MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 89 The Enmity Between the Two Clans

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The pained muffled noises of the bull tribe kept coming from his ears, Fei Li frowned and looked at the injured bull tribe in the room.

From a distance, the less injured Niu clan could still make a sound.

And those cattle who were seriously injured could only look pale as if they were dead.

Ignoring the bull clan blocking him, Fei Li looked straight at Mitu, "Mitu, I can really save them, you trust me."

"Let them in." Mitu turned his head from his grief and glanced at the two of them.

"Master Mitu, they are members of the fox clan, you can't trust them."

Mitu yelled at the cattle, "Then you come to save them?"

The Niu clan bowed their heads and remained silent.

The two went straight into the house, and the injured cattle orcs were lying on the hay, and everyone's wounds were purple.

This is a symptom of poisoning!

As soon as he was about to get close to the injured orc, Mitu stopped him, "If you dare to do anything to hurt my people again, I will kill you myself. After saying that, Mitu stopped stopping Fei Li.

With a gloomy face, Luosang followed behind Fei Li, and the two came to the wounded orc together.

Fei Li squatted down, checking the orcs' injuries.

At present, I can only know of the poisoning, but I don't know what kind of poison the Niu Clan was poisoned.

Seeing him staring at him for a long time, Mitu couldn't help asking anxiously, "How is it? Can they still be saved?"

He looked back at Mitu seriously, and while pacing the room, he thought about what kind of poison they would be poisoned.

The poison in primitive society basically came from poisonous insects or herbs.

Could it be that the fox clan uses poison?

The fox family can use fire, and it is very likely that they will use poison.

The ability of the fox family far exceeds his basic understanding of orcs.

But what kind of poison did the fox clan use?

"Are they still saved?" Mitu repeated.

He shook his head, "Judging from the current injuries, I don't know either."

Hearing this, Mitu glared at him viciously, "Didn't you call yourself a witch doctor? Don't tell me you're lying to us?"

"He has no obligation to save your people, you better understand this." Luosang reminded coldly with a dark face.

He will be in a hurry with anyone who dares to bully his wife.

Mitu secretly sighed, bowed his head and sat on the ground without making a sound.

Fei Li suddenly squatted in front of Ah Mao, took out the stone knife in his arms and cut a piece of his arm.

The Niuzu stared at him puzzled.

"Fei Li, you__" Luosang's last words turned into a long sigh.

I saw Fei Li squeezed out a little purple-red blood from Ah Mao's wound, and dripped the purple-red blood onto his own wound. The purple blood seeped into his skin little by little and disappeared without a trace.

There was nothing unusual about his body.

"How could this be?" Luosang was confused.

He shook his head, cut Luosang's finger, and dripped purple blood on Luosang's wound.

The situation was exactly the same as before, the purple blood seemed to be purified by their blood.

Neither showed signs of poisoning.

Mitu came forward and looked at the wounds of the two, "What's going on?"

After thinking for a long time, Fei Li finally had an epiphany.

"I understand, this poison should only be useful to your cattle race, and it has no effect on other races."

"There is this kind of poison?" Following him, Luosang also gained a lot of knowledge.

He nodded.

The Fox Clan really took great pains to deal with the Niu Clan.

"Then how to detoxify?" Mitu didn't care about these processes, and only wanted a result.

Fei Li was thinking about what herbal medicine should be used to detoxify, Luosang said, "Isn't there a spiritual spring? Just use the spiritual spring water." That's right! "The opinions of the two coincided with each other, but Mitu's face darkened, and then he took a step back, looking at the two warily.

"Sure enough, you are here for the Lingquan. Don't think that with this excuse, I will let you get close to the Lingquan. Don't even think about it." For hundreds of years, the cow clan and the fox clan have fought each other for many years for the Lingquan.

Since the Niu people lived here, Lingquan has always belonged to the Niu people.

But later the Fox Clan appeared and discovered the secret of the Lingquan, so they began to use various means to fight for the Lingquan.

Finally, in a great battle hundreds of years ago, the Fox Clan successfully occupied Lingquan.

This accounted for hundreds of years.

The fox family didn't know how to cherish the Lingquan, and made the water of the Lingquan extremely filthy.

In order to fulfill the long-cherished wish of his ancestors, Mitu took back the Lingquan from the Fox Sect a hundred years ago.

Since then, the two clans have been fighting endlessly until now.

The Niu family has always guarded the Lingquan, but they will not allow anyone who wants to get close to the Lingquan.

Seeing that Mitu reacted violently, Fei Li patiently explained, "This poison is fatal to the cattle race, but it is useless to other races. We can't find a better medicine now, so we can only detoxify it with Lingquan water. If you delay any longer, Just wait for them to collect the corpses!"

"Lord Mitu, I feel so uncomfortable, my whole body feels uncomfortable."

"Lord Mitu, me too."

"Kill me! I don't want to live any longer."

The injured bulls were rolling on the ground, with beads of sweat already oozing from their foreheads.

A bull clan approached, "Master Mitu, Ah Mao is almost out of breath, what should we do?"

