MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 87 unreasonable

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The bulls soaking in the lake saw the two people on the shore, and emerged from the lake one after another.

After the last battle, the bulls learned a lot, and were not in a hurry to yell at them.

Fei Li pulled Luosang back a few steps, and was about to run away.


Mitu's voice sounded behind them, and the two stopped.

"Why on earth did you come here?" Mitu looked at the two with less conflict in his eyes.

Last time they clearly had the opportunity to kill their own clansmen, but they did not harm their own clansmen.

Mitu is a little curious about the two.

The two turned to look at the Niu family one after another. Fei Li just wanted to speak up, but Luo Sang dragged him back.

"We were attacked by other ethnic groups and accidentally broke into this place." Lausanne replied.

Niu Beast behind Mitu said, "My lord, every time they appear here, they must come here for the spirit spring. You can't believe what they say."

"Are you really here for the Lingquan?"

Luosang glanced at the dark Lingquan with disgust, and snorted coldly, "This Lingquan is not as good as a wild boar."

Wolves are carnivores, and cattle need a lot of water for a long time.

Mitu laughed out loud, he liked Lausanne's straightforward nature.

Mitu and Luosang had a good chat, and the Niu people were much less prepared and wary of them.

At this time, the Fox Sect hurried over with a group of fox beasts.

"Mitu, I don't allow you to hurt my guest."

Following the roar of the Fox Sect, the faces of Mitu and all the Niu tribe changed suddenly.

Staring at Luosang and Fei Li in amazement, Mitu was full of remorse, "Are you from the fox clan?"

"No, we are not." Fei Li quickly explained.

But the Niu Clan already hated humans, and dismissed Fei Li's explanation.

Mitu looked indignant, as if he had been deceived, "You are actually members of the fox clan, it's a shame that I trust you so much."

"Lausang, Fei Li be careful." Fox Sect reminded the two of them.

The two immediately ran back, away from the cattle.

When the Niu Clan saw the Fox Clan, they attacked the Fox Clan as if they had mad cow disease.

The cows bumped the thin foxes with their horns, and within a short while, the foxes were seriously injured.

Lausanne and Fei Li couldn't stand it anymore and joined the battle.

Seeing the two joining the battle, the corner of Fox Sect's mouth curled into a sly smile.

After Lausanne and Fei Li fought at the same time, the fox family seemed to be stimulated and became much faster than before.

After several rounds, the Bulls gradually gained the upper hand.

Seeing this, Mitu yelled at the bull clan, "Let's go."

After the Niu Clan retreated, the Fox Clan cheered triumphantly.

Coming to the two, the Fox Sect sized them up and down, "Are you all right? These cows are too much, and they hurt my Fox Clan like this. Following the Fox Sect's line of sight, Fei Li saw most of the bulls. The fox orcs were all injured, and the wounds were still oozing blood.

As a doctor, Fei Li couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately said, "Let's go back to the tribe first, everyone's injuries can't be delayed."

"You know how to cure diseases?" Fox Sect stared at Fei Li with a face full of surprise.

Lausanne signaled him not to meddle in his own business with his eyes.

After thinking about it, Fei Li nodded.

"It's really great, you are really a nobleman of our tribe."

After the words fell, Fox Sect was overjoyed and rushed back to the tribe with the injured fox beasts.

Lausanne looked at Fei Li with a complicated expression, knowing that he was kind, and Lausanne did not stop him.

Taking a cold look at the Fox Clan, Luosang always felt that something was wrong with the Fox Clan.

After returning to the Fox Clan, the Fox Sect asked all the injured orcs to sit down and rest.

Fei Li checked the injuries of each orc. Fortunately, they were all just skin wounds, and they would be fine after applying a little herbal medicine to stop the bleeding. He looked up at the Fox Sect not far away, "My lord, everyone's injuries are fine, I need to pick some herbs to stop the bleeding."

"What kind of herbs? I'll have someone pick them right away."

After thinking about it, Fox Sect immediately changed his mind, "I'd better go pick it with you! I'm afraid you'll get lost when you come back."

This time, he didn't refuse.

Luosang stayed in the tribe, and the fox sect took Fei Li to gather medicine.

After leaving the tribe, the two went west.

Not long after walking, Fei Li stopped and pulled out the thistle in front of him by the roots.

"Is this the herbal medicine to stop bleeding?" Fox Sect followed his example and plucked a small thistle.

He nodded and plucked many thistles.

I don't know what else will happen here. He needs to prepare more herbs like this kind of hemostasis.

The two returned to the tribe with the herbs.

Seeing Fei Li came back, Luosang finally let go of his hanging heart.

He handed all the herbs to Fox Sect, "Crush these herbs with stones, and then apply them on the wound, it will stop the bleeding soon."

After explaining this, he saw that Fox Sect did not move for a long time, so he couldn't help frowning.

"What? Any more questions?"

Fox Sect looked at the herbal medicine in his hand, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "We have rough hands and feet, and we are afraid that these herbs will not be handled properly. Can you ask Brother Fei Li to crush the herbs himself?"

Luosang dragged Fei Li behind him, not happy with it.

His daughter-in-law, when is it someone else's turn to order her around?

"There is no cure, the herbs are already given to you, let's go!"

Luosang had a gloomy face, extremely dissatisfied with the fox family, he was stopped by the fox before he took Fei Li.

