MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 2

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"What's the matter?" Mother Gu followed his line of sight and asked suspiciously.

"I seem to see a little black cat at the entrance of the stairs." Shen Sui'an especially likes plush, and dreams of having a master of his own.

"That's not a cat, it's our adopted child, and the prototype is the little black panther." Speaking of this, Mother Gu looked sad, "Besides it, there is also a panda cub and a little black panther. Foxes are orphans of warriors, they are timid and rarely leave the room."

Originally, she brought these cubs to give them a better life. As a result, she was busy with her father and did not know how to get along with the cubs, so she could only let the old housekeeper take care of them temporarily.

Shen Sui'an's eyes lit up a little bit, the little black panther and the little fox were nothing but panda cubs!

That is a national treasure!

I didn't expect to be in close contact with the national treasure in my lifetime. Shen Sui'an's heart beat faster, and he became more determined to be in the Gu family. "So it is."

After making up his mind, Shen Sui'an didn't bother to be polite any more, he went straight to the subject, "I'm going back now to pack my things, can I move in later?"

"Huh?" Mother Gu was at a loss, she wasn't still discussing, why did she suddenly jump here?

In Shen Sui'an's expectant gaze, she finally nodded in agreement.

"Why do I feel that this child likes those cubs more than Bei Mo?" Mother Gu looked at Father Gu, still in a trance.

Shen Sui'an's attitude became urgent only after knowing that the Gu family had three cubs.

Father Gu's expression softened a lot, he held his wife's hand and comforted, "Isn't this good? If the child is kept guarding Beimo all day, no one can stand it for a long time. , I might be a little happier with the cubs to accompany."

"Yes." Mother Gu pondered for a while, and felt that what Father Gu said made sense, and finally settled down, "Then I'll tidy up the house, don't let that child come over and have nowhere to live!"

Seeing his wife swept away the sorrow and depression, and willing to work hard, Father Gu's affection for Shen Sui'an deepened a little, he looked at the old housekeeper, "The child will trouble you, he If you have any requirements, try to meet them as much as possible, and if it is really difficult, I will think of a way.”

The old housekeeper smiled and nodded. He had a hunch that the arrival of Shen Sui'an would definitely bring a good change to the Gu family.

Shen Sui'an has clear eyes, a gentle personality, and a good family background. When it comes to matters related to Gu Beimo, her admiration and worry are not fake, and her love for the cubs is not fake. It will definitely be easy to get along.

He wasn't worried that Shen Sui'an would ask for something else from the Gu family. After all, with the family status of the Shen family, Shen Sui'an wanted anything, so why should he be tied to the Gu family?

How can people stay willing to be bald now.

It took half an hour to come to Gu's house and only fifteen minutes to go back.

Shen Sui'an simply packed her luggage, brought a few sets of clothes and daily necessities, and couldn't wait to leave the gorgeous cage of the Shen family.

When I went downstairs, I met his half-brother Shen Yaochen. The other party saw the suitcase in his hand and was very surprised, "Where are you going?"

Shen Sui'an didn't expect Shen Yaochen to take the initiative to talk to him, "Gu Jia, what's the matter?"

"Are you really going to go?" Shen Yaochen's face was tense, and the hand on his side was not consciously clenched.

"Well." Thinking of the three cubs in the Gu family, the smile on Shen Suian's face deepened a little bit, he nodded to Shen Yaochen, "I'll go first if I have nothing to do."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the suitcase and left.

Shen Yaochen looked at his back with an inexplicable expression.


Gu's family is very efficient. When Shen Sui'an arrived, the room was already tidied up, the sheets and bedding were brand new, and the housework robot helped to place the luggage, so there was no need to do it yourself.

After Gu Beimo's accident, the first army was taken over by Gu's father and Gu's mother. They were very busy during this time, so they took the time to meet with Shen Sui'an. After expressing their apology, the old butler asked him to familiarize himself with the environment. The couple left in a hurry.

During the visit to the main house, the old housekeeper explained the situation of the three cubs to him, "The panda cub is called Gun Gun, the little fox is called Li Li, and the little black panther is called Qiu Qiu."

It's all very obvious, there are still a lot of injuries on his body, he has been beaten a lot, his vigilance is very strong, and he can't accept physical contact with people, alas."

The Gu family took care of the scumbag couple, but the damage to the little black panther had already been done, and there was no way to reverse it.

Shen Sui'an was in a similar situation to the little black panther in his last life.

While chatting, he suddenly remembered his affectionate character, and smiled with a guilty conscience, "Grandpa Steward, can I take a look at Marshal Gu?"

"Of course." The old housekeeper nodded and took him to Gu Beimo's room.

Before entering the room, Shen Sui'an was still a little nervous, thinking that the man lying in the medical cabin would be the handsome and strong man in the photo, when he saw the huge adult white lion, Shocked, "Huh?"

The big white lion was lying in the medical cabin with his eyes closed. Logically speaking, he was not aggressive, but his huge figure and the wildness he showed unconsciously still made his scalp tingle.

It was the first time that Shen Sui'an was so close to a large carnivore. After she was afraid, she looked at the white and fluffy fur collar, her smooth body and the claws that were bigger than her face, her eyes burst out. Unprecedented brilliant light!

Such a big lion, rua must be super cool!

"The young master is seriously injured and cannot maintain his human form. If you are afraid—" I thought that a weak human like Shen Sui'an would be frightened by Gu Beimo's animal shape, but turned his head to meet those excited eyes, He just got stuck.

"Is this Marshal Gu?" Shen Sui'an stepped forward in three or two steps, unable to hide his joy and wonder.

"Yes." The old housekeeper couldn't help but laugh, but he didn't expect Shen Sui'an to be quite courageous.

"Can't Marshal Gu come out?" Shen Sui'an asked pitifully.

