MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 51

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Shen Sui'an has become accustomed to this elusive tail that always likes to stick to herself. She only bends her lips and does not flick it off.

With his indulgence, Gu Beimo was in a good mood and became more attentive.

After eating, Shen Sui'an sent the cubs to the children's playground to play. He was about to sit outside and wait like other parents when Gu Beimo suddenly walked over and told the cubs a few words. Sentence, he pointed to several bodyguards who were secretly protecting in plain clothes, and then came back.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"I let the bodyguards keep an eye on the cubs, don't worry about their accident." Gu Beimo stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, "Want to go to a good place?"

But it did not affect the beauty, but added a bit of wildness and charm.

Shen Sui'an was stunned, not knowing how to react.

With so many people watching, if he refuses, Gu Beimo will definitely not be able to come down on stage.

But really holding hands... I'm sorry.

Gu Beimo was at a loss, his face tense unconsciously.

He promised that he would not force Shen Sui'an to think about it slowly, but he didn't say that he would do nothing during this period.

Stimulate it from time to time to add firewood to the relationship between the two, so that the water can be boiled, right?

Shen Suian's fingers trembled slightly, hesitating again and again, and tentatively raised a little, Gu Beimo's eyes lit up, and he quickly held it, not giving him a chance to go back.

Shen Sui'an was like a frightened rabbit, her eyes widened in fright, and she was about to stick the words "Why are you like this" on her forehead.

Feeling the soft touch in the palm of his hand, Gu Beimo couldn't stop the smile on his face. Afraid that Shen Sui'an would be uncomfortable, he quickly changed the subject, "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

"Well." As if there was an electric current coming from the hand he was holding, Shen Sui'an's heart beat faster, and his cheeks and ears turned red.

This was the second time they held hands, but the first time Gu Beimo held him and hugged him, followed by confession.

At this time, all the attention was placed on the place where the hands were held, and Shen Sui'an walked with the same hands and feet unconsciously.

Gu Beimo's hand was generous and warm, and he felt very secure when he held him, as if as long as there was this person by his side, no matter what happened, he could easily solve it.

He was greedy for Gu Beimo's tenderness and care, but worried that Gu Beimo was only interested for a while, or was bewitched by his appearance, and when his enthusiasm dissipated, or he could see how unbearable he was inside Existence, will abandon him without hesitation.

...just like when his biological parents abandoned him.

Thinking of Gu Beimo's expression of impatience and even cold hatred, Shen Sui'an took a breath, and his heart throbbed.

"What's the matter?" A worried voice sounded from beside him, and the hand holding him tightened slightly.

Shen Sui'an pursed her lips and forced a smile, "Nothing."

Before the change, he must have been huddled in the hard turtle shell, no matter who stood outside calling or knocking, he would not stick his head out.

This loneliness is loneliness, after all, it will not hurt.

Gu Beimo was the only one who persevered and guarded him and made him feel no disgust or disgust.

Shen Sui'an quietly took a deep breath, trying to calm her fast heartbeat.

He looked carefully at Gu Beimo's profile, he really couldn't understand why such an excellent person would like him, and his eyes unconsciously showed a bit of daze.

Yu Guang swept Shen Sui'an's expression, and Gu Beimo's heart softened suddenly.

Shen Sui'an is actually quite contradictory.

He thought that Shen Sui'an had been hurt by love before, so he was trembling and walking on thin ice in the matter of love.

But the time he spent together made him directly reject this possibility.

What profound emotional experience can a person who even holds hands and hugs blush and panic?

What's more, Shen Sui'an is so good, who would abandon him after chasing this person?

No matter how blind your eyes are or your brain is kicked by a donkey, you can't do such a thing!

However, he is willing to give Shen Sui'an full respect and patience. Shen Sui'an is unwilling to say that there must be a reason. Gu Beimo will not do such an immoral act of exposing people's scars.

He is willing to wait until the day when Shen Sui'an trusts him or the wound heals completely and accepts him.

