MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 26

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Shen Sui'an slumped his face, bitterness in his mouth.

Now it's not a question of whether the Gu family will accept the account or not, it's that he doesn't want to accept the account!

It is impossible to tell Chu Liuyun this, and it is estimated that no one will believe it.

Shen Sui'an finally realized what it felt like to lift a stone and hit himself in the foot.

"dong dong dong." The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and the uncle and nephew looked over subconsciously.

Mother Gu was holding a plate of cut fruits and found that Shen Sui'an woke up, with a happy smile on her face, "Sui'an, do you want to eat some fruit?"

Her attitude was not because Gu Beimo returned to indifferent, but she was more attentive to Shen Sui'an.

In the past, she was afraid of delaying Shen Sui'an, but Mother Gu was able to restrain herself.

Now that this scruple is gone, she wished that Shen Sui'an would marry Gu Beimo earlier, so that the person could be settled.

Remembering that yesterday Gu's father said that Shen Sui'an had reservations about staying in Gu's house, Gu's mother was almost dying.

Now that my son is still recovering, he can't be of any use. As a parent, if you don't bother, will it be possible to watch Gu Beimo die alone?

"It's much better." Shen Sui'an smiled, but unconsciously clenched the quilt, "Trouble Auntie bother."

Now this kind of goodness has become a burden, making him unable to leave.

"It's all a family, why are you out there?" Mother Gu waved her hand, she didn't like what Shen Sui'an said, "Are you hungry, Suian? , I'll get it for you."

Speaking, without waiting for Shen Sui'an to refuse, she turned around and walked away in big strides.

Chu Liuyun nodded in satisfaction, if the Gu family could always treat their baby nephew so well, he would be relieved.

Shen Sui'an was even more anxious, but whenever Gu's father and Gu's mother showed any dissatisfaction, he could also leave Gu's house logically. Now the situation is very bad.

Shen Sui'an sighed and could only pin his hopes on Gu Beimo.

If Gu Beimo doesn't like him, he can leave openly.

As for the cubs—

Shen Sui'an pursed her lips, but he can take the little milk dragon, the little black panther, little fox and panda cubs are a bit difficult, really can't visit the door every once in a while, or call Mother Gu Say hello to take the cub to yourself.

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think about the big white lion still lying in the medical cabin.


One afternoon a few days later, Shen Sui'an was sitting on the bed playing with the cubs when the door suddenly opened with a "click".

He thought it was Mother Gu, but he raised his head and faced an oversized furry face, "Huh?"

Although he knew that the big white lion was Gu Beimo and could not hurt himself, Shen Sui'an was still terrified when he suddenly faced such a big and moving beast.

The four little ones leaned against Shen Sui'an timidly, obviously also very scared.

"Then, that, Marshal Gu, are you in good health?" Shen Sui'an was very nervous and stuttered.

The big white lion blinked his beautiful blue eyes, tilted his head slightly, and looked a little cute.

Shen Sui'an suddenly felt itchy and wanted to rua.

It seemed to hear his heartbeat, the big white lion stepped forward slowly, jumped lightly on the bed, it leaned over and sniffed twice, making sure that Shen Sui'an was the one he was looking for, the tail The tip shook slightly.

Shen Suian's scalp was numb.

Such a big lion can bite his head off with one bite?

"Huh?" Looking at each other for a few seconds, the little fox was the most daring and called out tentatively.

The big white lion lay beside Shen Sui'an and glanced lazily at the little fox, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Shen Sui'an swallowed hard, "That, Marshal Gu—"

Before he finished speaking, the huge head suddenly came over, Shen Sui'an's heart stopped, and he held his breath!

Unexpectedly, the big white lion only rubbed his cheek lightly, and grabbed his hand, trying to put it on his head.

"You- do you want to touch?" Shen Sui'an shivered and asked.

The big white lion nodded, put his chin on Shen Sui'an's leg, and slapped his tail in the air.

Shen Sui'an hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't resist the temptation of fluffy, so he touched it tentatively.

Looking at the big white lion's squinted eyes and the comfortable purring from his throat, the fear gradually dissipated, and he even thought this big guy was a little cute.

"That, Marshal Gu, are you in good health?" Shen Suian scratched the big white lion's chin and asked tentatively.

The big white lion shook his ears, as if he could not understand what he was saying.

Shen Sui'an felt that the big white lion's reaction was a bit wrong, not to mention Gu Beimo, even the little white lion had never acted like a spoiled child with him.

