horror, they continued to madly spur the infuriating, sending out a wave of violent waves.

Shi Mu secretly smiled, just facing the dead spirits, his nine-turn Xuan Gong has no use of force. At this moment, the attacks issued by the heavenly army are powerful, but they all belong to the scope of the power of the heavens and the earth.

As long as it is the attack of the Five Elements, in the face of him today, naturally there will be no effect.

However, those ancient barbarian giants have caused a lot of interference to him. Although his strength is far above those of the ancient barbarian giants, but the number of the other party is large, he will not be able to annihilate them for a while.

The army of the Alliance of the Heavens followed the gap opened by Shi Mu, and immediately followed, and finally entered the army of heaven.

The battlefields that were defeated by Shimu were quickly annihilated.

However, at this moment, Shi Mu was entangled in the ancient barbarian giants, and at the moment they could not shoot and continue to destroy the protective shields of other battles. They could not get more results at the moment.

"At all costs, entangle the giants, don't let them interfere with the lord!" Lu Haozhong flashed his eyes and shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, the entire army of the Alliance flashed out. All the gods were flying in the air, and the various colors of the hands flashed, and they rushed to the ancient barbarian giants.

At the same time, the league's major cards are also launched, the tigers of the Yanhu family, the giant magic cow warriors of the Amethyst family, the gods of the flying mouse family, all of them rumbling, and the ancient barbarian giants are fighting. Together.

All the spirits on the Yanhu 亮 亮 亮 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有 所有On the giant.

A loud noise! The giant was knocked down to the ground.

The giant demon warrior of the Amethyst family made a low snoring sound, and the purple light flashed on the body. Numerous purple arcs emerged and creaked.

The next moment, these purple arcs flew out and turned into a huge purple thunder column, which was hit on several giants.

These giant human body table purple arc spread, the action suddenly stagnated.

Other sacred powers, sacred warcraft, etc. are also madly attacked, and the ancient barbarian giants are entangled.

Shi Mu saw this scene, and suddenly he was overjoyed. He immediately set off these giants and killed them in the depths of the heavenly army.

All the instinct in his body is running wildly and infused into the sky.

The sky sticks burst into the heat of the heat, rubbing against the air, making a terrible noise.

Dancing through the sky, a stick of shadows fell towards the surrounding.


The shield of the surrounding square array was broken on one side, and in the blink of an eye, more than half of the squares were broken, and the defense of the heavens gradually disintegrated.

The generals of the Alliance of the Heavens saw this scene, and their morale was greatly enhanced.

"Kill!" Lu Yanzhong ecstatic, shouted.

The entire coalition army changed into a narrow formation, like a steel knife, fiercely pierced into the heart of the heavenly army.

Among the heavenly army, several of the gods in charge of the command were flushed with blood, screaming and exhausted, and desperately ordered to stabilize the formation.

However, the strength of Shi Mu’s incarnation is too strong, and no one can resist it. Those giants of the ancient barbarian are temporarily entangled, and they can’t get away for a while. The pressure of the frontal alliance is getting bigger and bigger, and the heavenly army is gradually losing its will. Four scattered.

The heavenly army finally collapsed...


Shi Mu’s huge body retired and stood in the air, not chasing the defeated heavenly army.

His eyes turned and swept across the five huge peaks that stood around the square.

I don't know when it started, the five peaks began to emit a faint radiance, and the flow of the surrounding world's aura was also fluctuating.

"Stone, what's wrong?"

Cai Er has been staying on Shi Mu's shoulder since the beginning. Because the battle is too intense, it has become smaller and smaller, and it has been drilled into the white hair of Shi Mu, and this will only come out.

Shi Muguang flashed and did not speak.

"Hey, what happened to the five peaks?" Cai Er soon found the same five peaks.

"The five peaks have problems. The emperor has been away for so long, and it has not appeared again. Is it the same thing that the five peaks are the ghosts he made..." Shi Mu Shen Shen.

"Shi Xiaozi, that's not the five peaks. I can sense it. The five peaks are all pure and spiritual, and the five peaks are arranged to form a five-line array! I am afraid that it is related to the opening of the door of the mysterious world!" A voice rang in the mind of Shimu, it is the voice of the water spirit.

"What!" Shi Mu suddenly changed color, the next big body vacated and flew toward a mountain.

"Cai Er, you tell the Lu nationality about them, let them clean up the remnants of these heavens as soon as possible, and then everyone will defeat these five peaks!" Shi Mu sent a soft force to send the color from the shoulders. Go out and say quickly.

Cai Er knew that the matter was light and heavy, and immediately agreed to fly to the position of Lu Yuzhong in the battlefield.

The huge body of Shi Mu was turned into an electric light, and the rapid rushed toward a mountain.

As the distance was near, he immediately realized the immense spiritual fluctuations that came out of the mountain. As the water spirit said, the whole mountain was composed of spiritual stones.

At this moment, the great spiritual power among the peaks has begun to flow, and a faint form is formed.

Never let this big burst start!

Shi Mu swayed and blinked his eyes to a mountain.

He shouted, and the body was insanely madly poured into the hands of the sky, and the sky sticks rumbled, and all the spirits on it bloomed.

The huge long sticks turned into a grand and unparalleled golden light, and swept away toward the mountain.

Wherever the sky sticks, the void is broken, and a crack in the space is drawn, and countless airflows are frantically surging.

The huge mountain seems to feel the threat, and the mountain suddenly flashes, showing countless red-colored spirits, condensing into a layer of faint red light.

The other five peaks are the same, and a spiritual pattern emerges, which is condensed into four shields of gold, yellow, blue and green.


An earth-shattering bang came out and the sky was hitting the mountain.

The entire earthquake trembled, but it did not break. The red light curtain on the top trembled violently, but it still blocked the attack of the sky.

At this moment, the five peaks around the heavens suddenly resembled an earthquake. The "rumbling" earthquake swayed, and large rock formations on the mountain surface collapsed and fell. The vegetation covered by the above was also under the impact of the torrent of mountains and rocks. Brought the mountain.

The five peaks are like a layer of skin that has been exposed, revealing the true colors.

I saw the huge beams of light in the blue, red, yellow, gold and blue. They spewed out from the five peaks and rushed straight into the nine curtains. They were reflected in the golden light curtain, and the whole sky was dyed into a multicolored The color.

The high-altitude white clouds are illuminated by the light column, and five distinct large colored areas are separated. The intersections of the two colors are in the interaction of the two colors of light, and the faint color appears to be dazzling.

The five peaks of the mountain are even more crystal-clear, transparent and flawless. They look like five huge crystals of great quality, and the strong spiritual power radiating from them is even more shocking.

Under this circumstance, both sides of the battle on the square were shocked. Except for the impassable shackles and the incomprehensible spirits, they were all sneaked into the sky.

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