Gu Beimo is tall and heroic, and Shen Sui'an is exquisite and beautiful. They are obviously two completely different types, but they fit together unexpectedly.

In addition, there is no one in the empire or even the entire interstellar who does not know Gu Beimo's face, Shen Sui'an has a wave of presence in the empire because of the former commander of the third legion. Two celebrities appeared at the same time, attracting the attention of countless people.

Passers-by saw that they were out on a date today, and they didn't go up to disturb them, but just watched from a distance with that kind of blessing.

Gu Beimo keenly noticed the sight around him, he didn't feel malicious, so he didn't care too much.

Shen Sui installed his thoughts, came back to his senses, and had arrived at the video game city.

Gu Beimo exchanged 500 game coins and took the small basket from the cashier.

"Huh?" In order to enhance the atmosphere, and the lighting of the game equipment, the light in the video game city is not particularly bright, and when you look around, it is colorful and particularly gorgeous.

Shen Sui'an was a little surprised, but did not expect that the good place Gu Beimo said would be here.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't connect the mature and stable imperial marshal with the leisure and entertainment place like the video game city.

According to the general routine, Gu Beimo should pass through the video game city without changing his face, and then say "playing with things" with a straight face. Is this the correct operation?

"What's the matter?" Gu Beimo asked suspiciously while carrying a small basket with game coins.

"Nothing." Shen Sui'an touched his nose and looked at the dazzling facilities in the video game city, with a little eagerness in his eyes.

In his last life, he was poor for more than 20 years. In order to ask his biological parents to pay tuition and living expenses, he did not know how much scorn and grievance he suffered. He was rich in this life, but at most he paid more attention to food and clothing. , entertainment expenses are saved as much as possible, and dare not be extravagant.

I have never been to a place like Video Game City.

I didn't expect to come here now, and it was actually brought by Gu Beimo.

Glancing at the small basket in Gu Beimo's hand, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help joking, "Am I a sugar daddy today?"

"Charge 400 in game currency and get 100, this is called a big money?" Gu Beimo couldn't help laughing, and flicked Shen Sui'an's forehead lightly, his actions were intimate and indulgent.

Shen Suian touched her nose, suppressed her throbbing and looked away, "What do you want to play?"

"I'm fine." Gu Beimo held the basket in one hand, and held Shen Sui'an with the other hand, trying to pretend he didn't know anything when the other party looked over , one hand tightened slightly, worried that Shen Sui'an would pull it out.

After a brief stroll, Shen Sui'an decided to start with the racing car.

Sitting on the device that simulates a motorcycle, Gu Beimo stuffed three game coins into the coin slot of Shen Sui'an, and then sat on the device on Shen Suian's left.

This game is an online mode, and the same game can be arranged within half a minute.

Select the style and color of the motorcycle, and the two of them press the "Start" button at the same time. After a countdown of three seconds, the game officially begins.

Shen Sui'an leaned forward, twisted his right hand lightly, and the motorcycle made a "hum" sound and rushed out quickly.

Before this, he had never touched a motorcycle or played this kind of game, so he was very unfamiliar.

Seeing other motorcycles speeding past, I stumbled and stumbled because I didn't know the direction well, and even rubbed the wall with sparks and lightning when I turned countless times. I was helpless and amused by myself at the same time.

It's a game, if you ride a motorcycle like this in real life, ten lives won't be enough for him.

Xiao Caiji sighed and looked at Gu Beimo curiously.

Gu Beimo was not very proficient at the beginning, but after he figured out the skills, he was able to do it with ease. The sound effects were all the sound of "uh~" while driving, not like Shen Sui'an's place - the symphony was crackling.

At the end of the game, Gu Beimo easily won the first place, Shen Suian was the fourth from the bottom, and there were only twenty people in total.

"Are you still playing?" Gu Beimo asked him with a smile.

"Come again!" Shen Sui'an's fighting spirit was picked up, and he firmly believed that it was the first time to play, and he had no experience, and the ranking was so low. He vowed to play well the second time!

The result was only slightly better than the first time, advancing by two.

