MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 9 Disliked by wolves

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The matter of Fei Li curing Hench was spread among the wolf clan, and everyone looked at him with different eyes.

Witch doctors are respected in primitive society, and any tribe would like to have a witch doctor.

Lausanne's attitude towards Fei Li has also improved a lot, but he is still not allowed to approach.

The wolves continued to move forward, and the group returned to the wolf tribe in a short time.

All the orcs stood at the gate of the tribe to welcome their triumphant return.

Seeing that everyone came back with their friends, the eyes of all the orcs showed envy.

His eyes fell on Fei Li, but there was a hint of doubt.

"Why does this person follow Lord Lausanne? Is he the partner of Lord Lausanne?"

"No, he doesn't have the unique mark of Lord Lausanne on his body, he is not the partner of Lord Lausanne."

"Then how can he enter the tribe?"

All the orcs talked a lot, and looked at Fei Li with defense, disgust, and curiosity.

Luosang stopped and pointed to the food behind him, "Everyone share the meat behind!"

"Woo~~~" The wolves cheered.

Lausanne continued to look at Fei Li, "This man is a witch doctor, and he will be a slave of our tribe from now on."

The orc looked shocked.

"Witch doctor?"

"Why did Lord Lausanne let the witch doctor be a slave?"

"Master Lausanne must have been offended."

"It deserves it! Those who offend Lord Lausanne shouldn't stay in the tribe."

Everyone was arguing endlessly, and Fei Li felt countless arrow-like gazes gliding across his body.

Extremely uncomfortable!

After all, he is a modern person, how can he be rejected by a group of primitive orcs who don't know much?

Standing up with his chin raised, his sharp eyes swept over all the orcs.

"I'm not an incompetent person, I'm a witch doctor, with me, you don't have to be afraid of getting sick in the future."

Having never seen him treat patients, the orcs of the tribe subconsciously regarded him as a useless alien.

Everyone scoffed at his words, and went home with their share of meat, and no one wanted to see him.

Only Luosang was still standing behind him, looking at the little meat left, his eyes were shining, but he didn't dare to take it.

"Lord Lausanne, I can..."

"En." Luosang made a simple sound from his nose.

He was happy to take the meat, and found an open space in the tribe, planning to set up a fire and barbecue.

Luosang followed him, watching his weird movements, but didn't stop him.

After roasting the meat, he was about to stuff it into his mouth when Luosang suddenly snatched the meat from his hand and started to eat it.

"Hey, you..."

Being so hot to him, how dare you eat your own grilled meat?

Ignoring Lausanne's arrogance and unreasonableness, he continued to barbecue, and then sat next to Lausanne to eat the meat.

"It would be even better with salt and cumin powder."

Luosang looked up at him suspiciously, "Salt? Cumin powder?"

He came to his senses, the wolves in this tribe all ate raw meat, so of course they didn't know about seasonings like salt and cumin powder.

Rolling his eyes, he explained: "It's salty, cumin is very fragrant, and it makes people drool when it smells."

Luosang suddenly stopped eating meat, and threw something to him from his own home.

"Do you see if this is it?"

Fei Li opened the thing wrapped in animal skin, and it turned out to be some rough white salt grains, he was ecstatic.

"We have a lot of these salty sand here. If you like it, I can take you to get it back next time."

He nodded.

He quickly sprinkled salt on the meat, and he sniffed it closer, and the barbecue smelled even better!

Passing the grilled meat sprinkled with salt to Luosang, Luosang unceremoniously took a bite, and then couldn't stop.

Ferry sat beside him eating the roast, delighted at the salt he had found by accident.

Fei Li looks more handsome, while Lausanne is full of masculinity.

The two sat together inexplicably seductive.

At this time, Maori took Hench by, and couldn't help but look at the two more.

"Master Lausanne and Fei Li are really suitable, but it's a pity that Fei Li..." Hench looked at Fei Li with regret in his eyes.

Hench has always regarded Fei Li as a benefactor because he saved his life.

Mao Li pulled Hench away in a hurry, and stopped in a low voice, "Stop talking nonsense, Mr. Lausanne is a distinguished person, don't say such things next time."

After eating, Fei Li looked at Lausanne pitifully, "For the sake of my barbecue, can I stay at your place tonight?"

His round black grape eyeballs stared at Luosang motionlessly, making Luosang suddenly unable to look away.

Such a pair of clean and clear eyes were born on him.

Luosang suddenly got angry and stood up, grabbing his wrist, "Why are you pregnant with someone else's cub?"