Is there anything more painful than being able to see but not touch? !

Too rude!

"You don't need to stay in the medical cabin when the young master's condition stabilizes." The old butler replied.

Shen Sui'an breathed a sigh of relief, "Marshal Gu's mane seems to be knotted, can you help him comb it?"

"Young Master Shen has a heart." The old butler was also a soldier in his early years, how could he pay attention to such trivial matters?

"It is my honor to take care of Marshal Gu."

Thinking that in the future, she can use the excuse of grooming to rua the big white lion, Shen Sui An is in full bloom.

"You sit here for a while, and I'll cut some fruit." Seeing that Shen Sui'an was all thinking about the big white lion, the old butler said thoughtfully.

"Excuse me."

After the old housekeeper left, Shen Sui'an turned his attention to the big white lion again, greedy.

If only I could touch it twice.

Maybe God heard his heart, and three fluffy little heads suddenly appeared by the door, staring curiously at this beautiful young man who suddenly appeared in the Gu family.

Shen Sui'an tilted her head slightly, and saw the little black panther, little fox and panda cubs huddled together.

A big smile burst into his face immediately, are these the three cubs adopted by the Gu family?

So cute!

Shen Suian squatted down slowly to reduce the pressure caused by the height problem, he said hello to the three little ones with a soft voice, "Hello, my name is Shen Suian, and I will live here in the future. "

Among the three little foxes, the little fox is the most courageous and the most family member. It hesitated for a while and took a tentative step forward.

In response to Shen Sui'an's encouraging smile, her big fluffy tail couldn't help shaking it twice, and finally stopped half a meter away, carefully observing this beautiful young man who appeared out of nowhere.

Shen Sui'an didn't touch it rashly, and slowly stretched out his hand not far from the little fox to let it familiarize himself with his scent.

The little fox sniffed a few times, and tentatively rubbed Shen Sui'an's hand with his cheek.

Shen Sui'an smiled and touched the little fox's little head and scratched its chin. This action directly turned the golden eyes that were still round just now into two meniscus.

Being comfortable to touch by him, the little fox rolled on the ground, revealing its soft belly, and screamed for him to touch it.

Shen Sui'an chuckled, it is better to obey than to be respectful.

Seeing that he was not a threat, the panda cubs also walked over step by step, and when they approached, there was a cute tilted head kill, Shen Sui Anxin was about to be cute.

He held the little fox with one hand and put the other hand in front of the panda cub.

The other party also sniffed twice like a little fox, then hugged, "Yeah!"

The little black panther is still squatting at the door, dark green eyes staring at them without blinking, it seems that as long as Shen Sui'an does something unfavorable to the panda cub and the little fox, he immediately runs out to move reinforcement.

Seeing that they were having a good time, the little black panther's dark green eyes showed a little envious expression, and the tip of his tail was slightly raised.

Just when it couldn't help but want to approach Shen Sui'an, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and the little black panther immediately blew its hair, kicked its hind legs, and disappeared in a swish.

The old butler came in with a fruit plate and smiled when he saw Shen Sui'an who was sitting on the ground playing with the cubs.

The little fox and the panda cub were a little afraid of the old housekeeper, so they hurriedly sank into Sui'an's arms.

"If Mr. Shen has any orders, just call, I'll go first." The old butler put down the fruit bowl and reserved space for them with special wink.

"Well." Shen Sui'an pulled the two little ones into his arms, and it was not until the door was closed again that the stiff bodies of the little fox and panda cub gradually relaxed.

"Do you want to eat fruit?" Shen Sui'an took the fruit plate and placed it between the two little ones.

The little fox wagged its tail happily, and the panda cub also smashed its mouth.

Shen Sui'an forked a piece of mango with a small fork and fed it to Cub Panda's mouth. Cub Panda thought for a while, but pushed the fork towards him with his claws instead.

"Huh?" Shen Sui'an wondered, "Don't you eat?"

The panda cub swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but looking at Shen Sui'an's slightly dry lips, he still insisted on pushing the mango towards Shen Sui'an, "Mmm! Mmm!"

Only then did Shen Sui'an understand what the other party meant, "You want me to eat first?"

Panda Cub nodded quickly, "Yeah!"

The panda cub is cute, and it hurts people so much, Shen Sui'an is going to be cute.

In obedience to Panda Cub's will, he stuffed the mango block into his mouth, he inserted another, and the other party opened his mouth happily.

After feeding the fruit, Shen Suian wiped his hands with a tissue, and wiped his mouth for the two little ones, ready to send the fruit plate to the kitchen.

Passing by the children's room, he stood at the door and looked in, only three small beds and a wardrobe.

When I came downstairs, I met the old housekeeper, Shen Sui'an asked tentatively, "Grandpa housekeeper, can I buy some toys for the cubs?"

"Toys?" The old housekeeper was stunned, he patted his head, "Oh, why did I forget this!"

Father Gu and Gu Beimo started training when they were young, and they didn’t have much time for entertainment. Mother Gu also came from a military family, so it’s no problem for her to go into battle and kill the enemy.

The old butler was Mr. Gu's adjutant in his early years. Later, he retired when he was old and came to Gu's house to be the housekeeper. He had no experience in bringing cubs.

He quickly took out his light brain and transferred a sum of money to Shen Sui'an, "Young Master Shen, buy some things first, and tell me if the money is not enough."

"No need to give it, I have money." Shen Sui'an said, and was about to transfer the money back.

"This matter is our negligence, where can we let you spend money?" The old housekeeper smiled kindly, "We are very happy to have you come here."

"Okay." Shen Sui'an knew that it would not be good to refuse again, but when he opened his brain and saw the series of numbers, he was still shocked.

Twenty million? !

This is not buying toys, but building a small playground!

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