He looked back at Fox Sect coldly, "What? Are you going to force Fei Li to succeed?"

As soon as the words fell, Luosang's black eyes darkened immediately, exuding an oppressive chill all over his body.

"I don't mean that, I just hope Brother Fei Li will save people to the end." Fox Sect looked at the two of them sincerely.

Fei Li sighed and came out from behind Lausanne. It wasn't that he was soft-hearted. As a doctor, he couldn't see the patient and didn't help him.

He began to crush the thistle, and he was about to apply the crushed thistle to the fox's wound.

In an instant, the fox beast suddenly knocked off the herb in his hand, and accidentally scratched him with its sharp claws.

"Fei Li__" Seeing this, Luosang rushed forward and kicked away the fox that scratched Fei Li.

All the orcs were silent, they could only watch their companions lying on the ground in pain.

Looking at Fei Li's bleeding wound, Luosang hurriedly applied the crushed thistle on his wound.

The foxes and beasts stared at Luosang's movements intently, seeing that the bleeding from Fei Li's wound had stopped, they spontaneously stepped forward to apply the herbal medicine on their own wounds.

Luosang took a look at Fei Li, the matter has come to this point, they are really fools if they don't understand the fox clan's intentions.

It was all fake that they needed Fei Li's help. They just didn't trust Fei Li and deliberately scratched Fei Li, wanting Fei Li to stop the bleeding with thistle first.

What a group of cunning foxes.

Luosang helped Fei Li up, and the two planned to leave here.

"Brother Fei Li, I'm really sorry. I just said that my people are clumsy. He actually hurt you. I will definitely teach him a lesson for you."

With a cold snort from the corner of his mouth, Luosang rarely looked at Fox Sect squarely, "You really want to teach him a lesson, why don't you just kill him!"

The killing intent in Luosang's eyes was real.

The fox beast that scratched Fei Li's face suddenly changed, and hurriedly knelt and came in front of the three of them.

"Lord Fox Sect, I didn't do it on purpose, please don't kill me."

"Lord Fei Li, Lord Lausanne, please forgive me this time! I will never dare again."

The fox beasts present also began to intercede for him, and the Fox Sect couldn't bear it, but they never let go.

Seeing Luosang's firm attitude, Fox Sect tried to plead with Fei Li, "Brother Fei Li, how do you think we should deal with him?"

Everyone pinned their hopes on Fei Li, and hoped that Fei Li would be lenient.

Fei Li smiled, "Forget it! Luosang's kick just now is not clear, I hope you don't do such a stupid thing in the future, everyone is sensible, so there is no need for these little tricks."

After the words fell, Lausanne and Fei Li left here.

After the two walked for a long time, a fox beast stood beside Fox Sect.

"Lord Fox Sect, have they discovered our temptation? Could it be..." Fox Sect sneered, "It doesn't matter, they are in the Fox tribe now, even if they find something, they don't dare to act rashly. Besides, the Niu Clan has already identified them as members of the Fox Clan, and if they leave the Fox Clan, they will only die."

Thinking of the perfect implementation of his plan, Fox Sect couldn't help but curl up his mouth.

Luosang and Fei Li returned to the house, Luosang sat down on the stone bench with a dark face.

Seeing that Luosang was angry, he raised his hand to touch Luosang's arm, and looked at Luosang with bright eyes blinking. Sighing, Luosang forcibly swallowed all the reprimand, and finally just asked softly: "Does it still hurt? He nodded pitifully, and pulled Luosang to sit down.

"If you blow on me, I won't be in pain."

Looking at him helplessly, Luosang was really patient and cheered him up.

Looking at the gentle Lausanne, a warm current flowed through his heart.

Come here, Lausanne is the best person for him, even in modern times, no one treats him as well as Lausanne.

After his parents died, he was sent to his grandmother's house in the countryside. After his grandmother passed away, he no longer had any relatives.

Once, he thought that there might be nothing else in his life except work.

Only now did he realize that all the hardships he suffered back then were just to make him cherish the present Lausanne.

He suddenly approached Luosang, and couldn't help kissing Luosang's slightly cold lips.

Lausanne was startled.

This was the first time he was so active, Luosang's blood was churning, and every part of his body was clamoring to possess him. Regardless of time and place, Luosang turned passive into active, leading him to the top of sexual happiness.

The sound of footsteps outside the house, and the conversation of foxes and beasts.

No sound can stop Lausanne Effie's movements, the room is full of happiness!

Because of Fei Li's injuries, Luosang restrained himself a bit, not as hungry as before.

At this time, Fei Li didn't say a word, just staring at his clothes.

Their clothes are very simple, and the lower body is a simple apron made of animal skin, which surrounds the important parts.

The upper body is made of animal skin like a small T-shirt with slanted shoulders.

Most of the people here wear it like this, and some people only have aprons on their lower bodies, and their upper bodies are almost naked.

This kind of dress is simply too convenient to applaud love, and he feels that it is necessary to improve his clothes after returning.

"What are you thinking? Are you not satisfied with my performance just now?"

The author has something to say, thanks to the cuties who voted for renewal tickets, monthly tickets and recommended tickets, refills!

I'm still too busy during this time, I don't have time to interact with everyone, sorry for that!

When I come out of the mountain again in the future, I will definitely pay more!

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