Between the doubts, Mother Gu went upstairs with the fruit and found the door wide open, she didn't think much.

Until you can see the scene in the room, "Hey? Beimo, how did you get out of the medical cabin?"

The big white lion hooked the tip of its tail lazily, without raising its eyes.

Mother Gu also saw the problem and frowned.

She handed the fruit plate to Shen Sui'an, freeing up her hand to send a text message to Dean Bai.

Shen Sui'an touched his nose, and the hand on the head of the big white lion slipped down quietly.

Without touching his head, the big white lion was unhappy and took the initiative to rub his head on Shen Suian's hand.

Mother Gu was shocked by her son's almost flattering behavior, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

President Bai quickly came over and gave the big white lion a physical examination. After the end, his expression was a little serious, "He may have lost his memory."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed except for the big white lion.

“Nowadays, technology and medical treatment are developed, but the research on brain domain and spiritual power has not been thorough, and I am not sure how long the memory loss will last and whether it can be recovered or not. It depends on Bei Mo himself.” Dean Bai Also helpless.

Shen Sui'an looked at the big white lion lying on his lap with a complicated mood.

"I think Bei Mo is very close to Sui'an, and with Sui'an by his side, he is in a good mood, maybe he can recover faster." Dean Bai added, "It's best Don't let him get too excited."

"That, Sui'an—" Mother Gu looked at Shen Sui'an with a little pleading in her eyes.

Shen Sui'an, who had planned to leave when she was in good health: "...Auntie, don't worry, I won't leave until Marshal Gu recovers."

Gu's family takes care of herself a lot, and if she leaves it alone, Shen Sui'an will also feel uneasy.

What's more, the big white lion is so sticky, even if he moves out of Gu's house, he will probably follow him.

Hearing the three words "Marshal Gu", Dean Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, but because of his age, he wouldn't mix things with young people, so he smiled and didn't intervene too much.

"By the way, Sui'an, we have already asked the identity of the group of people, and Bei Mo's father also brought people over to settle the account. You should stay at home for a while and wait for the matter to be resolved before going out, okay? Ok?" Mother Gu suddenly thought of this and said to Shen Sui'an.

"Well." Shen Sui'an has been in poor health these years, and he doesn't go out very much. In addition, there are so many plush at home, it doesn't matter if he goes out or not.

The big white lion was ignored, and was particularly unhappy. It hugged Shen Sui'an's hand with both claws and dragged it towards him, groaning and wanting to touch it.

It was rare for Mother Gu to see her son being so coquettish, so she couldn't help laughing, "Then Bei Mo will ask you to take care of it, I'll go to the study to deal with the documents, you can find me if you have anything."

"Okay." Shen Sui'an couldn't beat the big white lion, and scratched its chin again.

After the door was closed, Shen Sui'an looked down at the big fluffy guy and couldn't help sighing.

What's the matter?

I don't know if Gu Beimo will be ashamed and angry when he realizes that he is coquettish and cute like a kitten after recovering his memory.

Thinking of the other expressions on the paralyzed face, the corner of Shen Suian's mouth couldn't help rising.

The big white lion blinked, not knowing what Shen Sui'an was laughing at, and he was also silly.

Sitting on the bed for too long, Shen Sui'an planned to go downstairs to walk around, just as Chu Liuyun came over with the packaged snacks, and the two sat in the living room chatting.

Looking at the big white lion squatting beside Shen Sui'an and quietly hooking his precious nephew's wrist with the tip of his tail, Chu Liuyun's mouth twitched slightly, "So— after Marshal Gu lost his memory, he became Is that so?"

"Yes." Shen Suian nodded, picked up a piece of cake and fed it to the mouth of the big white lion.

The big white lion shook its ears and opened its mouth cheerfully. It was afraid that the fangs and barbs on its tongue would hurt Shen Suian, so it carefully rolled the cake into its mouth with the tip of its tongue.

After eating, she rubbed Shen Sui'an with her head intimately, not too sticky.

"Then can he recover his memory?" Chu Liuyun was a little bald.

"President Bai said it may or may not recover." Shen Sui'an took a sip of water, tilted his head and saw the big white lion staring at him, and fed him some.

He was a little scared at first, but the big white lion was clingy and coquettish. He didn't show the slightest bit of aggression. Cubs, they get along harmoniously.

It sucks.

He wanted to say that he really couldn't change his liking, but looking at the baby's nephew smiling, he couldn't tell, he could only sigh bitterly.

