MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-v3 Chapter 565 : One hundred years bride

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The stranger took ten girls dressed in beautiful blue wedding dresses through a meadow and entered a magnificent castle.

The castle is very large, and the girls who appear here have either something to do with their own or have something extraordinary, and they are also girls with extraordinary knowledge.

There is no such thing as a castle like this.

Not everyone is willing to go with a stranger, but after the release of a bit of pressure, no one dares to mention it.

Just a touch of breath, let all of them almost smashed, how strong is this man who claims to be the butler? How powerful is the person who can be his master?

With a restless heart, the ten girls entered the Blue Moon Castle in turn.

The blue moon castle is brightly lit. Such a big castle, there should have been many people in the service, but after they entered, they discovered that there was no one in this castle, and none of the people in the service saw it!

Although there were no people, everything in the castle was very well looked at. The surrounding tables, chairs and various decorations were so clean that there was no dust.

"Several ladies, here is the residence of the Dukes, the Blue Moon Castle, and now the Dukes are still unable to come to see you. Only the ten of you who have passed all the tests and become the real bride of the adults can see my master. The most distinguished and great Duke of the Blue Moon."

Speaking of his master, there is a crazy worship in the eyes of the stranger, Eileen secretly groaned, and the things are gathered together, the perverted around, also live the same metamorphosis.

"What do you want to do! When will you let us go home!" Simia probably had a good knowledge of the stranger, and dared not yell, even the voice became depressed and wronged.

"Going home? This is the home of the future Duchess." The faint smile, but this smile did not reach the bottom of my eyes.

Irene noticed that he only said the future Duchess, not all of them.

Others didn't care so much. They only understood one thing, that is, the other party didn't want to let go.

They can't leave this place, and it seems that they will be imprisoned for a long time!

Among the ten people, apart from the phoenix dance, I don’t think too much. Irene and Zicheng are not worried because they have their own cards. The other seven girls are afraid of their hearts. They only hope that the family can find them quickly. They rescued them from this terrible place.

“Ms. ladies must be hungry, please taste the meals we prepared for you.” said a stranger.

When the voice of the foreign language just fell, a silver plate floated in from the outside. This is a magical world. It is not a big deal to have a plate floating. Everyone is only slightly surprised and can’t figure out what he wants. What to do, but not afraid.

These girls thought that these plates were floated in with magical lifts, but this is not the case in the eyes of Fengying.

In the eyes of other girls, this is an old castle without any people to take care of. In the eyes of the phoenix dance, there are many people in this castle, and they are some young girls.

Each of these girls was blind and doing their own thing. They came in front of the long table in front of them in front of the plates, and then retired with respect and respect, just as they did not feel alarmed when they came. anyone.

The identity of these girls is easy to guess. They are all unsuccessful brides. Although their bodies have been destroyed, their souls have not been completely destroyed. Some of them have preserved their souls from good luck. The soul became the maid of the Blue Moon Castle, doing day-to-day cleaning work day after day.

And other girls with less luck, even the soul can not be saved, has already been wiped out in this world.

Only the phoenix dance can be seen by these girls. Even Irene doesn't know that there are a lot of undead in this castle.

Because the original novel is written in the perspective of Zicheng, Zicheng is not a necromancer. Where can she see these undead, so the existence of the undead has always been a secret.

Even the head of the Temple of Stars and the head of the Starlight Ancestral Hall thought that all the girls had already vanished.

Exquisite dishes are placed on the table, waiting for them to dine.

The girls were scared to be hungry for a night, but they didn’t dare to eat anything from the stranger. Who knows if he poisoned these foods?

Irene didn't worry about poisoning. She had seen the novels and she naturally knew that these things were non-toxic. Zicheng also found that it was non-toxic after testing with the things bought in the mall. She picked up the tableware and began to eat.

Her graceful attitude is to make the foreign language look different. The stranger can't remember that this is the first batch of brides who have come here. He has seen many women in these years, like Zicheng, falling into this unknown situation. It has never been seen before, so it has been so calm and generous.

Perhaps this girl has a great chance of becoming the next hundred-year-old bride.

The reason why it is called a hundred-year-old bride is because the wife of the Duke of Blue Moon will change one every hundred years. After one hundred years, there will be other beautiful women to make up this position.

The last hundred-year-old bride has already done the Duchess for a hundred years, and this group of girls will produce the next hundred-year-old bride.

Among these women, he hopes to have a wife who is satisfied with the Duke adults. Don't let the Duke adults get tired too early.

Although their ability is far greater than that of human beings, this human world is not a place they can frequent. The world consciousness will not allow them to do so. People in the Star Temple and the Star Music Ancestral Hall will not want to appear frequently.

Adults have said that it is best not to confront the world consciousness of the world, which is not good for them.

The Star Temple and the Starlight Ancestral Hall, as the world's top power, the Duke adults do not want to arbitrarily engage in evil, it is best to be irrelevant.

He knows that there are two Star Halls in the Star Temple. It is not a day or two to try to catch the Dukes. Unfortunately, no matter what method they use, they can’t come to the blue moon created by adults. Unless there is permission from adults, Otherwise no one can arrive.

Because no one can find the place where the grown-up is, the top-notch force of the human world cannot be called, and the Blue Moon has always been able to maintain peace.

Although this kind of peace does not know how long it can last, at least some people can be enemies with the Dukes before the strong man thinks of ways to enter the Blue Moon.

When the Duke adults are tired of finding a game for the bride, they may leave the world to go to other places, and the time here will have nothing to do with them.

I hope that this time the bride will be interested in the adults, and it is necessary to let the adults enjoy themselves...

Read The Duke's Passion