Shen Sui'an flattened her mouth, a little unhappy.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Amused by his childish side, Gu Beimo smiled, stood beside him, and said in a soft voice.

Shen Sui'an raised her eyebrows, holding the attitude of giving it a try.

After flipping coins and choosing a motorcycle, he held his breath and waited quietly for the game to start.

The countdown is over, just twist the accelerator to start the car as before, and soon it will reach the first corner.

Shen Sui'an was nervous, and her body leaned to the left suddenly, afraid of wiping the wall again.

As a result, something was suddenly stuck on the back, and then, the hands were also covered, and the whole person was embraced by Gu Beimo, "Don't turn too much, and don't speed too much. Come on, it's easy for you to hit the wall on the left directly from the right, and the front of the car is just a little bit."

Gu Beimo's low voice sounded from his ears, bringing a feeling of numbness and numbness, Shen Sui'an couldn't help shivering, and instantly went from blushing to the root of his neck!

He thought that Gu Beimo's teaching was to move his mouth, but he didn't expect the other party to get started directly, still such an intimate posture!

"What's the matter?" Gu Beimo was very scheming, pretending not to notice Shen Sui'an's stiffness, and deliberately speaking into his ear.

Seeing that the jade-like ears were dyed beautiful red, his eyes were deep and he wanted to kiss him.

But I was worried about scaring Shen Sui'an, so I had to resist this impulse.

"No, it's fine." When had Shen Sui'an seen this kind of battle, he was so nervous that he stuttered.

Fortunately, Gu Beimo only guided three corners. When he got started, he stepped aside, and Shen Sui'an gradually returned to normal.

With such stimulation, the acceptance of Gu Beimo's occasional little actions was much higher.

After a few rounds of play, Shen Sui'an was finally satisfied and won the first place, with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Sui'an is really amazing." Gu Beimo didn't stingy with his praise, and rubbed his hair with a smile.

The curvature of Shen Sui'an's mouth rose a little, and she liked being treated like this by Gu Beimo.

Then they played other things one after another, from small shooting games to shooting baskets. Go out the door of the video game city.

Shen Sui'an looked at the dolls from the two dolls in Gu Beimo's hand and was overjoyed.

At first I just had a try attitude, and then I caught one, thinking that the cubs would like it, so I continued.

After the cubs were clamped, Gu Beimo also clamped one for him, thinking that Shen Yaochen might like it, so he continued to clamp, and finally Gu's mother, Gu's mother and even the old housekeeper had a share.

The doll machine was almost caught by Gu Beimo.

Shen Sui'an couldn't forget the shocked expression on the other's face when she held a bunch of dolls and took the bag with the cashier lady.

I didn't expect that Gu Beimo was not only good in the military, but also a good player in games.

It's fortunate that they didn't go to the kind of place where they set up stalls or play balloons, otherwise, with Gu Beimo's strength, the boss would have to cry and beg to let go.

The cubs were very happy when they received the dolls.

Panda Cub and Little Milk Dragon directly hold their same style and don't let go.

The little black panther and the little fox also like it, but they can't walk upright like the little milk dragon, and they don't have the cheekiness of the panda cub. Ask Gu Beimo to help hold it first, and then give it to them when they get home.

I kept looking into the bag along the way, for fear that the doll would fly away.

After dinner, I went for a walk outside, and it was almost seven o'clock when I got home.

Shen Suian sat in the living room to play with the cubs, and the kitchen robot brought the cut fruit.

He thought it tasted good, and planned to let Gu Beimo taste it, but he was not in the living room.

After looking around, I saw Gu Beimo standing in front of the window talking to the old housekeeper, guessing that Gu Beimo would come to him after he finished talking, but Shen Suian did not interrupt their conversation, Turn away.

In the end, she didn't take a few steps, and vaguely heard the words "marriage proposal", "venue", "in two days", Shen Sui'an paused.

The author has something to say: Marshal Gu! Your sweetheart is running away! (Schadenfreude.jpg)

oh angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3012826420 ​​bottles; 10 bottles of neon kite;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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