Shen Sui'an has already lied down, and now the worst case is that Gu Beimo regains his memory, and he packs up and leaves.

The marshal of the dignified empire, is it impossible to care about him as an innocent citizen?

What's more, he didn't know that the little white lion was Gu Beimo before, but now the big white lion amnesia and actively sticking to him, what happened to rua twice!

Thinking about this, Shen Sui'an instantly became righteous, and pulled the big white lion's ears twice.

The big white lion didn't know why, so he took the initiative to send his head to him, so that he could **** it again.

Shen Sui'an was amused by its attentive appearance, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of smiles.

If the little white lion is a little cutie, the big white lion is a big cutie, and it is much more happy!

This wave is not a loss!

Yuguang saw the little milk dragon, and Shen Sui'an was stunned for a moment, and reached out to hold the cub into his arms, "Baby, why are you unhappy?"

The little milk dragon glanced at him and lowered his head again, full of guilt.

It is young and knows that the wave of people is coming for itself. If it wasn't to protect it, Shen Sui'an and the little white lion would not be in danger.

"Baby, don't blame you for that." Shen Sui'an touched the little milk dragon's head and said softly, "If you want to blame those bad guys, don't feel bad, cheer up, and later Become powerful and protect me, okay?"

Little Milk Dragon raised his head, his dim eyes lit up a little, "Ow?"

"The baby is still young and needs protection. When he grows up in the future, he will definitely beat the bad guy down in this situation! I believe you can do it!" Shen Suian changed the topic and gave Cheer up cubs.

Under his enlightenment, the little milk dragon no longer blamed himself, but became ambitious, and even took a small pillow as a sandbag to practice boxing.

Seeing that the cub became full of energy again, Shen Suian bent his lips, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

The big white lion was dissatisfied with Shen Sui'an's attention elsewhere, came over with a furry face, and rubbed his head against Shen Sui'an.

It has amnesia now, but subconsciously wants to get close to Shen Sui'an, and wants Shen Sui'an to have only himself in his eyes.

Shen Sui'an had no choice but to hug and kiss this big cat with a smile.

The little black panther looked at the big white lion's tail tip, stepped on the floor, and regarded it as a cat stick and jumped up with a paw.

The big white lion's body instinct is still there, and it is easy to avoid this sneak attack.

The little black panther has a fighting spirit and strives to catch it.

Seeing Shen Sui'an watching with relish, the big white lion simply played with the little black panther.

The little fox joined the battle shortly after.

Seeing the big white lion, the panda cub quietly crawled into Shen Suian's arms and sat down, holding the apple and eating it.

Worrying that it would be difficult to clean the hair when the juice was wet, Shen Sui'an tied a small rice pocket around its neck and wiped its mouth from time to time.

Panda Cub shook jiojio and shared an apple with Shen Sui'an.

Except for the little white lion turning into a big white lion, this picture doesn't seem to be much different from usual.

After playing in the house for a while, Shen Sui'an planned to go out for a walk and see his small vegetable field.

The big white lion took a few steps, suddenly thought of something, and lay in front of Shen Sui'an, his blue eyes full of anticipation.

"Bai Bai, what's the matter?" Shen Sui'an shouted "Bai Bai" smoothly, but he couldn't change it for a while.

The big white lion wrapped his tail around his waist and pulled the man up on his back.

Shen Sui'an was taken a few steps. He seemed to understand the meaning of the big white lion and asked, "Do you want me to ride up?"

The big white lion nodded, his eyes more joyful.

Shen Sui'an hesitated for a moment, but in the end, unable to withstand the temptation, he straddled the back of the big white lion.

The big white lion stood up slowly, turned his head to look at Shen Sui'an, and made sure that the person was seated firmly, and then he took a step.

When it moved, Shen Suian was startled, and subconsciously grabbed the mane between the neck of the big white lion.

The big white lion shook his ears, didn't care, and continued to walk forward.

After Chu Liuyun was stunned, he smiled and shook his head.

Be aware that male orcs only sit on their partner's back, not others.

It seems that this big lion really recognizes his precious nephew, even if he loses his memory, he will be spoiled.

On the other side, Xiao Kuang stood at the window, watching the happy scene in the Gu family yard, feeling sad and wronged.

The author has something to say: Wild boar: Angry, but keep smiling!

Pigs: Who made you look bad?

oh angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Wuming 89 bottles; Qingyang 2735 bottles; Qi Dye Qi 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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