MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-Chapter 10 : Flying Animal Car and Datong Shop

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The two men inquired about where the car that was flying the beast was in the direction of the good-hearted person, and soon arrived at the dealership.

The so-called flying animal car is driven by a huge flying beast. On the back of the flying beast, a house will be built. The house is divided into two floors, each with ten rooms, and the room is divided into single rooms. Double room, triple room, quad room, and Datong shop.

You can sleep about ten people in one room, and 20 gold coins are just enough to buy a ticket for a shop.

Two tickets for the Datong shop, Feng Dance carrying a small steamed buns, with a big bun on the flying beast.

"Wow, this flying beast is so big, it is carrying a house in the back." Scorpio excitedly pointed at the huge flying beast standing on the open space, and his heart was too excited.

When he was in the village, he heard that there was such a flying beast in this world. He also thought that he would be a great swordsman. When he was flying, the beast would sit casually and go to various countries in the world to take risks.

Scorpio can't think of it, but before he grows up, he actually sits on a flying animal car, as if he is dreaming.

Silly stupidly licked his arm and the pain of his hand, which made Scorpio sure that he was not dreaming, and that the smirk could not stop.

"To the central city, I will quickly line up the number plate for me." The staff of the car dealer put down the ladder from the buggy car and shouted on the ladder.

Feng Dance and Tian Ke quickly climbed up the ladder. Just climbed to the top and saw the person who had just shouted in front of the two.

"The two guests are going to the Central City, first show me the number plate." The staff appeared in front of the two with a professional smile.

"We went to Central City, this is the number plate." Feng Dance handed out two number plates that were bought for forty gold coins.

This card is like the ticket of a later generation. It is necessary to get on the car by license. If there is no number plate, it will not be able to take the flying beast.

After checking the number plate, the staff let the road open so that the phoenix dance and Scorpio can go to their room to rest, but before they leave, the staff is very kindly reminded of the phoenix dance. The Datong shop is not divided between men and women. It is better to buy a number plate for a double room.

Feng Dance thanked the kind staff and then walked to the room he had booked with Tianzhu.

A big one and a small plus a small buns entered the room. The four big men who were chatting in the room all stopped chatting, and looked at the big and small ones that should not appear in this room.

They are not mistaken, how can such a big shop be a girl to live.

Because Datong shop does not distinguish between men and women, girls will not buy such a number plate of Datong shop. They will always only have these mercenaries in Datong shop. No girl has come to sleep like this big shop.

"Are you wrong?" A middle-aged man dressed as a mercenary was unsure and asked to laugh at the phoenix when he spoke. Although the man had a long face on his face, he smiled even more terrible, but he still Try to make yourself look good and don't scare someone else.

"Don't laugh, your smile looks even more terrible, don't scare these children." Another middle-aged mercenary who is about the same age as the talking man laughed.

"No," the last one attached.

"We didn't go wrong." Feng Dance is sure that the number he sees at the door is the number on his own brand. I am afraid that these people don't believe it. Feng Dance also specially showed his brand to them. Tianzhu met and also put When your own brand is taken out, you are afraid that these people will not believe them and will drive them away.

After picking up the brands of the two little guys, it was really this room. The three exchanged a look, and the eyes were confused at the same time.

"It's really this room, little girl, where you sleep in the corner, the little brother is sleeping next to you, it's more convenient." It was the first middle-aged man with a scar on his face. The arrangement was also kind. Not all men are as decent as the three of them, what to do if they encounter such a bad intention.

"Yeah, the two of you are sleeping in the corner, and the three of us are sleeping next to this little brother, so that we can block other people." The middle-aged man who had just joke about the scar man followed.

"Well, this arrangement is just right." The third person nodded.

Scorpio nodded and said that he agreed, these three people do not seem to be bad people, let the idiot phoenix dance the best inside, phoenix dance is a girl, how can rely on those men to sleep.

Feng Dance also agreed that although he did not know these three people, Feng Dance felt the goodwill from these three people.

People who bought the Tongpu number plate came to this room one after another. There was a small Loli in this room. Most people were curious. Some people even went to chat with the phoenix dance and Scorpio. Of course, they also had a bad intention. The bed near the phoenix dance is cheaper, but several positions around the phoenix dance have long been occupied by Scorpio and the three good-hearted middle-aged mercenaries.

I don’t think of other ways because the bad guys don’t have a favorable position.

"You are called Feng Dance. You are called Tianzhu. Are you two sisters?" The curious person inquired about the big and small names and asked their own questions.

"No, we are friends we know." Feng dance shakes the small head, this question is not important, so the phoenix dance did not lie, answering the other party.

"The two of you went to Central City to go to the Starlight Holy House to register?" Another asked.

"No, the aunt of Scorpio lives in the Central City, and we go to the aunt of Scorpio."

In this way, some people ask, Feng Wu feels that the question that is not important will answer each other.

For example, where did they come from, who there is in the family, and the phoenix dance did not answer. It wasn’t that Feng Dance felt that the question could not be answered, but she did not know the answer to this question. She did not have the previous phoenix dance. Memory, can't answer these questions.

Because the phoenix dance girl is too well-behaved, people ask for anything to answer, although there is no smile on the little face, but she always seriously answers your question, and a face is so serious that it doesn't matter.

A bunch of men were quickly smothered by the phoenix dancers. The people did not notice that there was a sinister eye in these people who looked at the phoenix dance in a hidden way, and never let go from head to toe.

Just as everyone was talking about the phoenix dance, suddenly a stinking smell was floating in the air.

"Who is this, actually pulled here!" The crowd began to lick their noses to find the murderer.

"Yeah, it's stinking."

"Mom, who is this, so disgusting!"


"Wow...ah..." The cry of the baby suddenly sounded in the room.

"Where is the child crying?" Someone started looking for a source.

"Someone brought a child in? Why didn't I notice it."

"I haven't seen it yet?"

"Ah! It’s the baby who stinks." The phoenix girl who responded slowly to the half-shoot, quickly put the little buns down from the back.


Read The Duke's Passion