MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-v3 Chapter 544 : Holy order pressure

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When he first heard the news of Gan Jiuhui, he was so scared that his face was too big. Now everyone is too shunned, and they are unclear. Hit it up, this is not to kill the entire night!

In his later years, he hated the iron, and he was proud of his son. He had never found out that this son was so unclear!

Not a small one! The night city is a bit stunned, but the words have already been spoken, and if it is not late, there is something on the surface, where will find the condensate in this place, so the night is not completely innocent!

With such a thought, the night city feels much better.

Even late, I was disappointed. My brother actually thought that he was so unbearable. After his father explained the truth, he was only guilty for a moment, and then his face was correct.

When did their brothers and sisters become like this, remember that my brother’s most painful thing was her sister, but now, what is she in her brother’s heart? I am afraid that the whole night can't compare the position of Ning Bi in his heart.

"Late family, you have to teach your son to go home and train again, the old man can not have so much time to listen to your son." Autumn father said impatiently.

The late family owner immediately retreated to the side, and his face was scared. "The younger generation is out of tune, and the old master of the autumn must be blamed."

The night city saw his father's face sullen and in front of the autumn family, the father made such a gesture in front of his beloved woman, which made him feel embarrassed like never before.

My dissatisfaction with my father has also risen.

The late family retreated to the side, and the people of the autumn family immediately surrounded the night city and the Ningbi group.

At this time, Qiu Ruoshui and Fengwu also arrived. When they heard the news that Ningbi was discovered, Qiu Ruoshui could not sit still for a minute, and immediately rushed to the arresting place.

On the way, I met Feng Dance and Irene.

Feng Dance was heard with Ming Hao, and Irene went to see the fun.

Irene is also very curious about the first infatuated woman in the novel. It is not easy for a person to be crazy for love. Such people believe that the Tianfeng continent is difficult to come out for a long time. I can still go to textbooks, of course, it is definitely a negative textbook.

In addition to a few phoenix dances, Feng Juntian and Tianya have also arrived.

Feng Juntian was already about to catch the three people, but unfortunately they were finally used by the transfer reel to escape.

After he found a large circle around him, he did not find anyone. After Tianya killed the people who were ordered to rob, he also helped to find it, but unfortunately there was nothing to gain.

Fortunately, at this time, I heard about the news of Ningbi. The late family took the initiative to contact the autumn house and provided clues to Ningbi.

In order to catch Ningbi, Qiujia and Fengjia posted a large amount of rewards on the outside, but no one has been able to provide news about Ningbi. Fortunately, this time it was finally eyebrows.

In addition to the Fengjia’s old master and Feng Tianxing, the current owner, plus the unwitting Lady Lan, the Feng family can come.

Just killing a condensate, it is really unnecessary to dispatch two homeowners before and after the Feng family.

All of the autumn lords will come, a big part of the reason is because the autumn home lost the atmosphere these two days.

The last autumn, if the water was damaged, the autumn family suffered heavy losses. This time, the autumn family was dragged by her. Several elders already had opinions on Qiu Ruoshui.

At the time of the last disaster of Qiu Ruoshui, Qiujia had already planned to marry her. Unfortunately, she was stopped by Mrs. Qiu, and Qiu Ruoshui was forced to die by death. This did not happen.

At the end of this event, the possibility of marriage in autumn is about half.

Qiu Ruoshui himself knows this, and this hates the infiltration of the bones. The hand of Ning Bi can be said to have paid for her next life.

"Jingbi! I am not good to you, your fiancé is dead, I come to see you every day, what is delicious and fun to move to your home, I am heartbroken to you, but you want me to die! You How can I do this to me! I am doing something wrong with the bottom, you have to do this! And Anan, they are so dying, you are not guilty!"

The autumn crowds rushed to the forefront, and the hatred in the eyes was simply turned into substance.

These two days were thundered every day, and because of the excessive use of the family, the elders were very dissatisfied with her. She was not like the future heir of the autumn family, and the elders said that they would not give up.

She is only a daughter, and she is destined to marry in the future. If it is not because she is a patriarch's niece, the family will never use so many resources for her, but it is limited to this.

No one will take care of her again tonight, and her family will not use any magic weapon for her.

How terrible this feeling of death is, no one can understand the fear and fear in the heart.

And for all of this, she simply hates it.

"I don't know what you are talking about! I don't know! I don't know!" Ningbi hugged her head on the ground, looking like a little bullied.

"Condensed, you actually did!" Listening to Feng Juntian said that she may not believe, but to say that these are the autumn water, she knows that the relationship between Qiu Ruoshui and Ningbi is very good, not at all.

If this is not true, how can the autumn family be so nervous, and how the autumn will be full of resentment.

"I didn't! Xiaolu, you believe me, I really don't!" Ningbi certainly can't admit it. She knows that she will admit what she is waiting for. She clenches her teeth and says nothing is loose. Just make one. Paying innocently, the face is full of tears, a pair of beautiful big eyes are red, it looks so pitiful.

"In order to save a person, you sacrificed the souls of seven good friends, is this worth it?" Qiu Ruobai asked blankly.

Of course, Ning Bi could not answer him, and Qiu Ruobai did not expect her to answer.

"What do you want to do, Ningbi is innocent, you can't do this to her!" The night city saw the unscrupulous killings in these people's eyes, even if they knew that they were not, they were still in front of Ningbi.

Ning Bi wanted to go, and when she blocked her in the night city, she wanted to secretly tear off a transport reel and leave.

It is a pity that in front of the Holy Order, it is so easy to let her go.

The action of tearing the reel was just beginning. The autumn man was just cold and so cold. Ning Bi felt that the whole body could not move, and the pressure in all directions was pressed against her.

"Fly..." A big red blood, spit out from the mouth of Ningbi.

She feels that her whole body's bones are like being crushed. This is the pressure from the Holy Order, from the absolute suppression of strength.

"If water, kill her, revenge for yourself." Autumn master did not kill the condensed blue, faintly looked at the autumn and said.

Qiu Ruo water was slightly shocked, and then he nodded, took a sword from a guard, and walked toward Ningbi step by step.

Read The Duke's Passion