The injuries of the clansmen gradually worsened, and Mitu's attitude gradually changed.

"I'll take you to Lingquan."

Mitu took the two to Lingquan.

The three stood on the shore, Fei Li approached the Lingquan, looked around, there was no tool to hold the water.

"Let's hold it with our hands! We can hold as much as we can."

Mitu immediately held a large handful of water.

Luosang glanced at the dark water in distaste, and held some in his hands.

The three returned to the tribe with water in their hands.

Fei Li dripped a drop of water from the spiritual spring on the injured man's wound.

Don't look at the blackness of the spiritual spring water, as soon as it enters the wound, it seeps into the skin, and the toxins in the wound are immediately removed.

After dripping the spiritual spring on the wounds of all the wounded, Fei Li finally straightened up.

"Okay, everyone's poison has been cured, rest assured for a while, and the wound will heal."

Hearing this, the Niu clan looked at the injured clansmen, and then at Fei Li.

There was a slight change in the way everyone looked at Fei Li.

Mitu came to Fei Li with a guilty face, "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

"It's ok."

They were with the Fox Clan, and it was inevitable for Mitu to misunderstand them.

Seeing his clansman getting better, Mitu said, "Although you saved my clansman, you are members of the fox clan after all, so I don't need to kill you, you go!"

Mitu's transformation surprised them all.

The Fox Clan wished to imprison them in the tribe, but the Niu Clan didn't have such a thought at all.

For this alone, Mitu is many times stronger than Huzong.

Thinking of the purpose of his trip, Fei Li had no intention of leaving.

After thinking for a long time, he told Mitu about the entrustment of Lingquan.

After listening, Mitu's expression changed, and he suddenly became respectful towards Fei Li.

What the hell?

This face change is too fast!

Before he had time to ask the reason, all the bull tribes prostrated themselves on the ground and performed a devout ceremony to the two of them.

Luosang glanced at Fei Li, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"We are finally waiting for you." Mitu became emotional.

"A hundred years ago, the Lingquan appeared once and warned us to protect the Lingquan and wait for the person who is destined to come. We waited for a hundred years, and finally we are waiting for you."

After the words fell, Mitu led the Niu clan to salute again.

Fei Li looked at the Niu Clan in confusion.

a hundred years ago?

If it wasn't for saving Luosang, he would not ask Lingquan for help, and then agreed to Lingquan's request.

All this seems to be inadvertent, and it seems to be destined in the dark.

He helped Mitu up, "Boss, don't be like this, get up quickly! I, an ordinary person, can't afford such a big gift from your family."

Mitu couldn't hold on, and looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"Since you are brought by Lingquan, you are our friend. We shouldn't have misunderstood you and disrespected you before. Everything is our fault."

Mitu suddenly became like this, he was not used to it.

In the end, they accepted Niuzu's apology, and Niuzu agreed to get up.

Next, Mitu told them all the grievances and grievances between the Niu Clan and the Fox Clan, and why Lingquan became like this.

After listening, Fei Li and Luo Sang realized the cunning of the fox clan.

Thinking of being used by the fox clan, Luosang's chest was filled with anger.

"Damn Fox Sect, I must kill him."

Fei Li shook Luosang's hand and smoothed his hair.

According to Lingquan's instructions, Fei Li needs to restore the water of Lingquan to its original state.

But also to help the cattle to change the current living conditions.

In order to protect the Lingquan, the Niu family neglected the construction of their own tribe.

Looking up at the Niu tribe, he gradually had a plan.

The next day, Mitu took them to Lingquan.

Standing on the shore, Fei Li looked at the dark lake, feeling a little emotional.

With the clear lake water like this, it's no wonder Lingquan found him.

Seeing him staring at the lake without speaking, Mitu asked, "Can this lake recover?"

He nodded and shook his head again.

It is not certain whether it can be restored, but it can only be tried.

"From now on, you don't want to soak in the spiritual spring."

Mitu: "The reason why we soak in the spiritual spring is to guard the spiritual spring, and we are afraid that the fox clan will make trouble." He patted Mitu on the shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work." "

He suddenly remembered that he had seen a kind of herbal juice in an ancient book of the medical school, which had the effect of purifying lake water. Looking around, he can only pray that he knows this herb here.

He looked back towards the lake and found a strange little tender leaf.

What is this?

He stepped forward and pulled out the tender leaf, staring at it unexpectedly, "This is actually lotus root."

Lausanne was used to him knowing these strange things, and his face remained calm.

Mitu leaned over and stared at the lotus root in his hand, "Lotus root? What is this? There are many such things in the Lingquan. We pull them out and throw them away, and they will grow again."

Pull it out and throw it away?

Looking at the lotus root as thick as his own arm, he could only blame the Niu clan for their ignorance.

"It can be eaten, and it grows in a spiritual spring, so it must have some spiritual energy. It has many benefits."

Luosang took the lotus root from him, "Are you sure you won't be poisoned if you eat it?"

After staying with Fei Li for a long time, he can always think of some strange poisons.

The author has something to say, thanks to the little cuties who voted for recommendation and monthly tickets, I love you, more than a big heart##???

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